Home > Other > BUTTERFLIES FLY AWAY > Page 33

by Mullen, Carol

  “Good Bye Nico”

  “Good Bye Carrie” and she hung up.

  Including the stop overs it had taken her 22 hours to get home and she was never gladder to see her parents waiting for her at arrivals. Sitting in various departure lounges had given her more time than she wanted to think and she was exhausted. Her wrist was throbbing and she was too headstrong to admit she was so foolish to take the first option home. She could see their waiting figures on the monitor at Glasgow airport. At the carousel whilst waiting for her luggage she had texted Nico that she had landed. Hugging her parents she shared a tearful reunion.

  “Oh Carrie, what a fright you gave us? Darling you look well but tired”

  “Thanks Mum, it was a bit of a journey home but I finally made it”

  “Now let’s get you back home and you can tell us everything that happened”

  They had missed the morning rush hour traffic taking the journey home in less than twenty minutes. Her mother talked non-stop updating Carrie on all the latest family news.

  “Claire and Ryan have settled well into your home Carrie. It was such a good idea that you suggested they stay a while with you. Harry loves it too, playing in the garden; it’s about the only thing that tires that little one out”

  “That’s good Mum. I’m pleased it’s worked out.”

  Soon they drove past the familiar houses of the Bluebell Estate and pulled in to the driveway of Carrie’s home. The front door was opened before the car had even stopped. Claire must have been watching for them. Again more hugs and some tears.

  “Oh I need a cuppa, get the kettle on”

  It was good to be home.

  Removing her jacket she went to hang it on the hooks that were discretely positioned near the back door to the garden. She was momentarily surprised to see the jackets of Claire and Ryan on the hooks. Forgetting that they would have their clothes and possessions around the home. Her red cushions were missing from the sofa. The teal coloured cushions from her sisters sofa in their place. Claire followed her gaze.

  “They were driving me nuts Carrie, I’ve got them bagged up in the garage. Harry spent all day taking them off the sofa and I spent all day placing them back. He thought it was a really fun game to play! All twenty three of them. Tell me who needs twenty three cushions?”

  “Well I did, I guess they can stay where they are” Her Mum fussed around making the tea while Carrie settled. Checking on her bruises and wrist which was still in the sling. Harry delighted to see his Auntie cuddling up on the sofa with her making his baby noises and talking to Carrie. Kissing his soft cheek and pulling him closer. She had missed her nephew.

  “Sorry Mum, I was miles away there, what did you say?”

  “I said, I can see your bruises are fading and you’ve done something different to your hair.”

  “Oh they are, I was a little foolhardy Mum, that’s all. Everything is okay. My hair oh nothing has changed I’m just wearing it a bit loose and not so straight. Had to try and cover the cut on my forehead somehow. I’ve got some gifts for everyone but they will need to wait until I unpack later.” She said trying to change the subject, “I even got you a baseball cap Dad, you will love it”

  “I’m sure I will Carrie,”

  Her Dad had carried the cases upstairs.

  “I thought you only took one case?”

  “I bought too many things Dad, you know me and I just couldn’t squeeze anymore into my case”

  She didn’t add that there was also a full designer outfit in the second suitcase.

  “How are you feeling Claire? You look well”

  “I’m fine Carrie, this pregnancy has been good so far, touch wood and I haven’t had the sickness I did with Harry,”

  Several cups of tea later her parents left once they were happy with seeing her in the flesh and in one piece. Fatigue was surrounding her and she struggled to stay awake. She promised to make an appointment to see her own GP and join them for Sunday lunch tomorrow along with Claire, Ryan and Harry.

  “I’m going for a shower then bed for a while until my body returns to the right time zone!”

  When she woke late afternoon she felt a little more like her old self. Dressing casually in a long loose t-shirt and leggings with her ballet pumps she returned downstairs holding the gifts she had bought.

  “I’m sorry I missed your birthday Claire, I hope this makes up for it!”

  “Oh Carrie you shouldn’t have, this is too much but I will definitely hold you to that offer of babysitting. A night at a hotel will be a luxury after the baby is born. Mmm the scent of sandalwood, chamomile and lavender to lull you to sleep. Sounds bliss. This is one to put away for use after I’ve had the baby.”

  “Not to mention, much needed”

  “Mum was right, you do look different.”

  “I guess that’s the Nico effect and staying at the Cape. I really liked it there”

  “Well, tell all, I’m fit to burst waiting on all your news.”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Are you going to see him again?”

  “I’d like to Claire but I don’t know how practical that’s going to be. There is the matter of living thousands of miles apart. We didn’t talk much about the future. He left quite suddenly to go to LA to the hotel that Aunty Belle is working on with him.”

  Harry had begun to cry after waking from his nap. Claire moved to go and see to him but Carrie shook her head, “I will get him,”

  She returned holding a sleepy Harry who had refused to go back to sleep in his bed. She made him a drink and he cuddled into her as she sat back on the sofa with Claire.

  “Oh I’ve missed this little guy so much,”

  “He’s missed his Auntie too. I didn’t get the chance to properly say thanks for letting us stay here Carrie; it’s gotten us out of a big mess. Ryan contacted the estate agents again for some new listings but as soon as something is added it’s gone almost straight away.”

  “Claire I told you, there is no rush. You are all welcome to stay here as long as you need. Honestly I don’t want you to even think about moving out. Even if you did get rid of all twenty three sofa cushions” she joked. “Now tell me all the Reynolds gossip. Who has Aunt Peggy offended lately?”

  Ryan returned home and Carrie was immediately enveloped in the biggest bear hug.

  “You had us all worried back there. I’m sure Claire had interrogated you enough about the states but it’s good to have you back sis.”

  “She has been very gentle with me Ryan but I’m sure she won’t be so easy on me next time.”

  Ryan had been a part of her sister’s life for almost all of Carries adult life. She didn’t think she could remember a time when Ryan and Claire weren’t together. He was like a big brother to her. Had helped to mop her tears when she had broken up with a boyfriend during her teenage years. Cried tears of joy with her when his son was born. Cried tears of sadness with her when Rob had died.

  “Next time?”

  “Well next time include not getting mugged. That’s an experience I never want to repeat”

  “And the boyfriend? Is there a next time there too?”

  “Claire! I thought you wouldn’t say anything about Nico.”

  “I can’t not tell my husband, you know he’s my weak spot!”

  “Your secret is safe with us Carrie; the parents don’t know a thing”

  Carrie could feel her face flushing. “It’s all very new to me, I like Nico. But I don’t know what the future will bring to us. He knows all about Rob. There are no secrets between us.” The ringing of Carrie’s mobile interrupted their discussion.

  It was Nico.

  “Talk of the devil, excuse me while I take this call” She grabbed a cardigan from the peg next to the back door. “Hi Nico” Shimmied it on and opened the door leading to the garden.

  “Hello you, how have you been?”

  “I feel fine, 99.9% recovered and catching up on my sleep, how are you?”

p; “It’s been crazy here but I think we have the project back on track. Belle says Hi. I spoke with my parents.”

  “Oh, that sounds a bit ominous,”

  “Not at all, they are both now very clear on our relationship”

  Gulp... Relationship.

  “Nico you didn’t have to do that,”

  “Yes I did. We don’t have to justify being together to anyone, least of all my family. My mother sends her apologies for offending you even if you did say she had a skinny ass!”

  “Oops. Thank you Nico, I haven’t told my parents, but Claire and Ryan know about us.”

  “I’ve asked Robin to email you my schedule. We can work at this Carrie. Don’t be put off by how full it looks. What about the 27th? Can you check that date if you are free?”

  “I can’t on the 27th; it’s my Aunt and Uncles Ruby wedding anniversary. Every year they have a party for their anniversary and we always go. Last year I missed it,” she paused the silence explaining why it was another event she had avoided. “But I’ve promised I will be there this year. My Mum was pregnant with me at one of the parties. She danced the night away and the next morning I made my arrival in the world, no one lets me forget that!”

  “Okay, let’s check out some other dates when you get the schedule”

  They said their goodbyes but Carrie sat on the chair a little longer. The early evening air was beginning to chill and she pulled the cardigan closer. Her head a confused jumble. She had an alert for a new email. It was from Robin. Oh crikey his schedule looked hectic.

  Don’t worry, Robin had written. Its colour coded but I’ve added a tab to explain some of them. Just let me know if you need any more info. It does change frequently but there are some days with a little wiggle time to move around. Hope to see you soon.

  She replied she would be in touch. Part of her wanted to jump on the next flight to him the other to run away in the opposite direction and hide. But she couldn’t say any of that in front of Claire or Ryan.

  Carrie had brought a stack of magazines home and Claire was flicking through some of them when Carrie returned back to the house.

  “Oh My God!” she exclaimed.


  “You have to see this Carrie, you are in the magazine!”

  Is The Billionaire Playboy Playing Away? The headline read. Nico Devanti 35, international business man and head of the Devanti Group was out and about with an attractive mystery female. The brunette was pictured in a chic black ensemble holding tightly onto Nico’s arms. Isn’t that a place where we all want to be folks? The couple were spotted at a trendy waterfront eatery in Portland’s old town. Sources say they enjoyed an intimate dinner for two and couldn’t tear their eyes from each other the whole night. The atmosphere was sizzling between them and that wasn’t the steaks cooking on the charcoals. Poor Lea, it looks like her wedding dreams are a distant memory! Hope she can still get a refund on that dress!!

  Officials for Nico have taken the unusual step of giving a statement! That’s right an official statement. Here it goes …

  “Nico and Lea have parted ways but they remain friends and will always care for each other.”

  Carrie re-read the passage over and over. The photograph was taken just as Nico had placed an arm around her to steady her on the cobble stones. Her head tipped back as she looked into his eyes in a side profile.

  “Oh no.”

  “Fame at last Carrie, I can’t believe it. How many people do you think have read this?”

  “I don’t know Claire, thousands, millions I don’t know, I just bought it at the airport for something to read”

  “And Lea? Wedding dress. What is going on?”

  “Lea jumped the gun. He never proposed and I believe him.”

  She took a picture of the article on her phone and sent a message to Nico.

  He replied instantly. He had already been notified by his press team and gave his authority for the press release. He would speak with her later but it was unlikely anyone could trace her. She wasn’t to worry.


  “Hello, hello, Tantie, wakey wakey” A tiny hand was placed on each of her eye lids to pull them open. Harry had decided it was time to wake Carrie. Whether her body was ready or not. She felt the shift of the duvet as his little body rolled in the bed.

  “Hello Harry” It was 6am. “Me say ‘bye ‘bye Daddy. Daddy go work”

  “Did he now”

  The little blonde head bopped up and down in agreement. “Daddy say shhh” Harry shushed far louder than any word could. “Mummy sleeping, me hungry Tantie”

  “Okay let’s get you some breakfast”

  Carrie made him his breakfast which he was determined to feed himself despite any attempts from her to assist him. After cleaning up Harry and a coffee for her they settled on the sofa to watch Peppa Pig. When Claire joined them a couple of hours later they were singing.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “Take advantage while you can Claire, Harry decided 6am was wakey wakey time”

  “Sorry, well at least let me wish you a happy birthday”

  “I don’t mind Claire; it was lovely to wake up with my nephew”

  They hugged and Carrie made them some tea. Her phone beeped a message from Nico.

  “Happy Birthday beautiful x”

  She replied and said she had been woken early by Harry starting the day in style watching Peppa Pig. Leaving Harry with his Mum she went to shower and change. On her dressing table she had a framed picture of her and Rob having a snowball fight. It was taken at her parents a few winters ago. Her face was bright pink with the cold and they were laughing. She loved how normal and fun the picture was. How it captured a special time. Outside the sun was shining. She put the picture back on the dresser. The pennies had stopped. She hadn’t found any since her return from the Cape. Did this mean he disapproved? She spoke almost every day to Nico and unbeknown to Nico she was planning to fly out in a few days to surprise him in New York. She had been secretly planning this trip with the assistance of Robin who had been a great help.

  She dressed in jeans and a white t-shirt. Wearing her hair loose with its natural curl which had become her style of late. She applied some make up and finished off with a pair of diamond stud earrings that Rob had bought her for their last birthday together. Last year she remembered she had struggled to dress for work.

  They were having a family dinner at home as a celebration. Claire was getting tired and Carrie wanted her to make it to Peggy’s party the following day for however long she could. Despite their protests she had decided she wanted to keep her birthday low key and spend time with her family at home. In a concession her Mum was bringing some food over that she had prepared for their meal. Carrie had some play time baking with Harry the day before and they had made cupcakes. She even had some champagne chilling and a passion fruit juice that Claire was currently craving in this later stage in her pregnancy.

  The doorbell rang almost in sync with Carries foot stepping on the last stair.

  “I will get it” she called out.

  A beautiful bouquet of pale pink peonies and white roses greeted her. She signed for the delivery and knew they were from Nico before she read the card. Ever since their night together she would always associate peonies and white roses with Nico.

  “Oh Carrie, they are gorgeous flowers, hmm I wonder who they are from?”

  She found a vase large enough to accommodate the arrangement and left them displayed on the dining table.

  “Happy Birthday Carrie, I hope the flowers are as beautiful as you will always be to me. Nico x”

  “They are from Nico,” she tucked the card into her back pocket.

  He was travelling and she knew even with time differences it would be 2am. Not a good time to text him. She would thank him later.

  Belle also sent flowers and Carrie spoke with her. She deliberately didn’t mention Nico. She didn’t want to hear what he was doing without her but
Belle had a different idea.

  “I think Nico is pining for you Carrie. What have you done to him?”

  “Nothing Belle, to be honest it’s scary thinking of starting a relationship,”

  “Well you need to see him soon darling; he is like a bear with a sore head. Not his usual sunny self. No sign of Lea either here but the magazines are agog wondering what has happened to the big romance. I’m surprised she hasn’t given an exclusive.”

  “Nico is dealing with it. I definitely don’t want to be known as breaking up anyone’s relationship”

  “Today is not a day to think about things like that. Enjoy the rest of your birthday darling. I hope you get lots and lots of lovely things. Oh and some champagne of course.”

  “Of course Auntie Belle, it’s already on ice”

  Late afternoon her Mum popped round. Harry was playing in the garden while Carrie and Claire sat enjoying the sunshine. They brought him in for his nap after a little protest. Carrie settled him giving her sister a chance to rest avoiding the stairs. She clicked on the baby monitor to hear if he woke after closing the stair gates.

  “Happy Birthday darling, we will bring your gift tonight.” Carrie was once more hugged in celebration of her birthday.

  “Thanks Mum, do you want some tea?”

  “Yes a quick cup will do before I carry on with the rest of my errands for today”

  “Mum, you never have a quick cup, its unheard of in this family. I just spoke with Belle, she sends her love”

  “That’s good she has been a little difficult to track down recently but that’s how she wants to live her life and good luck to her.”

  Claire was shifting around on the sofa trying to get comfortable. “Mum Belle has always been like that and I don’t think she would ever work 9-5. It wore bore her to tears”

  Carrie returned with the tea. She could feel the stare of her mother as she looked her up and down. “What is it?”

  “I’ve said before Carrie but you look different. I just can’t put my finger on it”

  “Mum, I haven’t changed at all.” the ringing of the doorbell interrupted her reply. “I’ll get it”


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