Home > Romance > KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance > Page 21
KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance Page 21

by Nicole Fox

  Daphne was gripped with fear. Her mind raced as she tried to come up with an explanation of just who this menacing biker was.

  It has to be someone in Xander’s gang, she thought. It has to be. He’s probably been tracking me for a long time; I doubt it was a coincidence that he just happened to be at the same bar as me last night.

  She shot up from her seat and dumped the rest of her food into the trash.

  And now he’s pissed because I left him this morning without saying a word, she continued, the words frantic in her mind. I can’t believe that fucker thinks he can intimidate me. Well, I’m not going to let him.

  This was the worst outcome she could imagine for her mistake of sleeping with Xander. Daphne knew that she’d done so much to keep Jack safe from violent scum like Xander and his gang, and now she realized that she just might’ve ruined everything by getting drunk and stupid.

  Daphne busied herself with chores, trying her best to keep her mind off of the situation. At around noon, she decided that it was time to run some errands.

  “Jack, baby,” she said, entering the living room where Jack was now playing with some action figures. “Want to go with Mommy to the store?”

  “Yeah!” he said, dropping his figures and getting up right away.

  Soon, the two of them were on their way to the grocery store. Daphne tried to allow herself to enjoy her Sunday afternoon off; after all, the weather was beautiful, and she appreciated how well-behaved Jack was being. But she couldn’t help but look in her rearview mirror constantly, each time expecting to see that blood-red bike in the distance behind her.

  Daphne and Jack stopped at the store, and once done there, they headed to the mall to pick up some clothes for Jack. But even as they made their way through the aisles of the department store, Daphne found herself continually checking over her shoulder.

  What the hell is wrong with me? she thought. What am I expecting, that I’m gonna turn around and the bike’s going to be parked in Menswear?

  She allowed herself a small smile at that ridiculous idea, but she still felt tense. Really, she realized, she was worried that Xander might show up with a few of his thug friends in tow, ready to intimidate her.

  Once done with their shopping, the two of them went to one of the restaurants near the mall to grab a quick bite to eat. But as soon as Daphne allowed herself to calm down and enjoy her meal, she saw it once again. Off in the mall’s parking lot, only a stone’s throw away from her car, was a blood-red bike. And seated on top of it was some grungy-looking man, his eyes hidden behind a pair of dark, wraparound shades. Once he noticed Daphne had spotted him, he gunned the engine and tore off, disappearing into the distance.

  “Jack, let’s go, baby,” said Daphne.

  “But Mo-om,” he said, “I’m still eating!”

  “You can finish at home,” she said, flagging down the waitress for the check.

  Once back home, Daphne locked the door behind her and closed all of the blinds of the apartment. She didn’t want that biker to spy on her any longer, and she didn’t want to see him if he was nearby. The rest of the afternoon passed uneventfully, and once it was time for bed, Daphne slept deeply, her body needing the rest after the previous night’s activities.

  The next day, Daphne was eager to get Jack off to school, where she knew he’d be safe.

  I can’t live like this, she thought as she watched her son toddle up to the school and disappear into the crowd of children. I have to do something.

  “Call the cops the next time you see him,” said Amy a little later, the two of them having lunch at Amy’s place.

  “Are you sure?” asked Daphne. “I mean, what if they think I’m just being paranoid?”

  “Who cares?” asked Amy. “I’d rather risk that than whatever else might happen. Just do it; you’ll feel better.”

  Back at her place, Daphne got ready for work and headed to her car. Right as her hand clasped down on the car door handle, the back of her neck began to tingle. Looking up, sure enough, she spotted the biker once more. This time, he didn’t stare; he simply revved the engine as loudly as it would go, and took off.

  Her heart pounding, she called the police. They told her that they’d send a squad car to search the area, and fifteen minutes later, one pulled up in front of her apartment. She told the police what had been going on, and they told her to stay put while they took a drive around the area. The car returned a bit later, the cops letting her know that they hadn’t spotted a bike like she described, but to call them again if he returned. She thanked them for their time and hurried off to work.

  The workday passed as normal. Mondays weren’t the busiest days at Hendrick’s, and Daphne was glad for that; she didn’t want any more stress on top of everything. Once the day was done, she walked out to her car in the parking lot. About halfway there, she realized that she’d unconsciously put her keys between her fingers, like some kind of makeshift brass knuckles.

  But once she found her car, her blood ran cold. The tires had been slashed.

  Daphne crumpled into a heap, tears forming in her eyes as she looked over the damage. She felt sick and scared and helpless.

  After having her car towed to the nearest tire store and the tires changed, Daphne picked up Jack from Amy’s and brought him home. She closed the blinds to her apartment once again, her eyes flicking over to her phone as soon as she did.

  I have to call Xander, she thought. I have to tell him to cut this shit out; I won’t take it any longer.

  Summoning up her courage, she picked up the phone and found his number in her contact list. The phone rang, and soon it took her to his mailbox. Daphne took a deep breath and spoke.

  “Listen, asshole,” she said. “I’m already really fucking pissed about what … happened the other night. And now you’ve got one of your low-life friends following me around? This is a new low, you fuck. I never want to see you again, and I figured leaving you made that abundantly clear. So leave me alone, or I’ll have the cops on your ass. And I know the kind of shit you get into; the cops sniffing around is the last thing you want. And you owe me for the fucking tires. I guess you know my address now, so send me a goddamn check.”

  Once she was done, she tossed the phone across the counter, surprised at how much rage had been in her voice. But they’d threatened her son, and she knew that all bets were off.

  Jack … she thought, realizing that the whole point of leaving Xander was so that he wouldn’t know about Jack.

  She rushed over to her son on the couch and held him close. Daphne swore that she wouldn’t let anything happen to her son, no matter the cost.

  For the first time in years, her future was filled with fear and uncertainty.

  Chapter Eleven


  Xander sat in the back of the HQ meeting hall, watching Grayson speak to the entire group of Shadow Hunters. His voice had that quality that allowed him to project in a deep, clear tone despite seemingly only raising his volume a little bit. His hands were clasped behind his back, and he stood as still as a statue.

  “As you all know by now, we have something of an issue with the Devil’s Spawn. The issue being, of course, that even one of them is still drawing air.”

  The Hunters chatted eagerly to one another, happy to hear that Grayson was likely going to order them to finish the job they’d started. They wanted to take out the Spawn down to the last man.

  “But before you all get too antsy about bloodying those fuckers up, I want you to know that any operation against them is forbidden. For now.”

  More chattering broke out, but this new talk had a confused tone.

  “Hush the fuck up, everyone,” said Grayson.

  The group quickly complied.

  “I’ve got a few men on it, and if you haven’t been already told about a special job, that means that you’re not going to be doing anything different than you have been. Your job is to make sure that the next phase in our operation expansion goes on without a hitch. W
ith one change, however: you’re going to be keeping an eye out for any Spawn you see. We’ve gotten reports that Spawn have been sending out scouts to see what we’ve been up to. You see one while you’re working, you drop everything you’re doing and tell me or one of the VPs.”

  A buzzing in Xander’s pocket snapped him out of his concentration. Sliding his phone out, he saw that he had a new message.

  It was a voicemail from Daphne.

  Quietly, he got out of his seat and headed out front of the HQ. Bringing the phone up to his ear, he listened to the message in its entirety.

  When it was over, it took all the restraint he had to not get on his bike right then and there and scour the city until he found Scar and broke his neck like a twig. Instead, he took several deep breaths, shoved his phone back into his pocket, and returned to the meeting.

  Walking in, he saw that Grayson was wrapping things up. Once Grayson was done, Xander sidled through the crowd and approached him.

  “What’s up?” asked Grayson, evidently sensing that Xander had just received some important information.

  Xander relayed what Daphne’s message had said, letting Grayson know specifically about the tire slashing.

  “Fuck,” said Grayson. “That means that they’re not fucking around; they’re looking to make this shit violent faster than I’d anticipated.”

  “You think we need to bring the war to them now?” asked Xander, his heart racing.

  “Not just yet,” said Grayson. “I’m still determining just how we’re going to take them on. They’re trying to goad us into a fight, and if we rush after them in anger, we’re going to make some stupid mistakes. That’s what they’re counting on.”

  Xander knew that Grayson was right, but that didn’t set aside his immediate concerns about Daphne.

  “I have to do something,” he said. “If they hurt her to send a message …”

  Grayson held up a hand.

  “Do it,” said Grayson. “Call your girl and let her know, first of all, that you’re not behind this. Then let her know, within reason, just what the situation is. And offer your protection. You can keep an eye on her, so long as you don’t take the offensive.”

  “Got it,” said Xander, now eager to call Daphne back.

  “And don’t be stupid,” said Grayson. “This is a delicate situation.”

  Xander nodded and rushed off to make the call. He pulled up her number and hit call, tapping his foot impatiently as the phone rang. Finally, she answered.

  “Yes?” she asked, her voice edged with anger.

  “Listen,” said Xander, trying to keep his tone cool despite all that was going on. “You need to know that it wasn’t me who slashed your tires.”

  “Oh?” asked Daphne. “Then it was one of your fucking scumbag biker friends, huh? Not even doing your own dirty work, I see.”

  Xander gritted his teeth.

  “No,” he said. “You don’t understand—it’s not any of us. It’s a rival gang, and they’re not fucking around.”

  He explained the situation with the Devil’s Spawn. He told her about how they were out for revenge, and how they must’ve known that Daphne and Xander were involved.

  “I see,” said Daphne. “But why the hell should I believe you about any of this?”

  “Why the fuck would I lie?” asked Xander. “Why would I follow you around, slash your tires, then lie about it?”

  “To be honest, I don’t know what you’re capable of,” she said.

  “Listen,” said Xander. “You have to let me come to your apartment and protect you. I’ll stay out of your way, just keeping an eye on your place and making sure nothing happens. And if that fucker shows up again, I’ll make sure that he doesn’t bother you ever again.”

  “No,” said Daphne, her voice striking Xander as strangely worried. “I don’t want you or any of your fucking gang members around here. Just … leave me alone. I’ll figure this out myself.”

  Then, without warning, she hung up. Xander held the phone out, making sure that she’d actually just hung up. He dialed her back, but it went straight to voicemail.

  “Fuck!” he shouted, punching the side of the HQ hard enough to dent the wood.

  But as he shoved his phone back into his pocket, he couldn’t help but wonder what Daphne’s motivation was for not telling him her address.

  There’s something more to it, he thought. Something more than she’s letting on.

  Xander headed back into the HQ. He didn’t have time to guess; there was too much work to be done.

  Chapter Twelve


  “Thank you so much for letting us stay here, Aunt Caroline,” said Daphne as she and Jack stepped into the spacious entry room of the large house.

  “Of course!” said Caroline, her freshly-whitened teeth showing as she smiled. “You’re always welcome here. But stop calling me ‘aunt’; it makes me feel ancient!”

  Jack held on tightly to his mother’s hand. His blue eyes searching around the mansion, he stayed close to Daphne’s leg. Looking down, Daphne could sense the uncertainty in her son. Ever since she’d told him that they’d be staying with her Aunt Caroline, he seemed to Daphne to have an uncanny sense of knowing that something was amiss.

  “And there’s my big man!” said Caroline, wrapping her thin arms around Jack, the jewelry hanging from her wrists jangling around the boy’s head. “Aren’t you just the handsomest damn thing?”

  “Jack,” said Daphne. “Say ‘thank you’.”

  “Thank you,” he said, his voice flat.

  “Aw,” said Caroline, “I know it’s weird to have to leave home for a while, but it’s not so bad here. How about some ice cream?”

  His expression perked up a little at that. Jack looked up at Daphne with expectant eyes.

  “Hey, it’s her house,” said Daphne. “She makes the rules here.”

  A small smile formed on Jack’s mouth.

  “Let’s go see what we have,” said Caroline, leading Jack from the entry room, their feet clicking on the marble floor. “I know there’s vanilla, but I think there’s chocolate … maybe butter pecan …”

  Her voice trailed off as they left, and soon Daphne was alone.

  Daphne walked up the spiral staircase to the bedroom where she’d be staying, the same one that she’d stayed in when she’d lived with Caroline a couple years back, when she was trying to get her feet on the ground after leaving Xander. Sitting down on the plush bed, she let out a sigh. Daphne knew she’d made the right decision in leaving home for a while –Caroline’s neighborhood was one of those ritzy places with a big, manned gate out front—but she hated having to put Jack through all of this.

  And she thought back to the phone call she’d had with Xander. Part of her regretted being so harsh with Xander, especially since he’d seemed to genuinely want to help.

  This is his goddamn mess, she thought. I wouldn’t be in this shit if it weren’t for his biker crap.

  She let herself fall back onto the bed, her eyes already heavy with sleep. Daphne felt sick when she realized that she didn’t really have a plan. She’d stay here with Jack for a while—Caroline’s place was close enough to her work and Jack’s school to not disrupt things too much—but aside from that, she knew that all she could do was wait and hope that Xander was able to resolve things.

  Her eyes drifted over to the phone where it lay on the dresser.

  I could still call him, she thought. He’d be here in a half-hour. Xander’s a criminal, but he’d put everything on hold when it came to making sure I was safe.

  But, she realized, there was the issue of Jack. Daphne knew that if she asked Xander to look out for her, it would only be a matter of time before he found out about the son he didn’t even know he had.

  I’ll just do this for a little while, she thought as she stared up at the ceiling. Xander’s got his whole gang on this operation; it’s only a matter of time before they take care of this asshole who’s been stalking me.

  With that in mind, Daphne went back downstairs and joined Caroline and Jack for some ice cream. Afterwards, they all gathered in the luxurious living room and watched TV. Daphne watched Jack out of the corner of her eye, seeing that he appeared to be feeling a little better about this situation.

  The next day, Daphne took Jack to school and went to work. Once she was done, she headed straight home. Caroline, being long-retired, had more than enough time to look after Jack. The next day passed like that, then the next, then the next. After nearly a week had gone by, Daphne began to almost feel like things were slowly becoming something like normal once again. Still, she hoped for that call from Xander that would let her know that the rival gang situation had been taken care of, and that it was time to come home.


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