Home > Romance > KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance > Page 26
KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance Page 26

by Nicole Fox

  Xander continued to stare at her, his eyes narrowed.

  “Do you even remember what I’m talking about?”

  He waited a moment before responding.

  “I’ve done that to a lot of guys,” he said. “But only ones who deserved it.”

  “Is that supposed to make me feel better?”

  “I’m not some fucking violent thug with no control over his anger,” said Xander, his voice edged with razor.

  “How am I supposed to know that?” demanded Daphne. “All I could think about was how I didn’t want any child of mine to grow up in a house with a father like that. Think about it—`do you want Jack to grow up to be like you? Running from the law, violence a part of his life? Don’t you want something more for him?”

  “That doesn’t give you the goddamn right to hide him from me, and lie to my fucking face about it.”

  Daphne shook her head.

  “I need to be alone,” she said, starting off for her bedroom.

  “Not a fucking chance,” said Xander, following after her. “You think you can just pull this shit and hide out when you get called out on it?”

  Daphne rushed into her bedroom and shut the door behind her. But it caught on something before closing all the way. Turning around, she saw that Xander had grabbed hold of it, stopping it in place.

  “What … what are you doing?” Daphne asked, her eyes going wide as she watched Xander hold the door.

  She pulled on the knob, trying to shut it. But it was no use—Xander was just too strong. His thick bicep hardly even needed to flex to surpass her strength. Xander stared at her hard, breathing in heavily through his nose. He stepped into the room and shut the door hard behind him.

  “Xander …” said Daphne. “What are you doing?”

  He continued to stare at her, his expression a curious blend of anger and lust. Then, suddenly, he reached out and grabbed Daphne by the hips. A little shriek left her mouth as he took hold of her in his irresistible grip. Xander spun her around and pushed her towards the nearby dresser. Once she was just about on top of it, Daphne reached out and grabbed it, bracing herself.

  “S-stop,” she said, her voice a pliant whimper.

  But Xander wasn’t in any mood to negotiate. It was clear what he wanted.

  Daphne looked at Xander in the mirror as he loomed over her like a big, burly beast, like some kind of Viking berserker in the middle of a rage. With a hard pull, he yanked her pants and panties down, her bare ass now exposed to him.

  “Xander …” she said, surprised to hear just how much lust was in her voice as soon as the words left her mouth.

  She knew she should’ve protested, that she should’ve screamed or fought back, that she shouldn’t let Xander do what he clearly had on his mind. But as much as her conscious thoughts protested, she felt herself grow wetter by the second. Something about the way Xander held her, not willing to let her go, turned her on beyond imagination.

  Xander, one hand clamped down on her hips, undid his belt and zipper, then yanked down his pants, his massive, hard cock springing out.

  “Xander … you can’t,” said Daphne, giving one last protestation.

  But before she could say another word, he shoved himself deep into her with a single hard, full motion. Daphne uttered a small squeal as he entered her, his cock filling her up instantly in a way she wasn’t entirely prepared for. Once he’d fully penetrated her, Xander began pumping instantly, fucking her at full strength, buried himself into her over and over again.

  “Oh fuck,” said Daphne, now gripping onto the dresser as firmly as she could. “Xander …”

  Xander went at her with pneumatic strength and rhythm. He drove himself into her, slapping her ass hand with his open palm as she did. Daphne shrieked with each impact of his palm against her flesh, the bright, cracking sound of his hand against her curves ringing out through the bedroom.

  “I want you to say it,” said Xander through his heavy grunts. “I want you to say that you belong to me.”

  “You … oh, oh,” said Daphne, part of her still wanted to protest, but the greater part of her wanting to give in to his total domination of her. “I …”

  “Say it,” said Xander, his voice gruff and commanding. “Say that you and Jack and my property.”

  To make his point clear, he slapped her ass hard once again, another moan of pain and pleasure slithering out of Daphne’s mouth.

  “Me … and, oh, Jack … we’re yours, we belong to you.”

  “Tell me you’re mine, all mine,” he said, still pounding her harder than she’d ever been fucked in her life.

  “I’m all yours,” said Daphne, the words rushing out of her mouth in some kind of joyous rush. “I belong to you!”

  And as soon as the words came out, an orgasm more powerful than Daphne could’ve imagined ripped through her body. She dug her fingers into the dresser, moaning and shrieking as the pleasure tore through her body. Daphne’s knees buckled under her, and only through Xander’s hard grip on her hips did she stay upright.

  Opening her eyes as much as she could stand, Daphne watched as Xander’s face tightened in orgasmic concentration. He grunted hard, driving himself into her over and over until he finally came. He emptied his cock into her, exploding inside of her in the wet, sticky way that drove her wild every time, without fail. He brought his hand down on her ass one last time, slapping it hard and giving it a full squeeze. Then, when he was done, he withdrew his cock from her, the warm trickle of cum down her thigh following right after.

  Daphne caught her breath as she stood there, her chest rising and falling. Xander, apparently just as spent as she was, staggered backward towards the bed and fell down on top of it. Daphne stepped out of the clothes pooled around her ankles and walked to the bed, collapsing on top of Xander. She nuzzled in close to him, placing her head on his chest. She couldn’t help but be confused by how she felt—she knew that she should’ve been shooing him out of her room and slamming the door behind her after what he’d just pulled. But in reality, she felt the opposite way than she would’ve expected; instead of feeling fearful towards Xander, she felt safer now.

  It must be because everything is out in the open, she thought, listening to his heart beat through his chest. It was weighing on me, and I did know that it was only a matter of time before he found out.

  She thought back to Xander’s comment about how she’d never truly want a “nice man,” how only a rough, savage guy like Xander would be able to give her what she really wanted. The idea sent a shudder down her spine.

  But despite it all, she wouldn’t trade where she was right at that moment for the world.

  Chapter Twenty


  Xander had a hard time figuring out just how he felt. The desire to fuck Daphne had come over him like a storm cloud, a force of nature that he couldn’t resist. Nearly blind with rage at Daphne for hiding his son from him, all he could think about was giving Daphne the punish-fucking of a lifetime. And now that he’d done it, he felt the anger that had taken hold of him dissipate. Now, as he lay there with Daphne on his chest, he was overcome with a feeling of contentment stronger than he’d experienced in as long as he could remember.

  “I want to be here,” said Xander.

  “You are here,” said Daphne, her eyes still closed as she nuzzled further into his burly chest.

  “No,” he said. “I don’t just mean as some kind of temporary bodyguard or something; I mean that I want to be here for you and Jack.”

  That roused Daphne out of her half-sleep. She sat up slightly and looked at Xander with skeptical eyes.

  “Like, what—live here?”

  “I don’t know,” said Xander. “I mean, now that I know that I have a son, there’s no getting rid of me. I hope you get that.”

  Daphne nodded. The secret was out, and she seemed to be slowly coming to grips with it.

  “So, first thing’s first: I’m going to be giving you money on a monthly basis.”

>   “No, no, no,” said Daphne. “You don’t need to do that.”

  “No shit,” said Xander. “But that’s my kid in the other room, and I’ve got piles of cash sitting around that I have nothing to do with. I’m going to take care of my boy financially, whether you want it or not.”

  Daphne nodded slowly, evidently understanding that there was no talking Xander out of this.

  “Besides,” Xander said with a smirk. “It is the law.”

  Daphne returned his sly expression and gave him a playful slap on the arm.

  “Since when do you care about that?” she asked.

  “Good point,” said Xander. “But I don’t know what to do with the money. I mean, I don’t have any problem earning it, and if all goes well in the next few months then I’m going to have more than I know what to with. I guess I’ll look into getting a college fund set up or some shit.”

  “That is,” said Daphne, “if he even wants to go to college after learning what his dad gets up to.”

  Xander considered Daphne’s words, realizing that she was right. Sure, he’d been pissed as hell that she’d kept Jack away from him and his lifestyle. Xander knew that while he made a good living doing what he did, he also understood that he had a unique knack for the criminal life. He’d seen plenty of idiot kids with ambitions of being Scarface on a Harley get in over their heads and end up in a shallow grave somewhere; the thought of Jack meeting the same fate was enough to make him sick to his stomach.

  “I don’t know,” said Xander, trying to think of some sort of solution. “I’ll do my best to make sure he never knows about what I do for a living. I’ll keep him out of that fuckin’ world.”

  “What are you going to tell him when he starts asking about what Daddy’s job is, and why everyone else’s daddy goes to work during the day in a suit while his goes to work in leather and a beard hanging down to his chest?”

  “I’ll figure something out,” said Xander.

  “And all this …” said Daphne, “with the guy after me now … I can’t live like this; I can’t live worried if someone from a rival gang is going to be following me home from work.”

  “You won’t have to worry about that for long,” said Xander. “Once I get these fuckers stomped out then my crew will be the top MC in the area. No one’s gonna step up to us. And the president told me that once this war is over then I’ll be put in charge of distribution, which means the low-level dirty shit is gonna be left to the new guys.”

  Xander saw from Daphne’s expression that she was only mildly put at ease by this.

  “I just don’t want our son to be raised around violence,” she said. “I want him to stay the boy that he is now.”

  “I can do something about the violence,” said Xander, “but that kid’s gonna grow up one way or another. And let me tell you this: I’ve been around enough wanna-be tough guys to know that most of them don’t have any dad around to keep them out of trouble. Boys without a father seem to get involved in the exact kind of life that you don’t want for Jack. So, if I’m around, then I’m gonna do every goddamn thing in my power to make sure that kid stays on the straight and narrow.”

  “I’m still not sure about any of this,” said Daphne, “but it looks like you’re going to be here for the time being, at least until this situation is sorted out. Just promise me, promise me, that you’ll make sure that nothing happens to Jack. I don’t even want to think about something happening to him.”

  Tears welled in her eyes as she spoke.

  “I swear, just like I swore to protect you, that I’ll do everything in my power to make sure that he’s safe. I’ll move heaven and earth to make sure these pieces of shit don’t lay a single hand on my boy.”

  Daphne wiped the tears out of her eyes and nodded.

  “We’ll see,” she said. “But I want one term to all of this.”

  “Name it.”

  “For the time being, I don’t want Jack to know who you are.”

  “Are you fuckin’ kidding me?” asked Xander. “I can’t tell that boy that I’m his dad? Are you out of your mind?”

  “On top of everything that’s going on right now, I don’t think that telling him that his dad is back is going to be the best thing for him. He’s gonna need to take all this a little bit at a time.”

  “This is fucked up,” said Xander through gritted teeth. “I’m just supposed to pretend that he’s just some kid I know?”

  “You can spend all the time you want with him,” said Daphne. “In fact, I’d encourage it. That boy needs a man in his life. But until you prove that you’re going to stick around and do what needs to be done, telling him just who you are is off-limits.”

  Xander was back to being furious, though he could somewhat understand her point. This business with the Devil’s Spawn had a strong chance of spinning out of control, and he didn’t want to tell Jack that he was his father only to have to go out and fight a battle that he might not come back from.

  “Fine,” said Xander. “I’ll keep that shit under wraps.”

  “Good,” said Daphne.

  Then, a soft knock sounded at the bedroom door. Daphne and Xander scrambled out of bed and threw on their clothes just as Jack opened the door and walked in.

  “Mommy,” he said, rubbing his eyes. “I’m not tired anymore.”

  “I think the little dude’s got enough shuteye for now,” said Xander, putting his hands on his hips. “Hey, dude—what do you say we play cops and bikers?”

  “okay!” said Jack, his eyes lighting up.

  With that, Xander ran over to Jack and scooped him up. Over his shoulder, he could see Daphne watching the scene unfold, a skeptical look in her gorgeous eyes.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  Daphne wrapped her hands around a fresh cup of coffee as she watched Xander and Jack play. They seemed to be fast friends, and she could sense Xander’s enthusiasm for being a father as he roughhoused with her little boy, both of them laughing and carrying on.

  Maybe I’m being too hard on Xander, she thought. I mean, he’s offered to provide for both of us, to be in our lives, to be the father that Jack needs. Hardly sounds like a deadbeat to me.

  But just as her thought finished, the sound of a motorcycle revving outside of the apartment caught their attention. Daphne’s heart began to pound, and Xander set Jack down and rushed to the window. Standing to the side of the window, Xander carefully peeked past the curtains and out onto the street.

  “What is it?” asked Daphne, thinking about whether or not she needed to get Jack out of the room.

  “Nothing,” said Xander. “Looks like one of your new neighbors just got a new ride.”

  Daphne let all the air rush out of her lungs, and looking down, she saw that her hands were shaking.

  “Why are you two acting so weird all of a sudden?” asked Jack, already playing with some nearby toys. “It’s just a motorcycle.”

  Then, a sly smile formed on Xander’s lips through his thick beard. Daphne knew exactly what he had in mind, and was afraid to hear it.

  “Yo, dude,” said Xander, squatting near Jack. “Whadya think of motorcycles?”

  “They’re awesome!” said Jack, springing to his feet and running around the room making engine revving noises. “I want to get one when I’m a cop!”

  “Kid wants to be a cop,” said Xander out loud. “How about that?”

  “You better not say what I think you’re going to say,” said Daphne.

  “Come on,” said Xander. “It’ll be fun.”

  “What?” asked Jack, dying to be let in on the conversation.

  “What would you say, little dude, if I told you that I had a totally badass bike parked right outside?”

  “Really?” asked Jack. “Are you serious?”

  “Serious as it gets, my man,” said Xander.

  “No,” said Daphne in a firm voice before Xander could even propose the question.

  “Come on, Mom!” said Jack, stomping his
little foot. “You have to let me ride on it!”

  “Oh, do I?” asked Daphne.

  Xander flashed her a look that seemed to say, “come on—it’ll be good for us.” Daphne looked outside, and saw that the sun was already going down, and that it’d be nighttime soon.

  “How about this,” said Daphne. “Why don’t the three of us go out for some dinner, and if you’re extra good tonight, Jackie-boy, I might let Mr. Xander here take you around the block when it’s daytime. That sound like a deal?”

  “I think that’s as good as you’re gonna get, my man,” said Xander. “I’d take it if I were you.”


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