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KNOCKED UP BY THE KILLER: A Hitman Baby Romance Page 33

by Nicole Fox

  That incident in the garage had been different. Not only was he not ignoring her, he had gone out of his way to talk to her. It had surprised and pleased her. Maybe there could be something between them after all. Maybe it was just taking him a little time to come around.

  “Just find a place somewhere.” Park’s voice broke through her fantasy.

  Mina’s eyes focused on the room below her once again. The senior members of the club were seated around the big table with Park, but there wasn’t room for everybody. Men in denim and leather lined the walls of the room, crowding in. Never had Mina seen so many members in one spot. Mina knew something big must be going on. Her stomach pulled in a little on herself as she imagined what it might be. Was a rival gang trying to wage war with them? Had someone been injured or killed on his bike?

  “All right, men. It looks like it’s time we had a little talk.” Park got out of his seat and strode around the room, looking everyone in the eye in turn. His dark blond hair was slicked back, revealing the tattoos that covered his body and rose up around his neck. Most of them were old-school style, with skulls, swallows, and playing cards. There was even a pinup girl which had been stylized after Mina’s mother. “I’ve found out some bad news. It seems that someone has betrayed me.”

  A murmur of discontent waved throughout the room as the men whispered to each other. This was something unheard of. Mina couldn’t remember anyone wanting to leave the club for anything other than retirement, and she would have heard if someone had gone directly against her father’s wishes.

  “You know that I’ve always done my best to take care of you, all of you. I don’t ask all that much in return, considering what you’re getting out of the deal, but one of the biggest things I’ve asked is that you keep your hands off my daughter.” Park’s boots echoed in the big room, and his voice got deeper on that last word. “I thought you respected me well enough to obey my orders, and I thought it was a relatively simple rule to keep. After all, there are always plenty of club girls around whenever you’re feeling the need.”

  A ripple of laughter spread around the room, cut off by the sound of Park’s fist slamming into the big table. “It has become clear to me, though, that someone in this room has done the worst thing possible.”

  Mina put a hand over her mouth. She had imagined the meeting would be about a rival club or a deal that had gone sour, but she hadn’t dreamed it would be about her. As far as she knew, Park didn’t think of her at all unless he was keeping her from having any fun. She hadn’t mentioned her rendezvous with Skid to anyone; there was no one she trusted that much.

  “It has come to my attention that Mina is expecting.” Park’s words seemed to drift right through the vent and into Mina’s brain. She blinked and pressed her fingers to her temples.

  The members broke into a roar of talking. They elbowed each other in the ribs and muttered innuendos. They pointed at each other across the room, some casting blame and others gladly taking it.

  How did he know? Mina’s vision darkened, and she nearly fell off the shelf that had seemed so steady only a moment ago. She hadn’t told anyone about her secret. Even the club girl she had asked to buy the pregnancy test for her had never found out what the results were. Had she not hidden it well enough in the trash can? Had someone found it and figured out it was hers? Park wasn’t the only person who had been betrayed.

  “I’ve trusted you men to protect Mina like she was your own sister, your own daughter.” Park was getting even more worked up now, and the vein in his neck was beginning to stand out. “You can all claim your innocence, but I know that whoever did this is in this room. I’ve been careful not to let Mina out around other men, so there’s nobody else who could have betrayed me like this. And when I find out who it is, I’m going to murder him with my bare hands.” He held out his tattooed hands, the fingers curled and the tendons tight, to show he meant it.

  Mina’s eyes flicked to Skid, but he sat at his place looking calm and collected. He was the only member Mina had ever slept with, and she knew without a doubt that the child growing inside her belonged to him. She had considered telling him, hoping that the news would make him come around to her. But he sat still and silent, not volunteering any information to Park. If he had any suspicion that he’d knocked her up, he wasn’t saying anything.

  “As for the rest of you, if you have any idea who did this to my daughter, you’d better tell me. Just because we have one traitor in our midst doesn’t mean the rest of you have to be. Turn in the bastard who did this, or you’ll all be paying the price.” He stomped out of the room, leaving the men to discuss it amongst themselves.

  Grill said something to Skid, who shrugged his shoulders and shook his head, feigning ignorance.

  Mina slowly climbed down from her perch and slipped out of the closet. Her feet were heavy as she trudged back up the stairs, then made a turn to take the back stairwell to the third floor. She closed the door to her room and flopped down on the bed. This wasn’t how things were supposed to happen. She wanted to be with Skid, but sleeping with him hadn’t gotten that for her. Now she was going to have his child, but if Park had his way, Skid would never be around to witness the birth.

  Rolling over, Mina looked at the framed picture on her nightstand. The frame had changed over the years, starting out cutesy and pink until it had matured into something simple and black. But the picture had remained the same. Park and Marlena stared out at her from many years ago. It was before Mina was born, and even before Satan’s Legion had been formed. They were just a young, happy couple leaning against her father’s first motorcycle. But Marlena had died shortly after Mina’s birth, and Park had never looked that happy again.

  Many times, Mina had wished she could talk to her mother. Growing up around a bunch of rough rugged men had been fun most of the time, but there were some things her father and his friends just couldn’t handle. Once Mina had been old enough to make friends with some of the club girls, she at least had had someone she could talk to about dreams, hopes, and sex. But it still just wasn’t the same. Mina never really fit in with them, and she wasn’t sure she wanted to.

  She picked up the frame and ran her finger across her mother’s face. “I’m going to have a baby, Mom. Can you believe it? And no matter what Dad thinks, the father is a great guy.” She held the picture to her chest, hoping Park wouldn’t pummel Skid into the dirt. He was a man of his word, after all.

  Chapter Three


  Skid’s heart thundered at the news. How had this happened? He’d thought they were careful. Apparently, it hadn’t been enough. And now he was the idiot who had knocked up not just some young woman, but the president’s daughter. He was the one who had betrayed Park. He was the one who had let his urges take over and had risked his entire life for one night of passion.

  He watched the rest of the men in the meeting, hoping to find someone who looked guilty. Mina had slept with him, but that didn’t mean she hadn’t slept with someone else. Maybe some other sucker had knocked her up. He could only hope.

  Except that he didn’t really like the idea of Mina being with another man. He hadn’t laid claim to her, but there was some animalistic urge within him that made him want to own her. She was so sexy in her odd, quirky way, and now that he knew just what she could do to him, he didn’t want to let her go. But being with Mina wasn’t an easy or simple thing. It wasn’t as simple as stepping forward.

  The meeting dispersed, but Skid knew he was needed. He headed down the hallways to Park’s office. “I’m really sorry to hear about this,” he said as he closed the door behind him and sat down across the battered oak desk.

  “You and me both.” Park was leaning back with his boots up on the wood and his face tipped toward the ceiling. His blond hair flopped back over the seat. “I guess I should have seen it coming. You can’t bring up a girl among a group of bikers and expect her to be a Girl Scout her entire life.”

  “I guess not.” And Mina was defi
nitely no little girl. Skid didn’t know where she had learned the tricks she’d shown him, but he had certainly enjoyed them. His face grew hot, knowing what he knew about Mina. “Did you mean it?”


  “That you’re going to kill the father.”

  Park sat up and let his feet fall to the old wooden floor with a thump. “What choice do I have? Each member of this club was told specifically not to touch her. Clearly, somebody has broken their promise. My little girl is pregnant, and I can’t let whatever beast did this to her get away with it.”

  Skid nodded, considering his words carefully before he spoke. “I hate to say it, but she’s not really a little girl anymore.”

  Park pounded his fist on the desk, leaning forward. His face was red, and there was fire behind his icy blue eyes. “That doesn’t make me feel any better, you asshole! Just because she thinks she’s an adult doesn’t mean she knows what the hell she’s doing. I’m sure you’ve seen her.” He shook his head. “Mina is impulsive. She never thinks anything through, and she doesn’t care what the consequences are. I swear, she’ll do anything just as long as I tell her not to.”

  Skid felt a deep rumble of guilt throughout his body. Park was right about Mina; she defied authority at every turn, just for the sake of doing it. Skid wasn’t the same way. He knew why the rules had been set in place, and he was the type of person to follow them. It was his loyalty to Park that had made him rise so quickly through the ranks of the club. Park had originally brought him on with the idea that he could be a good enforcer. With his broad shoulders and tall stature, he was an intimidating man. He enjoyed being the one to make sure the members followed Park’s rules, and that hadn’t gone unnoticed. Skid no longer had to serve as a bouncer, but he’d never really left that role behind. He didn’t hesitate to step in and get his hands dirty when the situation warranted it.

  “Have you talked to Mina about this? Does she know who the father is?” Skid racked his brain, trying to figure out what his next move should be. Mina hadn’t said anything about the pregnancy when he’d seen her in the garage, but there hadn’t really been much time.

  “Are you kidding?” Park rolled his eyes. “I know Mina wouldn’t tell me anything. I haven’t even told her that I know yet, but I’m sure word will get back around to her quickly. She always seems to know what’s happening around here. And I sure as hell hope she does know who the father is, or else she’s in far more trouble than she ever imagined.” Park wasn’t a young man, but he suddenly looked much older.

  Skid swallowed. He fought with himself, wanting to tell Park everything but not interested in the consequences. He had always thought of himself as being an honest person, but keeping this to himself was the biggest lie he’d ever told. It was a lie that was impacting people’s lives. The president was already hurt over what had happened to his daughter, and he would be even more hurt if he knew his most trusted associate was the one who had done it. Park didn’t deserve that. He was a good man, and he did everything he could to take care of the club.

  “Is there anything I can do?”

  Putting both forearms on the desk and leaning close, Park nodded. “I know I told everyone to keep their eyes open and report back to me if they think they know who did this to Mina, but I want you to be on the case even more. You move among these men like you’re one of them, even though you’re my VP. They respect you, but they still talk to you. Keep your ear to the ground and find the man who ruined Mina’s life.” His eyes narrowed, as though burning into Skid’s soul. “I know I can trust you.”

  “Yes, sir. I will.” Skid left Park’s office and wound his way through the building until he was back in the garage. Mina was no longer there. She’d left her wrench lying on the floor next to her bike. He picked it up and put it back where it belonged in the big toolbox by the wall before swinging his leg over his own machine. As much as he’d thought he had needed a ride earlier in the morning, he definitely did now.

  The Chicago wind blew through his hair, lifting it off his scalp and inviting him to ride a little faster. How could this have happened? He couldn’t get his mind off the situation. He was going to be a father. And Mina—irresponsible, impetuous Mina—was going to be a mother. Why hadn’t she said anything to him in the garage? Was that what she had been trying to tell him when she kept attempting to talk to him over the last month? How long had she known?

  Skid had so many questions, but he knew he wouldn’t go talk to Mina about them anymore than Park would. There was no way of knowing if this was even his baby, and she hadn’t said anything when he’d found her in the garage. She’d had her opportunity, but she had treated him as though nothing had happened. No, this wasn’t going to be on him until he was sure of the situation. He twisted the throttle harder and zoomed off down the road.

  Chapter Four


  That night, Mina pulled herself out of her bedroom. For a moment, she considered running away. There was nothing saying she had to stay with Satan’s Legion. She was twenty-two years old, and nobody could make her do anything. But she had no place to go. All of her family was here. She had no one in the outside world, and she had no job to support herself with. If she slipped off in the middle of the night, chances were good that Park would track her down and bring her back. He always thought he knew what was best.

  No, she was stuck at the clubhouse. It would be much easier to just hide in her room until the baby was born, and that probably would make her father quite happy, but it wouldn’t work forever. The entire club already knew about her predicament, so there was no point in pretending otherwise.

  She made her way down the stairs to the main living area. Grill was sitting on the sofa, staring at a football game on the flat screen television mounted on the wall. His eyes landed on her, glided down to her still-flat stomach, and then immediately shot back to the TV again.

  Mina rolled her eyes and headed into the kitchen. It was a large space, with modern style cabinetry and a big island. It was only separated from the living room by a breakfast bar, which made for one massive living space. Members were mostly responsible for making their own meals, but every now and then they would get together and make a massive meal for the entire club. At the moment, though, the place was nearly abandoned.

  Only Jewel occupied the space. One of the club girls, she was a pretty thing with dark hair and startling blue eyes. Jewel looked young and comely from across the room, but when you got close you could see the lines forming around her eyes. She tried to cover up her flaws with layers of makeup, but there was no mistaking how hard club life had been on her. She sat at the island, flipping through a fashion magazine and absently eating chips out of an open bag on the counter. She looked up at Mina and smiled. “I heard the news. Did you come down to get a snack? You’re eating for two now, you know.” She pushed the bag of chips across the countertop.

  Mina pushed it back. “I most certainly didn’t. I was just ready to get out of my room for a bit, but since you’re here I’d like to know why you told everyone.”

  “Told everyone what?” Jewel asked, blinking those azure eyes. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”

  “The hell you don’t!” Mina strode around the island so that she stood next to the older woman. “I asked you to buy me that pregnancy test because I thought I could trust you. I never imagined you would go blabbing to my dad!” A heat rose up in her body that made her dizzy. She hadn’t been that mad at anyone for a long time, and the pregnancy hormones that were already coursing through her body were only making things more difficult.

  Jewel insisted on maintaining her innocence. “You asked me to buy the test, but you never said I had to keep it a secret.” She gave Mina a catlike smile. “I mean, don’t you think everyone was going to find out anyway? You can’t keep something like that under wraps for long. Pretty soon, you’re going to look like a snake that swallowed a basketball.” She laughed at her own tasteless humor.

  “If I didn’
t want it to be a secret, I could have just bought the damn thing myself,” Mina gritted through her teeth. “You could have at least given me the chance to tell Park. It would have been better coming from me.”

  The club girl laughed, a peal of sound that was far more joyful than Mina felt. “I think we both know you never would have told him. You’re afraid of your daddy, and he rules over you with an iron fist. No, Mina, I did you a favor. Now, why don’t you do me a favor and tell me who the father is?”

  For a moment, Mina had no words. She stood there agape, wondering how Jewel had so much gall. “I’m not telling you a damn thing.”

  But Jewel nodded. “I see. I get it.”

  “You get what?” The conversation was becoming increasingly frustrating, and Mina wanted nothing more than to show Jewel just what she did to those who betrayed her. Her father wasn’t the only one who expected his friends to be loyal.

  The other woman put her hand in the air, palm up, and tipped her head to the side. “I figure it’s one of two things. Either you know who the guy is, and you don’t want to give him up. You’re afraid Park really will kill him, and then you’ll be all on your own.”


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