Only You

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Only You Page 7

by Kaleigh James

  “Nah, man,” Brody responded. “She went with him.”

  The ball of tightness in Shane’s stomach grew. “Did she leave a message or anything?” Brody looked puzzled as he listened to Shane.

  “Why would she leave a message, Shane? You were a dick to her all weekend.”

  Shane frowned, but he knew Brody was right about that. Brody didn’t know about this afternoon, though. “Right, but did she leave a message for anyone?”

  Brody continued to stare bewilderedly at Shane. “You are weird, man. She just came to the dock, and as soon as we exited the river, she told Eric about his mom. The car was fully loaded already, so Eric hopped into the passenger seat, and that was it. They left.”

  Shane was beginning to panic. “What about her number?” He noticed that Brody’s brows were scrunched together, the way they looked in high school when he was trying to work through a difficult math problem. “You know,” he covered. “So I can call to apologize for my behavior. I was planning to do that tonight.”

  Brody’s face immediately smoothed. “Got it, man.” When they were kids, Shane had never been able to go long with Camden pissed at him. “Umm, I’m sure she gave it to my mom or something.”

  “Gave what to me?” Molly’s melodious voice carried to the boys from the RV steps. She pulled her fingers through her hair, and then smoothed her shirt as she started to walk toward the boys. They shared a disgusted glance.

  “When Camden left to pick up Eric at the dock, she gave you her phone number right?” Brody asked.

  Molly stopped smoothing her shirt and looked at Brody. Her face had visibly paled. “When Camden what?” she whispered.

  “When she left to get Eric?” Brody was starting to become concerned.

  Molly eyes began to frantically search the campsite, as if to confirm Brody’s statement.

  “They…they left?” she whimpered.

  "Yeah, mom,” Brody replied gently. “Someone called her and told her Eric’s mom was in the hospital. But you have Camden’s phone number, right?” Brody smiled at Shane, certain he was correct.

  Molly’s lip quivered. “JACK!?!?!?” she yelled. Jack came sprinting from the RV. He ran straight to Molly and wrapped her in his arms.

  “What’s wrong, baby?”

  Tears streamed down her cheeks as she replied. “Camden,” she sniffled. “She’s gone.” Jack looked at her in confusion. “She told Brody that someone called her and said Eric’s mom was in the hospital,” she continued.

  Jack’s eyes softened as he pulled Molly closer. Shane and Brody didn’t miss the tears that began to tumble silently from Jack’s own eyes, as he held a now sobbing Molly.

  “What’s the big deal?” Brody’s voice cracked. “She DID give you her number, right?” Molly’s cries grew louder, drawing the attention of Tiffany and Stella. While Tiffany looked uncomfortable, Stella set her book down and walked to Brody’s side.

  “Is everything okay?” She could obviously tell it wasn’t, but Stella didn’t know what the proper etiquette was for a situation where your host was sobbing uncontrollably while her family watched. Brody shook his head, and Stella gently placed her palm on his lower back in a show of support. Tension he didn’t know was in his body began to slip away at the contact.

  “I don’t think they have her number, man,” Shane finally stated. “But she’ll be back once she takes Eric to see his mom, right?” Shane was trying to convince himself as much as he was trying to convince everyone else.

  "She didn’t give us her number,” Jack finally spoke. He made eye contact with each boy and with Stella. “But that isn’t the worst part.”

  Everyone paused and stared at Jack, before he continued.

  “I don’t think Eric’s mom is in the hospital.”

  Shane and Brody were both puzzled by his words, but Stella wasn’t twisted up with the grief they were all experiencing, so the realization hit her first. Her eyes locked with Shane’s, as he stood across from her and the now frozen Brody.

  “The phone call,” she whispered.

  Shane’s heart broke when understanding dawned.

  “There’s no cell reception at the campground," he stated. "She lied.”

  And his heart completely shattered once he realized that he had told her he loved her, and she had run away.


  Chapter 11

  "Guess who got Chinese food???” Eric sang as he walked into the apartment. He frowned at Camden when he saw she was still in her pajamas. At least she was taking a daily shower. He’d kill her if she gave up every semblance of respectability.

  “Sweetie, it’s been three weeks,” he fussed. “You’ve got to start moving on.” Eric didn’t miss the flash of irritation in Camden’s eyes, but it was better than the dead look she’d been sporting for weeks. He had just started setting the Chinese take-out containers on the coffee table when Camden shushed him.

  “TMZ has a story about Chris Hemsworth, and I’ve been waiting to see it.”

  Eric laughed. “Honey, the only thing that man does that is newsworthy is looking edible. His brother on the other hand, he has drama written all over him. Gawd, Miley Cyrus germs. Blech!”

  Eric felt he should receive an award for getting Camden to smile. It was the first one he had seen in days. He knew she was upset, and he knew she needed her rest. But spending her days in pajamas, wrapped in a blanket on their couch, was not going to help her stomp all over the suckiness that was her life. Eric was all over the beat down of her self-inflicted pity party.

  “So the hottie from Aeropostale came into the store today,” he teased.

  Camden’s interest was piqued, and TMZ was immediately muted. She looked at him, eager to get news of his love life.

  “What did Jonathan say?” Eric growled.

  “Jonathan can take a flying leap, for all I care.”

  Camden patted Eric’s arm. “Baby, he’s just a little overprotective.”

  “Overprotective, my ass,” Eric huffed. “That bastard is over possessive, not overprotective.”

  Camden sighed. “What did he do this time?”

  The Chinese food long forgotten, Eric began to fill in Camden regarding all that she had missed in her three week fog. She was shocked to find out that Jonathan had freaked out when he saw Eric talking to the Aeropostale hottie two weeks ago, but when Eric found him in a compromising position a week later, Jonathan was full of excuses. He had even gone so far as to blame Eric for not giving him enough attention.

  “So, did you dump the jackass?” Camden queried.

  “Nah,” Eric replied. “I really don’t know that he did anything with the guy. It wasn’t like they were naked. His ‘friend’,” Eric cringed at the word, “was just shirtless. And let me tell you, that man had nothing on my six-pack.”

  “You are so conceited,” Camden laughed.

  “I am just aware of my gifts and talents, babe, and you better not forget it.” Camden giggled.

  “Now,” Eric continued. “Enough about me. Scoot over and we can have some Chinese and Thor.”

  Camden began to cheer, but Eric didn’t miss her wince halfway through her mini-dance.

  “Everything okay, babe?”

  “My stomach has been hurting this week.” She replied. “I’m really tired, but I was kind of expecting that. I forgot about the aches and pains, though.”

  “Any nausea?” Eric probed.

  “Not as bad as last time.”

  Eric gazed at Camden lovingly. He pulled her to him, and wrapped his arm around her. “I love you, Cam. Don’t know what I’d do without you.”

  Camden smiled weakly at him.

  “I remembered how things were for you two years ago, so I got you wonton soup and a couple of spring rolls. Nothing too heavy.” He ran his fingers through her hair before bringing his palm to rest against her cheek. “Think you can keep it down?”

  “It’s sound delicious, so I’ll try my best,” she answered.

  Eric gently chucked her on t
he chin. “Good girl,” he whispered.

  As Eric began preparing Camden’s food, she tightened into a ball and snuggled into the corner of the couch. Eric handed her the bowl of soup and a glass of cold milk before totally bogarting the remote. Thankfully, he only changed the station to The Avengers, which was their favorite “pick-me-up” film. Camden couldn’t get over the eye candy. Maybe this was what she needed to distract her from her train-wreck of a life.

  It sounded perfect. A day full of yummy men forever immortalized on film.

  “Can we watch 300 next?” she asked with a smirk.

  Eric chuckled at Camden. “Of course, honey. We can watch whatever you want.”

  Before long, Camden had become engrossed in the film (specifically every scene containing the beautiful Thor), and she had completely finished her food (much to Eric’s pleasure). When the film ended, Eric dutifully switched the Blu-ray to 300, and then raised another disc in question.

  “Magic Mike next?” He smiled and wiggled his eyebrows.

  “You are the best friend ever!” Camden declared.

  She began to laugh whole-heartedly, but her full-belly laughs turned into coughing and she gripped her stomach in pain. Eric hurried after her when she ran from the room, only to find her retching over the toilet seat in her bathroom.

  He leaned forward and pulled her hair away from her face. Camden began to sob, still hovering over the toilet.

  “Shhh,” Eric cooed. “Everything is going to be okay, honey. We’ve been through this before, and we can do it again.” His eyes searched the counter, landing on an unused ponytail holder. He pulled Camden’s hair through the accessory, only to laugh at his unsuccessful efforts. At least the hair was out of her face. It didn’t have to look pretty, right?

  Eric turned and hurried to the kitchen for a glass of water. He returned to the bathroom to find Camden exactly as he had left her. He wiped away her tears with his thumbs. Then he handed her the glass and tipped some pain medication into her open palm.

  “Swallow, princess,” he said, nodding to the pills now in her hand.

  “That’s what he said,” she muttered, causing Eric to laugh. He loved that she still kept her sense of humor, even when she wasn’t feeling well. He opened Camden’s bathroom cabinet and retrieved a washcloth. Once it was wet, he moved gently to Camden’s side and began to wipe her face softly.

  “You and me, babe. We’re a team, and don’t you forget it.”

  Camden smiled, but her tears betrayed her. Eric reached behind her, flushing the toilet. Then he leaned down and began to lift Camden. With one arm supporting her back, and the other resting under her bent knees, Eric carried Camden across the threshold and to her waiting bed. Laying her gently on the mattress, Eric reached down to tug her waiting sheets and quilt from the bottom of her bed. He tucked her in and wiped her brow.

  “I love you, Camicake, and I am going to be with you every step of the way.”

  Camden moved her head slightly in a motion that Eric decided to accept as a nod of understanding.

  “Just like last time,” Eric whispered before kissing Camden’s forehead. Her tears began to fall more rapidly.

  “It’s not like last time, Eric,” she murmured. “Last time I had hope.” Her voice softened to a whisper.

  “Well this time, I do,” Eric declared, suddenly angry. “You had hope last time, enough for two.” He gritted his teeth and stared at her with determination. “Well, this time, I am the one with enough hope for two. So when you feel like you are all alone in this, remember that I am hoping enough for the both of us.”

  “But you have responsibilities,” Camden protested. “Your dads…”

  Eric cut her off. “Just because my dads are adopting a baby, that doesn’t mean I am abandoning you for my new step-sibling.” He felt ready to scream.

  “I know, Eric, but you are going to want to be there, and I don’t want you to feel torn between your family and me.”

  “You ARE my family,” Eric growled.

  “It’s gonna get ugly,” Camden continued, trying to convince him of what, she wasn’t sure.

  “Camden Elisabeth Shepherd, you are my sister. My very best friend. You are more family to me than anyone else in the entire world, and I am not EVER going to abandon you over a baby. Yours, mine, or anyone else’s!”

  “I just don’t want you to regret choosing this. This is different from last time.”

  Eric sat on the bed and pulled Camden into his arms. “I know it’s different, sweetie. I know.” Silent tears streamed down Eric’s cheeks.

  “Are you ever going to give me any more information? You haven’t discussed it at all for three weeks.”

  “I start next week,” Camden whispered. “Will you go with me?”

  “I’ll go with you,” Eric murmured in her ear as he hugged her. “If you tell me what I want to know,” he continued.

  Camden sighed loudly. Her voice cracked as she said it out loud for the first time.

  “It’s stage three. I start chemo on Monday.”

  Eric and Camden held each other, crying silent tears, until they fell asleep wrapped in each other’s arms.


  Chapter 12

  Camden stood in the middle of the living room, her eyebrows scrunched in concentration, her finger tapping her chin. Eric laughed at the cliché look.

  “Did you remember your blanket?”


  "Your extra fuzzy, warm socks?”

  “Yes.” Camden rolled her eyes.

  “Your slippers?”

  “Yeah.” Her eyes scanned the room.

  "Your e-reader.”

  “Of course,” she snapped. “Do you think I’m crazy?!?!”

  Eric laughed. “Of course I do. I live with you, remember.” Camden couldn’t hide the beginnings of a smirk.

  “Your iPod?”

  “Yes,” Camden growled. “My headphones, too. I just feel like I am forgetting something! God, I’m going to go insane. Don’t!” she yelled suddenly at Eric. “Don’t even think about saying it. I know, I know. ‘Can’t go somewhere you already are’,” she mocked.

  “Anytime now, baby,” Eric encouraged. “We are going to be late.

  “I fucking HATE chemo,” Camden grumbled.

  “Me, too, sweetie,” Eric agreed. “Me, too.”

  He grabbed Camden’s hand and began to pull her towards the door. As she began to protest, he held up his free hand.

  “Camicake, if you forgot something, I will run home and get it,” he promised. “I can do that this time, since I won’t be sitting in the seat next to you.”

  “Well, technically,” she grinned, “you will be sitting next to me. You just won’t be receiving the tasty chemo cocktail alongside me this time.”

  "At the risk of sounding inconsiderate and cold, thank god!” he exclaimed, locking their apartment door and heading toward the stairwell.

  “No, worries, honey,” Camden replied. She suddenly got serious. “I wouldn’t wish this on anyone.”

  “Think Dr. Stevens will be surprised when I walk in with you?” Eric asked.

  "Not at all,” Camden answered. “I told him that we live together.” She paused to open her car door before continuing. “He asked if you were seeing anyone.”

  Eric grimaced. “Aren’t I a little young for him? He’s got to be like fifty years old!?!”

  Camden laughed. “He’s a little too old and a little too married. He told me that last month was their twenty-eighth anniversary.” She shuddered. “I kind of feel badly for his wife. Does she know he trolls for young guys at the hospital?”

  “He always did give me the creeps,” Eric confessed as he directed the car onto the highway. “I guess when you are renowned in your field, you can get away with a little doctor/patient sexual harassment.”

  “Ewwww, gross,” Camden whined.

  “Did I tell you about the time he caught me alone in the indoor courtyard?”

  Camden shook her head in th
e negative.

  "He literally caressed my face. CARESSED my face, Cami. He told me I had beautiful eyes, that he could get lost in them. It was every pick-up cliché come to life.”

  Camden was practically rolling with laughter, picturing an awkward nineteen year old Eric avoiding the unwanted advances of a doctor in his late forties.

  “Did you tell him you had always wanted to date a doctor?” she giggled.

  “Gross! And that would be a no. He is no McDreamy, and this boy is holding out for a doctor that would make Grey’s Anatomy proud. This twisted sister wants a Derek Shepherd.” Eric paused before breaking into riotous laughter, making Camden nervous.

  “Uhh, Eric. I realize I am already dying and all, but I’d like to make it to the hospital in one piece, so would you mind watching the road?”

  Eric wiped the tears from his eyes, continuing to chuckle. Once he regained control, he attempted to explain the punch line to whatever he found so humorous.

  "I was just about to compare us to Christina and Meredith on Gray’s. Mer has McDreamy, aka Derek Shepherd, and Christina had Owen Hunt.”

  “Yeah, so?” Camden was pretty lost on whatever he was trying to tell her.

  “Camden, your last name is Shepherd and Shane’s last name is Hunt. I can’t believe this is the first time I have realized this in almost three years of knowing you.”

  Camden cut her eyes at her best friend. “Sweetie, you are a dork,” she stated matter-of-factly.

  Eric’s hand flew to his chest in horror. “Are you dissing Gray’s? That is it. Out of my car now.”

  “No, you idiot. Gray’s is fine. It’s you I am worried about.” Camden continued to laugh at Eric as he parked the car in front of the hospital.

  “Well in that case, you are forgiven. Now,” he said exiting the car and leaning down to look her in the eye. “Let’s go find my old stalker, so that he can get to work healing my best friend. Who knows?” Eric teased. “If he’s successful, I may just give him that kiss he’s been trying to get for years.”

  Camden gasped in mock shock. “I mean that much to you?” She wiped a fake tear from her cheek.

  Eric’s laughter rang through the parking lot as he grabbed Camden’s rolling carry-on suitcase from the car and then slammed the door shut.


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