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Take Cover

Page 4

by Kim Black

  The second phase of the plan was where I came into play. Shane believed that Julien would soon reach out to his father in regards to returning to the company. Since I knew the layout and the mind of Julien, I needed to get back the document and plant the papers in Charlette’s home. How I was going to do that? I wasn’t sure yet, but Shane said that he had it all covered, though he hadn’t yet offered the details.

  Once Julien became suspicious, Shane would release vital confidential information regarding the expansion Julien had singlehandedly developed to the media. If all went according to plan, Julien’s father would demand that Julien find out who was leaking the information, and Shane would make sure that Julien suspected Charlette.

  “I understand the plan,” I sighed, as I lifted my wine glass and took a sip of the velvety, dark, garnet red wine. I closed my eyes and nearly moaned at the delicious flavors of mocha, blackberry, and black cherry, with hints of spice and caramelized oak that danced on my tongue.

  When I opened my eyes, Shane was staring at me with a knowing look, “I take it you approve of my selection?” he asked with a smirk.

  I groaned my response and took another hefty sip. The wine was almost as good as sex with Julien.

  “Take it easy there, girl. I don’t do platonic drunks and you still haven’t eaten, yet,” he jested, as I released a huff and placed my glass on the table.

  “Are you sure this is the right way to go?” I asked him once again, like I had been over the last several days.

  He nodded his head adamantly, “Oh, it’s going to work. When it comes to business, crossing my father and Julien is a sure fire way to death. By the time they get through with her, she’ll have absolutely nothing,” he practically squealed.

  I bit my lip and looked up at him, “ But I thought I’d get to kick her ass. This plan is just so...vanilla.”

  Shane stared at me for a few minutes and then burst into hysterical laughter. “Ah... you are feisty,” he finally said, as he caught his breath.

  I smiled back and chuckled myself, shaking my head at him.

  “Ok... I’m good now. Sorry, but that was funny, you gotta admit,” he began, as he tried to steady his breathing. “But...umm seriously, Emily, kicking her ass is a temporary fix. She will just come after you, again. If you want to destroy a woman like Charlette fucking Delacroix, then you need to hurt her where she cares the most,” he declared. He raised his nearly finished wine glass, signaling me to lift my own which was also nearly finished.

  “It’s time to take that bitch out,” he toasted.

  We clanked glasses and took our sips before I mustered up enough courage to ask him what had been plaguing my heart since leaving the hospital.

  “How is he doing?” is all I managed to get out in a soft saddened voice, my eyes falling to my lap. I felt horrible for walking away from our relationship, but it was for his own good; it was for us. I just prayed that when this was all over with that he would understand why I had done it.

  Shane released a labored breath and ran his hands through his hair, “To be honest, he seemed okay. Stressed out, but okay. I plan on going by, after we wrap things up. Maybe I could cheer him up, a little.”

  I winced, knowing Shane’s very much a ladies’ man and would more than likely take Julien to a club to cheer him up.

  The waiter appeared with Shane’s selections and it looked absolutely delicious. My mouth watered at the sight of the sizzling filet mignon with crispy fried shallots and horseradish crème fraiche.

  Initially, I had been annoyed when we arrived and Shane insisted on ordering for me, but my-oh-my, I love his taste in fine dining. My stomach grumbled in agreement, and Shane did his best not to laugh at my expense.

  The waiter cleared out our now emptied wine glasses and turned away, leaving us to enjoy the beautifully plated food before me. A ping of sadness gripped my heart when I took my first bite.

  I had fallen in love with food since I first began eating solid foods. I worked hard to retain top of my class standing, and had successfully managed to work for a restaurant I loved, earning the sous chef position, even while still suffering from amnesia. It made me sad that I couldn’t remember the last meal I had cooked.

  I had called the restaurant and informed them of the recent attack on my life. They had graciously given me the time off I requested, but I was throwing away a big part of my life for Julien, for us. Though I didn’t regret my decision, I still missed cooking.

  “Father hasn’t heard from him, either,” muttered Shane in between bites, not bothering to look up from his plate. I smiled softly, enjoying the fact that he was a foodie just like me.

  “He’s upset, though he tried hard to seem nonchalant about it. But, I know him, almost as well as I know my big brother.”

  Noticing my uneasiness, Shane reached over for my hand. “Hey. Don’t worry. Once Julien knows why you broke his heart, he will forgive you. He loves you,” he stated at the end with a smirk. “Fuck, you turned him into a fucking love sick puppy. He isn’t going anywhere, trust me.”

  I knew that Shane meant to offer me some comfort, but there was nothing comforting about Julien being depressed because of me. I needed him back, and the only way that would happen was if we executed this plan with perfection.

  It didn’t help much that Shane was the splitting image of his brother; only Julien was by far the hotter of the two. I wasn’t sure how long I could last being away from Julien, knowing my body craved him day in and day out. It was like depriving it of food. I was starving, despite the decadent meal before me, and only Julien could feed the need within me.

  We finished our meal in comfortable silence and Shane paid the check and left a hefty three hundred dollar tip. The waiter didn’t even flinch when he saw the outrageous amount. I was in the wrong business clearly, hiding out in the kitchen while the wait staff collected all the benefits, I mused to myself, as Shane escorted me out.

  His hand rested on the small of my back, as we exited the elevator which led us to the ground floor. I knew he was simply being a gentleman, but the gesture seemed too intimate and made me feel uncomfortable.

  I pushed the thought out of my mind as we walked out of the restaurant, thinking it silly to feel uncomfortable around Shane. He was Julien’s brother, after all.

  Shane signaled for the valet attendant to get his car. I took the time to check my cell phone, though I knew I had no missed calls.

  I hadn’t heard from Diana or Suzie since the hospital, though my distance from Suzie was for completely different reasons. I asked her to give me time. She protested at first, but after several missed calls she finally gave me what I needed. I knew her giving in had more to do with my spending time with Shane, though she would never admit it.

  After confirming that I had no messages, I decided to send her a quick text asking her to come over, if she was free.

  Suzie: “About fucking time you came to your senses and realized you needed your bestie!”

  Me: “You know I can’t go long without you, babe. So are you coming over?”

  Suzie: “Already on my way. Be there in an hour chick. ;)”

  I smiled as I tucked my phone away and looked up expecting to find Shane waiting for me with the car; instead the sight before me caused me to gasp for air, my world completely shattered.

  This couldn’t be happening.

  Shane’s hand came around me, just in time, as my legs gave way, and I fell back onto his strong, solid chest.

  “Fuck,” was all he said, as he tried to help me straighten up.

  Chapter Five

  We pulled up in front of the restaurant thirty minutes late. Charlette hadn’t uttered a single word when I arrived to pick her up or during the entire ride. Instead, she climbed into the car wearing a form fitting shimmery gold dress, which hugged her in all the right places. The woman may be an aggravating annoyance, but one thing was for sure... she was stunning, though not as breathtaking as Emily.

  I winced at the thought, my mi
nd going to her and what she was up to. I knew I shouldn’t care, since she had ripped my heart from my chest and cast me away, but I couldn’t help but long for her still.

  No! You need to forget about her, I reprimanded myself. If only it were that easy.

  I stepped out and rounded the car to open the door for Charlette, who was still mute it appeared. Had this been any other women and a normal date, I would have been aggravated by their silent treatment, but for Charlette I felt thankful for the distance.

  She exited the car on her own, refusing my hand when I extended it toward her. She shifted the dress that had slid up her thighs and straightened to walk toward the entrance of the restaurant but halted unexpectedly.

  Confused, I followed her gaze until I saw what she had been staring out.

  Her. Mon amour.

  My breath hitched in my throat at the sight of her. She was dressed in a textured pencil dress with an ultradeep plunged neckline that showed her delicious mounds, in the best possible way, without taking away from her elegance. Her curves were accentuated in the dress, causing me to gulp, my mouth now parched. She was the only woman that could make my throat run dry.

  Thirst. I was thirsty for her and her alone. No other woman could quench the desire she elicited within me. I felt myself straining in my pants, and I drank her up from head to toe.

  Her eyes met mine, and I was rendered speechless by the instant desire flooding her gaze. Her chest rose and fell rapidly along with mine, until she shifted her eyes to my date, and her face flushed with horror.

  Her legs seemed to give and she fell back into someone’s embrace. I looked up and found my brother holding her tight. Too fucking tight!

  I closed the space between us in seconds, yanking Emily away from his grasp, even while she resisted.

  “Get your fucking hands off of her,” I growled, my face now merely two inches away from his, my hands fisted firmly on his collar.

  The guilt. It was written all over his face. The shock was in his eyes.

  “No! Leave him alone,” came from Emily, who lurched to his side. “Shane, are you okay?”

  I turned to face her, not believing what I had heard. She asked if he was okay? Is she fucking serious?

  “Is he okay? Fuck, Emily,” I snapped toward her. “You leave me and then you go and be with him? My fucking brother!”

  How could she do this to me? Who was this person?

  “Hey, bro, don’t yell at her like—” Shane began, but I lost it at that moment, pulling my arm back and connecting it with the side of his face.

  “Don’t you fucking tell me how to speak to her, you son-of-a-bitch!” I growled.

  Emily screamed for me to stop, but I couldn’t, not yet anyway. The built up anger I had been feeling since she shattered my soul at the hospital came flooding through me. Shane’s face was the perfect place for me to release the emotions I had been avoiding since that horrid night. The agony that stewed within from the moment she had given up on the love I thought we shared. Rage engulfed my body as I thought about her being with my brother.

  Where they together before we broke up? Had he taken advantage of her after our breakup? The questions fueled my wrath further as I pounced on him repeatedly. “I should fucking kill you. Vous êtes mort pour moi! You’re dead to me!”

  “Jules, dear. Please stop. Vous provoquant une scène. You’re causing a scene,” Charlette cried, but I continued despite Shane’s pleas for me to stop.

  “You don’t understand,” he said, but I continued my pounding until he lost consciousness. I backed away from him, the anger now replaced with horror at the sight of the blood trickling down from his head.

  It was everywhere, on the ground next to him, on his clothing, on mine... I looked down at my hands and stared at them, before I was pulled away from my remorse by the shrill, piercing yelps of Charlette.

  “Unhand me, you whore,” Charlette screeched, as Emily continued to tug on Charlette’s hair with one hand.

  “You fucking bitch,” she barked, as she punched away at Charlette’s back with her free hand.

  I quickly intervened, pulling apart the two women. Emily’s breathing was erratic and her eyes threw daggers at me.

  “After everything that woman has done to me!” she yelled, her hands flaring all around, her fist still balled up in anger. “You go back to your fucking wife, that bitch? Huh?” she questioned.

  “You’re one to talk,” I offered, the bitterness in my tone not lost on her.

  We stared at her, both seething in anger, hurt, and betrayal. Never in my wildest dreams did I think that she would move on so soon, even though she had been the one to end our relationship. Seeing her tonight, in his arms, broke something in me.

  She was the first to break eye contact, looking to Shane before turning back to me. “Go fuck yourself, Julien Belmont.” She sauntered to Shane’s side and helped him up.

  Charlette came to my side, clinging onto me and I turned to face her, “Are you okay?”

  She nodded her head ‘yes’ and I breathed a sigh of relief. When I turned to look back at Emily, she was gone along with my brother. I moved to look around for them but instead found the valet attendant staring on in shock.

  I stripped off my suit jacket, draping it on Charlette’s shoulders before tearing off my white shirt and wiping my bloody hands, wanting nothing more than to rid myself of my brother’s blood.

  “Let’s get you home,” I said, once I had finished. I pulled her close to me and led her back to the car.

  Chapter Six

  We sat on opposite sides of the car as we rode home in complete silence. Jules had been like an animal in front of the hotel, beating his brother with such fury that I feared he would kill him.

  He was still cold and distant as we made our way back to the estate. He stepped out of the car and rounded it to open the door for me. Unlike earlier this evening, I took his hand when he extended it. He closed the door behind me, and we strolled to the door, still hand and hand.

  I felt nervous after everything that happened. I knew he was upset about her, knew that he would probably welcome the silence, right now, but I couldn’t stand the quiet. I needed to say something, but what would one say to a broken man entrapped in brewing rage?

  “I’m sorry,” was all that came in a soft, sincere voice, as we entered the estate.

  It was the truth. I was sorry that he had to witness her with someone else, his brother, of all people. Shane had obviously sunk to a new low. Even I, who never quite liked the man, hadn’t expected him to betray his only brother this way.

  Jules didn’t respond. He only continued up the stairs, my hand still settled in his, trailing behind his now quickened steps. He said nothing as he waltzed straight into the master bedroom and closed the door behind him with his free hand.

  “Jules, talk to me. You don’t have to like me, but we are still friends in our own way,” I insisted, searching his eyes for anything to gauge his state of mind.

  “Stop talking,” he commanded, and he released my hand and moved around me to the bedside.

  Stunned in place, I stood there watching as he undid his tie and flung it on the cream carpet floor. Next, he took off his shoes and socks. I stood frozen in place, not sure what I was to do.

  Should I get ready for bed? Should I try to get him to speak to me? Force him to open up? I hadn’t the faintest idea.

  Once his last sock was off, Julien stood to his feet and marched toward me with hooded, lust filled eyes. I gasped as he reached for me and pulled me into his strong arms, his hands wrapped around my waist tight.

  “You talk too fucking much, femme. Woman,” he murmured, as he dipped his head and captured my lips with his teeth.

  Damn him and that wonderful mouth of his. I was no match for the pair. He was always my weakness and his lips... his lips a beautiful, delightful, wonderland that I enjoyed exploring.

  I moaned as his tongue circled mine. His hand gripped tight against my hips and he furthered
our embrace, his girth now pressing against my pelvis.

  “Jules, please,” I begged, when he broke away in a pant and began trailing sensual kisses across my soft, sensitive neck.

  My neck fell to the side, giving him more access. Burning, hot, euphoric nips to my skin caused to me sigh in contentment. This was what I wanted. Just like before. I needed him to quench the aching need for him that had been brewing for years. I wanted this, I wanted him...

  Except this was not what I really wanted. I didn’t just want to be his escape when things with that Emily woman didn’t pan out the way he wanted. Didn’t want to be an instrument he’d pick up only when he felt the need for a release. I wanted him, all of him. I wanted his heart, his soul, his cock—yes, but I wanted him wholly. I wanted his love.

  I didn’t push away. Even while my head screamed for me to pull away from him, my heart was breaking as I thought of what allowing him to do this to me would make me. Nothing.

  I would mean nothing to him. Just a place he could dump his mess, yet I didn’t stop him, even when he swiftly lifted me in his arms and carried me to the bed after unzipping me from my dress. I didn’t object. Unshed tears burned and I lay on the plush soft silk, begging.

  My heart broke more as he stripped me of the gown, gazing down at me with nothing but sinful lust. I felt cheapened, lowly as he freed me of my panties in one forceful tug, shredding the black lace I had worn for him; a decision I had debated on earlier in the evening. I knew she had worn the lace for him. In desperation, I thought maybe, just maybe, if I wore them he would learn to like me more. Silly woman.

  He growled when he looked at the delicate, torn fabric in his hand before he tossed it aside. Slowly he pried my legs open to him, exposing my drenched pussy. Though I hated what he was doing to me, I still wanted him. My body yearned for him even more.


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