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SIX Page 29

by Marie Skye

  Trina gives a little shrug, before pulling away from me, and turning to unlock and open the door. “I’ve realized, the only way to keep you on your toes, is to be sneaky. The doctor still has to agree, but I think you’re ready to hit the stage again Big D, and take off your clothes for money.”

  I’m momentarily in shock at what she just said, that it takes me a bit to respond. It’s not the sarcasm she used when she made the comment about me taking off my clothes. No, it was that she called me Big D.

  She’s already out of the office, and halfway across the therapy room, when I finally get my head out of my ass. “Hold the hell on Trina. What the fuck was that? All this time, you knew who I was and you never said anything?”

  She turns back toward me, a big grin on her face. “Of course I knew. How could I forget the man who gave me the best night of my life? I’m not stupid though, you never acted like you remembered who I was, so why would I act like I remembered you? I knew that night, that I was just some random woman that you picked up to have sex with, and I was okay with that. When you first came here, you already had so much on your mind. I was afraid that if I acted like I knew you, you would feel obligated to me in some way. I didn’t want our relationship to start out that way.”

  Rushing over to her, I pull her into my arms once again. My lips are on hers in an instant, and it’s not long before I’m flooded with desire. I know that if we don’t stop, I will be dragging her sexy ass right back to that office.

  I reluctantly pull away, trying my best to catch my breath. Although I should be pissed, I can understand her reasoning. Even though I have never felt obligated to anyone, I can see why she was afraid I’d feel that way.

  “I was right, you are sneaky. I’m going to have to keep a close eye on you.”

  Trina laughs, and then the smile leaves her face, a serious look replacing it. “I was afraid you’d be mad when you found out that I’ve known all this time. That’s why I kept delaying saying anything.”

  “I was mad at first, that you didn’t know who I was. I just figured you were drunker than I originally thought, or that I wasn’t worth remembering. Which, really, I find that impossible. Then as time went on, it didn’t bother me as much whether you remembered me or not. We made new memories, and although, that night was great, we’ve had plenty more since then. I hope we have a lot more.”

  Trina bows her head, trying to hide her face from me. That’s not going to work, not with me. Reaching out, I lift her chin, and raise her eyes to mine. I now see that she was trying to hide the tears, that she’s desperately trying to keep from falling.

  A tear slips out, and slides down her cheek, and I wipe it away with my thumb. “Is the thought of being with me so bad, that it makes you cry?”

  I get the response that I was hoping for, when she rolls her eyes and lets out a laugh. “Of course not. These aren’t sad tears, they are happy tears, because that’s the way I feel too. Actually, I know it’s ridiculous and too fast, but I’m pretty sure that I’ve fallen in love with you.”

  She looks so nervous, and scared. I hate that her feelings for me, causes her to be so cautious. I want her to always feel, like what we have, is a good thing.

  “It’s not ridiculous or too fast. There’s no such thing as a certain speed, where the heart is concerned. I never want you to be nervous to tell me how you feel, because I love you too Trina.”

  She doesn’t even try to hold back the tears this time, and I give up trying to wipe them away. She throws her arms around my neck, and I hold her close.

  When the tears finally fade away, she loosens her grip and takes a step back. I grab her hand as I lead her out of the therapy room. “Now that we’ve gotten all of this out of the way, lets get this place locked up, and go home. I’m ready for supper, and to get you back in my bed.”

  “You’re not getting me back into your bed, until you strip for me first. I’m not going to be the only woman in your life that doesn’t get to enjoy watching you. Plus, it will be practice to see if you’re really ready to get back to work.”

  I can’t hold back my laugh when I say, “Stripping for you will be my pleasure.”

  Trina lets go of my hand to walk around the room and make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be so that she can leave. After making sure everything is fine, she turns to me. “I’m pretty damn lucky, I get to watch you dance and strip, and sleep with you, and I get to do it all for free.”

  We both laugh, as we walk out of the therapy room, and head for home.


  Six months later

  This is my last night dancing at Club SIX. Not entirely, but I will only be doing it from now on, when there are private parties, or for some other big events. It’s been a great journey, where I’ve made some kickass friends, and there’s nothing about it that I would change. It’s where I met Trina, and where we started our lives together. It may not have been an original way to do it, and we both acted like we didn’t remember, but it was the start of something great.

  Being with her changed my life more than I ever thought possible. She held to her word, even after I went back to work. Always trusting me, and I never let her down. She has also shown me that there is more to life than taking my clothes off for money.

  After the doctor released me and I was able to hit the stage again, it didn’t seem as glamorous as it had before. I still enjoyed the dancing, and the money, it would be hard not to. The screams and the attention seemed frivolous, when I had an amazing woman at home.

  “Are you sure you want to do this D?” Sin asks, as he finishes putting on his clothes for his next set. He goes on before me, and I’m the last show of the night tonight.

  I know that they probably think I’m crazy to be giving all this up, but I’ve thought about it a lot and this is the perfect time to walk away.

  “I’m more than sure, Sin. This is exactly what I need. It’s time for me to grow up and take more responsibility for my life. I think this next chapter, will do just that.”

  The guys and Betty support me, I know that they do, they just don’t want to see me leave. Which is understandable, because I’m fucking awesome.

  After being back at the club for about a month, Betty pulled me into her office. She questioned my mood, and my enthusiasm, while I was on the stage. I explained to her about how much my life changed when I was injured and not able to work. She understood, even if she didn’t like it, and told me that she thought that’s what it was.

  It was then that she told me about a job opening that she had heard about. It was for a dance instructor, at the local dance studio. They offer a lot of different dance lessons, for all age groups, and it sounded perfect. I have learned many different dances over the years, not just for the stage, but because I just enjoyed doing it. Now I get to teach others, and Trina thought it was great, because I get to keep my clothes on.

  Sin leaves the room, ready to take his set, and I know that it’s time for me to get ready. Knowing that Trina will be in the audience tonight, I put on the same black clothes that I wore the night we met. I don’t bother with the oil, that shit is behind me, and I’m not doing it anymore.

  Walking out, I head to the back of the stage, just as Sin finishes. He walks off the stage, and I sneak a peek out into the audience. My eyes immediately land on Trina. She’s laughing at something Danielle, Dare’s girl said. But that’s another story. I look back at Rocco, letting him know that I’m ready.

  When the lights go dim, I take my place on the stage, and wait for the music to start. The sound of So Hott by Kid Rock hits my ears, and I take pleasure in dancing solo on this stage for the last time.

  The first place I go, when I jump off the stage, is straight to my woman. Pulling her from her seat, I pull her into my arms for just a moment, before letting her go.

  She almost sits back down, but I stop her before she gets the chance. Reaching out, I run my hand across her rounded belly, giving my son and daughter some attention, before helping
her take her seat.

  I make my way around the rest of the room, and hop back on the stage just as the music is coming to an end.

  It has been a good run, but I’m ready to see what’s next in store for me and my family.


  A special thanks to Emily Minton, Marie Skye, Tanya Skaggs, Julie Deaton, Dee Garcia, and the wonderful ladies in my group.

  Emily, I’m so glad we found each other again, and that you brought me into this crazy writing world that we share. These past two years have been so much more than I ever imagined, and I owe it to you.

  Marie, what can I say about my author bestie besides, you seriously kick ass, and I’m glad you came into my life.

  Tanya, you are amazing, thank you for your help and your continued support.

  Julie, as always, you’re a life saver!

  Dee, thank you so much for allowing me to be part of this anthology.

  My Sexy Sirens, what can I say about y’all, besides y’all are fucking words of encouragement when I need it the most, a swift kick in the ass when I feel like giving up, and giving so much support that a girl almost can’t handle it all. That’s what y’all do for me, and so much more, and I’m eternally grateful.

  Thanks, just doesn’t seem like enough, but THANK YOU and know that I appreciate everything you all do, and it means the world to me. I love you all xoxoxoxo

  A big thanks to my family, for letting me put everything on hold when I slip off to fantasy land, and create the words.

  About Shelley

  Shelley was born and raised in Kentucky and doesn't see herself leaving the Bluegrass State anytime soon. Shelley and her husband have been together for sixteen years, and they share three beautiful daughters and one handsome son.

  Although Grim Bastards is her first published novel, she has been a fan of romance reads for many, many years. Shelley loves all sorts of romance genres, but Contemporary, New Adult, and Romantic Comedy are her all-time favorites.

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  Want to read more books by Shelley?

  Dirty Bastard

  Boz and Trix’s Story

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  Filthy Bastard

  Brew and Addy’s Story

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  Guilty Bastard

  Round and Lisa’s Story

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  Nasty Bastard

  Smoke and Gidget’s Story

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  Wicked Bastard

  Hack and Pru’s Story

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  Grim Bastards MC Boxset

  Including the bonus novella, Death of a Bastard.

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  Getting His

  Tucker and Hadley’s Story

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  Getting Hers

  Major and Tanya’s Story

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  Getting Theirs

  Gunnar and Willow’s Story

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  Gypsy’s Chance

  Gypsy and Chance’s Story

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  Last Call

  Lark and Paisley’s Story

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  Van and Ronni’s Story

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