Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2) Page 3

by B. N. Kasner

  “Goddess. Are you related to us? How are you so big?”

  “Both of you get off. I'm the oldest. Damn it.” Gene was going to get those beers. He needed something to drink with the show that was the Wilson brothers. I haven't felt this happy since that night.

  “We're here to work. I'm freezing my balls off.”

  “I'm surprised you still have balls after fucking your way around town.” Gene peaked over his shoulder to see Nathan and Carter going at it on the ground. He walked faster. No way was he missing out on punching Carter. Even if he had no legitimate reason for punching him.

  He listened intently when opening the side door. Gene didn't want to walk in on his alpha groping his wife. That would be bad for everyone involved. When he walked into the kitchen, Ella looked like she'd seen a ghost. She was wiping water up from the counter with a towel.

  "You're sure? Like one hundred percent?" She hadn't realized Gene was in the room. When Gene heard Lani's voice answer, his heart stopped. First, his growl ripped through the air, followed by the roar of a very pissed off alpha. Ella was yammering on the phone, apologizing, but Gene was flying out the door to get in his truck. He had to have a serious conversation with his mate about their future.


  Positive. Or maybe there was only one line. She should've sprung for the digital test. This is only a life changing event. Great idea being a cheap ass. The little stick hovering inches from her face was telling Lani she was pregnant. Her stomach was in her throat, but that was normal as of lately. Morning sickness, not the flu, as she'd thought.

  Lani washed her face with cold water. Maybe it was all a nightmare. Not that she didn't want to be a mother but, she wanted to be mated and married. What was she going to tell Gene? He wouldn't even look in her direction since she'd left. Lani wished she could take it back. Leaving had only made things worse. Now Gene was the one ignoring her. He'd even let some tourist flirt with her.

  Like she'd go for some unknown human over Gene. As if. She'd never be with anyone other than Gene for the rest of her life. Especially not after the passionate night they'd shared. He was her mate, and it hurt for him to be so indifferent towards her. Now I know how he feels. Everything had gotten so messed up when all she was trying to do was protect him.

  She placed her hand on her still flat stomach. Soon there would be a tiny baby that would need its parents to have their shit together. What the hell was she going to do? First get another five tests. Digital tests. Thankfully, Lani lived alone in her tiny cabin, so no one was there to see her freaking out.

  Usually, Lani took the time to do her hair and makeup, but all the throwing up was cramping her style. She'd get over it. It was a small price to pay for a baby. Throwing her hair into a messy ponytail, she slipped on leggings and a t-shirt. Her blue Mini Cooper wasn't going to cut it for much longer. She wouldn't be able to fit behind the steering wheel in a few months time.

  The snow started to fall on her way out of town. No way was she going to get a pregnancy test in Redwater. It would get back to Gene before she could tell him. She just had to figure out how to tell him and before he found out from somebody else. If he didn't learn from her, she could only imagine how upset Gene would be.

  Frostford was only ten minutes away, but the drive felt like two instead. The same little pharmacy she'd picked up the first test had three different brands of digital tests. Lani grabbed two of each and headed for the checkout. Gene should be here. He'd have known to get these the first time and not make two trips. At least the same person wasn't at the register. That would've been embarrassing.

  The drive home took forever. Okay, it took twenty minutes, but Lani had to stop to throw up. Twice. She wished she'd had Gene with her then. Gene would've rubbed her back and said something soothing. Stop doing this to yourself. She was making herself sick, the more she thought about it.

  Drinking a whole bottle of green tea on the way home made it easy to refill her pee cup. She planned on dunking all twelve tests. Lani wasn't taking any chances. If even one came back negative, she'd wait to see a doctor before telling anyone. If they all came back positive? Shit, she was going to have one hell of a panic attack. Then she was going to call her best friend, because who would understand her better than an already pregnant woman?

  Lani wanted to wait fifteen minutes before checking so all the tests would be done. How was she going to break the news to Gene?

  “I need to talk to you.” No. “There's something you need to know.” No. “Surprise, I'm pregnant.” Hell to the no. “We need to talk about our future.” Better. "Come over so we can talk things out between us for the future." Better than anything else. The timer on her phone went off. “Time to face the facts.” Lani took a deep breath, getting up from the couch. No matter what happens, everything will work out.

  On the counter, all twelve tests said the same thing, pregnant. Fuck. Lani fumbled around on the bed for her phone frantically. Thankfully Ella's number was on speed dial since her hands were shaking.

  "Hello?" Ella sounded out of breath. In the background, she could hear Mason mumbling about being interrupted. "Lani? You there?"

  “Ella?” She whispered. Even her voice was shaking. She'd been so caught up in telling Gene that she didn't know what to say to anyone else. Hell, who was she kidding, Lani still didn't know what to say to him either. “I'm...I'm-”

  “What's wrong? Where are you?” Lani heard the jingle of keys in the background.

  "At my house." She didn't say home because the tiny cabin wasn't her home. No, her home was with Gene. At his beautiful home, with a tire swing and rocking chairs. "I'm." She swallowed. "Fine."

  “Don't fu-fricking lie to me. I know you, Lani Scarlet Maybell.”

  “I don't know how to tell you this.”

  “What is it? Is it Mason? Did you so see something? Hear something?” Great, she was getting Ella worked up.

  “No. That man only has eyes for you. Calm down before you upset my little niece or nephew.” This is my in. “By the way, you're going to be an aunt.” The line went silent, and Lani took the phone away to make sure Ella was still there.

  "Please tell me were talking about Alex. I mean he needs some work, but at least he's responsible."

  “Umm, no.”



  "Oh, Goddess. Corey. No, no, no. He's only sixteen. He can't be a father. He's going to be on one of those reality shows you're always trying to get me to watch." Ella was still rambling on about Corey. This is not going the way I planned.

  "It's me. I'm the pregnant one." Lani wanted to yell but kept her voice somewhat calm. Both of them were pregnant. Someone had to remain calm. "Ella?"

  "I really don't want to ask you this but...who's the father?" That stings. She didn't sleep around, and Ella knew that. Fuck, after her night with Gene she'd stop flirting altogether too. Lani didn't want anything to jeopardize their already fragile connection.

  "Do you honestly think the baby isn't Gene's?" She gave a sarcastic laugh but instantly felt bad. It wasn't like anyone knew they'd been together. In fact, people only seen them acting like they couldn't stand each other. "Sorry, you hurt my feelings."

  “No. I shouldn't have asked, but when? Gene hasn't been able to look at you since...” Lani knew Ella figured it out herself. “My mating ceremony? Really?”

  "Yes, actually and I'll tell you all about it another time. He won't look at me because I ran out in the middle of the night. Guess you could say I pulled a Mason."

  “That's not a good thing Lani.” She sighed knowing Ella was right. It wasn't a good thing, and the repercussions sucked. “I know you have your own reasons for not mating, but what now? Does he know?”

  “I don't know what's going to happen, and no he doesn't. I called you first because I needed someone to talk to about all of this. And I have no idea what to say to him.”

  “Wonderful. Crap, hold on I split water all over the place.”

  "Holy shit
, I'm pregnant." Lani rubbed her eyes. She was tired all the damn time.

  “You're sure? Like one hundred percent?”

  “Twelve tests and they all came back pregnant.” The next thing she knew all hell was breaking loose. First a growl she recognized immediately as Gene's then an alpha's furious roar.

  "Oh shit. Lani, I'm sorry. I didn't know he was in the room." Ella was still talking, but Lani heard a door slam in the background. "He's on his way, Lani. Tore out of here like he was on fire." Apparently the "Surprise, I'm pregnant," was the way things were going to play out.

  Chapter Four

  “How long do you think before he gets here?”

  “I'm thinking ten minutes, tops. I'm so sorry Lani.”

  "Quit apologizing, Ella. It's not like you did it on purpose, and besides, it's better this way." Goddess knew Lani would've tried to drag things out.


  "It's alright, just calm down before I have Gene and Mason on my hands." She didn't need an angry alpha on her ass, and Mason would be if she upset Ella. She'd never seen someone as hot-headed as Mason. If someone even looked at Ella wrong, he was prepared to do them bodily harm. It was sweet in a, "I'll kill anyone who looks at you," kinda way. Whatever made Ella happy was all right with Lani.

  "You're right, and you need to calm down too." Ella laughed hysterically. "You're pregnant, I can't believe we're both pregnant. This is great when you think about it."

  "Who's pregnant?" A male voice she couldn't make out asked in the background. Just what I need. Everyone knowing before I talk to Gene.

  “Nobody you know, nosy. Now get back to work.”

  "Ha. Like I believe that lie. Hasn't anybody told you? You can't lie for shit anymore." The voice was closer to the phone, and Lani was able to make out the owner. Alex. At least it wasn't Isaiah.

  "What the hell is going on in here? Where's the Hulk?" Speak of the devil, and he shall appear. Isaiah wasn't the devil, but he'd shout her pregnancy from the rooftop. "Why are you looking so white all of a sudden? Do I need to get Mason? Mason!" It sounded like a circus over there. How does Ella put up with all of them?

  "How much longer are you fools here for?" Lani stopped pacing to sit and listen. She would've hung up, but Lani was entertained. The show that was the Wilson family was a sight for sore eyes. Although now it was part Callahan, and somehow Mason fit right in with those crazy wolves. "Little wolf, what's wrong?"

  “Nothing. Just get these goofballs outta here.”

  “Is everything okay with Lani?” Shit. Shit. Shit.

  “Lani's pregnant?” She heard someone coughing, then chaos all at once.

  “No fuckin' way. Does Gene know?” First Isaiah, then Mason. “That's it. Off the phone, you two get out and take everyone else with you.”

  “But what about-”

  "Out. Alex grab your brother before I put him out." Mason was growling. "I can feel your stress little wolf. Let me calm you down." His growl took on a different meaning altogether.

  “Gross. I can hear you.” Lani fake gagged, but it turned into a real one. I thought morning sickness took place in the morning. “Gotta go. Love you, bye.” She rushed to the bathroom and made it just in time. Lani had just gotten out of the bathroom when she heard Gene's truck pulling up. Not much time to prepare.

  Gene didn't even stop to knock on the door, just busted right in like he owned the place. With his muscled body taking up most of the space, he did own the room. Hell, Gene owned her. Even if he didn't know it.

  “Is it true?” Straight to the point then. His hands were shoved deep into his pants pockets, and she could tell that he was strung tight. Lani felt sick all over again.

  “Yes.” She coughed, hoping nothing came up. “I haven't been to the doctor yet.”

  "Why'd you call Ella first?" Gene's golden eyes bored into her. Apparently, she'd made the wrong choice. Again. “I just don't get it. Do I really mean so little to you?” Lani didn't need to smell his sadness to see how much she'd hurt him.

  “You mean more to me than you know.” His laugh was cold and detached, making her wince.

  "That's why you left in the middle of the night because I mean something to you?" Lani knew his question was rhetorical, so she didn't waste time trying to answer. "I'd thought something happened to you until I caught your scent. Then I'd felt like a damn idiot." He was growling by the end of his rant. That was his angry tell, ranting.

  “I was trying to protect you.”

  "From what?" She wanted him to understand. For every good thing in her life, something bad had happened. Her best friend had gotten away from the cruelty of her father, but Lani had been left alone in the process. Other members of the pack had shunned her. She was considered an interloper, Goddess forbid anybody else escaped from that nightmare.

  In the midst of feeling lonely, she'd gone out with a human jock. After giving the guy her virginity, he'd went around the school telling everyone what it was like to be with a freak. Lani still heard the taunts in her head when she thought about it. She'd dropped out of public school after that. Instead, getting her diploma online.

  All her life her parents had been faithful pack members, but they loved her dearly. She'd had an idyllic childhood compared to some of her pack mates. Then her parents hadn't batted an eye when her engagement to Jeremy Hilton was announced at a pack meeting. She was sure they'd make a fuss over her being mated to someone who wasn't her true mate. After all, her parents were true mates and had said they wanted that for her.

  However, they only became concerned when Jeremy began leaving her dead flowers. Along with love notes describing in detail what he'd do once, they were mated. Lani didn't have anything against a little kink in her sex life but the things Jeremy described scared her. She wouldn't have done anything consensual with him and knew he was sick enough to take her against her will.

  Thankfully, Lani had set out to warn Ella six months later, and the mating hadn't been forced upon her. She wasn't trying to be selfish by keeping him at arm's length. Instead, wanting to keep him safe. What if the price didn't affect her this time, but Gene? Lani would never put him at risk. She'd rather risk herself first.

  “I get that something is holding you back, but what's going to happen now?” Gene was pacing, rubbing his hands together. His anxious tell.

  “I..don't know.”

  “Whatever the hell it is, it needs to be fixed. And fast.” He was starting to piss her off with his indifferent attitude. She'd been looking out for him. Gene was hurting her feelings. “How long have you known?”

  “Since this morning.”

  “Don't fucking lie to me. You had no idea all this time?” Gene was throwing her for a loop. She knew he'd never lay a hand on her, but she'd never seen him so angry before.

  “Since the middle of October.” He shook his head looking disgusted by her. “But, I thought it was just stress until I started getting sick.”

  “How can you do this to me? Why didn't you come to me? And don't say something stupid like I'd be upset.”

  “You are upset!” She yelled, flinging her arms around.

  “Because you didn't come to me.” Great. Now we're both yelling. This is panning out just like I thought it would. “You went to Ella instead.”

  “It wasn't like I planned for things to happen like this. I just needed to vent to someone.”

  "Someone who wasn't me." Gene looked defeated, and Lani had no idea how to make things better.


  She'll never see me as a mate. At least that's how Gene was feeling at the moment. She still hadn't answered his questions. Not really anyway. Lani had answered a roundabout way. Just what he needed when Gene felt like his world was falling apart. On the one hand, Gene was thrilled, he was going to be a father. He'd have the family he'd always wanted.

  On the other hand, Gene could tell this wasn't what Lani wanted. How could he be happy if his mate wasn't?

  "I wanted to be relaxed when I talked to you. Gene, loo
k at me." He dragged his eyes up from the floor, sweeping over her body in the process. Her body was already showing signs of their tiny young. Lani's tits were even bigger than before if that was possible. Even with the t-shirt, she had on, Gene could see a little baby bump showing.

  He wanted to strip the top off of her and kiss her stomach. Tell their little cub or pup that he loved him or her already. Then he wanted to make his way up her rib cage with his lips. Of course, all the dirty things he wanted to do to his mate would have to wait. They needed to figure their problems out first.

  “My eyes are up here big guy.” Big guy. She hadn't called him that in three months. Shit, they hadn't spoken at all in three months. Gene felt like an asshole. He should've been a better mate and tried to break the icy silence between them. Maybe then everything wouldn't have been going to shit right before his eyes.

  He'd only felt helpless one other time in his life, and it resulted in his mom's death. The thing that had devastated his dad and turned Jackson Dodson into a raging alcoholic. Making Gene step up to be Grace's father. He didn't do well with feeling helpless. It set his bear on edge.

  “Sorry.” He barely mumbled. Lani's eyes shined with her desire, with the gray color starting to fade. No. Gene didn't need a turned on mate. He wouldn't be able to resist laying her down and taking what she was willing to give. Hard. Gene needed to focus. “Lani. Don't look at me like that.”

  “Why not?” She growled. “You're mine as much as I'm yours.” Lani looked him straight in the eye, and Gene could see the truth.

  "Because there are more important things to talk about. I can't just lay you down and fuck you senseless." Even if it's what I want to do. Badly. Lani growled again in a frustrated way but nodded her head in agreement. "Now, have you called the doctor yet?"

  “No, but I'll call later.” Later. Lani always did things later. She procrastinated or pushed off dealing with things until the very last minute. “Why are you looking at me like that?” She had her hands on her fuller hips.

  “You always put things off. I just don't want you doing that with our young.” Gene could practically see the smoke coming out of his mate's cute ears.


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