Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2) Page 14

by B. N. Kasner

  “That tree looks just like ours because I had Ella, Annie, and Grace come over last night to replicate it.” He gave her that soft smile. “Lani Scarlet Maybell, I've been head over heel's in love with you since you fought me on moving in together.” Some of the crowd chuckled along with Lani.

  "Everyday when I wake up I know that as long as I have you by my side, everything's going to be okay. You're sassy, feisty, sexy, my every hope and dream rolled into one perfect woman. Without you, my life would never be complete. I can never thank you enough for giving me a family of my own.

  “I love you more than life itself. Will you make me the luckiest bear in the world and become my wife?” He took out a box Lani had seen before. There's no way. She made eye contact with her mother who was nodding her head at Lani's unasked question. Her family's wedding ring was nestled in the old cushioned box.

  Looking around the crowd, she saw all of her friends and family smiling. Everyone who loved her was in on it. Her mate was precious, and her heart felt like it was about to burst from all the love she had for Gene.

  “Yes.” She happily cried. “Yes. I'll marry you.” She fell into his open arms and kissed him like there wasn't a crowd watching.


  Jeremy watched his mate fall into the arms of another. He was far enough away to let the vicious snarl in his chest out. This can't be happening. There was no way his Lani had just accepted another males proposal. Lani was his mate, not that bumbling bears. Didn't she know that?

  He wasn't sure what the next move should be. Jeremy couldn't stand around with his tail between his legs while his mate married another man. Once she took the vows under the Goddess, she'd be as good as dead to him. Well, not exactly. He'd still fuck her at least once. It was his right. She owed him that much.

  How could she spread her legs for that damn bear? Jeremy didn't understand, and even her parents looked happy for her. Traitors. They're all fucking traitors. His wolf was right. Every shifter that deflected from Alpha William was a traitor. Traitors deserve to die. Again his wolf was on point. Maybe he should just kill them all?

  It made sense, now that Lani was out of the running to be his in every way imaginable, he didn't need to worry about winning her over. Kill them all. Since Ella was off limits, he'd start with Alpha William's sons. They should've upheld his legacy, but instead, they tucked their tails between their legs and ran.

  Then the other little families that had left with the Wilson's. They weren't even significant enough for him to remember their names. Lastly, would be Lani and her parents. Her parents would die first, so Lani could see that it was her fault they died. Kill the bear. Make the bitch pay. A diabolical laugh exploded from him.

  "What's that all about?" Noah asked still looking through his binoculars. They'd been spending more time apart, and it was for the best. It left Jeremy time to do as he pleased with the extra photos of Lani. His cock got hard just thinking of the one he had of her topless. That one had been taken before the stupid bear upped security around his house.

  “Just thinking.” Jeremy snarled. He could barely wait to be rid of the older bear. Maybe we can kill him too. He looked Noah over. Noah was quick for his age, but his bones were probably brittle and easily breakable. Just one snap of his jaws to Noah's neck and the old bat would be dead.

  “Why are you looking at me like that?”

  "No reason." He smiled, but it felt weird on his face. He wasn't used to smiling, but Jeremy had a feeling he was about to be doing it often. All he needed was Lani, withering under him in either pleasure or pain. At this point, it didn't matter which as long as he got her.

  "Get your pictures and let's move." Noah was loading up his hiking pack. He acts like he gives the orders. He doesn't.

  “We leave when I say we leave. I'm not done getting what I need.” Jeremy snarled, pulling the pack out of Noah's hands.

  "That was your one free pass. Put your hands on something that's mine again, and we're going to have a problem."

  "Watch who you're talking to old man. I'm not one of your little bear followers." Jeremy had to put the camera down to make sure Noah wasn't up to something. He may have been old, but Noah was smart and deceptive. His eyes were those creepy green slits, and he was breathing hard.

  “I'm going into the woods around the alpha's house, and I'm leaving now.” He grabbed his pack and left Jeremy standing there. We don't need him anyway. We can move faster without him. He'd be able to get closer to Lani, and now the timetable had just been moved up.


  Do not turn around and rip that little shithead to shreds. Noah repeated the mantra over in his head a couple of times before it started to sink in. The damn wolf had finally begun to lose it. He was cutting his losses and getting the hell outta dodge. No way was he sticking around for the shit show Jeremy was about to get himself into.

  That fucking mutt had a damn death wish. Noah was sure he didn't even realize he was thinking out loud. Talking about killing every wolf who left his pack and the nasty things he wanted to do to his bitch. That wolf would be out of Jeremy's clutches soon. Then what would he do? Noah snickered.

  He's going to lose his damn mind. Maybe he'd stick around just to watch the mutt get what he deserved. Sure, Noah wanted to kidnap and kill a baby, but at least he didn't want to rape, maim and kill. Okay, the maiming and killing part he didn't mind. His plan for the baby would have to wait.

  It was alright. He'd have another chance. His new allies weren't likely to lose their damn minds over some stupid bitch. At least, he hoped not, but with his luck? Anything was possible. Noah's time in Redwater was coming to a close. For now.


  Gene couldn't stop rubbing his thumb over Lani's ring finger. The look on her face had been priceless, and the kiss? Holy honey. For a moment Gene had wished they'd been alone, that way he'd been able to make slow, passionate love to his mate. Of course, the three hours they'd spent at the party had been the best foreplay they'd ever had.

  Being able to touch his mate but not in the places they both knew she wanted? It was pleasurable torture. As the night went on his lust fed on hers until both of them were itching to get out of there. Gene should've waited closer to the end of the party, but his nerves had gotten the better of him.

  After Lani had been so vulnerable with him at the table, he knew he wouldn't be able to wait it out. He'd went to Mason and let him know that the plan had been moved up. Every one of their friends had been in on the surprise. Even the other couples had been affected by their display of love. Gene and Lani weren't the only ones being extra touchy feely.

  At least Carter had stayed away from his sister, so Gene was able to enjoy the night. Now he could barely keep his hands to himself. Lani giggled in the seat next to him, squirming around in her seat.

  “Stop. I can't take anymore light touches.”

  “I know, mate. I can feel you.” He drew little circles on her inner thigh. “Do you want me to stop woman?” Gene glanced over at her to see her cheeks turning that lovely pink color.

  "No." She whimpered. This was one time that Gene wished he lived closer to town. When they got home, he didn't waste any time in leaning over and capturing her lips. "We're alone, fiance."

  "Finally." He sighed, getting out to walk Lani to the door. "Let's get you inside." Gene looked around at the woods. As great as the holiday had gone Gene knew Jeremy was out there somewhere.

  “Gene.” Lani's hand tightened on his, and she pointed at the banister along the front porch.

  "Shit." Apparently, Gene had thought too soon. The photo was of them leaving Lani's parents house. This time the photo didn't say anything, but the fact that it was there at all said volumes. Not even the most important day of their lives was above being violated. "I'm sorry."

  "For what? You didn't do this." Lani took the photo from his hand and ripped it to shreds. "This doesn't change anything. In fact." She paused to let them in the house, locking the deadbolt once they were inside. "That da
mn photo only makes me want to marry you more."

  “It does?” He'd been sure it would make Lani worried about moving forward with getting married. No matter what Gene did, Jeremy was always a step ahead of him.

  “Yeah, and I don't want to wait like Ella did. I want to have a small ceremony. Here, with just close friends and family.”

  "If that's what you want then that's good for me. When?"

  “As soon as I can pull it together. Why wait when tomorrow isn't promised to us?”

  “I fucking love you.”

  "I know." Lani batted her eyes at him, running a finger down his chest. "Now, where were we?" Gene kissed her, putting every ounce of love he felt for her into it. "That's right, I was about to fuck my fiance into next week." This Christmas is one for the record books.

  Chapter Eighteen

  “You're sure this is what you want?” If one more person asked her that, Lani was going to blow a gasket.

  “By the look on her face, I'm gonna say yes.” At least her best friend had her back.

  “But you don't even have a dress. What about-”

  "Mom." Lani interrupted. "We've been over this three times already." By we, she meant herself, Ella, Annie, Grace, her Mom, Grams, and Vivienne.

  “Then I'm just not understanding. How can you be ready for a mating ceremony if you don't-”

  “Mrs. Maybell.” Ella was able to stop her mom's rant cold. I guess that's power only an alpha has. “Annie and I have volunteered to make the food and the cake. Grace is an interior designer, so she's taking over the decorations.”

  "And the dress? No daughter of mine is getting married in anything less than the her dream dress." Finally, her mom was starting to see the light, and the fact that Lani wasn't budging on the issue. Only took three hours. Three hours she could've spent curled up next to her mate. Reaching through the bond for some much-needed comfort, she could tell he was close by. It was only a matter of time before he came to get her.

  “I was hoping Vivienne would spell a dress I already have for me?”

  "Sure, just let me know what you want to be done to it, along with the garment itself."

  "You sure do move fast." Grams laughed, her pale green eyes sparkling. "Almost as quickly as Annie over there." The woman in question blushed. "She wasn't here a week before she had Nathan mated and married. Ya'll are my type of ladies." Lani was surprised at how smoothly everything had come together. She'd expected planning a mating ceremony to be harder than it was.

  “I can't believe my brother is okay with this.” Grace had been off in her own little world for most of the planning.

  “Me too.” Emma pouted from her seat across from Lani.

  “What are you two talking about?”

  “I figured he'd want to do an extravagant event to spoil you or somethin' like that. It's kinda his M.O. Especially when it comes to you.”

  “That actually makes sense, Miss Minivan.” Ella snickered from beside her. Well, there went her best friend, turning to the dark side.

  "He said as long as it's what I want, then he's okay with it." There was a collective awe from the group.

  "Woman." A knock followed Gene's voice into their home office. Since the last note four nights ago, Lani hadn't left the house, and her mate hadn't left her side. She was impressed he'd stayed away for so long.

  “Little wolf, it's time to go home.” Ah, there it was. His friends had come over to keep him company. It was cute how they liked to act all tough, but deep down every single one of those burly shifter's were softies.

  "But it's the first time I've been out of the house in four days." Ella sighed, slumping over in her seat. Gene had moved a card table from the garage into the office so Lani would have a place to plan their wedding. She was sure that if she'd have asked, he would've been more than happy to help her plan, but she wanted certain things to be a surprise for him.

  “Lani, hide whatever you don't want Gene knowing. I'm coming in.” Mason barely gave her anytime before stalking into the room. All it took was one look at Ella pouting to make the guy melt.

  "I know you hate being cooped up in our place, but I have to keep you and our babies safe. When all this is over, we'll take Corey and go fishing?" Lani hid her smile behind her hand. While Ella had been on the run, she'd gotten used to hunting for her food. Fishing was one of those things that had carried over from her time living in the woods.

  “Promise?” Lani wasn't sure when, but somehow Ella had turned things around in her favor.

  “Yeah.” Mason smiled from ear to ear when Ella launched herself into his open arms. “Let's get our boy and head home.”

  “Right here.” Corey was standing in the doorway and for a second Lani thought he was going to cry. Poor pup had probably never had anyone sound proud when talking about him. “I'm ready when you are.” With her pregnancy hormones, Lani had to wipe her eyes quickly so no one seen her crying. Thankfully, her mate came over and held her close.

  "Why does the air scent like happiness, and yet half of ya'll are crying?" Isaiah, that loud mouth, just had to go and ruin the emotional moment. "What?" He shrugged his shoulders, apparently confused. "Everybody's so touchy. I'm outta here before I catch any feelings. Later." He yelled over his shoulder with a wave. "Dude, don't go in there. It's a love fest." Isaiah was yelling in the hallway.

  “Just wanted to let you know, everything's been set up for two days from now.” Carter casually strolled in and leaned on the door frame. “That work for everyone?” When no one objected, Lani squealed. She was officially going to be a Dodson.

  “Your dress...” Emma Maybell was at a loss for words. That's a first. “It's..”

  “Perfect.” Lani filled in for her mother, who looked like she was about to faint.

  “Red.” Emma whispered, horrified.

  “Slinky.” Annie added with wide eyes.

  “Sexy.” Grace winked.

  “Almost exactly the same as the one you wore to my mating.” Ella smiled.

  "Like I said." Lani turned to look at herself in the mirror. "Perfect." It was the same dress from that night almost four months ago. She'd had Vivienne make it, so the dress touched the floor, was made out of a silky material instead of a clingy one and to hug all her curves, accentuating her swollen belly. Lani was sure that Gene wasn't going to know what to do with himself, which was exactly what Lani wanted.

  She'd left her hair down since it was what Gene liked. All that was left to do was put on her shoes. Even though the whole thing was going to be indoors, she wanted to wear shoes for the ceremony. After that, all bets were off.

  “Lani Bell?” Her dad's voice drifted through the door to her and Gene's bedroom. “We're waiting on you.”

  “As usual.” She heard Ella whisper to Annie and Grace, who laughed.

  "You know Ella Marie Callahan. I'd watch myself if I were you. Wouldn't want that incident in third grade getting out, now would we?" Lani smirked as Ella turned as red as Grace's hair.


  "Nothing." Ella cut Annie off with a fierce glare at Lani. "You're gonna regret that. Brother crusher." She sprinted out of the room before Lani could grab hold of her.

  “Son of a bitch.” Lani growled at the spot where Ella had been standing.

  “Brother crusher?” Grace hooted. “Oh, I've gotta hear about this.” She wiped a stray tear from the corner of her eye.

  “Likewise, but later.” Annie ushered them out of the bedroom and down the steps. The house didn't look all that different. Just more sparkles here and there, with a white runner leading the way into the family room. Her dad met them at the bottom of the steps, a smile lighting up his face.

  “You look beautiful. I think that bear in there isn't going to know what to do with you.”

  "Thanks, daddy." She leaned up and gave her father a kiss on the cheek. "I'm ready." She said to Grace who was walking in ahead of her. Grace gave a thumbs up to someone and the music started to play. Lani pinched herself for good measure. This is a
ctually happening. I'm about to marry my soul mate.


  Now Gene understood why Mason had looked so antsy. He could hardly wait for his mate to walk into their done up living room. Somehow, Grace had managed to fit a archway full of flowers and ribbon in there along with their Christmas tree and white chairs. The chairs were going to be cleared out after the ceremony to make room for dancing. Everyone was going to eat together at his table.

  He wasn't sure they'd all fit, but maybe the mate's could just sit on their males laps. Gene wasn't opposed to the idea. Actually, now that the idea had taken root in his head, Lani would be on his lap for sure.

  “This is like déjà vu for me.” Greg chuckled, the big elder book in his hands.

  “Am I more like Mason or Nathan?” Greg had done both of their mating ceremonies.

  "Mason, for sure. Nathan was as cool as a cucumber. You and Mason?" He paused to nod his head at Grace. "Had a hard time waiting, and son, you're gonna have to wait around for that woman the rest of your life." Ain't that the damn truth. Gene looked to the door when the music started to play.

  Lani had wanted something a little different from Ella's. Apparently, human weddings had something called a wedding party. Whatever the hell that means. But if Lani wanted it, then she was going to get it. So, there he stood with Mason, and Isaiah at his side. She'd have Ella and Grace, who were wearing matching dresses.

  What the point of matching all the colors were, Gene didn't get, but as long as his mate was happy, that was all that mattered. Grace winked at him before taking her spot beside Ella. What was that about? When Lani turned the corner, Gene felt his jaw drop open.

  "Holy honey." He breathed, but obviously not quiet enough since their guests started to chuckle. Gene didn't care, his mate had to have been sculpted by the Goddess herself, she was so gorgeous. He recognized the dress immediately as the one from the night that changed their lives. She'd had it made into a longer and sexier version. The best part was that it showcased her baby bump. His bear puffed up inside him. Our mate. Our young.


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