Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2)

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Beauty and the Bear (Redwater Shifters Book 2) Page 17

by B. N. Kasner

  The picture frames that had once been empty now held photos of Gene and Lani's life together so far. Their mating ceremony. Christmas with both of their families. A picture from when Ella and Lani were in high school. Gene had put up a photo of all the guys together last week. The one he had from before didn't include Ella's brothers.

  However, it was the frame that said love at first sight with her sonogram picture from two days earlier that held his attention. Jeremy ripped the frame off the wall with a feral growl.

  “What is this?” He waved it around like it had offended him in some way. When she didn't answer him, his face turned red with rage. “Answer me!” Now, he was screaming. This is not keeping him calm. Her plan was backfiring on her. Big time. “Is this yours?” Well, at least he didn't look like he wanted to rape her anymore. Just kill me. She actually considered that an improvement.

  “Yes.” Lani held her head up high. There was no reason for her to be ashamed about a baby she'd made out of love with her mate.

  “I don't believe you.” Jeremy threw the frame at the wall, barely missing her head. She hadn't steeled herself for that reaction and flinched when the glass broke. What the fuck is he talking about? Doesn't believe me?

  "Bullshit." She yelled, unable to help herself. "We were at the doctor's office the first time. You've been watching me for months now. Have you lost touch with fucking reality?"

  "That was a regular doctor's office. Ella is pregnant, and that's why you were getting all the baby shit." Goddess, he really was living in a fantasy. This whole time he'd been stalking her, and he hadn't realized she was pregnant herself? Now that's fucking crazy.

  “No. This can't be. You're just trying to get me worked up.” She would've been petrified at that moment if she hadn't felt Gene giving her comfort. He had to be close if she could feel him and his emotions. Jeremy's features were starting to look more wolf like. Please don't let him turn feral in front of me.

  He ripped her shirt, exposing the front of her. She didn't try and stop the scream that erupted from her chest. Jeremy was staring at her stomach with an odd look on his face.

  “You stupid, fucking whore. I can't fuck you when you're pregnant.” Jeremy was absolutely furious with her. “Now I'll just have to kill you.” Another scream tore from between her lips. He backhanded her, making her lip bleed. Lani spit the blood at him and laughed.

  “You're going to regret that.” She shook her head at him. Stupid mutt.

  “And why's that?”

  "Because my mate's about to come busting in here and rip you to fucking shreds." No sooner were the words out of her mouth that an angry roar shook all the windows in the house. It was Lani's turn to smile like a feral animal. Gene was going to have a field day with Jeremy, and he'd get no complaints from her.

  For a brief second, Jeremy looked like he was about to piss his pants, but the fear quickly turned to anger.

  “If I can't have you, then no one will.”

  “Gene!” She screamed at the top of her lungs. Fuck being calm. Jeremy actually sounded and looked like he was getting ready to kill her. As much as she didn't want him to know he scared her, she wanted to live more. “Help!”

  Her mate came around the corner looking like the raging, possessive and protective bear she knew he was. And he brought the cavalry, thank the fucking Goddess.


  There was only a split second before a shaggy, dirty blonde wolf was standing in Gene's family room. He could only assume the shifter was Jeremy since there was no time for talking. His mate was tied to a chair, shirtless, which only served to enrage him further. The wolf wasted no time trying to lunge at him. Gene twisted his body, launching them both through a window.

  Now that they were out of the house, Gene let his bear have control. Bear immediately recognized the sickly scent that was Jeremy and went into a rage. We finally have him. He scared mate. Show no mercy. The wolf lunged at him again, catching Gene off guard and tore into his shoulder. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Grace sneaking Lani away. His mate looked like she didn't want to leave him behind.

  He made sure to make eye contact with her and nodded towards the woods. Her shoulders straightened before she took Grace's hand and ran into the forest. Armed with the knowledge that his wife and little sister were out of harm's way, he could focus on the wolf still attached to his shoulder. He'd torn a sizable hole in Gene's shoulder and wasn't backing away.

  Gene rolled to dislodge him. Instead of backing away like he thought Jeremy would, the wolf came at him again. Batting him away with a paw, Gene noticed Jeremy was foaming at the mouth. It was official. Jeremy was feral. Only feral shifters foamed at the mouth. The wolf's eyes darted around before it turned and tried to dash off into the trees, but two big, black wolves blocked its path. Isaiah and Alex.

  Carter and Mason fell into place beside him, forming a circle with Jeremy in the middle. When the wolf realized it wouldn't be able to break the barrier they made, all hell broke loose. Jeremy's aggression was aimed at all of them, biting whoever he came into contact with. Between the five of them, they were able to tire him out with only a few scrapes and bites.

  Thank Goddess becoming feral couldn't happen through a bite or they all would've been fucked. Gene prowled forward towards Jeremy. Since he was already gone, Gene didn't have to give him a chance to submit. At the first opportunity, he grabbed Jeremy by the neck with his jaws. One good bite was all it took to end the wolf's life.

  Usually, when a shifter died in their animal form, their body morphed back into a human. However, feral shifters were trapped in their animal forms forever. Slowly the men shifted back and stood over Jeremy's unmoving body.

  “That's the first feral I've seen.” Isaiah and Alex both looked shook up. “Are they always that savage?”

  “Yeah.” Mason whispered, his face pale and eyes haunted.

  “I'll get in touch with his dad and let him know Jeremy went feral.” Alex hefted Jeremy's body into his arms, motioning for Isaiah to follow him. Both Nathan and Lani's vehicles came barreling down his driveway. Ella was the first one out of Lani's minivan.

  “Lani?” She asked coming over to snuggle up to Mason.

  "She's safe. She and Grace took off into the woods when things got dicey." Mason comforted his mate. Gene looked towards the trees and made out a flash of reddish-brown fur before Lani and Grace, in her bear form, emerged. Lani ran into his arms, holding onto him for dear life.

  “Is it over?” She whispered in his ear.

  “Yeah, sweetheart, it is.” Pushing back the hair from her eyes, Gene kissed her tears away. Then peppered the rest of her face with butterfly kisses. “I love you.”

  “I love you too.” Lani eyed the broken window. “I guess it's a good thing you can fix that, huh?”

  “Do you still want to live here?” Sure, he'd built the place with his own two hands, used his whole life savings to buy the plot of land, but Gene didn't want the house to hold bad memories for her.

  "No. I'm not letting that asshole take this place from us. This is our home, and nothing will ever change that."

  “When you're feeling up to it, call me so we can set up a meeting to update the others more thoroughly.” Ella gave Lani a hug and whispered something in her ear before Mason ushered her into the back of Nathan's Hummer. Gene was sure after facing another feral Mason needed just as much time with Ella as Gene did with his mate.

  “Let's get cleaned up.” Gene carried Lani into the house, not stopping until they were standing in front of their master bathroom shower.

  “I can't believe it's really over.” Lani murmured, her hands shaking when she tried to undress him. He gently took her hands and kissed her knuckles. Gene messed with the water until the temperature was just right.

  "Come mate." Dragging Lani into the shower with him, he pulled her as closely as possible. He held her, letting the water run over them. When the water ran clear, Gene reached for the soap, rubbing his hands together until it was foamy. "L
et me wash you." His voice was barely a whisper. Gene lathered her body, cleaning every nook and cranny. He didn't want any part of her to be tainted by what had happened.

  Gene dropped down to his knees, giving Lani's stomach a kiss. My son. He leaned his head against her ribs and cupped her belly with both hands.

  “I thought I was going to lose you both.” He swallowed hard, trying to keep his emotions in check, but it was no use.

  “You'll always have us. Nothing is going to take us away from you.” His mate had lowered herself so that she was on eye level with him. Gene kissed her then. A deep, pour all of his love into it, kiss. Both him and his bear needed it. As always, Lani responded with equal enthusiasm and then some. He didn't want to, but Gene slowly broke the kiss off. “Why'd you stop?” Lani whimpered while wiping her wet hair from her face. She's too cute.

  "Because, I need to know you're okay." She rolled her eyes at him. "I'm more worked up than you are and the women-"

  "That part was terrifying." Lani admitted before taking a deep breath. "I knew if he had me, he'd let the others go." He felt her bracing herself for a lecture, but she wasn't going to get one from him. As mush as he wanted to give her a piece of his mind for willing putting herself in danger. She'd been brave and strong. That was who Lani was, and Gene loved that about her.

  “I'm proud of you, that took guts, and most people would've tried to save themselves.” Lani graced him with a smile and pulse of love through the bond.

  “And I'm not worked up because stress is bad for our son.” The smile faded from her face as her hands came up to caress his jaw. “The real reason I wasn't afraid was because I knew I had you, and I knew that you'd come for us.” This time it was her who kissed him. Some of her calmness was rubbing off on him, but so was her arousal.

  “Woman, there's no way you're worked up?”

  “I am.”


  "Because my big, strong, husband just rescued me like I was a damsel in distress. I don't know if you know this, but usually, I don't need rescuing." Her lips ghosted down his neck until she nibbled on his mating mark. "Maybe I'd like to show my mate that I'm safe and his. Only his."

  "Only mine." He growled, unable to help himself when his mate pushed her soft, wet body against his. A better man would've probably convinced her that she needed time to get over the emotional trauma that was more than likely lurking underneath the surface. It was a good thing that Gene was a bear then because he sure as hell didn't stop her.

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Pulling up to the shed, Gene saw he was the last one there. Again. This time at least he'd brought along the reason he was late. His mate looked worn out, but after the day they'd all had that was to be expected. He hadn't called Mason until well into the night, making love to his mate took time. Gene hadn't realized how much they'd both needed it but was glad his wife knew.

  Of course, there hadn't been a lot of time to lay around and cuddle afterward. As much as he wanted to, he was sure that his in-laws were out of their mind with worry. Not to mention that only Jeremy had shown up and since he'd went feral, there was no way of telling where Noah was. He could've still been in Redwater for all they knew.

  The same people who were at his mating only three days ago were situated around the scared up meeting table. This time, however, there wasn't any cuddling mates or smiles. Everyone was ready to get down to business. Although it was no surprise that Mason, Carter and Nathan were keeping close to the women from earlier. Gene wouldn't be letting Lani out of his sight, or reach, for the foreseeable future.

  "Thank Goddess you're okay." Emma and Liam captured Lani in a hug, then dragged Gene in on the action. "Both of you. Alex told us Jeremy went feral." His mother-in-law shook as she said the word feral.

  "I was lucky there were five of us out there." Gene wasn't above giving out credit when it was due. He wasn't too proud to realize that without the others stepping in when they did, Jeremy might have gotten away. "Without those guys, things could've turned out very different."

  “Quit giving us so much credit and come sit down.” Carter nodded to the open chair to Mason's right.

  “Really, though, let's get this over with. I want to get my wife and boy to bed. Corey has school in the morning.” Ella laid a hand on Mason's shoulder and pulled Corey closer to her with an arm around his waist. Those two had made the best out of a bad situation, taking in the pup and making a family they could be proud of.

  “With Jeremy dead, we can only assume Noah is still here and planning to come after all of us.” Scott scrubbed a hand down his face. It wasn't common knowledge, but he'd been the one to mention Noah's name for the council. Gene assumed that Scott felt responsible for everything that had happened since Ella came into all of their lives.

  "I'm not so sure." Lani was standing behind his chair. Only the original council members and Ella's older brothers were sitting at the table. The extra people stood next to where their family members sat. "From what I was able to gather, Jeremy only used Noah to learn guard rotations. Other than that, he knew the patrol techniques because they came from Lost Moonlight."

  "Did he explicitly say Noah was gone?" Mason squeezed Ella's hand. They had the most to worry about. Noah didn't seem like the type to forgive and forget easily.

  “No, but he did mention a tracker trick. It was how he was able to get so close without us knowing about it.”

  “How?” Isaiah growled. He'd been the one assigned to beef up patrols, and he'd had a hard time coming to terms with Jeremy getting past him at every turn.

  “Scents.” She said it like that made all the sense in the world.

  "Motherfucker." Alex slammed his fist down on the table. Apparently, he understood what Lani was talking about. "I was training to be a tracker when our mom died. First, you find out what your prey considers a safe scent. Something they smell every day or associate with a good memory. Then, take that scent and use it to cover your tracks. Therefore, the prey never realizes it's in danger until it's too late. Smart as fuck technique, but not usually used on other shifters."

  “That's a little scary.” Grace huddled closer to their dad. “How do you combat something like that? You can't just change what makes you feel safe.”

  "It's scary as fuck because you're right. There's no way to know until it's too late." Alex looked like the words pained him. "It was how my dad got me to drink that spelled tea. I didn't know there was anything wrong with it because it smelled normal."

  "Just be hyper vigilant until we can come up with a solution." Mason ran a hand through his hair. It looked like his alpha had aged ten years in the past couple hours. Facing a feral again was more than likely bringing up some bad memories.

  “I have an idea.” Vivienne raised her hand. “What if you could tell a scent was tainted?”

  “Tainted?” Carter wasn't the only one confused. This meeting was turning into more than Gene's tired mind could handle.

  "Lani do you know what your scent is? The one that makes you feel safe."


  "Okay so there's the natural pine, and then the one also coated in Jeremy's scent. There has to be some way to tell the two apart. No shifter is that good at hiding their scent. It's impossible."

  "When I shifted after finding one of the photos, I was able to make out his scent. I followed it to a stream, but it disappeared after that. I had assumed it was because he'd went through the water to hide himself."

  “Exactly. What if we had a way to have a hypersensitive nose? Then we'd be able to make out even the slightest differences in scents.”

  “But how? I'm not following.” Alex was starting to tap his fingers on the table.

  “I'm not sure yet. Maybe a spell or-”

  “Nope. No spells, I'm out.” Alex crossed his arms over his chest.

  “You're going to have to get over your aversion to witches some day.”

  “Why's that?”

  “Oh, no reason.” Except, both Vivienne and Gre
g were smiling like they knew something the rest of them didn't. “But while I work out the details, just do like Mason said and double scent anything you come into contact with.”

  "And for Goddess sake, keep your eyes open and mouths shut. No one outside of this room should know anything about what happened today. We don't need Jeremy's grieving parents starting a fucking riot over their son's death. As far as they are aware, he went feral, found his way here and we put him down. No stalking. No Noah. Nothing out of the ordinary, got it?" Mason looked right at Lani. She was the one known to go off script.

  "Yes, Alpha." It wasn't the first time he'd heard his mate show respect for Mason, but she was a bit of a firecracker and only used the title alpha when she was serious.

  “Good. Now let's get the fuck out of here and try to get on with our lives. Maybe one day all this shit will stop.”

  “Ha, good one.” There his mate went, right back to saying what everyone else was thinking.

  "We're going now." Gene shrugged his shoulders at Mason before almost dragging his mate out of the shed. "You're always going to have to have the last word, aren't you?" He laughed. Gene couldn't help it. Lani was one fiery wolf, and he'd never get enough of her.

  “Yep, so you better get used to it.”

  "Yeah, yeah, yeah. You're just lucky I love you." He'd been playing around, but his mate suddenly looked somber.

  “I know.” She caressed his jaw, then patted his cheek with a smirk. Damn it. She got the last word. "We're going to have a great life, don't cha think?"

  "Hell yeah, woman. It's going to be me, you and our football team of kids." He pecked her lips and started to walk away. For the first time, he'd left his mate speechless. Gene let out a booming laugh, holding the truck door open for his flabbergasted wife. This is the life.



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