The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 16

by Vera Quinn

  My cheating husband is going to receive exactly what he deserves today. People think he is the driving force behind our family and enterprises. Our sons are led around by their father, and he has made them weak. He gives them bread crumbs of power and keeps them on leashes by financial power. No more. Today I take my family back. I have all the money and votes to take over Giles Enterprises. Donald will be left with his latest whore and the clothes on his back.

  My sons will now have to prove their worth or get out of my way. Lincoln, Scott, and Reginald have only the family property they have been deeded, and the homes we built them. None of the three have had the inclination to really learn anything about how our company was founded or operates.

  They need to keep appearances up to their families, so they will fall into line as soon as they know I hold the purse strings now. Kendall has an addiction he needs to lick and then we will be getting his daughter back. He has always been the son that wanted more. Not that he was interested in actually working hard for anything. He just doesn’t want to take orders from anyone, and he has an eye for the best things in life. His weakness is the same as his father. He likes cheap women. Gracie is the perfect example and now Steffie. What kind of name is Steffie, and who names their daughter Shelby? Breeding is everything.

  While Donald has slept his way through all the women in our office, I have lasting relationships with board members. Where Donald lavished his many conquests with gifts of jewelry and trips I saved and invested my money wisely. Tonight he loses everything, and I gain it all.

  Tomorrow I start planning the demise of Gracie Roberts. Gracie’s family is gone. Kendall has signed his rights away. If something accidentally happens to Gracie, of course, the child’s blood relative would be considered for placement. The right money in the right hands and I have my start of a new family. A family that will set the business world on fire. Shelby has the breeding and bloodline. I will have her educated and teach her everything she needs to know. The Giles family will be strong again. No one will stand in my way. Especially not Gracie Roberts.

  Chapter Eighteen


  Jilly and I walk into the house that has become my home. Now I’m leaving it, again, but I know it is a good move this time, so I have made my peace with it. Jilly wants girl talk which is code for she wants to make sure my head is in the right place. Jilly is always going to be a mother hen, but I am happy to have her in my life. I need to talk this out anyway. I think I have thought this out, but I am beginning to doubt my decisions. We make our way into the living room, and she pulls me down beside her on the sofa.

  “Okay, spill it. Why did you decide to marry Brody? You’ve known each other, what, two seconds? Don’t get me wrong; Brody is a good man, but you already had sex with Rebel. Where’s your head?” Jilly asks. These aren’t questions I haven’t already asked myself.

  “When Brody tracked me down he convinced me. I’m going to talk to you about this, but please, try to understand. I didn’t do this without a lot of consideration.” She’s patiently waiting for me to spill it. “This is hard for me so could you wait until I am finished to ask me questions?” I have worried about how everyone would take this.

  “I promise Gracie, and I would never judge you, babe. You have been through hell, and you’re allowed to live your life your way and on your terms.” That’s my best friend that I have missed.

  “I had a great day with Rebel which I told you some about on the phone. That night we had sex. I thought we were making love, but if I had learned nothing from this but this one thing, it is it was only sex for Rebel. Especially, after what he said earlier.” I look at Jilly, and she looks like she wants to say something, but I go on.

  “He got called away and when I woke up that Jade woman was in bed with me and she was between my legs. I freaked the heck out. She told me that Rebel expected it to be the three of us. Rebel and I had unprotected sex. I got the heck out of there, and I was freaking the heck out. When I got home, Lorraine had been here and left me a note. She wants Shelby, and I have no way of fighting her money. I panicked.

  “Mr. Lemons said I had custody of Shelby so I could go wherever I wanted, but he had no idea I was going to run. He thought I was referring to moving to Winnsboro away from our home. I got away from Kendall by running the first time so I thought I could run again but apparently, I’m no good at hiding because Brody came after me and found me.” I finally slow down and take a breath.

  “He was so patient with me. Shelby was having a bad week teething, and she wasn’t able to get down and play when we were driving all the time. She was cranky and not sleeping and I was a walking zombie. I missed my home here and everyone here I have come to love. Brody came in like a white knight and took over. He explained what Mr. Lemons was talking about and I called and talked to Mr. Lemons. He said as long as Shelby is in a safe, stable home that Lorraine doesn’t have a leg to stand on.” Jilly is nodding her head like she understands.

  “After I had calmed down, Brody told me he knew most of what went on with Rebel, and he didn’t like it, but he still loves me. He said he still had feelings for me since he first saw me and when he heard that I ran he knew it was love.” I grab Jilly’s hand, and I want her to understand this next part. It is important to me. “I told him I don’t love him yet. I am attracted to him, but I don’t love him. I was very honest Jilly. I told him I thought I could be with Rebel, so I don’t even trust myself right now. He says he understands that and he wants us to build a family together. We haven’t even made love yet. He says he can wait and he wants to wait until I’m ready.” I wait for Jilly’s response.

  “Well, wow. I knew Brody had feelings for you. I can tell he loves you, but he is so gone, isn’t he?” Jilly is bubbling with happiness. “He’ll be good to you Gracie, but please don’t hurt him. If you decide you can’t make it work just be honest with him. I think you’re wrong about Rebel, though. Don’t get me wrong, Gracie. Rebel was a total ass today, and he had no right to say the things he did to you or me, but he was hurting because he loves you, too.” Jilly is always fair and it is what makes me love her so much.

  “I didn’t mean to hurt Rebel. I can’t do the things that Jade said. I was cheated on by Kendall, and I can’t live that way. A relationship is two people.” I slow down because I am getting upset. “When I was growing up we didn’t have a lot of money. My parents both worked and they always acted like we had to save for tomorrow but I always knew they loved each other and they loved me. I may be a little naïve, but I want that kind of life, and I want that kind of love for my daughter. I think that Brody and I can have that together. I don’t think I could ever trust Rebel’s lifestyle. I’m not judging his lifestyle. I just know what I can and can’t live with.” Jilly smiles at me.

  “You’re not that scared woman I put in the truck with my brother months ago, but you have lost something, too. I love you, Gracie. There is something about you that reminds me of me. You have to get that strong girl back. These alpha men will run over you if you don’t. You are strong. If not the shit you have been through would have defeated you, but it didn’t, so find that strong, invincible woman. Put on your big girl boots and kick these men in the ass. Let me think.” Jilly looks in thought. Jilly is still just as outspoken as always. I have missed her. “How long ago did you have sex with Rebel? Have you ovulated yet?” I know my face is bright red.

  “It’s been about fifteen days, and I think I ovulated. Things have been kind of crazy.” I tell Jilly. Trying to think about my cycle. I was trying to keep up with it so I could keep a close watch on it in case I didn’t have my period.

  “Then we can go and have a blood test done,” Jilly informs me.

  “I thought I had to wait until after I missed my period. It’s not due for another day or so.” I’m not very up to date on this kind of thing. I miss my mom at times like these.

  “Good thing there is a nurse in your family now. The doctor can do a blood test. It’s a Quantitative blood
test or beta hCG.” Jilly lets me know.

  “Can any doctor do it?” This would clear up a lot for me.

  “Dr. Reynolds can do it, and I bet I can get you in today. She owes me a favor.” Not having to worry and just knowing. Jilly has made my day.

  “Will you call for me, please? I need to know. We need to know.” Jilly is always saving me.

  “Of course and I’ll hold your hand through it.” Jilly hugs me.

  “I owe you so much. I talked to Brody, and I was going to talk to you and Kevin about it when I got home, but I guess it’s just you, now. I need to ask something first.” Jilly is looking at me like I am crazy and I guess I didn’t make much sense.

  “What are you talking about, sweetie? Just ask.” Jilly is smiling.

  “If I am pregnant now it’s something Brody and I will face together, and we already talked, and he wants at least one more child, but I am young and healthy and what I am trying to say is I would like to be a surrogate so you can have a child. If you would like that.” Jilly’s eyes are full of tears. “I mean you know all the ins and outs of medicine so I’m offering.”

  “Gracie, that is so generous of you, but that’s a big decision. Not only for you but for me. I love you for it but can we just shelve that for a little while? We are both on emotional roller coasters right now, and this is something that is a life choice. So thank you, but not right now.” Jilly is always the one with the right decisions. “I’m going to call Dr. Reynolds’ office. Can you go today?”

  “As long as it’s before two or after we get back from Mr. Lemons office. I am signing the papers for Shelby’s guardianship if anything happens to me and we are starting on the adoption process. Brody is changing his will, too.” I let her know. Jilly gets her phone out of her pocket, and she points to the other room, so I know where she is going to talk.

  I look around at this house. Tonight, I will be moved in with Brody. I’m nervous but excited, too. I loved waking up next to him this morning. It seems like only a few minutes, but I guess it is longer when Jilly comes back in.

  “They fit you in. Let’s tell Brody where I’m taking you off to.” Jilly is waiting for me to get up.

  “Jilly, thank you, but I need Brody to go with me. We’ve decided to go every step together, so he has to be there, too.” I hope I don’t hurt her feelings.

  “Of course. How about you text Brody to come get you to go to Dr. Reynolds and I’ll start unloading my car in the garage?” Jilly is trying to give Brody and me time to do it alone, but that is not what I meant.

  “No. I meant for Brody to come with us. I want you there too for moral support.” That makes Jilly smile.

  “Okay, girlie. Let’s do this.” Jilly says with a smile on her face. I think she is surprised I want her to go with us to the doctor’s office. I send Brody a text, so he knows to come over. I’m as ready as I’ll ever get. “Can I suggest to text Rebel and have him meet us there, too? That way he can’t say you’re trying to hide this from him. Kaden can tag along with us to keep the peace.”

  “People will think we’re crazy for all of us to show up for a blood test.” I’m not sure about this.

  “I understand they probably will, but this way Rebel can never say you’re trying to hide anything.” Jilly is right.

  “Okay. We might as well get this circus started.” I relent. I see Jilly texting Rebel. Jilly watches the screen and then her eyes bug out. “Well, Rebel seems to be busy with a couple of club girls, and he said to text him the results, and when he can pull his cock out of the cunt he’s in he’ll get back with us. He’s still pissed, and he’s dealing with it the way he deals with everything in life.” Jilly is shaking her head, but I just don’t care. I dodged a bullet there. “Brody is waiting out by his truck for us. Aunt Gladys and Ms. Audie are still watching Shelby. It looks like I’m going to have to kidnap that angel if I want any time with her.” Jilly laughs. We might as well do this. My life is taking on another change.

  It doesn’t take long for us to get to Dr. Reynolds’ office. I am nervous. Brody sits on one side of me holding my hand, and Jilly is speaking to people she knows who haven’t seen her in so long. I am fidgeting. I have a stack of papers to fill out and it takes a good thirty minutes, but I finally hand them back to the receptionist. It’s hard for me to sit still.

  “It’s going to be okay, Gracie. It doesn’t matter one way or another if you're pregnant. I would love any child of yours just like I do Shelby. We’ll get through this. Have faith, babe.” I do have faith in Brody. Jilly is right. I have to face this like I faced everything else. Head on. I see the nurse come out one of the doors that lead to the back.

  “Mrs. Samms, can you come back with me now?” I get up and follow her, and Brody never leaves my side. Jilly waves at me as I follow the lady through the door. “You’re here for a pregnancy test?”

  “Yes, ma’am. A blood test actually.” I can barely hear my own voice. My hands are freezing. Nerves.

  “I see that in your paperwork. You’re Jilly’s friend.” I nod my head. “I didn’t even know you had gotten married, Brody.” Apparently, the nurse knows Brody too.

  “We’re actually newlyweds. How have you been Gina? How’s Robert and the girls?” Brody asks the nurse who is named Gina apparently. “Gina this is my wife, Gracie. Gracie, Gina went to school with Jilly and me. Her husband Robert and I have been good friends for close to twenty years.” Brody is trying to calm me down.

  “It’s nice to meet you, Gracie. When you two get settled, you will have to come over for dinner. Bring Jilly too, since she is back. Ms. Gladys used to babysit me. How is your mom, Brody? I haven’t talked to her in ages. Our girls keep us running.” This conversation seems so normal. Not like the test I am going to take might change my entire life.

  “That sounds nice Gina,” Brody says to her. Then I hear a knock on the door and Jilly steps in.

  “Hey, Gina. I see you’ve met my friend Gracie.” Jilly says to Gina. “I’m just here for moral support.”

  “You are a lucky girl Gracie, to have so many people concerned. I couldn’t drag Robert with me to a doctor’s appointment. This is going to be really simple, which I am sure Jilly already explained. I just want to verify some things, and then our blood technician will be in to draw some blood.” I nod my head yes. Gina looks at my chart. “It says you have no allergies. You put the date of your last cycle. Are you transferring your old medical records here?” She is glancing at the records and then waiting for my answers.

  “No allergies. I did put the dates down, and yes, I signed to have my records transferred.” I answer.

  “Do you know your blood type, and I just need to put this bracelet on you for the blood tech to scan.” Gina puts the bracelet around my arm.

  “A positive,” I say.

  “Okay then. Everything is filled out. The tech will be in a few. We will call you this afternoon or in the morning with results. It depends on how backed up they are. We do all bloodwork here, so sometimes it takes a little longer. Did you give permission for us to leave it on your voicemail in case you don’t answer? I see you did. You also gave permission to give the results to Brody. That is good then. I am finished. Congratulations you two on your marriage and I hope the results are what you’re hoping for.” Gina is nice, and I know I will like her. She’s just so friendly.

  “Jilly, do not be a stranger now you are back home.” She tells Jilly. Jilly is busy texting and gives her a wave.

  “Thank you, Gina,” I tell her. She pats Brody on the arm as she walks past him and then she is gone. “She seems nice.”

  “Gina is a sweetheart, and you have to see her and Robert’s daughters. They are beautiful.” Jilly tells me. There is a little tap at the door. Brody opens it and in steps a young man with a kit full of tubes and such.

  “Hi. I’m Steven, and I am here to take some blood from Mrs. Samms.” He’s looking at his file.

  “That’s me.” He comes over and sits beside me. He looks at my bracele
t and then scans it with some kind of device. He lays my arm out on the table and slaps my veins briskly but softly. He ties something around my arm right above the crease of my elbow.

  “Please, make a fist.” I do as he asks. He wipes my arm with some alcohol on a cotton ball. “Little stick.” He says and I feel the prick of the needle. He fills the tube with my blood. “All done.” He wipes the blood off my arm and places a band-aid over the spot and bends my arm up. “Thank you, Mrs. Samms.” He places a sticker on the tube of blood, and he is up and gone. That’s it. By tomorrow we will know. Jilly, Brody, and I leave, just to wait.

  Chapter Nineteen


  We finally got all of Gracie and Shelby’s things moved into their new home. I think Brody and Gracie are a good fit for each other and more than that I trust them not to screw things up too much. I see the love Brody has in his eyes for Gracie and Shelby. He will protect them with his life and spend the rest of his life trying to keep them happy.

  Gracie says she is not quite there to the love part, but I think she loves Brody and doesn’t even know it yet. The thing is, I think she loves Rebel, too. I recognize that look of loving two men at once. I was right where she is right now. The only difference being is I ran, and no one came after me. Life is ironic sometimes. I care about all three of the people involved.

  My life with Kevin started out rocky. He was my savior. My white knight. Who can live up to that kind of hype? I have very few regrets when it comes to our memories. We had nearly seventeen years of a good life. The last year was a strain. At least we didn’t walk away hating each other.

  Kevin and Sandra won’t be on my Christmas card list, but I don’t hate them. Sandra can give Kevin the family he deserves. I think I started working so many hours because I felt Kevin pulling away. He always was the extra helper with anything to do with children. I knew he wanted children. It tore him apart, so I made it easier for him. I long for a child too, but I just don’t think it is in the cards for me.


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