The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 33

by Vera Quinn

  I feel him on the bed and then he is over my body. He moves my legs further apart and he positions himself between them. I barely feel his naked legs against mine. He undressed at some point without me even hearing it. His body is between my legs. I need him inside me. His left hand holds my hands above my head and his right runs down my body. I feel him position his hard member between my legs. I nearly come off the bed. He runs his dick from my clit to my pussy. I can’t lie still any longer. I arch my back but then he is gone. “Kitten I said to be still. Do not say a word or make a sound and lie still.” I can’t do it but I want to feel him. He starts the slow process over and my body is on fire. I no longer feel the cold. Every touch feels like he is kissing me with licks of fire. I make myself remain still. When he returns between my legs, I make myself remain still. I am so close. His every touch is making me ignite. He runs his engorged dick along my seam again and then he plunges inside and he goes completely still. At first there is the sting of adjusting to his girth but then I feel full and I want him to move. I know it will only take a few strokes for me to fall over the edge and I need it so bad but he is completely still.

  “You feel so tight my Kitten. You fit me like a glove. I am going to move slowly Kitten, do not climax until I give you permission.” He pulls almost all the way out and slowly glides back in and then he swivels his hips and I know I am not going to be able to control myself for very long. He repeats this at a very leisurely pace. The only sign I have that he is at all affected by this is his breathing has picked up and I feel his dick almost pulsing when he rotates his hips and grinds down on me. I am making small moans. I can’t help myself. My body is close. His pace is picking up. My legs want to wrap around him. Then I feel him lick my nipple again as he begins to pound into me. I need to come and then he bites down on my nipple and it hurts but he licks it and I want it again. I feel a burn start at my feet and make its way up my legs. I can’t go on much longer. He comes down on my other nipple and bites and I love it and he licks it. My walls are clenching his dick so hard. Then he whispers in my ear. “Now Kitten. Let go.” He bites my nipple again and I soar. I don’t know how long he continues his relentless rhythm inside me. I only feel. Time means nothing, all that means anything right now is making this man feel everything that I am feeling. I feel it when he lets go and joins my bliss. I don’t know if my mind is so far gone I don’t realize when he moves from on top of me or if I actually black out but then I see light and the smile on his face tells me everything I need to know. He felt the same magnificent peace I was feeling right now. He’s removed his tie from my eyes but my hands are still bound. He walks out of the room and then back in. He sees my puzzled look. “I had to get rid of the condom Kitten.” I still couldn’t say anything. I am so glad he at least thought about a condom. “You are magnificent my Kitten. You were everything I thought and more.” I look at him and smile. I feel totally relaxed and it is hard to think complete sentences let along form one. No way did he get the same pleasure if he can think straight. He looks concerned. “Speak to me Kitten. I need to make sure you enjoyed our time together.” He is lying beside me again and looking in my eyes.

  “It was everything I hoped for and more. I don’t know how you can even talk right now.” I tell him being completely honest. “Please tell me your name Sir. I need to know the name of the man who gave me such pleasure.” Surely he will give me this. He looks unsure but finally relents.

  “My name is Lucca.” He gets up from the bed and makes his way to the other side of the bed. “I’m going to run us a bath so we can get cleaned up.” He says quietly. Something is wrong but I can’t tell what and he turns and goes into the bathroom. I hear him in there turning the water on. I know our enchanted night is going to come to an end soon and I don’t want it to. I have never felt the things Lucca made me feel. My body has never responded to a man the way it did for Lucca. I know Kendall is my only other experiences but he was never worried about pleasing me and we only had sex in the missionary position with the lights out. I had more pleasure with Lucca tonight than all the times that I had with Kendall. My body wants more. I have never known such passion, such fire and this was only one night. One night of scandalous fiery submission. I know in my heart I will never find this kind of connection with another man but I agreed to one night and I must live up to my end of that agreement.

  Lucca comes back into the room and lifts me up out of the bed and carries me into the bath he has drawn from us. He sits me down in the tub with care and then steps in behind me. When he sits down, he pulls my back into his chest. “Did you enjoy everything we did Kitten?”

  “Yes I did Sir. Very much.” He lets out a breath. I guess he was worried about my reaction to our sexual experience.

  “Excellent. Your body reacted as you did but I want to know what your thoughts were. I also enjoyed it very much. Remember that Kitten. Tonight will be a cherished memory of mine. You trusted me enough to take care of your needs and that meant the world to me. It brought me much pleasure.” Lucca tells me with so much emotion. I know what I am about to say is going to break this magical spell but I don’t want to leave this man without at least asking.

  “I brought you pleasure?” I start out cautiously.

  “Yes Kitten. You brought me much pleasure. More than I have felt in some time.” The last part seems as if it had hurt him to express.

  “Can I see you again?” I feel his whole body stiffen. I look him directly in the eye and I see a brief look of something close to remorse.

  “Kitten I already told you we are only for tonight. You respond to my touch exactly the way I need but I am not looking for anything more. My cold heart can’t even be warmed by the fire in your touch. It is better this way. We will have this pleasure-filled night to think back on.” He kisses my neck then the side of my head. “Don’t ruin this memory Kitten. I’m going to get out and get dressed and will wait for you in the other room. As soon as you are finished, I will take you home.” That is it. He went from the sexy man that could make my body sing to a quiet brooding cold man in a flash. My words have ruined everything just like I knew they would. Why couldn’t I keep my mouth shut? I could have had the rest of the night. I feel such a loss. He leaves me alone and I wash quickly. If this is going to be over, then it needs to be over now. I have been brushed off before and I know tomorrow I will be numb again and all this a distant bittersweet memory. I dry off and take the hotel robe off the hanger on the back of the bathroom door. Lucca has no problem walking around completely nude but now that our spell is broken I don’t have his confidence. When I am completely dried off and have the robe securely around me I open the bathroom door and Lucca is sitting in the chair completely clothed as if we hadn’t just spent the last few hours fulfilling each other’s needs. I see my clothes folded neatly on the bed. He sits there as if he is waiting for an appointment. I know I agreed to this but I never thought I would feel this way. It’s as if I feel a loss of something I never really had in my grasp. I stiffen my back and go to the bed and get my clothing. I bend down and pick up my shoes. I have had to get through a heck of a lot harder issues in my life and I can do this. I go back in the bathroom and completely dress, all the way down to my shoes. I go back to the other room and get my purse and get a comb out and run it through my hair. I look in the mirror and I see my cheeks have a rosy glow. It looks good on me. I stiffen my back and lift my chin and I am ready to face Lucca. I can do this. I observe Lucca still just sitting there. His face is expressionless and I guess that is the way it is going to stay.

  “There is no need for you to drive me home. I have the money for a cab. That will be sufficient and I prefer it.” He shakes his head no but I won’t listen to him. “Don’t argue with me, please. I’m not going with you so just let it be Lucca.” He looks at me and he looks like he wants to say something but I need to have my say now. He has said enough. “Don’t. Just let me finish.” He doesn’t say anything. “Tonight was something I have needed for a while.
You gave it to me and for that I will always have fond memories of tonight. I want you to know this is not something I normally do. One-night stands. It is my first and probably my last. I don’t like the way it makes me feel. You made my body feel more in the few hours we were together than I have felt in my life. Only in my dreams have I even imagined such pleasure. I will always remember this with fond memories but just to let you know, I think we could be magic together. Now I’m going to go and I hope you have the same fond memories of me.” I go to Lucca and I kiss him softly on the lips. I still feel the little zing of electricity between us. I walk out the door and down the hall and I feel the tears begin to fall. Slow, warm, bittersweet tears……

  I feel warm strong arms come around my body. They are pulling me into the warmth and security of a body that I know so well. “Baby wake up. Your crying again Kitten.” I feel kisses being showered over my face and I open my eyes.

  “I’m sorry Lucca. Did I wake you again? It was that dream again.” I try to get my crying under control. Lucca hates for me to cry.

  “What was the dream this time Kitten?” I can hear he hasn’t been awake long. His voice is still heavy with sleep.

  “Our first night together at the hotel. It makes me cry every time. This time right before I woke up I was walking down the hall of the hotel and you were going to let me walk out of your life.” I wipe my last tear away and take another breath of air trying to calm down. “These pregnancy hormones are giving me very vivid dreams.” I snuggle into Lucca’s side and he runs his hand over the side of my very big belly. Our son decides to kick at the same time.

  “You’ve woke our son up. Another three days and our son will be here.” Lucca has been very overprotective since we have found out our son is a little too big for me to have a natural childbirth. My obstetrician assured us that a lot of babies are delivered by cesarean section these days and he’d rather be safe than sorry. I wanted a natural childbirth but as long as our son is healthy is all that matters. “Kitten you know I couldn’t let you walk out the door. You were being so brave that night and I knew I had to finally take the chance at happiness again. Look at us now three years later. We’re married, expecting the arrival of our first child and I could not be happier.” He kisses my neck. I still feel the fire just like that first night. I snuggle deeper into his arms. Only in our dreams did we ever think we would be this happy. With Lucca losing his whole family and me losing my family’s dream, never did we think we could be this happy. I finally get comfortable again and I am just about to drift back to sleep and I feel a big gush of dampness leave my body. I nudge Lucca’s side and I guess he feels the dampness on him because he jumps out of the bed and pulls the cover away and we both see the wet spot.

  “Lucca we need to get to the hospital. Our son has decided he doesn’t want to wait three more days.” I get out of the bed the best way I can.

  “Are you having labor pains?” He looks at me and before I can answer he is rattling off something else. “Why didn’t you tell me you were in labor?” I finally get to say something.

  “I haven’t had but a few twinges in my back. I just thought it was another ache. I have a lot of those.” Lucca doesn’t know what to do. If I wasn’t scared, it would be funny but I want to get to the hospital. I pull my bag out of the closet and change clothes. I sit down and put my shoes on and I have to smile at Lucca. I walk to him and take his hand in mine. “Calm down so we can go and meet our son.” Lucca smiles.

  “I think I am supposed to be reassuring you Kitten.” He does when his voice takes that tone that can send shivers up my back. “Let’s get to the hospital so we can meet our son with the help of the staff and your obstetrician.” And we do. This is it. Everything our dreams are coming true.

  Rules in Life


  Rules in Life

  Author Vera Quinn

  Copyright © 2017 by Vera Quinn

  This book is a work of fiction. The names characters, places, and incidents are products of the writer’s imagination or have been used factiously and are not construed as real. Any resemblance to persons, living or dead, actual events, locales or organizations are entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved. Except for short quotes used in reviews, this book may not be reproduced, in any form, or used in whole or part by any means existing or produced in the future without written permission from the author.



  Have you ever seen something coming and not been able to stop it? Then you know your life will never be the same, ever again…but when has life ever made sense anyway? That’s how I felt that rainy night. I felt it in my bones. Life has always had a way of knocking me down when things are getting easier.

  I’m twenty and have been working hard at improving my life. Things have been going too well and I have this terrible feeling, as if something is going to happen. I have been on my own for two years since my Grammy passed away. She was the only constant in my life for years, until she died in her sleep. Thank goodness, she looked peaceful when I found her.

  My mom was taken at child birth and my dad four years later in a construction accident. Things just don’t turn out very well in my life. My Grammy worked two jobs raising me and I have worked since I was big enough to do odd jobs for people. I’ve almost finished my first semester of college and I have a decent job, which works with my hours available. I’m living in a small apartment that’s clean, but not in a very nice part of town. It’s not much, but I don’t need much. It’s not long before Christmas, but I have a nagging feeling my life is going to change. Again….

  I’ve just left Texarkana after visiting my friend. I’ll be going back through Mt. Pleasant to eat, and then I’ll continue to Tyler. I’m in my old truck and it is pouring down rain. I’m heading west on Interstate 30. I’m going below the speed limit because my visibility is limited. There’s only the headlights from vehicles to light the gloomy night. I’m on edge.

  Then I hear it before I see it. Crunching metal, then headlights are in my eyes. No, there should be no headlights over here. I have no time to think or even brace myself. I’m hit. I feel my truck jolt and the air bag explodes out and then there is nothing but black and quiet…….

  Chapter One


  I try to open my eyes, but I can’t make them open, and my head is pounding. I listen, and I hear machines, but I don’t know what kind. I smell the distinct smell of a hospital. It’s a clean smell, but way too abrasive for me. I try again to open my eyes, but nothing. Then I swear I hear the sweetest voice whisper to me. “You’re not alone sweetheart. I’m staying with until your family gets here. Just rest, you’ll be fine.” Then it was gone, and the black is back….

  I wake again. I open one of my eyes, but the other isn’t opening and it hurts like the dickens. I hurt all over. My head isn’t pounding anymore, but there’s a dull throb. I lift my hand to my face and it feels puffy. I reach over and my eye that is not opening is swollen. What the heck?

  Then flashes of memory come back. It was dark and rainy and then the bright headlights. I must have been hit. I can’t remember anything, other than the memory of a sweet voice whispering to me. Was it a dream? I try to sit up but give up real fast. My ribs are screaming at me to be still. I move my eye around and see a man sitting in the corner in a chair.

  Who is he and why is he here? I feel my nurse call thing beside my hand on the bed. I reach with my hand and start pushing everything on it. I can’t see it, but surely something on it will get a nurse in here.

  The door flies open and the guy nearly jumps straight out of the chair. “Are you awake? I’ll put a call in for the doctor.” The nurse is very talkative. “Can I get you something while we wait?” The man has started texting on his phone.

  I try to talk, but my throat is dry and scratchy. I motion with my hand to try to ask for water, but she has her eyes on the man from what I can see. I finally fiddle with the control enough and my bed sta
rts to come up, but I take my hand off that quick, because it freaking hurts. “Wa water.” I try again and this time I get it out.

  “Of course. I’m going to have to sit you up some. This may hurt a little at first.” She starts the bed up a little. If this is her idea of a little pain, I’d hate to feel a lot. “That should do it. It has a straw.” She pours me some water. I take a drink slowly. At first it makes my throat feel on fire, but after a minute or so it’s better. I try to adjust myself to make it a little less painful, but even that hurts. I see the man approaching my bed, stepping beside the nurse. She becomes all smiles. I don’t know him, not that I remember.


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