The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 45

by Vera Quinn

  Chapter Ten


  It seems like I just fell asleep when I feel Brody put his knee on the bottom bunk that I am sleeping in. I try not to jump but I do out of reflex. Brody brings his lips to the back of my head. It seems almost sweet if I didn’t remember his words from last night. “I’m leaving Charity. I’ll lock up when I leave. The shotgun is by the end of the bed. It’s loaded. Remember everything I told you last night.” How could I possibly forget? “I’ll see you in a few hours.” I never respond to him, but I feel when he gets off the bed and I hear the door close. I stay still even though I need to go relieve myself. I wait when I finally hear Brody shut the front door and then hear his boots going down the front steps. I give it a few minutes and then get up and go to the bathroom without turning on any lights. I finish my business and then wash my hands.

  I make it through the small cabin without turning on any lights. I get some water and find a can of fruit to eat for breakfast. I eat it straight out of the can. I have no way of knowing the time, but when I think I have given Brody enough time to be out of sight of the cabin. I turn some lights on and look around for a bag or backpack to put some things in. I don’t want to take from Brody and his family, but I will leave a note guaranteeing I will return every single item or something like it. I will make a list of everything I take. I think of what I am going to do and what I will need. I know exactly where I can get some help, even if it isn’t voluntary. Uncle Hem won’t mind. He’s always told me anytime I need help he would be there. Uncle Hem is a man that did business with my Pop and I always tried to help him load the crops that he bought from us. I know he would help me, so I have a plan. Uncle Hem said he would always help me and that he cared for me like a daughter. His family is all gone.

  His wife and brother passed, and his sons and nephew moved away. I find a big duffel bag in one of the many storage tubs in the house. I fold two of the thin blankets off the bunk beds and then grab two towels from the cabinet in the bathroom. While I am in there I brush my teeth. I check my panties and bra that I washed out in the sink and hung over the shower to dry. Panties dried, and the bra is almost dried. They will be wearable by the time I am ready to leave. I take the toothbrush and toothpaste and put them in the duffle bag. I walk back in the bedroom and dig through some of the tubs and finally come up with a pair of sweats that will be too short, but they will protect my legs from thorns and bug bites today in the woods. I find a pair of boys’ basketball shorts and a thicker t-shirt than the one I am wearing. I am going to look a sight, but it will have to work. I don’t care what people think of the way I look. I find a few more things that will work and even some boxers. I can’t be picky. I stuff them in the bottom of the duffel. I walk back in the kitchen and find a small first aid kit and stick it in there. I find a sharp knife and some scissors. I also stick a few bottles of water in the bag. I add some dish rags and trash bags. I go in the closet where the breakers for the lights are. I look around and then find the light switch and flip it on. I look closely at the shelves in the room and I see nothing I could use.

  Then I see the electrical tape and duct tape. I grab them. Not sure why but they can be used in a lot of situations. I see the edge of a small box underneath the last shelf near the floor. I squat down and pull it out. It is a small metal box but there is a place for a small key. I try to open it but it won’t open. I run my hand on the box and try to see if it is taped to the box. Nothing. I remember when I was little and if Pop locked something up, he hung the key on the wall somewhere, so he wouldn’t lose the key. I look around the walls of the closet and nothing. I walk out and into the kitchen and start looking over the walls. Nothing.

  I open the cabinet door where the dishes are, and there it is. I take it down and go back to the closet. I pick up the box and walk back to the table in the kitchen. I insert the key and open the box. There is a small twenty-two caliber pistol, semi- automatic. My ma has one just like it, she calls it her purse gun. It strikes me odd that the men would have this at their hunting cabin, but I am glad they do. I have used my ma’s repeatedly. It’s one of the cheapest handguns that you can target practice with. There are two boxes of bullets to go with it. I expel the magazine from it and make sure the chamber is empty. Everything seems alright with it. I reload it, but I don’t put one in the chamber, and then I get up and put the gun and shells in my duffel. I lock the box back and return the key.

  Now I know Brody should be far enough away from the cabin, so I go back to the bathroom. I open the medicine cabinet and take any kind of medicine I can find. There’s not much. Some Tylenol, alcohol wipes, band-aids, and I find some rubber bands. I stick all this on the side of the cabinet and then turn and get the water going. It feels nice and hot. I take the t-shirt off and put it on the cabinet and find a clean washcloth and a towel. I put the towel on the counter and bring the washcloth with me, as I get in the shower. I can finally relax a few minutes and let the hot water take the kinks out of my shoulders. I try to relax. I really do but my mind strays.

  My mind goes back to last night. The way Brody made me feel cherished and valued right up until we both found our release. I have never felt so loved and the physical release was the first with a man. I have masturbated before, but it felt nothing like Brody made me feel.

  My first time at sex was wham bam thank you ma’am, and never talk to me again. Last night I could almost fool myself that Brody might have true feelings for me. Not the fairy tale kind of happily-ever-after, but the real feelings between a man and a woman. I had been having doubts about my ability to walk away from Brody because I have strong feelings for him. I think I am half way in love with the man, but how does that make sense, since we just met a couple of days ago? I was having mixed emotions and feeling confused but he went right back to what would happen starting this morning. He was right back to business and all the warm feelings he had given me slipped away with each word. It was mind-blowing sex, but Brody made me aware that he is way out of my league. I came on to him and this is my fault, not his. He tried to warn me, and I should have taken it to heart instead of ignoring it. I got exactly what I asked him for, one night, and it will be enough. The memory is seared into my body and mind. I don’t know why I didn’t think of a condom. Because when it comes to men, I have no idea how to handle any situation.

  I hate being bossed around but I love when Brody took control. The mention of the morning-after pill put my teeth on edge. I didn’t plan on getting pregnant, but I did mean to have sex with Brody and I should have thought that out a little more. I believe every woman has control of her body, but I believe if I did get pregnant, it is my fault for not thinking of protection and my responsibility to care and love that child. The morning-after pill, in my opinion, should not be used as birth control. In some situations, it is right, and women always have the right to choose those times. This is not one for me. I know when I walk out this door I will not see Brody again and that will be alright. I don’t have his address, but he told me his cousin works for the Wood County Sheriff’s Department. I can send the money for everything I borrow back in care of the Sheriff’s Department. I also have his cousin’s name and I can make a trip back through their hometown after I have Faith with me and then we’ll drop the gun off. I am brought back out of my thoughts when the water starts to cool off. I wash and condition my hair quickly and then turn the water off. I reach for the towel I sat out and try to get all the dripping water out of my hair and then I dry off my body and put on my panties and bra and then the clothes I brought in here. I will put the sweats over my shorts before I leave. I take the bar of soap and wrap it in a washcloth and then dry the bottles of shampoo and conditioner. I lay them all on the cabinet. I put on the men’s deodorant that I found last night and then sit it on the counter. I brush out my hair and put two rubber bands in it, so it will stay up. I hang my towel over the shower to dry. I make sure everything is wiped clean. I take the rest of the stuff to the duffle bag and pack it all in there. I wa
lk back to the kitchen and clean everything up. I take a bottle water out of the refrigerator and put it in the freezer while I clean everything else. I notice a box of matches by the stove.

  I wash the dishes and then I open one more can of fruit and drain part of the juice off. I make myself eat it. It’s not very appetizing, but I am eating so I can keep my energy up for this hike. Unlike Brody, I am not sure of my way out of here. I reach for the box of matches and decide to go ahead and grab the can opener too. I am finished in here. I go back to the back room and get my duffle bag. I dig in one of the storage tubs that had the paper and pen and games in it and bring out the paper and pen. I write out an I.O.U. for the stuff I am taking and tell them I will return the twenty-two. I also write out a note for Brody. I have tears in my eyes by the time I am finished but I push myself to get out of here. I put the sweats on and push them up to my knees. It’s already getting warm outside. I grab the duffel and put pen and paper in it and then grab the two notes and go back to the kitchen and put the notes in the middle of the table. I grab my bottle of water and put it on top of everything making sure to keep it away from the paper. I close the top of the duffle and then go outside and flip the breaker to the water pump. Then I return to the house and switch off all the breakers. I grab the duffel and lock the door on my way outside. I see a machete in the side of one of the trees. I go and take it out of the tree which is no easy feat. I feel the edge of the machete. It’s not the sharpest but it’s not dull either. I will need this going through the woods. I can ditch it or stuff it in my bag when I get to the highway. I look one more time at the cabin that I spent the night with Brody in.

  My ma always said be careful what you wish for, and I guess I just learned that lesson the hard way. This cabin will always hold some of the best and some of the worst memories of my life. That sounds awful after what I have been through with the Hell Keeperz, but they could never touch my heart. I will take physical pain any day to the kind of pain I hold inside now. I turn my back to the cabin and head in an angular direction from Brody. The highway must be that direction, I am just going to come out on a different part of the highway. I see the path that Brody took, but hope like hell I avoid Brody and his friends and family.

  Chapter Eleven


  It takes me longer than I thought it would to hike out of the woods and make it back to the highway. I step out on the highway away from the woods and put the battery back in the phone and call Kaden. I wait for an answer.

  Kaden answers, “Wood County Sheriff Kaden Samms. How can I help you?”

  “You can tell me why no one has bothered to come find my ass.” I know Kaden can hear the irritation in my voice.

  “Is this Brody? You’re breaking up.” I walk further out in the road.

  “Is that better?”

  “Yeah, much. I thought Rebel would have picked you up. We were slammed with a fire, a plant explosion, and a murder. I’m running on two hours of sleep here. Sorry man, if I had known Rebel wasn’t covering your ass, I would’ve been there. Where are you?” I take a deep breath and try to get a hold on my anger. I know if Kaden was able, he would be here. He doesn’t even know my location and I’m annoyed at him. I am worried about Charity being at the camp by herself and I’m taking my frustration out on Kaden.

  “I didn’t mean to snap; it has been a long few days. I walked through the woods from our old hunting camp. I am on 515 right now. I need you to grab my four-wheelers so that we can go back and pick up a woman. I need to get her to the Demented Revengers clubhouse. I fueled them up before I put them in the shed behind my house. The extra keys are where they usually are. I need something to drink.” I don’t want to forget anything. “I will be under the shade of the trees, back out of the way. You won’t be able reach to me. I don’t want anyone tracking this phone.”

  “Can you give me a clue where on 515? Any part of that highway can take you back to the camp.” Kaden is right. I look around. Then I see something that is useful. “Due south of here you can see the very top of Mr. Potter’s feed silos and to the east is that pond we always snuck into to fish when we stayed out here. I think Mrs. Sadie owns it now.”

  “Are you sure about your directions?” I laugh at that.

  “Yes, asshole. The same men that taught me taught you. I checked out the moss on the trees and the position of the sun. Going radio silent.” I know Kaden is trying to lessen the anxiety I am feeling but until we have Charity safe, it’s not happening.

  “Lie low Brody, I have a feeling that all our activity in the county is all tied to the Hell Keeperz MC.” I have the same feeling.

  “Roger that. I’m out.” I turn the phone off and take the battery out. I would destroy the phone, but it may be useful. I don’t think a prospect would have essential information, but there are some contact numbers that can be used. I walk back to the shade of the trees and stoop down, so it’s harder for me to be seen. I hear the rumble of motorcycles and the thought that Kaden contacted Rebel but as the sounds get louder my gut tells me to move further into the woods. I look around at the trees and then I see a couple of trees down and that is going to be the best cover I will get and still be able to see what is going on. I bend down and make sure my shotgun can’t be seen. I see the Hell Keeperz MC cuts on the bikers and they slow down but never stop. They were eyeing the woods closely, so I hope Kaden gets here sooner rather than later. I dig down and get comfortable. I hear when the bikes turn around and make their way back and they slow down again. If there wasn’t five of them I would confront them, but I am the only defense between them and Charity. The rear bike is going slower than the others and I get a license number off his bike. I pick up a stick and write the number in the soft dirt, that way I don’t forget. They go further up the road in the opposite direction than before and again I get one tag number of another bike and I write it down. This time I hear the bikes rumble and they pick up speed. It sounds as if they are leaving but I don’t trust that at all. I stay put and wait. I didn’t remember to cover my tracks, but I am not moving to do it now. I don’t know how long I stay sitting this way until I hear the sirens. Before I can see the police cars, I hear another motorcycle start and speed off in the opposite direction than the sirens are coming from. I will never ignore my gut feeling again. I stay where I am until I can’t hear the motorcycle and then I get up and I see that Kaden has brought company with him. When I step out of the woods, I hear the rumble of bikes again. Kaden stops and backs his vehicle up. He leaves it in the middle of the road and exits his door with a bottle of water in his hand. “The Hell Keeperz riders where just here and they may be returning.” Kaden is shaking his head. One of the officers in another car gets out and there is another SUV behind it with my four-wheeler trailer hitched to the back of it. I hear the bikes getting closer. Kaden motions for the car behind him to pull up next to him and then he looks at me.

  “Which direction did they go?” I pointed to the direction they went, and the patrol car speeds off in that direction. I finally see the bikes coming down the road and I can make out Rebel in the front. The bikes stop behind the trailer and Kaden makes his way over to me and hands me the water. He takes me in from head to toe. “Isn’t that my shirt?” I laugh.

  “I got it at the hunting camp. I have some tag numbers written behind those fallen trees. Two of the motorcycle tags, so maybe me can find some of the people in the Hell Keeperz MC.” Kaden walks over behind the trees and he bends down to write the numbers down. Rebel makes his way over to us.

  “Why haven’t you texted me? I was worrying my ass off before Kaden called. What the hell went on after I left and where is that woman?” Rebel is straight to the point.

  “I did text you, but I received a text back from Cap saying to lay low for a while. When I noticed where I was I knew that the hunting camp we went to when we were kids was in walking distance, so I ditched the car, and Charity and I hoofed it through the woods. We spent the night at the camp and then I walked out this mor
ning, so I could get help. I’ve checked for messages off and on, so I figured something was up with the phone. When I got to the highway, I called Kaden and he brought the four-wheelers that way I can go back and get Charity.” I take a drink of the water Kaden brought me.

  “Something is going on with Cap’s phone. He said he didn’t even text us the night we were snatched out of the diner. Not only that but hell has broken loose. The diner we were taken from burnt to the ground and Neldan was found with his throat cut.” I stop and think about what Rebel has said. Kaden walks up behind me.

  “Have you replaced your phone since you’ve been back?” I look at Rebel as I ask him. I see a car has pulled up beside Kaden’s cruiser. I see it’s Mrs. Sadie. Kaden walks out to her car and she rolls her window down. I can’t hear them, so I go back to the conversation with Rebel. “I don’t know why I didn’t think of it before, but it sounds like someone has cloned some of our phones and they’re spoofing Cap’s phone. He needs to get that phone to an IT person.” I look at Rebel “That isn’t cheap. Whoever is leading the Hell Keeperz MC has some deep pockets and they have someone that knows technology. The people involved with this, if they don’t have temporary burner phones, then the phones need to be checked for the latest apps uploaded to it. I’ll have Tyler get started on that when I get back to town. He’s our IT guy and he’s used the apps for doing the spyware. We use it sometimes trying to track a fugitive.” Kaden walks over by where we’re standing.


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