The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 48

by Vera Quinn

  “I need to borrow some things, so I can get Faith out of there. You’re the only person I can turn to, but I don’t like dragging you into this.

  “I will loan you what you need, but I don’t think I have it in me to go gallivanting around that damn mountain. I wish I could turn back the hands and I would be right there with you, but it’s hard for me just to get in and out of my truck.” Uncle Hem sounds sad. I would never allow him to get involved in this except for loaning me some things.

  “Uncle Hem, I would never ask you to put yourself in the danger I’m going into. If I am caught, I will either be sent back to the Hell Keeperz MC or be dealt a punishment from the community.” I can’t be caught. Faith needs out of that place before they break her like they tried to with me.

  “Tell me what you need from me and I want to know your entire plan. I may be long in the tooth but there is nothing wrong with my brain. Maybe if you tell me the plan out loud either you or I will catch something. There’s no room for mistakes in this if you go back home.” Uncle Hem is right.

  “I know a back way into the property. It doesn’t have any security cameras there or any of their traps. I would need a four-wheeler or four-wheel drive to get up that trail. It would need to be a small four-wheel drive because the passage is narrow. I could drive in so far, but I need to get there before dark. They watch for lights on the property. I could hide the vehicle in the brush piles. There is a cave close to there that Faith should have been checking. I told her if I ever left for any reason that I would come back there to get her. I’ve been gone for a while, so I don’t know if she will still be checking but I know where she works every day, so I can find her easily. We have some things in the cave. A few clothes and the money we have managed to hide. The only other part of the plan I have figured out is getting the hell out of there and putting miles between us and them. We have no identification or anything, so I don’t know how we will survive but we will figure it out. I know this is a lot to ask but do you…” I don’t get to finish the sentence.

  “I am going to do better than that. Did your parents ever tell you what my business once was? Not this shop here, this was more of a hobby.” I look at Uncle Hem, but I don’t know if I can take any more surprises. I shake my head no. “My family were moonshiners back in the day and I carried on that tradition. Back when I was growing up, alcohol was frowned upon and until just a few years ago this county was dry. That means no alcohol was sold here. Now back in my pappy’s day they had the stills that they operated and made a damn good living. I still dabble in the moonshine business but in small quantities. I began making trips across the county lines and buying alcohol and bringing it back to Camp County and then the old timers could come by and pick up what they wanted so they didn’t need to go fifty miles to buy it. I made a good profit but then the laws changed, and now we can buy beer or wine at every store in town, but I have my moonshine running jeep stored out on my land. I keep everything up on it current and it has a new motor in it. I think it might work for you. I pulled the back seats out and it’s like the bed of a truck back there but with a cover. I also have a nephew who lives in New Orleans that has a restaurant with some rooms over it that he rents out. I can call him and see if he can help you out by paying you under the table. I’m sure that Levi might be able to hook you up with some people in New Orleans.” I am surprised by all of it. Every single thing he has told me. “If New Orleans doesn’t sound like the direction you want to go then my youngest boy lives in the Dallas area. He knows some of the BlackPath MC. I know you may be a little cautious about being around a club right now, but Bubba thinks they’re good people. Bubba has always been a good judge of character and he owns a mechanics shop. I know he would pay you under the table for a few months. He works on older vehicles. He restores and overhauls them. He likes muscle cars.” Uncle Hem reaches over and picks up my hand and puts it in his big hand and squeezes softly. These are a lot of decisions to make. “I know I have seen you doing maintenance on the vehicles out in your community, but if that’s not your thing then there’s my oldest son, Paul. He lives in Ft. Worth and he owns warehouses, small apartment complexes, storage facilities, car washes and laundry mats. He buys them and improves on them and then flips them for a profit. You think about it and when we have everything set for you to make your way to the mountain, you can let me know which way you want to go. This will give you a little bit of a head start and time to put away some money for wherever you decide to go. Just let me help while I still can. I don’t have many days left on this earth and it would put my mind at ease that I know you and your sister are in good hands.”

  “How long can I borrow the jeep for? I don’t want to get too far away, and you need it. I can’t ask you to do that.” I am trying to sort this out one thing at a time.

  “I want to give the jeep to you and Faith. I know that girl has asthma and the humidity at this time of year can be hard. Neither of you need to be hitching rides either. It’s not safe.” I start to tell him no, but he raises his hand. “Don’t argue with me Charity. I am not using the damn thing. I haven’t in a while. It’s in top running order and is full of gas. I need to clean the inside out and then pack some things in it for you and Faith. One day, when you can, then you can help someone out the way I want to help you. Then we’ll be even.” I feel the tears start again. I don’t like taking handouts from people, but I don’t have a choice if I want my sister out of that place and safe. I stand up and move closer to Uncle Hem and give him the biggest hug.

  “Thank you, Uncle Hem. I don’t know if I will ever be able to repay you, but I am in no position to refuse your generosity.” I say and hope he can understand what I’m saying through the tears.

  “Okay girl. Dry your tears and quit the blubbering we have work to do. What do you think you’re going to need? Never mind, I’ll wing it and stop by the house and pick you up some food. Do you want to come to the house and shower and maybe get a nap in while I work my magic?” The shower and nap sound like a promising idea.

  “That sounds great. I think that Faith and I should head to the Dallas area instead of New Orleans. I need to find a way to get us both a birth certificate and then social security cards, so we don’t need to work under the table all the time. I just don’t know how to do that without my parents finding out. I also need to find out how to get Faith into school. She only has the rest of this year to complete if she has kept up since I’ve been gone.” I know there must be a way, but I need to get some rest, that way my mind will unjumble and then I can figure this out.

  “Do you trust me, Charity?” Uncle Hem asks me. That’s a silly question if I didn’t, I wouldn’t be here, even if I didn’t realize it at first. I shake my head telling him yes. “Then relax. I will help any way I can. I will call my sons and make the arrangements. Stay at the house until early morning and then drive in right at sun break. That way you don’t need the headlights and can go in without unwanted eyes on you. You’re only going to get one chance at this and you need every advantage that you can get. I’ll load the jeep and keep watch and do not under any circumstance get up and go wandering around my property outside. The house is safe, but my yard is rigged for intruders and I don’t want you getting caught in any of my traps. Just shower, eat, and sleep. I’ll wake you when it’s time to leave. Can you do that for me girl?” I feel a weight being lifted off my shoulders and for the first time in a while I can take a deep breath. I think with Uncle Hem’s help I can get Faith out of there.

  “Thank you, that’s exactly what I’ll do, and I will never be able to thank you enough.” I want this to go smoothly and now I have the help that I need to achieve my goal. “Let’s do it.”

  Chapter Thirteen


  I walk into the Demented Revengers clubhouse and I can feel the tension as soon the door closes behind me. I have been running leads with Tyler and Shane for the last thirty-six hours and there is nothing pertaining to the Hell Keeperz MC or Charity. Every lead is a
dead end. I am hoping Tip has dug up some information. Today is the day that Cap wants answers from me and I get to meet some of the members of the BlackPath MC. Everyone is hoping if we expand our search parameter that the Hell Keeperz may have let down their defenses since it’s not close to home. Sooner or later one of the Hell Keeperz will screw up and drop the ball. I know right now that finding Charity is not high on our list of priorities, but I can’t get that woman off my mind. I have tried, and it doesn’t work. I am worried about her safety and she is a big question mark in this whole situation. That’s what it is, I don’t like unanswered questions, they have a way of coming back and biting you on the ass. That must be the reason. Why else would she be taking up so much space in my head? She’s in the back of my mind when I am awake and the smell of her and the touch of her hands on my body haunt my dreams. There is no escape. I have been going over these same things in my head since I left Charity that morning. I keep telling myself this is not personal except for the fact I am trying to protect my loved ones. I am beginning to think there is more to it than that.

  “Whoa!” Gracie shrieks and I catch her before she falls. I was distracted by the same insane thoughts that run a loop in my mind and I almost knocked Gracie on her ass. I grab her and pull her to me, trying to help her regain her balance. I realize this could be an unpleasant situation if Rebel sees it. I gently push Gracie back a few inches but keep a hold of her until she is steady on her feet. “Where are you going so fast Brody?” Tony, Gracie and Rebel’s son, runs up behind his mom. He sees me looking down at Gracie and he steps around Gracie and shoves my leg. I let go of Gracie because I see Gracie has her balance and I take a step back. Tony makes his way between his mom and me and he pushes hard on my leg. I hear a laugh from behind Gracie and look up and Rebel is standing there.

  “That’s right Brody, my son has my back. No one puts their hands on my woman.” Rebel is laughing, and he bends down and him and Tony give each other high fives.

  “I am sorry Gracie. I was lost in my head and wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I didn’t even see you there.”

  “No apology necessary, Brody. It was just as much my fault. Tony and I were playing a game of chase. I came running through the place not paying attention. Tony is full of energy and I was trying to wear him out, so he’ll be ready for his nap after lunch. I think I’m the tired one.” Gracie is looking at her son and husband with a look that is very clear she adores them both.

  “You need to be more careful woman. You could have fallen.” I laugh at Rebel. I know this man is a caveman when it comes to Gracie and their children, but this is beyond funny to me.

  “Rebel, I hate to let you in on the secret, but Gracie is an adult and knows how to put one foot in front of the other and walk. I can’t believe you’ve turned into such a mother hen. Gracie,” I look at Gracie and make sure she knows I am just joking and giving Rebel a tough time. Her face is lit up with a beautiful smile. That smile is why I fell in love with Gracie at one time. “You need to put your foot up his ass, so he’ll give you some breathing room.” Rebel cuts his eyes at me and I can see he wants to go off on me, but when Gracie looks his way and shines that bright smile on him, his eyes go soft. I see that Gracie and Rebel are deeply in love. I am happy for them both.

  “Not that it’s your business asshole, but Gracie told me last night that she is carrying our next child. I don’t want her to trip over anything or get run down by anyone like you, asshole.” I look over to Gracie and she shakes her head yes. I wink at her and then slap Rebel on the back. I grab Rebel’s hand to shake it and Tony hits my hand.

  “No!” The boy yells at me. Gracie, Rebel, and I all laugh at the same time. Tony may not be very old, but he is Rebel made over. Gracie stops laughing and reaches for Tony.

  “That’s not nice Tony. Brody was playing with your poppy. Tell Brody you’re sorry for hitting him, so we can all be friends.” I know Gracie is teaching Tony an important lesson, but she is too cute doing it.

  “Quit eyeing my woman or I’ll let my mini-me go on you full blast. He takes care of all my lightweight shit.” I laugh again. I didn’t think two years ago that Rebel and I would ever get back to the place where we would be in each other’s lives.

  “How did you know I was eyeing your woman? I just didn’t want to knock her on her ass. I was trying to catch Gracie before she fell. Congratulations to both of you on the new baby in the works and Rebel, it’s high time that I apologize to you. You have shown me exactly how much you love Gracie and you’re a damn natural at this poppy thing. I didn’t think you had it in you, but you have shown me how wrong I am. When I’m wrong, I say I’m wrong, and I couldn’t be happier for your growing family.” I am speaking from my heart and I know I sound like a pussy. I am at a crossroad in my life and I want to do the right thing by letting family and friends know how I feel. I’m not getting any younger. I know Rebel is going to come back with some smartass remark and I am prepared for it.

  “Thanks Brody, that’s very nice of you to say. I am going to take Tony to the kitchen and get his lunch over with, so I can get you men food for when your meeting is over.” Gracie moves towards Rebel. Rebel kisses Tony’s head and then kisses Gracie. Tony is eyeing me.

  “Sorry.” Tony smiles at me.

  “Thank you, bud. It’s a good thing you take care of your family, but it’s even nicer that you listen to your mom.” I try to high five Tony, but he doesn’t respond to me the way he did Rebel. He looks at me with crinkled eyebrows.

  “No Bud,” Tony says with a serious look. “Tony.” That has Rebel and me laughing again.

  “Okay Tony.” Gracie walks away, and I hear her snickers as she walks away.

  “I was beginning to wonder if I needed to come drag your ass out of bed, so you could get to the clubhouse. We’ve changed a few things around here. We’ve installed better surveillance cameras in all communal areas.” Rebel turns to walk towards his office without adding anything else. I follow him.

  “I have been going through every lead I have. I haven’t found any militia communities or compounds around here. The thing is, I don’t think Charity’s family is a militia exactly, but more of a group of anti-government families that banded together.” Rebel stops walking and I almost run into the back of him. Rebel looks over his shoulder at me.

  “You’re wrong.” Rebel opens the double doors across from his office door. This is not where they hold church. I don’t remember these doors being here the last time I was here. They had big tarps hanging over the wall before. Rebel walks through the door and I follow. The room has a huge wooden table with chairs around it. The chairs are full of Demented Revengers and some men I have never met before. I see Cap and a big dark-haired man sitting with their heads together. They are talking in hushed voices. The minute Cap sees me he sits back.

  “Nice of you to finally show your ass Brody. I know you’re a civilian, but you served in the military, you know time is not our friend on any mission. This may not be a typical mission, but you need to treat it as one, soldier.” I see that everyone’s nerves are on edge. I look straight in Cap’s eyes. I won’t let this man intimidate me. I’m too tired for this shit.

  “I served in the Marines, not in the military. I was and always will be a Marine. I’ve only catnapped since I was picked up from the hunting camp. I have been running down every lead I’ve been made aware of. Have there been any new leads or any news at all?” I don’t wait for Cap to answer. I swing my eyes to Rebel, who has sat across the table from Cap. “What the hell do you mean I’m wrong, Rebel?”

  “Your point is taken Brody, but you need to sit down and let us catch you up.” I look back at Cap and don’t say anything else. At this point it wouldn’t do anything to help the situation. I sit next to Rebel at the table.

  “First off, we are upping the security in all Demented Revengers MC clubhouses. We have also put someone on your family. I don’t doubt they can take care of themselves, but we aren’t taking any chan
ces. I have talked to Kaden and he is alright with it. We haven’t been able to reach Jilly. She’s gone off on one of those women’s retreats but as soon as she contacts Kaden then we’ll get eyes on her too. Everyone here in the Quitman Chapter is on lockdown here at the clubhouse. We’ve had some problems. Cap had some vandalism and some of Lil’s farm animals were killed. Katie, Shine’s woman was run off the road on the way back from a doctor’s appointment.” I see the worry in Rebel’s body language. I know Lil is Cap’s woman, but I am not familiar with this other woman and Shine is one of Cap’s men.


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