The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 50

by Vera Quinn

  I know I need to nap. If Faith gets out tonight, we will both need to be up for a lot of hours. I hope Faith is ready to get out of here. I wipe my hands of the crumbs there and wipe them off and then take a drink of water and then I try to get comfortable. I just need a short nap until the sun starts to set. My eyes start to flutter, and I feel sleep taking me under. I feel like I have just closed my eyes when I am being smothered with a hug. It startles me, and my first reaction is to fight but then Faith’s scent hits my nose and before I even open my eyes I am hugging my sister back. Faith pulls me to my feet and I open my eyes and I have never seen anyone that is more of a welcome sight. I finally step back from Faith and look her over from the top of her head to her shoes. “We need to get out of here tonight; by morning they will be looking for me.” Faith has tears running down her cheeks. I look at her and see the worry.

  “Did you bring your medicine?” I ask. I can’t afford for Faith to have an asthma attack right now. “Have you had very many attacks since I’ve been gone?”

  “I will answer this but then it’s your turn, where have you been? I came back from helping the women and you were gone. No one knew what happened.” Faith holds on tightly to my hand. “My attacks have been closer together and more serious. The thing is I caught Ma putting ground-up aspirin in my drinks and food. I started insisting that I cook since Ma has been working in the storage buildings for hours every day.”

  “What the hell, Faith? Everyone knows that you can’t have aspirin, what’s going on?” Faith has aspirin sensitive asthma and she has small polyps in her nasal cavity, it’s Samter’s Triad. We have always been careful. When Faith was diagnosed was one of the few times that someone here was taken to an outside medical facility. Faith almost died that night.

  “I don’t know Charity. I was in the kitchen one day and Ma was making us all some tea. She didn’t know I was there and it shocked me when I saw her crushing pills up, I watched as she put it in the tea and then put the bottle away. I waited until I knew she was in the other room and I went to the cabinet and there was the bottle of aspirin. I didn’t know what to do?” I know Faith had to have been scared. I have told her many times through the years to be sure to check labels before she takes any pain relievers or cold medicines. We have an infirmary inside the community and it’s stocked with different medicines and first aid supplies and that is where we go for all our illnesses.

  “I don’t know what our parents are thinking half the time but that is being reckless with your health and it won’t happen again because we are getting out of here around midnight.” I have been scouting the trails I had to take in here and I have them memorized. We will use the park lights like I did coming in.

  “Where have you been and what took you so long to get back? I quit coming to the cave when Pop started the restrictions. I couldn’t even go to work in our garden without someone going with me. It was usually Ma or Nic. Nic wants us to be wed and Pop agreed.” Faith stops for a second and then she looks at me. “I don’t love Nic. I know he would take more wives than just me and I can’t handle that. I like Nic, but that’s as far as it goes. I will not only be on the run from Ma and Pop but from Nic too. We are to be wed next month before we all move.” I am trying to take in everything that Faith has told me.

  “Faith sit down and take a deep breath.” I move over towards where I have my blanket. “Have you eaten and taken all your medicine?”

  “I ate earlier and all I like is my nebulizer if I need it.” The moonlight is coming in through the cave opening but it’s still dark in here. We both sit on the blanket. “Will you answer me, please?”

  “Faith, I just don’t want to upset you and I know what I’m about to tell you, will.” I reach for the flashlight I had sitting beside me and find the candle I had ready for tonight and light it with the lighter I had in my front pocket. I can make out Faith’s face so if she gets too upset I can see it. “Pop traded me to a motorcycle club. They were going to use me for a blackmail scheme and then use me in their clubhouse. They wanted me to have sex with different men.” I hear Faith gasp.

  “I don’t understand, why? Are you alright? Did they hurt you?” I hear the hiccup in Faith’s voice.

  “I was drugged and held in a horrible place, but two men helped me escape before they could make me do the sex thing. They wanted to record me with those two men. Do you remember those men that rode their motorcycles in here a few times? They’re the ones I was traded to, but I don’t understand why Pop would trade me.” I don’t tell Faith it was her the motorcycle club wanted but Pop traded me in her place. I don’t want her to have to deal with the thought of it.

  “Charity, things have been weird since you disappeared. Almost all the girls my age have either been married off or disappeared just like you and just like you there was no explanation.” I must not have been the only female traded to the Hell Keeperz MC. I didn’t see anyone in there that I know. That must mean they have more than one place to hold the women. This is a worse situation than I thought. “Pop said I had to marry Nic or my life was going to change drastically, and he wouldn’t be able to protect me anymore. I don’t think I could ever love Nic. I know this may sound selfish, but I want someone that I pick, not someone chosen for me and that I must share. Nic slapped me the other day when I wouldn’t let him kiss me. It was on my birthday.” I thought about what Faith is saying. I missed Faith’s birthday and didn’t even realize it. Then there is the whole hitting thing.

  “You’re seventeen now. I can’t believe I missed your birthday.” I bring Faith to me and hug her like there is no tomorrow. Never again. I will be there every step of the way. If I get a chance I will put a bullet between Nic’s eyes. No one hurts my baby sister. I wipe away a tear that is sliding down my cheek. I take a deep breath and blow it out. “What else has been happening?”

  “They’re moving things out of here every other night. That’s the reason I came tonight instead of waiting. Ma was watching me like a hawk this afternoon. I think she’s afraid I am going to run. They aren’t giving the girls the choice to leave anymore, they just disappear if they don’t agree with the ways the community is doing things or they express a dislike for the man chosen for them. I am so glad you showed up today. We need to get out of here before the sun comes up. They find out I am missing, and they’re going to bring out the hounds.” Faith is digging something out of the backpack she brought with her. It’s something wrapped in a handkerchief. Faith unwraps it and more money than I have ever laid eyes on falls out.

  “Where did you get all this money?” I wait for Faith to answer. She hesitates, but finally looks at me and I can see she is nervous.

  “I took it out of the shed where Pop keeps it hid. I know I shouldn’t have, but we are going to need money, so they never catch us.” Faith starts sobbing. I put my arm around her.

  “You’re right Faith, and do not feel guilty about it. You need to get a couple hours of sleep while I get the Jeep loaded. I just want a few more things to get in it and then we can move out. Uncle Hem let me borrow his jeep and he filled it with things we’ll need. He also has a place for us to go around Dallas. His sons live there, and they’re going to help us until we are on our feet and decide what we want to do.” I wait for Faith to do as I say, but she is as stubborn as me.

  “I took a nap this afternoon and I haven’t been awake that long. I can help. We’re in this together and I want to help my sister, so everything isn’t on her shoulders. Are you sure Uncle Hem will keep our secret?” My little sister has grown up a lot while I have been gone.

  “Alright. I want to watch the trails for a little while before we take off to make sure no one is out and about. We get caught and our days are numbered. I put nothing past this group of people we call our family and I’m betting our lives that Uncle Hem will do anything he can to help us.” I want to distract Faith, so I start picking things up. Faith hands me the money and I stick some of it in my pocket and hand Faith some to do the same thing and then
take her backpack and stick the rest in it. I am guessing there are a few thousand dollars and it will help us, but I am not sure it’s the smart thing to take it. It may be the reason our family keeps hunting us. My mind is going in circles. I will be glad when we are away from this place. “So, why did Pop pick Nic for you? Normally the young girls are matched with older men.” Faith stops for a minute and looks at the ground and then back to me.

  “Nic comforted me when you went missing. I thought he was being a friend, but then he kept pushing for more than friendship. He kept insisting we have sex. I was scared. I have zero experience with men and sex or sex at all. I’m still a freaking virgin. I kept saying no. What does Nic do, him and his dad go to Pop and tell him what had been going on and that Nic wants to marry me since I was a good girl. I have never been so embarrassed in my life. Talking about sex and marriage in front of Pop and the other two. I was mortified, and Ma was nowhere in sight.” Faith stops suddenly and then turns her attention to picking more things up. Not that there is much to pick up, but she seems uneasy and then she looks at me. “Charity, how do you know when you’re in love? I have never felt that feeling and I don’t want to miss it in case it happens. Have you ever been in love?” Now I am the one who feels like I am out of my comfort zone, but I will answer anything for Faith.

  “You aren’t the only one that has had a lot happen in the last few months. I told you that there were two men that helped me escape but I fell in love with one of those men, Brody.” The thought of Brody, his insanely sexy smell, even sweaty it makes me weak in the knees, and his muscles have muscles.

  “You look all dreamy eyed or maybe it’s too dark in here for me to see. Don’t keep me hanging, share.” I have missed my girl talk with Faith, but I guess I am not a girl anymore. “Tell me how it feels to love someone, so I can be prepared when I find it.”

  “Love isn’t something you can prepare for. It is something that grows in your heart without a reason. It consumes you beyond any reasoning and even if you try, you can’t deny it. One look at Brody and I felt it growing inside me and I don’t think if I run from now until eternity that I can unfeel it. I am marked for life.” I can’t explain it any other way and I don’t even know if my explanation comes close to how much I feel for Brody.

  “Is he going to meet us somewhere? Are you two going to be man and wife some day?” Faith has no idea of all the things that stand in the way of Brody and I being together, but I do.

  “We had sex once and no, we won’t be together. Brody is too good for me and he let me know it. We are from two different worlds. He is intelligent but stubborn. Sexily handsome but insufferable. His kiss sets my heart to beating double-time, but he’s lacking in the sweet talk department. In other words, I can’t get him out of my mind and I don’t think I ever will.” That’s all I have to say on the subject.

  “Oh, you two will happen. If it’s meant to be, then it will be, and I am so happy for you!” Faith is all excited.

  “I don’t want to talk anymore about it or him. Let’s get this stuff to the jeep and get the brush off it. I put it in the ravine and put brush and limbs on it. I want to sit and watch the road for a while before we leave.” I pick up the bag I filled, and Faith has her backpack and we make our way out of the cave. We move quietly and quickly. We still have a long night ahead of us. I hope we both make it out of here safe.

  Chapter Fifteen


  We made it through Pittsburg without any problems. Faith was asleep before we ever made it five miles away from the only place that either of us has ever called home. I was tempted to stop in at Uncle Hem’s and let him know we are out and safe, but I am afraid we will be seen by someone and that would get Uncle Hem in trouble for helping us. I know I shouldn’t go out of my way to stop in Quitman, but I need to keep my word to Brody and his family. I have the gun I took from the cabin under the front seat of the jeep. I am going to put it in a bag with some money for the things I borrowed. I have fake tags on the jeep and as soon as I get out of the Sheriff’s office I will pull off somewhere and replace them with the originals. I know they have cameras around the building. I haven’t broken the law, unless, Brody’s family presses charges. What do I know? I don’t even have a driver’s license. I need to do this to be able to look at myself in the mirror every day. I am no thief. I turned off Highway 11 and found the road to go to Quitman. I am filled with doubt and I can’t be sure I won’t be detained I just hope that since this is a small town and small county all the deputies are busy. There can’t be that many deputies on the payroll. It seems like I have been driving this dark highway forever, but I know it hasn’t been that long when I see the town lights. There’s no way I can get lost in this town. The courthouse is in the middle of town and everything else is in a straight line from it. At least there is a street behind the sheriff’s department and it’s mostly abandoned back there. I park the vehicle and when the jeep comes to a stop Faith opens her eyes.

  “Where are we?” Faith is rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.

  “I need to drop something off at the sheriff’s department, and then we can get back on the road. I borrowed some things from Brody’s family and I need to make sure they get one of those items back and payment for the others.” Faith sits up straighter.

  “Are we going to get caught? I took money from Pop. They could put me in jail.” Faith looks like she may cry. I take hold of her hand.

  “Faith, I will take care of us. We are going to repay every cent of the money that you took from Pop. We have done nothing but work for the community. The money you took is more than what we deserve but I was traded to a damn motorcycle club and expected to pay for some agreement made between them and Pop. I could have been raped and tortured, I was tortured to some extent. I think Pop can do without a little money for a couple of months. We won’t spend more than is necessary.” Faith sits up and I can see the stiffness in her body. She is fighting within herself.

  “Charity, it wasn’t long ago that the community was our home with our family in it. I am sorry for what you went through, but haven’t we been taught two wrongs don’t make a right? I know we need the money, it’s why I took it, but I feel guilty for stealing and I feel guilty for leaving my friends behind. It’s my burden to carry and I will, it’s just going to take me a little while to come to terms with it. I know that sounds like I’m ungrateful to you and that is the farthest from the truth. I just need to get it straight in my head. Do you want me to come along with you to be your lookout like we used to when we were younger?” Faith is struggling with her decision to leave and that is just Faith. She is very loyal, and it’s hurting her to understand that the lives we have been living is not what they have seemed. That’s what happens when the people you look up to manipulate you. She’ll get there.

  “I want you to stay right here. If I’m not back soon and there’s a lot of activity that starts outside, then get the hell out of here like the devil is on your tail. Do not draw attention to yourself. Drive back up this road towards the main street and take Highway 19 north.” I wait for Faith to agree but she only shakes her head. “It will take you to Sulphur Springs. There’s a big shopping center there on the right as you go into town. Go in there and buy a disposable phone and minutes for it. There is a coffee shop that has free Wi-Fi, so you can activate the phone. There is a notepad in the glove box with a single telephone number on it. That’s Uncle Hem’s, call him and he will help you. Whatever you do, do not try to help me. Get the hell away. If I am caught that’s on me and I can take care of myself. One of us needs to escape. When Uncle Hem gets you to Dallas then do not come back for any reason and do not stay in any one place for very long. Stop and work for a while, get money, and then move on. Never let your guard down and trust no one.”

  “I can’t let you go in there alone. I need to pull my weight. I am not a child anymore that you need to keep a watchful eye on. I can learn to help you. I am seventeen and I need to know I am helping and not just a bu
rden to you.” I let go of Faith’s hand. I never knew that Faith felt this way. She is no burden.

  “You are no burden to me, ever. I love you and I don’t want you dragged back to that community against your will and made to marry a man that would lay his hands on you in a cruel and punishing way. You are seventeen, but you are still a minor and until you are eighteen, we need to keep you away from anyone that has to do with Pop. Do you understand that? Right now, we only trust Uncle Hem. He has helped us so much so far and he has a good heart.” I think it will take me a long time to trust anyone else.

  “What about Brody? You said you love him and I don’t know anything about love, but it seems to me to love someone that you need to trust him. Would you reach out to him if you are caught?” Faith is right. I do trust Brody, but I won’t be hurt by him or any man again. I may have been born poor and not raised in the best of situations, but no one should judge me by that. I had no choice who I was born to. That sounds ugly towards my ma and pop, but it isn’t meant that way. I love my ma and pop. I don’t understand where their thinking is right now, but that doesn’t take away from the love I feel for them. They raised me the way they want to live and now that I am an adult it is my choice of how I live my life. I blame them for some choices they have made but I don’t have any hate in my heart for them. They raised me to take care of my loved ones and I am taking care of Faith right now. She should be given a choice of how she lives, and, in the beginning, everyone was given a choice when they turned eighteen but for some reason Pop has decided to take those choices away. I will not let him do that to Faith. I need to answer Faith’s question.


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