The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter

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The Complete Box Set Demented Revengers MC - Quitman Chapter Page 75

by Vera Quinn

  “Damn brother, a yes or no would do. You don’t need to write a fucking book. You have point.” Shine lets me have this one and I need it. I need to get my woman home and I need to kill those sons of a bitches that touched my Faith.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  I don’t know how long we have been in this van, but it seems like forever. Charity is finally awake again. She’s hasn’t said anything, neither of us have, but her eyes show that she is scared. I should feel better having my sister here, but I don’t.

  We stopped and let Samson and Red Cap out. I thought they were going to separate Charity and me, but they didn’t. I see lights and realize we have pulled into a convenience store. The lights are bright, so I know the parking area is well lit.

  “I told you Trick, I need to hit the can, or you can smell the shit. That damn burrito from early hit my gut hard.” I never paid much attention to Boozer.

  “More likely all that damn beer you drank last night.” Trick fires back. “Those two are still out cold, I’ll get us something to eat because there is no telling when we will get another decent meal. I’ll grab a bag of snacks for later.” That means they will both be gone for a few minutes or more. I don’t have a phone and rack my brain for what I should do. I know Charity is awake so as soon as these two are out of the van than we need to make a run for it. This may be our last chance. Trick and Boozer get out of the van and don’t even hesitate to look our way.

  I make myself calm down and count to ten and then I move. I see that Charity is already sitting up and she's looking around to find something to protect ourselves with. There’s nothing here but tarps and ties. My hands aren’t tied, my feet aren't tied, but that's their mistake. The two bikers are lazy, and the Demented Revengers will take care of them. I peek out the back window of the van, I see a woman getting in a car with a child. I look at Charity who is still looking for weapons. “Let’s go Charity.” She looks at me and I don't even think. I open the back doors and I grab a hold Charity’s hand and we make our way towards the woman. I know that I'm taking a chance doing this and I don't want to get the woman, or the child harmed, but I need to get Charity to safety. The woman looks stunned and when she sees my face, I know I must look a mess. I took a hard hit from Samson earlier.

  “What are you doing?” The woman shrieks when we run up to her side of the car before she can get in the vehicle. “What do you want?”

  “My sister and I were kidnapped, and we need a ride out of here. The two men are in the store. They are the big biker looking men. We need to get out of here, my sister's pregnant.” I know I am frantic and I don’t even know how this woman can understand me, but our time is running out. “I wouldn’t ask you for help if we had any other options.” The woman hesitates only for second and looks down at her child. “Trevor, get in the back and put that seatbelt on.” She looks at us as her boy walks over and gets buckled in. “Okay ladies let's get moving, those men aren't going to be gone for long.” I turn and look over my shoulder and I see Trick walking towards the door to come out. If we don't get out of here now, we're not going to have a chance to get out of here. I run around the car and get in the car; the woman gets in and she peels out of the parking lot like she is in a race for her life and I guess in a way she is.

  “You need to get on your phone, so someone can meet us somewhere. I don’t like to say this, but I need to think of my son first.” The woman says quietly, and I understand this.

  “We don’t have a phone. They took them from us when they took us from our wedding.” Charity tells the woman. The woman’s eyes get huge.

  “You mean that you were kidnapped from your wedding? You poor girls, here take my phone.” She digs it out of her pocket and hands it to me. “There has to be frantic people looking for you.” My mind goes to Con. I know he is going crazy. He always does when he can’t control something. I don’t even think about who I am going to call. My fingers dial Con’s number. The phone only rings twice and I hear Con’s frantic voice.

  “Con, we escaped. Trick and Boozer went in a store and we were saved by a woman giving us a ride out of there.” I rush so Con does not interrupt me. “Tell Brody that Charity is alright. We need someone to meet us. The lady that gave us a ride has a son and we need to get away from them, so nothing happens to them.”

  “Damn woman, you are going to be the death of me. Where are you?” I look at the woman.

  “Where are we ma’am?”

  “Farm Market Road 635 south of Quitman. We were at the only convenience store out here, but we are going back towards Quitman as fast as I can drive safely. We are thirty minutes away.” I would have guessed a lot further away, but I don’t know if we drove out of the way to drop Red Cap and Samson off. I relay the direction to Con.

  “Who all was in the van. Are they all still together?” Con asks me.

  “They dropped Samson and Red Cap off. Like I said we were just with Trick and Boozer.” I know my adrenaline is making me short with Con, but I am trying to remain calm. Then I feel it. No, not now. I hand the phone to Charity while I still can. I feel the tightening around my airway. I try not to panic but it is hard and then the wheezing. I hear myself. I and trying to stay focused. The pressure is building. Breathe Faith, breathe. In, out, in, out. I feel the sweat and clammy feeling.

  “Damn, Faith, breathe.” I hear my sister yell at me. I need my inhaler. “Con, Faith is going into an asthma attack. She needs her inhaler.” Then I can’t listen to Charity; it is taking all my energy and concentration to just breath. I need air in my lungs. I just concentrate with everything in me to get that air I need.

  Chapter Twenty-Four


  I am losing my mind trying to get to Faith. I am taking curves in the road dangerously fast on my bike. I have both Cooper and Brody with me, but they are in Brody’s jeep and I need to remind myself to keep their headlights in my mirror. I see headlights coming my way and hope it is the car with Faith in it. It tore my heart out listening to Faith fight for the air in her lungs. I just need to get to her. I left my brothers to deal with the community, but I keep going over why Samson and Red Cap would separate themselves from Boozer and Trick. Something is wrong with that. If they were going to the community, why would they not go there together? The only thing that comes to my mind is that Red Cap and Samson are doubling back. I texted Cap to warn him, but why would Samson take that chance. I see the car in the other lane stop. I know Faith is in that car and she needs me. I am off my bike and run to the passenger side of the car and when I see Faith’s face, I freeze. Faith’s face is pale but it’s her lips that catch my attention; they have a blue look to them and then she reaches for my arm and I see her fingers are also turning blue and her touch is cold with a slick feel to them. I don’t know what to do or how to touch her when I hear her breathing and I am knocked to my knees by the wheezing sound. I feel hands pulling me backwards and I am shocked but then I see Cooper getting closer with something in his hand. I move backwards, and I see Cooper put the thing in Faith’s mouth and he pumps the thing twice and then moves it away from her.

  “What are you giving her?” Charity asks.

  “It is a short-acting bronchodilators inhaler. Ewan and I both have asthma, and we always keep one of these inhalers with us. Faith should talk to her doctor about it.” Cooper answers Charity. I can already see the improvement in Faith.

  “She has an inhaler, but she hasn’t had an asthma attack in a while. We need to get her to the hospital.” Charity tells us. I agree. Brody is standing behind Charity and he has his hand protectively over his growing child.

  “We are getting you checked out while we are there.” Brody says to Charity and I know he is expecting an argument, but Charity just nods her head yes and then she looks at the woman on the other side of the car.

  “Thank you for helping us,” Charity pauses, “What is your name?”

  “My name is Carol and you are welcome, but I need to get my son home.” We a
ll look towards the back seat and her son has fallen asleep.

  “Let’s move Faith to the jeep.” Brody yells at me. I look at Faith who still has not said anything. She looks asleep with just a few jerks occasionally. Charity notices me watching Faith closely.

  “It’s normal for her to sleep now. That attack took a lot of energy and she is going to want to sleep for a while. We do need to make sure she is alright at the hospital.” I move in and remove her seat belt and pick her up and take her to Brody’s jeep. I make sure she is belted in and safe. This is scaring the shit out of me. Faith has not said a word. I kiss her head, cheek and then briefly on her lips. Charity climbs in back with Faith. Cooper and Brody get in the front. I see the woman’s car leaving and I run to my bike and follow the jeep holding my world.

  The ride to the hospital seems like it takes forever. Brody pulls right up to the emergency room entrance and parks his jeep. Medical personnel come out, so I know Brody must have called ahead. I park my bike and I see Faith looking around for me. I am thankful she is awake. I walk up to the side of the gurney they have put Faith on. I take her hand and I kiss it.

  “We need to get her inside, so we can help her.” The nurse tells me. I start to let go of Faith’s hand, but she grabs my hand.

  “No, he’s staying with me. He’s my husband.” That puts a smile on my face even if Faith is struggling to get the words out.

  “Follow us.” The nurse says. I look at Faith and I can’t wait another minute.

  “I love you, Faith.” I see the tears in Faith’s eyes, but I know we need to get her in the hospital.

  “Love…you.” Faith gets out. With that the nurse moves the gurney and I follow it closely. I am not letting this woman out of my sight.

  Chapter Twenty-Five


  We have everyone in place. We have been watching Trick drive a van into the rundown warehouse. How anyone could think this was a safe place to live is beyond me. We have only seen lights in part of the thing. Rebel has his men positioned behind the warehouse and Sean is with me and we are going in the front. It has been a long hot night and it is only a few hours until daylight. I look at my watch and it is go time. We shoot out the one outside light before we rush the front door with the judge. The judge is a long metal torpedo-looking thing we use to knock doors or walls down with. When the local cops went to torpedo hooks we bought this at an auction. It has come in handy on more than one occasion. There’s no gunfire and very little noise. I know Trick and Boozer are in here and they are armed. I look around and there are children and women everywhere and then I see a movement out of my peripheral vision. I see a gun come up, but I throw myself to the ground and turn my gun and shoot the person with the gun. He goes down. Rebel runs in the front room and walks over to Trick’s body and checks it for life and there is none. The shot went straight between his eyes and then I hear another shot. I see the women and children are scared.

  “These people aren’t armed.” Rebel says. “The back door wasn’t even locked.” Sean comes up beside us.

  “The men are here they have to be hiding somewhere. They won’t come out until we are gone.” Rebel looks at me and smiles.

  “I am not killing women and children that are not armed. The government will just need to suck it the hell up.” I look at Rebel again and he is still smiling, and I know what he is thinking. I stand up. “Get the women and children out. Check them for weapons and then torch this place. We will see how these assholes like fire. It’ll be there little taste of hell on earth.” I no more have it out of my mouth and a boy, can’t be older than ten or eleven, steps up.

  “Mister, they are underneath the floor, but they didn’t have guns to take with them. Mr. Samson took all the guns with him.” I look at the boy, and he is dirty, and he looks underweight, but most of all he looks scared.

  “Are there any children with him?” A woman steps up behind the boy.

  “There’s no one down there but a few of the men. Most of our men are either dead or have taken off. There’s not enough food to feed the children but the men always have plenty. It’s not right and I want out of here. I don’t care who you are or what is happening. These children have not had a decent meal in days. Can we please get them some food?” The woman looks desperate. I remember that feeling of desperation when I was a kid on the streets with nothing to eat. I can’t just walk away from this.

  “Do they have gas mask down there?” I ask the woman.

  “Not that I know of.” The woman tells me. I look at Sean and Rebel.

  “Get everyone outside and we’ll throw some smoke bombs down there and then go after them.” I wonder why Samson took the weapons. “We need to hurry. I want to get back to the armory.” I look at Sean. “The government needs to set up some place for these women to go with the children and they need plenty to eat and supplies to take care of the children. Tonight, not tomorrow.”

  “Riley is working on it now. They have vehicles on the way to pick them up and have food with them.” Sean tells me.

  “If one hair is touched on any woman or child there will be hell to pay.” Sean nods his head. I look at Rebel.

  “Samson is up to something and my gut tells me that we need to get home. I am going to text Con and Cap to warn them.” I feel it, this is not over, not by a long shot. “Have we heard anything from Zig?”

  “Received a message right before we hit the front door and the C-4 did the trick. They are reporting no one escaped before the building exploded. They did a walk through and found no survivors. Deacon was there so he has been handled.” Sean tells us.

  “I think you are right, brother, let’s get home.” Rebel is worried too.

  Chapter Twenty-Six


  I have been sitting here watching Faith sleep for a while now. She is getting her color back, but she looks like a sleeping angel. Charity tried to reassure me that this sleeping is normal.

  “No, Con, protect Charity and watch the clubhouse. The community is…” Faith jerks awake, and she looks at me with fear in her eyes. I hate that shit. I sit on the bed beside Faith.

  “Whoa, babe. It was just a dream.” Faith is shaking her head no.

  “No, it seemed too real. Samson and Red Cap had Charity and me. The words keep going through my head. I am talking to you on the phone and I sat ‘Con, protect Charity and watch the clubhouse. The community is going to hit the clubhouse as a distraction. Please, don’t let them get my sister. They’ll hurt the baby and her.’ That keeps reeling through my head, but it seems like it came from something I heard. Red Cap and Samson are talking. That want all eyes on the clubhouse, but they are attacking somewhere else. I can’t get it. It’s so fuzzy.” Faith is trying to focus on it, but I am sure it is a dream.

  “How about you keep thinking on it while I tell you a story of a very screwed in the head biker.” Faith smiles. Faith moves over and I toe my boots off and lie on the bed next to her. I take her in my arms and hope this doesn’t mess up what Faith and I are trying to build.

  “Do I know this screwed in the head biker?” That makes me laugh.

  “You might have met him once or twice, but I need to tell you the biker is very sorry, and he loves you very much.” I kiss the tip of Faith’s nose.

  “What does said biker have to be sorry about?” Faith says cautiously. I know there is no turning back now and I don’t want anything bad between Faith and myself, so I plunge in.

  “When I claimed you as my ol’ lady it was the club’s idea. Shine needed that relationship to ask the brothers for yours and Charity’s extra protection and that is why I made the claim.” I wait for Faith’s reaction. She doesn’t go stiff in my arms, but she is trying to get her emotions under control before she says anything.

  “Thank you for telling me. I knew there was a reason for you doing it. I just didn’t know you were told to do it. Why the marriage then? Were you told to do that also? Were you lying when you told me you love me?” I expected these questions, but it
is different coming from Faith. I can tell by her voice how much I hurt her with what I just told her.

  “I asked you to marry me for your protection but when you said those things to me about acceptance I couldn’t deny my feelings for you anymore.” I let that soak in. “Cooper and Sean told us that your family in Ireland could be after you and Charity to further themselves in the mob. I couldn’t let that happen. Once we were married by a priest then you will be of no further use to them and that is why the priest married us and it was my idea to marry you.” I stop so I don’t overwhelm her. I could give her the whole story, but I don’t think she can handle that today.

  “I guess, I should be thankful. Con to the rescue again. You are my guardian biker, and you didn’t say if you love me or not.” Faith sounds cold.

  “I do love you. I loved you when I married you and I will love you every day for the rest of our lives.” I tell Faith honestly. Faith pulls herself out of my arms. I don’t want to let her go but I won’t fight her on this. Faith gets out of the bed and walks towards the bathroom. Life is a crap shoot and I think I just rolled snake eyes. I can’t lose this woman after just opening my eyes to how I feel about her.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  I know I should have stayed in bed with Con and talked this out. Running away never helps. I am not running, I just need some space to breathe. I sit on the toilet to relieve myself and the same things keep running through my head…He will not break me. I won’t allow it. I will get myself out of this. I need no one. I will not let anyone control me. I have my eyes shut and this is all I hear in my head and then it comes to me. I knew Con didn’t want to claim me, but I let it happen anyway, and the only time he tries to control what I do is if it is for my safety. The man was handing me his heart in there and I walked away from him. How stupid am I? What he just said to me had to be hard to say? I need to fix this. I get up and the toilet flushes. I step over to the sink and wash my hands off and dry them. I glance in the mirror and my face is puffy and swollen and changing colors from the punch I took yesterday. Then it comes to me. Oh shit! I push the bathroom door. I don’t know if Con will be there or not, but I am so happy to see him sitting on the bed waiting on me.


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