American Gangsters

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American Gangsters Page 98

by T. J. English

  Genovese crime family, 259

  getaway cars, hired cars used as, 149–150

  Ghost Shadows, 192

  BTK threats to, 44, 59, 61–62, 68, 73, 114

  drive-by shooting linked to, 231

  newer gangs vs., 232

  On Leong tong allied with, 52

  prosecutions connected with, 37–38, 285

  rivalries within, 231

  Golden Discount Trading, 147, 150, 152

  Golden Star jewelry store, BTK robbery of, 115–119

  Golden Star tea room, shootings at, 70

  Golden Triangle, narcotics production and, 191, 233

  Golden Venture, 288, 289

  Gotti, John, 113, 166, 286–287

  Greater New York Vietnamese-American Community Association, 87

  Greco, Joe:

  at interrogation of Tinh Ngo, 139, 140, 141

  Jersey City gun-trafficking case of, 131–132, 133, 160

  Major Case Squad liaison arranged by, 131–132, 138

  Green Dragons, 136, 232–233, 287, 288

  Gun Control Act (1968), 165


  BTK supplies of, 106, 131, 133, 185–186, 187, 188, 190, 202, 209, 269

  increased sophistication of, 229

  purchase requirements for, 106

  widespread availability of, 230

  guon xi, 84

  Hai (BTK member), 77, 149

  Hai, Tang, 251

  Hamilton, Alexander, 165

  Hannum, Phil, 101

  Hardboiled, 73

  Hau Giang, wartime devastation of, 18

  Hawaii Dat, see Nguyen, Dat

  heroin trade, 52, 191–192, 289

  Hip Sing tong:

  leadership of, 68, 69

  youth gangs associated with, 52, 69–71

  Hobbs Act, 267

  Ho Chi Minh, 219

  Holiday Inn, 185, 186

  home invasions, 100

  Hong, see Nguyen,

  Jimmy Hong, LV, 156

  arrests of, 136, 267, 286

  BTK member beaten up by, 168, 170, 171, 172, 214, 215, 272

  as Canal Street dai low, 135, 168, 170

  merchant’s identification of, 136, 137, 138, 149, 154

  physical appearance of, 135

  prosecution of, 276

  surveillance of, 254, 255, 256

  Hong Kong gangster movies, 72–73, 200

  Hoover, J. Edgar, 165

  Huynh, Johnny, 168–170, 214

  Huynh, Richie, 71

  IAACI, see International Association of Asian Crime Investigators

  illegal aliens, smuggling of, 63, 82

  Immigration Act (1965), 49

  Immigration and Naturalization Service, 187

  “Immortal Love Poems” (Thai), 274

  Intel-series computer chips, heist of, 222

  Internal Revenue Service, 165, 215

  International Association of Asian Crime

  Investigators (IAACI), 101, 133–134, 291

  Ivester, Kathy, 103, 106, 209

  Jabil Circuit Company, 221–222

  Jade Squad, 60–64, 85

  Jagmohan, Margaret, 214

  Jagmohan, Nigel:

  BTK disciplinary procedures against, 168, 170–171, 172, 173, 180, 214, 224, 272

  at Canal Street robbery, 168–170, 214–215

  ethnic background of, 171

  evidence given by, 214–215, 272

  Jamaican gangs:

  ATF investigations on, 132–133, 138–139, 166

  RICO prosecution used against, 190–191

  jewelry-store robberies:

  ATF-NYPD thwarting of, 225–227

  Golden Star heist, 115–119

  Sun Wa heist, 103, 107–113, 162, 203, 204–205, 208

  unauthorized, 168–170, 214–215

  Jungle Man, see Ngo, Hoang Justice Department, U.S. agency divisions within, 166

  Kam Lum, 70

  Kel transmitters, 175

  Kha Manh, 20, 21 .

  Khmer Rouge, 19, 108, 206, 207

  Killer, The, 72–73

  Kim Bo restaurant, 130

  Kinh Do restaurant, 241–242, 244, 255

  Koch, Edward I., 84

  kong su, 70

  Korean gangs, 27

  Kroboth, Al, 7–8

  Kumor, Dan:

  as ATF liaison with NYPD, 132, 138–141

  baseball game attended by, 209–212

  bombing plan thwarted by, 245–252

  brutal disciplinary actions reported to, 172–173, 180

  BTK arrests and, 184–185, 187–190, 221, 222, 223, 264, 266–269

  career background of, 132–133, 164, 166, 248

  Doraville shooting reported to, 162–163, 166–167

  family background of, 138, 209, 210–211

  FBI rival case and, 231–232, 233–234

  Georgia gang activities investigated by, 202–203, 204–209, 213

  hidden recording device arranged by, 173–176, 180, 193

  at interrogations of Tinh Ngo, 138, 139–140, 159–160, 161–163, 277

  Jagmohan’s statement obtained by, 214

  Mafia connection investigated by, 252–253, 256–257, 259

  Oldham’s relationship with, 139, 183, 215

  personnel problems handled by, 215–218, 267

  Philadelphia childhood of, 209, 210–211

  physical appearance of, 162

  private life of, 181, 189, 210–211

  prosecutorial evidence assembled by, 271

  racketeering prosecution sought by, 190, 208

  robbery plans reported to, 180–185, 202, 223, 226–227, 253–259

  Tinh Ngo’s cover protected by, 187–189, 201, 202–203, 228, 260–261, 262

  Tinh Ngo’s relationship with, 161–163, 167, 209–212, 236, 240, 264–265, 282

  in Tung On investigation, 289

  Vietnamese gangs researched by, 133–134

  work schedule of, 181

  Lai, Paul, 87, 290

  Lai, Thanh, 47–48

  Lai, Tung, 98

  Bridgeport operations and, 93, 94, 95

  fingerprint evidence against, 208

  at jewelry-store heist, 107–112, 208, 278

  Lam, Michael, 40

  Lam, Phat:

  at BTK gathering, 40

  in Connecticut BTK operations, 91, 95, 103

  as dai low, 95

  Lan, Uncle, see Tran, Lan Ngoc

  Lantin, Rhona, 231

  Lao-tzu, 11

  Latino gangs, 230

  Lau, Manson, 87

  Le, Triet, 160–161

  Lee, Douglas:

  background of, 59–61

  David Thai surveillance and, 61, 62–64

  prosecutorial witnesses gathered by, 273

  Lee, Virgo, 80–83, 85–88, 113

  Lim, Kim Lee, 107, 108, 110, 205–207, 208, 277

  Lim, Odum:

  background of, 206–207

  BTK robbery of, 107–109, 208

  courtroom testimony of, 277, 285–286

  government investigators aided by, 204, 205–207

  shooting of, 109–110, 112, 162, 163, 203, 206, 209, 278

  Lin, Shiauh-Wei, 154

  Little Cobra (BTK member), 98

  arrest of, 116–117

  Bridgeport robberies and, 96, 97

  at BTK funeral, 1

  evidence gathered against, 208

  at Golden Star robbery, 116

  prosecutorial evidence given by, 272

  at Sun Wa Jewelry heist, 106, 107–110, 208

  Little Italy, 49, 252

  Long, Sonny, 130

  Los Angeles, Calif., Vietnamese youth gangs in, 220

  LT (Rikers Island inmate), 66

  Lucchese crime family, 259

  Ly, Duc, 47

  Ly, Yu Kim, 86

  Mafia, 230

  Asian underground’s links to, 252–253

  family rivalries in, 289

  government prosecution effort
s against, 190, 286

  private lives maintained by, 76

  RICO statutes and, 190

  Major Case Squad, 129

  ATF liaison with, 131–132, 138–142, 160

  see also New York Police Department

  Malaysia, refugee camps in, 20, 34

  Manhattan Correctional Center (MCC), 273

  Manhattan District Attorney’s Office, Jade Squad in, 60–64, 85

  Maria’s Bakery, 68, 74, 176

  massage parlors:

  brothels replaced by, 52

  David Thai’s ownership of, 32, 77, 89, 90, 91, 95, 259–260

  robberies of, 13–17, 28, 42, 44, 93–95, 123, 221

  Mekong Delta, 18

  Meyers, James, 62

  Ming dynasty, 51

  Ming Jewelry Store, 185

  Monkey Man (BTK member), 1

  Monroe County Sheriff’s Department, 187

  movies, Asian gangsters portrayed in, 72–73, 200

  muggings, subway, 27

  Nagra recorders, 175

  National United Front for the Liberation of Vietnam, 72

  Ness, Eliot, 165

  Newsday, 75, 197, 274–276, 285

  New Year’s celebrations, 114–115

  New York, 70

  New York, youth gangs and organized crime in, 230

  New York City Police Department (NYPD):

  Bomb Squad of, 251

  BTK harassment of, 33–34

  BTK investigated by, see ATF/NYPD

  joint investigation at Chinatown gang-violence meeting, 83, 85–86, 114

  Chinatown insularity and, 59, 273

  cooperating witness unprotected by, 137, 153–154, 197

  Jade Squad in, 60–64, 85

  Major Case Squad in, 129, 131–132, 138–142, 160

  negligence suit filed against, 154

  police van bombing and, 33–34, 59

  in White Mare narcotics case task force, 191

  New York State Police, 187

  New York Times, The, 251, 288–289

  Ngo, Hoang (Jungle Man):

  arrest of, 116–117

  in Golden Star jewelry heist, 116

  guns obtained by, 106 prosecution of, 276

  Ngo, Tinh (Timmy):

  agents’ respect for, 140, 159–160, 163, 236–237

  arrests of, 65, 120

  background of, 18–26, 209, 210, 278

  baseball game attended by, 209–212

  beeper received by, 67–68

  betrayal accusations and, 197–198, 201

  bombing plan reported by, 245–247, 249, 251, 253

  Bridgeport operations and, 96–98

  at Brooklyn safe-house apartments, 27, 54, 56–57, 224, 254

  brutal disciplinary actions witnessed by, 168, 170–171

  BTK arrests and, 264, 281–282

  on BTK members’ deaths, 71, 74, 76

  Ngo, Tinh (Timmy) (cont.)

  courtroom testimony given by, 277–278, 285

  cover protection for, 187–189, 190, 195, 197–198

  crack smoked by, 55, 119–120

  dai low status accorded to, 224

  David Thai’s charisma and, 6, 29, 32, 43, 227–228, 237–239

  disciplinary action against, 44–45, 67

  Doraville shooting reported by, 162–163, 166–167

  English skills of, 23, 24, 193

  family of, 18

  at first official BTK gathering, 40–43

  first robbery experience of, 14–17, 123, 221

  in foster homes, 23–27, 98, 99–100, 210

  at funeral shootout, 1–2, 4–5, 6–7

  gang joined by, 26–29, 39, 42, 221, 279

  gang membership as sole community affiliation for, 76, 78, 167, 237, 262, 263–264

  Georgia gang activities and, 102, 104–113, 162–163, 166–167, 202–209, 213

  Ghost Shadows hangout raided by, 57–58, 68

  girlfriends of, 76–78, 282

  government prosecution of, 154, 163, 242

  intelligence of, 193

  investigators’ relationships with, 141, 155, 161–163, 167, 180, 209–212, 217, 236–237, 239–241, 264–265

  massage parlors raided by, 14–17, 28, 44, 123, 221

  money skimmed by, 43–45, 67

  physical appearance of, 2, 15, 17, 66, 67, 140

  as police informant, 120–124, 129, 131, 138–142, 154–163, 167–168, 193, 236–237, 240, 244–247, 251, 252, 277–278

  recording device worn by, 173–179, 180, 181, 193, 234–235, 242–244, 277

  on refugee voyage, 16, 19–23, 99, 210

  relocation of, 282–283 in Rikers Island jail, 65–67, 139, 141, 142, 143

  robbery plans reported by, 174, 180–183, 193–195, 202, 223–227, 253, 255–256, 257, 259, 260

  Rochester robbery plans and, 181–190

  safety measures taken for, 187–189, 260–265, 281, 282–283

  tattoo of, 28–29, 279

  undercover work by, 142–144, 154–159, 161, 173–179, 180–181, 186–188, 190, 228, 253, 260, 264, 275–276

  Vinegrad’s interviews with, 193, 277

  violence disliked by, 76, 78, 113, 119–120

  Ngoh, Kim Yee (Sophia):

  background of, 90

  David Thai accompanied by, 241, 243, 254, 255, 256

  massage parlors overseen by, 90, 91, 95

  out-of-state operations and, 95, 97

  physical appearance of, 90

  at Rochester rendezvous, 185, 186, 187, 188

  Nguyen, Bang Nhu, 86

  Nguyen, Dat (Hawaii Dat), 241

  prosecution of, 276, 281

  in robbery attempt, 224–225, 226

  Nguyen, Du, 145, 238–239

  Nguyen, Jimmy (Hong):

  accidental shooting by, 75, 176–177

  at out-of-town heist, 106

  prosecution of, 276

  Nguyen, Phong Thien, 86

  Nguyen, Quang Van, 103

  arrest of, 207–208

  prosecution of, 276

  Sun Wa robbery and, 110, 112

  Nicky, see Tran, Bao Hung

  Nixon, Richard M., 18, 165

  Noriega, Manuel, 166

  Number Ten (BTK member), 241, 254, 255, 267, 268–269

  oan, 238

  Oldham, William:

  ATF liaison with, 131, 132, 139–141, 160

  bombing plan thwarted by, 245, 246, 247, 248, 250

  brutal disciplinary action reported to, 172–173

  BTK arrests and, 264, 267, 269

  career background of, 129, 183

  conclusion of investigation and, 252, 271, 272

  coworkers’ relationships with, 139, 141, 183, 207, 215–216

  David Thai surveillance and, 254, 255, 256, 257

  FBI rival case and, 233–234

  Fourteenth Street robbery thwarted by, 226–227

  Georgia gang activities investigated by, 202, 203–209, 213

  interrogation tactics and, 121–124, 139–140, 223

  jewelry-store robbery thwarted by, 226–227

  physical appearance of, 139, 215–216

  robbery plans reported to, 181–184, 186, 194, 202, 225, 226–227, 254

  secret recording operation and, 174, 175, 180, 243–244

  self-confident attitude of, 183

  Tinh Ngo questioned by, 121–124, 129, 131, 138, 139–140, 141, 161, 172, 174

  Tinh Ngo’s relationship with, 139–140, 141, 240

  undercover informant for, 142–144, 155, 173–175, 261, 262, 277

  Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act (1968), 165, 190

  Ong, Kai Sui (Benny) (Chut Suk) (Uncle Seven):

  background of, 68–70, 133

  David Thai’s snub of, 68, 70–71

  Eddie Chan vs., 84

  gang-violence summit and, 87

  in prison, 69, 70, 84

  Ong, Sam, 69

  On Leong tong:

  in early tong wars, 69

  Ghost Shadows alli
ed with, 52

  leader of, 84–85

  Operation Thai-Up, 268

  Palmer, Cathy, 233

  parasitic groups, 101

  P.C. (protective custody), 142

  Pham, Cuong, 75, 176–177

  Pham, Lan, 36

  Pham, Mui, 241

  Philadelphia Phillies, 209–210, 211

  pho, 30

  Pho Bang restaurant, 224

  bombing attempt on, 246–252

  Pho Hanoi, 32, 58, 242

  Phu (BTK member), 43, 44, 45

  police van, bombing of, 33–34, 39, 47, 59, 225

  Pol Pot, 206

  Prohibition, 165, 286

  protection rackets, 52

  protective custody (P.C.), 142

  Pulau Bidong, 34

  Queens, Chinatown gang activity in, 232

  Quinn, Anthony, 286

  Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations (RICO) statutes, 190–191, 279

  BTK prosecution under, 190–191, 208, 267, 272, 276, 279

  Green Dragon indictment under, 232

  origin of, 190

  requirements for prosecution under, 191, 272

  Tung On members charged under, 289–290

  White Mare narcotics cases prosecuted under, 191–192

  Reagan, Ronald, 52, 84, 165

  recording devices, 173–179

  retribution murders, 79–80, 86, 136, 148–154, 232

  RICO, see Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations statutes

  Rikers Island Correctional Facility, 65–67, 142


  Asians as targets for, 54, 100, 226

  in Bridgeport, 93–97

  BTK member killed in, 75, 176–177

  chaotic atmosphere used as scare tactic in, 75

  dai lows’ authorization for, 42, 168–170, 214–215

  Italian collaborators for, 244, 252–253, 256–260

  of jewelry stores, 103, 106, 107–113, 115–119, 162, 168–170, 203, 204–205, 208, 214–215

  of massage parlors, 14–17, 93–95, 123, 221

  procedures planned for, 107, 111, 177, 185–186, 225, 244, 257

  shootings at, 74–76, 109–110, 112–113, 185–186

  undercover information used in prevention of, 181–190, 193–195, 223, 226–227, 247–260

  robberies (cont.)

  of Vientiane Restaurant, 96–97, 213

  of W. C. Produce, 75, 176–177

  Rocco family, 25

  Rochester, N.Y., robbery foiled in, 181–190

  Rolex watches, counterfeit, 30, 31

  Rosedale cemetary, shootout at, 4–8, 71–74, 80, 89, 172, 191, 277

  Rossero, John, 166–167, 267–268

  Rourke, Mickey, 286

  Russo, Frank, 259–260

  Ruth, Chin Suk, 93–94

  Sabo, Alex, 213

  ATF liaison with, 160


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