Paul (Members From Money Book 7)

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Paul (Members From Money Book 7) Page 17

by Katie Dowe

  They ate the food that was there and he did not allow her to put any clothes on. She called Simoniel and told her that she was not coming again and that night he made love to her so tenderly and passionately that she found herself sobbing out his name as the orgasm racked her body over and over again.


  He was gone by the time she got up the next morning and he had left a note. “Dinner tonight and I will not take no for an answer.” That was it, nothing mentioned about what they had done for the entire night until the wee hours of the morning. She was glad he had not mentioned it, she thought, burying her face into her hands. Her body had done nothing but betray her as she had given in to him time and time again. All her defenses were down and she had nothing left to shield her, he had broken down all her walls.

  She tentatively touched her inner thighs and realized that she was sore. He had taken her innocence, been where no man had ever been before and she felt him all over her body. Her lips felt swollen from being plundered by his time and again and her nipples hurt a little from being constantly sucked and nibbled by him. He had left his mark on her entire body as much as if he had branded her and called her his. The holiday was over and it was back to work but it was as if she had left the office as the old her and was returning as a brand new person. She was never going to be the same again.


  John quickly went into the bathroom to take a shower before getting dressed to go into the office. He had two back to back meetings and he had to peruse a contract that had been placed on his desk the day before.

  He ducked his head under the needles of the spray from the shower nozzle and let the water beat all over his body. He was fully charged after making love to her for almost the entire night. He had wanted to stay with her but he was not sure how she would have reacted waking up to see him there. He knew he had to give her time and although he was impatient to be with her, he knew she was fragile and he had to be gentle with her.

  He had been her first. And the heady feeling that brought to him sent a new surge of desire coursing through his body. He had never felt this way about anyone in his entire life and he did not intend to let that go, he needed it to go all the way but he knew he had to be cautious with her.


  “What happened to you yesterday?” Simoniel asked her curiously.

  “I had sex with John!” she blurted out, still hardly daring to believe it herself.

  “You what?” Simoniel had been putting out some cookies in the reception area in readiness for the clients who were coming in. She dropped the cookies she had been putting on the plates and turned towards her friend. They had come in extra early this morning because they were expecting an early client and the reception had said she was coming in a little bit late today.

  “I can’t believe I just said that.” Leonie said with a shaky laugh, sitting in one of the chairs in the reception area. She had managed to shower and dress in a peach pants suit and managed to put her hair into some semblance of order. She had managed to do all of that while reliving the night over and over again. “He came by the apartment and it sort of happened.”

  “I need details,” Simoniel said firmly going over to lock the door to the outside.

  “What are you doing?” Leonie asked, her eyes laughing as her friend came over and plopped herself on a seat next to her.

  “This is too important for us to be interrupted. Besides it’s not quite seven thirty yet. Now tell your friend everything. I need to live vicariously through your love life.”

  “He came over and I –“ Leonie threw up her hands. “Sim; it was unbelievable! I never knew something like that existed. I was suspended through time and space and my whole body felt as if it was spinning out of orbit.”

  Simoniel sighed and leaned back against the chair, her expression dreamy. “Finally someone to bring that out in you. So what’s next? Are you two an item now? What am I saying? Of course you are!”

  “What?” Leonie looked at her confused. “No, it’s just sex, albeit wonderful, mind blowing sex but that’s just it.”

  “And there you go spoiling it for me.” Simoniel shook her head in disgust. “Honey, from what you describe to me, it is not just sex and you need to realize it before it’s too late.”


  He called her when she was in her office later that day. She had been waiting to hear from him and when she hadn’t, she had spent the time thinking that maybe he had just wanted her that one time and trying to convince herself that it was for the best.

  “I would have called you earlier but I was tied up in meetings.” He explained. Her heartbeat quickened at the sound of his deep voice and she was happy she was sitting because her legs felt like they would not hold her up.

  “You don’t owe me any explanation.” She told him stiffly. The lie sliding off her lips like honey.

  “Still playing that game?” he asked her in amusement.

  “What game?”

  “The one where you pretend that you are not affected by me and you weren’t thinking of me before I called.”

  “You think too highly of yourself John,” she told him coolly, a grudging smile on her lips.

  “I love to hear the sound of my name coming from your mouth. I want to take your lips right now with mine and after that I would like to suck on your nipples while I am inside you.” He said softly.

  Leonie felt the betrayal of her body again and this time she did not bother to wonder about it. He made her weak and dysfunctional and her body one long nerve ending. How on earth did he do that?

  “I have work to do,” she said in a strangled voice.

  “I need to see you later and I am taking you out to dinner before I feel your body underneath mine.” He told her urgently. “Don’t say no, I am not willing to accept that. I will pick you up at nine, wear something nice.” He hung up before she could say anything and Leonie leaned back against the headrest of the chair and took a deep breath. He had stirred her up and she could feel the hardness of her nipples against the soft material of her bra.

  It took quite a while before she could calm herself down to continue working. Damn him!


  He took her to a restaurant she had never been to before. It was located in an upscale neighborhood with valet parking and someone who directed them to where they were to be seated. She had worn a clinging red dress with a plunging neckline and had combed her hair into a neat chignon secured at the side of her neck with a red flower. Her only jewelry was gold hoops in her lobes.

  He waited until they were seated before he told her.”I never thought it was possible for you to look more beautiful but you have certainly achieved that.” He was wearing a dark blue suit with a light blue shirt minus a tie and he looked easily handsome and relaxed.

  “Thank you.” She murmured, concentrating on the menu. It was entirely in French and apart from taking French classes in high school that was it for her.

  “I can recommend the Normandy style French Onion soup, it is quite good,” he told her in amusement.

  “Thanks.” She said putting down her menu and for the first time in her life feeling gauche and uncertain. “This is a very nice place.” She said looking around at the muted ambiance and the shaded lights that made it hard to pick out the other people there.

  “It is,” he agreed. “I come here quite a bit whenever I have business associates from out of town.” The waiter had come and gone discreetly without making a sound and Leonie wondered if they were especially trained for that. He consulted her before ordering an aperitif and the waiter brought that to them with glasses of ice cold water.

  “Tell me about you,” he urged as they sipped their drink.

  “Why?” she asked bluntly, putting aside her glass.

  “Because I want to get to know you better.” He said with an amused tilt of his lips. “Isn’t that what people do when they are on a date or have the rules changed?”

  “We just had sex John and we are
certainly not in a relationship.” She told him wanting to make that clear to him and also to her in case she started to get ideas.

  “You think what we did last night was just having sex?” he leaned forward on the table forcing her to meet his gaze. “We touched each other’s souls Leonie and it was much more than the meeting of bodies and if you think that you are trying to fool yourself, you're not doing a very good job.”

  She was caught like a deer in headlights as she stared into his piercing dark eyes and she felt it as she did every time she was near him or even heard his voice. It was then that she felt the panic rising inside her and she knew she could not afford this to control her she had to put a stop to it. He was going to leave! Something screamed inside her head, just like your father did.

  She took a deep fortifying breath and settled back against the soft padded seat. “It’s just sex for me and it is not my problem that you want it to be something else. I enjoyed your body last night and if you want to share it with me again then I have no objections. Make no mistake, when all this is over I will get on with my life.”

  He stared at her without saying a word and without saying anything he sat back and waited until they were served their meals.

  She had a feeling he had not processed anything she just said.

  Chapter 7

  He did not call her for a week. They had eaten at the restaurant and he had told her a little about what his business entailed and had asked her a little bit about hers. He had taken her home at some minutes to ten and had not even kissed her goodbye.

  He had been polite and distant and she had told herself that she did not care but in truth she did care and she found herself missing him terribly.

  “I am really excited about this Ms. Williams,” the plump middle aged woman told her with a big smile. She was raven haired liberally streaked with gray; her light blue eyes twinkling. They were in her office and she was looking at the woman’s profile. She had joined up with the service and had admitted seeing the interview on television. She had been divorced for the past three years and her children had both gone off to other states and she admitted that she hated living alone.

  “I am not promising anything right now Mrs. Somerville,” Leonie told her cautiously wanting to tell the woman that finding love was a myth and something that women should stay clear of.

  “Oh my dear please call me Angie,” she said with a smile.

  “In that case, why don’t you call me Leonie,” she replied with a smile as she put down the woman’s file. “May I ask you something?”

  “Go right ahead. I promise to do my best to answer as honestly as possible.” She beamed.

  “What makes you want to try a second time after the first marriage failed?” Leonie asked her seriously.

  The woman looked at her for a moment as if considering the best answer to give to her. “I was married for thirty years to the first man I ever slept with. The sex was mediocre but I thought it was good enough for me. I settled because I told myself that with my looks I was lucky to get a man who wanted to be with me let alone marry me and provide a home for me. He was short, nerdy and very unassuming and I thought he was the best thing that could ever happened to me.” She paused and stared off into space. “I knew it when he made love to me; I felt as if I wanted to do some knitting or considering what I should buy to clean the mold from out of the refrigerator but I married him anyway because he asked. I thought even at that young age that I should do so before I ended up finding myself alone and man less. I settled and I have no intention of doing so again so this time I either get it right or not at all.”

  It was a similar story to what she had heard over and over again from women who had retained her services. They had settled because they had thought they could not do better.

  “I will make sure that you do not have to settle this time.” She told Angie with a gentle smile.

  “Thank you for understanding.” The woman told her with a smile.


  “You are not eating,” Asami observed as she watched her son dabbled in his chow mien with little or no interest. She had noticed that he seemed troubled for the past week and had been wondering if it had anything to do with a woman but that could not be because no relationship had mean that much to him for him to be so affected by it. It was Friday night and he had come home from the office and had decided to have dinner with her because Lucas had gone to visit his son for a couple of days.

  “I am the one who should be so down with Lucas being gone.” She said lightly looking at him for some indication of finding a clue why he looked like he did.

  “How is he?” he asked her mildly, his expression unreadable as he pushed away his barely eaten meal.

  She knew him well enough to know that he was trying to steer the conversation away from himself.

  “He is doing fine and missing me but let’s stick with what is wrong with you and who is she?”

  He looked at her with a slight smile on his lips. “What makes you think it has something to do with a woman?”

  “It always does,” Asami said with a little tinge of excitement. “She must be quite something if it has affected you this way. Anyone I know?”

  “I am not ready to share yet mother,” he told her reaching for his wine glass and emptying the liquid in one gulp pretending not to notice her grimace at his lack of finesse. “It’s too new.”

  “So why are you here with your old mother and not with her?” she asked him.

  “First of all you are not old and secondly I am giving her some space to sort things out in her mind.” He told her with a self deprecating smile. “I will see you in the morning. I have to go into the office for a few hours.” He pushed back his chair and came around to give her a peck on the cheek. “Sleep well and don’t stay up and talk to Lucas all night.” He said with a teasing smile before he left.

  “I won’t,” her eyes followed his departure thoughtfully. It would appear that her son was in love.


  He went into his home office but could not concentrate on the documents there. Ever since he had left her at her apartment that night. He had found that he was torturing himself with what she had said to him at the restaurant. It was just sex! Even though he knew better, it still managed to tear him up inside. She was trying to shut him out and to make what they have into something of little or no significance.

  He had reached for the phone to call her several times and he had resisted, he had to let her make the first move or else she was forever going to have the upper hand.

  He wanted her badly but he was prepared to wait it out even though the wait was killing him.


  She called him. It was Saturday and she was at home. She had tried to submerge herself in house work but there was not much for her to do at home and she could not concentrate anyway so she called him. She thought about it long and hard first; telling herself that she was going to look weak if she did but she wanted to feel his body on hers and she could not ignore it anymore. She just had to let him know that it was just physical between them and hopefully it would be fine.

  The phone rang out for three rings before he answered. “Hello?” his tone was cool and aloof and had her wondering if she had made a huge mistake in calling but the damaged had already been done.

  “Hello John, how are you?” she kept her tone equally cool. Two could play the same game, she thought grimly.

  “I am well.” He answered briefly and did not say anything else and Leonie realized that he was waiting on her to carry the conversation.

  Okay fine! She thought fuming. She was an independent woman and she needed sex and this was the twenty-first century not some stone age. There was nothing wrong with asking for what she wanted! Correction; what she needed!

  “Could you come over?” she had tried to sound sophisticated but had failed miserably.


  She wanted to hit him and if he was near she would have hit him with something
hard before jumping his bones.

  “I want you,” she told him bluntly.

  “Are you sure?” he did not sound in the least bit shocked and for that she was relieved.

  “Yes I am.”

  “I will be there in a few minutes.” He told her and hung up the phone.

  He kept her waiting. She had gone into the bathroom to take a long bath where she had put in some sweet smelling bath oil and crystals that she had splurged on some time ago. After she had rubbed lotion onto her skin to give it a soft warm glow.

  It was four o’clock before she heard the knock on the door and she realized that he had kept her waiting for two hours, the bastard! She thought furiously.

  Two could play that game. She had not gotten dressed but only put a loose robe on and as soon as she verified that it was him on the other side of the door she opened it and dropped her robe standing totally naked in front of him. “It took you long enough,” she drawled.

  He stood there looking at her naked beauty and every harsh and indifferent word he had planned to say to her flew out the window and he stood there shell shocked.

  She was the one who reached behind him to close the door and then she jumped on him twining her hands around his neck, her mouth seeking his. He reacted just then, gripping her naked body with both arms as he returned the kiss hungrily, his erection rubbing against her.

  He was wearing a black T-shirt and she pulled away from him and gripped the edge of the shirt and pulled it over his head and then her lips were on his body biting and licking him all over. It was like she was on a mission and when she went down on her knees before him he nearly passed out. She released his penis and took him inside her mouth. Her inexperienced mouth was far more titillating than the experienced ones he had had going down on him and he felt as if he was going to explode.

  He endured it for a few seconds until he could do so no more and with an oath he pulled her up and into his arms; fastening his mouth on hers until they reached the bedroom where he dragged off the rest of his clothes and entered her forcefully. He was not gentle with her and she did not mind because she had waited so long to be with him. She wanted hard and fast at first, gentle was for later, much later.


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