Selected Assistant

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Selected Assistant Page 17

by Robin Roseau

  I pulled my hand back but smiled at her. “Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.”

  “You wore human style clothing yesterday. Do you have the sort you wear on the station?”

  “I do.”

  “I think that’s what you should wear,” I said. “Both of you, if that doesn’t mean you will be naked.”

  I watched them both dress. Forever wore something that, to some extent, resembled a sari, but light, translucent material. I thought she wore it dramatically different than a human sari, however. It began with a wrap under her left arm, then it crossed over the same shoulder and spread across her from left to right. She had stays for it that pulled it together into a narrow band down her back, but then it flared as she wrapped it around her hips. It formed a sort of skirt, and she wrapped it twice before it dangled down the outside of her left leg. She added a pair of strappy sandals that extended partway up her calves. Forever made small adjustments then turned to me.

  “Forever,” I said. “That is absolutely beautiful. Is this how you might normally dress?”

  “Yes, and no,” she said. “I have plainer versions, and there are different ways to wrap it. If we were in Paris in autumn, I would wear much heavier clothing.”

  “And the males?”

  “Oh, they tend to go for more glitz,” she said with a smile.


  “When you have a body like that,” Makiko said, “You don’t hide it.”

  I turned to her and nearly gasped. She wore a shimmering green… I’m not sure what to call it. It wrapped around her neck, passed through a stay, but then spread down her front. She did a slow circle, and her back was bare, the material gathering in back, barely high enough to be considered decent by human standards. The material formed a skirt, similar but decidedly different from what Forever wore. She wore her own sandals.

  She turned back to face me. “I do not dress in this fashion very often, but I thought you would like it.”

  “I love it.”

  She looked down and fingered the material. “This is actually… I’ve told you about our lovemaking.”

  “And this is how you might dress?”

  “No, absolutely not. This,” and she tugged, “represents opportunity for my opponent.”

  “Your lover is also your opponent?”

  “Yes,” she said. “This is what I might wear if I accepted a deeply submissive role in our relationship.”

  “You look…”

  “Positively divine,” Forever finished for me. She stepped closer and made a minor adjustment. “Perhaps we should meet in the arena.”

  “That isn’t remotely funny,” Makiko replied.

  “Are you uncomfortable?” I asked.

  “No.” She stepped past Forever and to me.

  “Makiko,” Forever whispered. Then she spoke careful Niecor.

  “Yes,” Makiko replied in English.

  “That was rude,” I said.

  “It wasn’t her place to say this in a fashion you could understand,” Makiko said. “She asked if I dressed in solidarity with the human prey.”

  “Makiko,” I whispered. “You are absolutely lovely.”

  “Thank you,” she replied. “Now you must replace your visor, and then we must bind your arms for the walk to dinner.”

  * * * *

  Not everyone was there. I saw only three men and counted eight of the women, but that included the women I knew. All of the humans were bound, like I was, but walking on two feet, and we were all possessively guarded by our captors. I would spend most of the night with one or the other holding my arm.

  I decided it was cute.

  “We’re missing a few.”

  “A few were too exhausted,” Forever said. “A few were too unpleasant.”

  “Not as many as we thought we might encounter,” Makiko added.

  “Was anyone hurt?”

  “One of the men has a terrible sunburn.”

  “They gave us some very amazing sunblock,” I said. I laughed. “Some men are just too proud and stupid.”

  “That transcends species,” Makiko replied, “and it isn’t necessary always male.”

  “It isn’t for humans, either, but our men often suffer from testosterone overload.” I laughed at my joke. “That’s a hormone that is tied to male anger and aggression, but it also has significant health benefits. Don’t ask me more than that, because I couldn’t tell you. Is it allowed to greet my friends?”

  “Yes. Where should we start?”

  “Priya,” I said, pointing with my nose. “She is with May and Cinder. Wait. Can you judge Hobble body language?”

  “What do you want to know?”

  “Are they upset with her?”

  “If so, I can’t tell from here,” Makiko said. “They look comfortable.”

  “I thought so, too, but space aliens and all that.”

  They led me to our friends. “Priya,” I said. I nodded my head. “This is a Greygreen. She is Makiko Pulsar. This female Niecor is Forever Twilight.”

  Priya smiled her award-winning smile. “Taisha. Someone finally caught you.”

  “Caught me, and caught me well,” I said. “How are you?”

  “May and Cinder have treated me very kindly,” she said. She looked left and right. “Thank you. I have had a lovely time in your care.”

  “We’re glad,” said Cinder.

  “They let me bathe,” Priya said. “And then we watched some of the other teams. I couldn’t stop laughing when you disabled her air bike.”

  “What are those called, anyway?” I asked. “I called it an aerial jet ski, and a few other things.”

  “Hmm. They are a Martian invention. I believe they come with a brand name. I think air bike works.”

  “They do look like flying jet skis, though,” Priya said.

  “I think air bike is a better name, if no one else already has an official name in English, or one that translates into English.”

  “Has Taisha behaved, once you properly subdued her?” May asked.

  “She has been quite gracious,” Forever replied.

  “As has Priya,” May replied.

  “I want to make the rounds,” I said, “But I’d like to spend more time with everyone.”

  “If we don’t have time tonight, perhaps we could contact you,” Cinder suggested. “Would that be welcome?”

  “Quite welcome,” I replied. “Entirely.”

  But she wasn’t watching me when she said it; she was watching Forever. And so, I turned to study the Niecor, who was watching me, not Cinder. Well, well. I smiled up at her then turned back to Cinder. “I am told I belong to them until they release me, but I am fairly certain I return to my status of a hardworking free agent.”

  She offered a Hobble laugh. “Then we’ll contact you.”

  “Excellent.” I bumped Makiko to get us moving, but we weren’t far before I said, “She wasn’t asking me. She was asking you, Forever. Is there something I should know?”

  “Not necessarily. Perhaps I will also ask if I might contact you.”

  “You may,” I said. “I imagine you don’t need me to give you my contact information.”

  “No. I can reach you via your visor, and I also am able to send human email. I have your official email address, but if you prefer I use a personal address, you can send it to me.”

  “I do, and I will,” I said. “Say ‘hello’ via my work address, but I’ll reply from my personal account.”

  “I can do that.”

  “The same rules for you, Makiko,” I said. “I would love to spend more time with both of you, but my time is not entirely my own. I think, if you know what I’m doing here, you can appreciate that.”

  “We wouldn’t interfere in your duties,” Makiko said. “We understand professional discipline.”

  “Thank you,” I said. “I am young and fairly new in my job, and I do not want anyone ever wondering if I am devoted to my job.”

  “We un
derstand entirely,” Makiko said.

  I had been guiding us to Amanda, in the possession of Aventurine and Carolina. They saw us approaching and turned to offer greetings. “You look good like that, Amanda.”

  She offered her own smile. “I could say the same. Maybe this is a good work uniform. I can recommend it to Finley.”

  “I think before my mouth runs away with me, I’m going to change the subject,” I said. I nearly made a reference to her sex life, but that would have been terribly improper.

  I’d save it for Felicia.

  “Did you have a good time?”

  “It was… exhilarating,” she said. “I have made new, fascinating friends.”

  “And now you will meet two more,” I said. “These females are Makiko Pulsar, a Greygreen, and Forever Twilight, a Niecor. This human woman is the wife of the founder of the company where I work. She is here babysitting Felicia and me.”

  “I am not babysitting,” Amanda said with a laugh. “My pleasure, Makiko Pulsar and Forever Twilight. Did you have a good hunt?”

  “Very satisfying,” Forever replied.

  We talked for a minute, and then Felicia’s captors brought her to us. She was being escorted by two Martians. We engaged in introductions. I met Bight and Cape Starside. Cape was female and the linguist; Bight was her mate. I let the others make small talk before I told Felicia, “You look cute, all bound up like that.” I shifted my attention. “Did she misbehave?”

  “You’re currently living in a glass house,” Felicia replied.

  Cape made a facial gesture then lifted one green hand, two fingers pointed upwards. “I do not understand that comment.”

  “It’s an English proverb,” I said. “’People who live in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones.’ It means that we all have flaws, and if we are quick to judge others for their flaws, it is like throwing stones at a house.”

  “And someone can be quick to point out your own flaws,” Cape finished. “Now I understand. Yes, Taisha, I believe in this case, you definitely are living in this metaphorical glass house. But does Felicia imply being our prisoners is a character flaw?”

  “That would be taking the reference further than Felicia intended,” Amanda answered. “I think Taisha brought this up not as a reference to Felicia at all. She is reminding Forever and Makiko how cute she is.” I squirmed, having quickly lost control of the conversation.

  “And you have demonstrated exactly how glass houses work,” Cape said.

  “What is interesting,” Makiko said slowly, “is knowing that Jasmine Brighteyes never does things for only one reason.”

  “What do you mean?” Amanda asked.

  “We came here at her urging. We had originally planned on spending our time visiting a variety of resort locations we control. Jasmine Brighteyes asked us to come here, and I’m not entirely sure how she did it. And then she held this as our first event. We had planned a variety of events together, simple events. And instead, we found ourselves chasing humans hither and yon, and then have been ordered to treat them in this fashion.” She gestured to me. “She’s trying to sell some of you humans off.”

  Amanda snorted. “I’m immune.”

  “Neither Taisha or Felicia are,” Aventurine pointed out. “Over half the prey could be claimed as mating candidates right now. And even if they can’t, ideas could be planted. I believe Makiko’s hypothesis has merit.”

  “Some of the humans were quite upset to be included,” Bight pointed out. “I don’t understand. Why come here if not for the opportunity this event represents?”

  “This event represents two opportunities,” Felicia said.

  “Three,” I inserted.

  “Three?” she echoed.

  “The fun of the event itself. Were you considering that one?”

  “No, I wasn’t. You’re right. Three. The adventure itself, the opportunity to meet several aliens we might never have otherwise met, and, of course, being potentially drawn into a relationship with everything that implies.” She let that settle. “However, while everyone knows how the aliens have had fun collecting people from Beginnings, and we may think we can handle it, the reality is, most of us screamed anyway, and that embarrasses some people.”

  “Or sufficiently frightened them that they needed a chance to be soothed, and they weren’t given it,” I added. “I bet some of them had plans, too, and some people don’t handle surprises well.”

  “Not to mention prancing around in our underwear,” Amanda added. “That’s a level of social vulnerability that requires a certain level of confidence to handle.”

  “Which we don’t understand,” Makiko added. “It makes neither logical nor emotional sense. You are all more covered than most of you were when collected. You were taken while wearing attire suitable for swimming.”

  “Not all of us,” Amanda replied. “But the three of us have certainly worn swim suits on that beach. But to humans, we have a sense of appropriate attire for a particular setting, and we are uncomfortable when we discover we’re dressed inappropriately and can even be made uncomfortable when someone else is. A woman on a beach dressed in a bikini can draw an appreciative look, but no one would dress like that to a business meeting, and if she tried it, she’d probably lose her position.”

  “I have a friend who lives in Minnesota,” Felicia said. “Minnesota winters can be harsh, and her office has a ‘beach party’ on a Friday in late January every year. She’s told me she wishes they’d stop, because it makes her exceedingly uncomfortable.”

  “I don’t understand,” Cinder said.

  “It’s on a Friday afternoon in January, the worst part of a Minnesota winter,” Felicia explained. “It begins with lunch. They turn up the temperature, and everyone dresses as if they are going to the beach. The largest conference room gets decorated as if it’s a beach resort.”

  “That would make me uncomfortable,” I said. “But I don’t mind going to the beach with everyone. I don’t know why it’s different.”

  “Karen has told me most of the people at the office get into it, but she’s not the only one who finds it uncomfortable, including a few of the guys.”

  “It isn’t the clothing,” May said. “It is the combination of the clothing and the setting that is socially uncomfortable.”

  “I think so,” I said. I leaned against Makiko, who wrapped her arm around my waist. “But I’m having a nice time letting my captors objectify me.”

  Felicia snorted. “I’m not sure I understand,” Forever said.

  “It’s a poor joke,” I said. “Well, it’s a snide way to say I’m not letting what I’m wearing get in the way of having a nice time with you.”

  * * * *

  We had dinner. They freed our arms once we were locked into our chairs. A tutor woman gave a short speech, and Forever whispered, “Prudence is our department head.”

  We ate, and then Violet let us watch replays of the event. We got to see how people were caught, and how a few people avoided being caught. My interaction at the end of my flight wasn’t notable, although there were cheers when I disabled Forever’s air bike and laughter as I dangled underneath Makiko’s.

  It was fun to watch, and I felt everyone in the room was feeling jovial by the end.

  Then the lights came up, and Violet said, “Some of the people in here are quite exhausted. Please treat your prisoners kindly. Unless you come to a different agreement, or you wish us to collect your prisoner as a mating candidate, please return them safely to their bungalows at Beginnings no later than midnight. We will have shuttles available every fifteen minutes, but if too many of you are waiting until the last minute, we’ll need to get pushy.”

  Forever turned to me. “Do you remain ours?”

  “Yes, if you want me.”

  “We have a choice. We can return to our quarters for quiet conversation, or we have been invited to a more intimate gathering.”

  “Is any of that a euphemism for anything?”

  “No,” she said
. “Friendship.”

  “Then I do not wish to choose.”

  “You are tired. We can see this.”

  “I’m exhausted, absolutely exhausted. But I am not asking you to bring me home.”

  Makiko used fingers on my chin to turn me to face her. “We cannot judge human body language.”

  “Then you must simply trust me,” I said. “If you are also exhausted and wish to return me, I understand entirely. But if you want to keep me for a while longer, then I hope you will.”

  “We’re taking you to the gathering,” she declared. “We must bind your arms again.”

  * * * *

  My visor brightened. I looked around. Makiko and Forever each held one arm through the binder. It probably should have bothered me, but instead, it amused me. They were both acting quite possessive of me.

  I think I found it flattering. They were space aliens, after all. I think it was no different to me than if one of my favorite actors had shown me this kind of attention. I realized I was soaking it up, and I wasn’t at all embarrassed about it, or even to admit it.

  We were in what was clearly a private living quarters, but impersonally decorated. “Where are we?”

  “This is our department head’s quarters while we are here,” Makiko said. “We’ll introduce you.”

  I wasn’t the only human. Felicia was here with her Martians. They appeared at least as possessive as Makiko and Forever were being with me. I didn’t see Amanda or Priya, but Danette was here. I tugged, and my keepers let me approach.

  “Danette,” I said. “We spoke earlier.”

  “Taisha? Am I saying that correctly?”

  “Yes,” I said.

  “I’d hug you.” She squirmed in her bindings. We smiled at each other. “Thank you.”

  “Did…” I looked at the Loris beside her. “I’m sorry, I’ve forgotten your name.”

  “This is Chervil,” Makiko said, “And Oberon.”

  “Ah, yes. Did Chervil let you pet him?”

  “They took me to an apartment and let me shower, then we sat on the sofa and talked. He curled up in my lap and let me hold him as long as I wanted, which was a very, very long time.” She offered him an adoring look. “Thank you. That was perhaps the most magical time in my entire life, so far, anyway.”


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