Selected Assistant

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Selected Assistant Page 36

by Robin Roseau

  “Taser,” Violet whispered to me.

  In the movies, Tasers always hurt. The bite had hurt, but this Taser didn’t hurt. Oh, I felt everything else. I felt the Rottweiler on my back, it’s mouth still over my neck. But I couldn’t move a muscle, and I couldn’t even scream anymore.

  I could breathe. I could blink. And that was about it.

  The one on top of me crawled off me, and then it rolled my limp body over and over, wrapping me in silk, pulling my arms down to my sides to do it. It trussed me in its silk, and then it rolled me onto my back, utterly immobile, and began caressing my face.

  I would have screamed if I could. It caressed my face, and then it morphed.

  It was the Kitsune caressing me.

  “Visor trick,” Violet whispered, and that was the last time I heard her voice that night.

  Aventurine chittered. She chittered and chittered, then spoke to me in, presumably, Kitsune, before switching to English. “I am sorry. I was over-excited. Thank you, Taisha. Thank you.”

  Then she went back to chittering her pleasure, caressing my face. My heart was pounding, but eventually I closed my eyes. Her touch felt good. She caressed a little longer then knelt over me. “I know you can’t move. I’m going to take you home. I’ll clean you up, and then you can decide if you will let me keep you for the night.”

  * * * *

  The lander came. Aventurine rolled me onto some sort of sled, lashed me to it, and then it followed her into the lander. She knelt beside me during the flight, crooning quietly, speaking Kitsune to me, but it was soothing, and she continued to touch me, which was nice.

  It was a more than a little disconcerting to be unable to perform a single voluntary movement more complicated than opening or closing my eyes.

  We reached The Center, and the visor went dark as I lay on the sled, but I knew we were moving.

  We reached somewhere, and I could see again. Aventurine released me from the sled. We were in a bathroom, with a large, sunken tub in the middle. She worked carefully, bringing me into the tub, and then she began cleaning me, removing all the spider silk, letting it wash down the drain. Partway through, she removed the visor. The entire time, she was very gentle, and she spoke soft Kitsune.

  Then she cradled my head, there in the tub. “I’m going to administer the antidote,” she said, her first words of English for a while. “Please don’t be angry, but if you are, please don’t respond violently.”

  I wasn’t angry, and I wasn’t a violent person. She pressed something to my neck; I couldn’t see what it was. There was a hiss and a very slight sting, but almost nothing

  “That takes a little time,” she said. She went back to speaking in soothing Kitsune, still cradling my head.

  It took time, but not all that long, maybe a few minutes before I could begin to move. Eventually I reached up a hand and set it on her arm, the one around my chest. I opened my mouth a few times before I was able to make sounds. “I’m not mad,” I whispered.

  “Do you want to spend the night? That isn’t a promise I would force you to keep.”

  “I do, Aventurine, but only if you want me to.”

  “I very much want you to,” she replied.

  “You caught me, and I’ll obey you, but may I please have a shower?”

  “Winning was my prize, Taisha.”

  “You don’t want me to obey?”

  “Of course, I do.”

  “Then I will,” I whispered.

  “I would like permission to do whatever I like to you.”

  “Whatever you like,” I agreed. “But I really hope you don’t intend more spiders.”

  “No spiders. For your first order, you will enjoy everything I do. You will ask no questions unless you do not understand an order. For now, you will relax and let me do everything.”

  I smiled. “All right.”

  “I don’t want to get too wet. It takes too long to dry unless I use hot air, and then I turn fuzzy. It is quite unbecoming.” She crawled out from under my head, but she arranged me and said, “Remain there.” A moment later, the tub began filling with water, the temperature perfect.

  While it filled, she went to work on the jumpsuit. “You looked very nice in this,” she said. “But it’s a mess.”

  “I bet.”

  I squirmed when she ordered me to squirm, and it didn’t take long before she got me undressed. And then I soaked in the water.

  She pampered me. Most of the time she either crooned or spoke Kitsune to me, but she bathed me, wearing long gloves so her fur wouldn’t get too wet. Oh, she got a little damp, but only a little.

  She washed my hair, and she massaged my scalp, which felt amazing. I offered little sounds of encouragement.

  Then she shifted, looming over me, then leaned further. She brushed her tongue at the corner of my mouth. I smiled, and when she did it again, I opened for her.

  We kiss-licked, only a moment or three, and then she asked, “Is this what you want?”

  “Yes, Aventurine.”

  “I’m feeling very dominant after catching you,” she said. “I’m not always, but I am tonight.”

  “Good,” I whispered.

  “I need to hear you tell me you truly wish to be here.”

  I opened my eyes and looked at her. “You are beautiful, and I find you deeply sexy besides. I find kissing you sexy. Until you release me in the morning, I belong to you, Aventurine. We may do anything you like, but I hope it includes you teaching me how a Kitsune woman likes to be touched.”

  “And you will teach me about human women,” she replied. “I may touch you however I please?”

  “Yes, Aventurine.”

  “Good.” Then she lowered her mouth. My eyes were closed and my lips parted before she flicked at me with her tongue.

  We kiss-licked. A hand moved to one breast, just resting, holding lightly. But for a while, we kiss-licked, and it was really nice.

  But then she said, “Climb from the tub. There is a railing to help you.”

  It was work, but I stood, sluiced off, then stepped from the tub. Aventurine met me with a towel, and I stood still as she dried me. Somewhere along the way, she had removed the gloves, and her hands felt nice.

  “I’m going to show you something,” she said. She took my hand and led me to the corner. There was a little alcove there. I had thought it was a shower, but she showed me the controls, and I realized it was a whole-body hair dryer, sized for a Wookie. “There is a brush,” she said, gesturing. “I’d do this part for you, but I’ll turn frizzy.”

  Then she stepped back and watched.

  At first, I kept my back to her, but then I smiled and slowly turned. I worked on my hair, taking my time, while watching the Kitsune watching me.

  Finally, I set the brush aside and turned to the controls. It took a moment, but I turned off the air, then stepped towards Aventurine, stopping before her. She chittered a moment then took my hand.

  She led me to a bed, then crawled up top. I followed, and she pushed me amongst the pillows. “I think I expected magic space alien beds.”

  “Just regular human beds,” she replied. “I thought about accepting a few hours of my own pampering, but we are both weary. I want you to close your eyes. If something I do feels good, you will tell me.”

  “Yes,” I whispered.

  She began touching. They were a little tentative, and a few times, it tickled. I told her that. “I’m not trying to tickle.”

  “My sides are sensitive,” I said. “If you use your entire hand and not just your fingers, it’s not as ticklish.”

  “Like this?” And she brushed me with her open hands.

  “That feels really nice,” I whispered.

  She brushed much of my body, including my face, and she kiss-licked, as well. It all felt really nice.

  And then really, really nice when she began focusing on my breasts. I squirmed and moaned and then said, “Don’t stop.” She didn’t, then I told her, “If you are very careful, you can
use your teeth on the nipples, just tiny nips.”

  She did, and it was absolutely perfect. I began panting from the attention. I could feel my nipples engorging, both of them, making them even more sensitive. “Yes,” I whispered. “That’s really good.”

  “Tell me what I will do next, Taisha.” She paused. “I read about human female bodies, but it’s not the same as touching one.”

  “I imagine,” I replied. “You can touch,” I said. I brushed myself with my hand. “Here.”

  “Your clitoris,” she said. “You are different from me.”

  “Not quite,” I said.

  “Show me.”

  I parted myself. She moved down my body, kiss-licking, and then she watched. “Like this,” I said. “Feels good.” Then I brushed my clit and gasped. “Um. That’s the clit.”

  “Is it sensitive.”

  “I’m very aroused,” I said. “Although now self-conscious.”

  “There is an inner canal.”

  “Yes.” I parted and then slowly inserted two fingers.

  “Oh,” she whispered.

  I opened my eyes. I had grown really self-conscious, but I opened my eyes and looked at her. She was watching my hands. “If all you do is give me attention, it can be very pleasant, even if I don’t have an orgasm. The goal should be to simply make me feel good.”

  “So it is with Kitsune as well. Close your eyes now.”

  I did, and she took my hand, pulling me from myself. She lifted my hand and took my fingers in her mouth.

  “Oh,” I whispered.

  She used her lips and her tongue, and then she pressed my hand above my head, stopping by for more kiss-licking.

  “Aventurine,” I whispered.

  “Tonight, you are my pet, and I intend to take you. Obey me.”

  “I obey,” I whispered.

  “Good. Enjoy this, no more words, only sounds of pleasure. No more of your hands, no more explanation.”

  I nodded, and then she was back at a nipple, but she didn’t stay long.

  She didn’t use her hands. She lowered her mouth to me, and she used her lips and her tongue, longer and far cleverer than any human tongue I’d ever experienced.

  It was amazing, and I was soon lost to the pleasure, entirely lost to it. She discovered all the things I liked, crooning and chittering over each discovery, then chittering and chittering as I became more lost.

  The orgasm, when it arrived, surprised me. I was so lost in the pleasure, but then I began to shake, and once I realized, it hit full force, filling my body with more deep pleasure.

  Aventurine realized, and she slowed, then stopped, her mouth still over me, her tongue still pressing against me. I gave one final shudder and then lay limp, gasping.

  She crawled up my body and lay down, pressing her warm, furry, lovely body against mine.

  * * * *

  It took time, but eventually I opened my eyes and turned my head to look at her. “That was so wonderful, Aventurine.”

  She chittered briefly. “Are you too tired?”

  “No. Will you teach me?”

  “Yes. I’m going to tell you a few things. First, do you enjoy my scent?”

  “Yes.” But I pressed my nose against her and inhaled deeply. She smelled quite lovely, and I told her that. “This is a natural scent?”

  “Yes. We use no perfumes. We each have a slightly unique scent, and males smell different from females, probably enough you can tell the difference, at least if you have two of us to compare.”

  “I like it.” I inhaled again.

  “Good. I have glands. Give me one hand.” I offered my right, and she lifted it. “Here, behind my ears. They secrete an oil. It is good for my fur, and when we groom, we spread it throughout. This is what I would do after drying, to remove the frizz, but it can take a long time after a bath. If we were to become lovers, this is something we would do for each other. Because you do not produce the same oil, I would use mine on you, certainly in your hair, and perhaps your entire body.”

  “That sounds lovely.”

  “You should know that the oil is an aphrodisiac, when it first secretes.”

  I laughed. “So, you get yourself high?”

  “I am immune to my own, as are close family members. It turns out that humans are not.”

  “Do mothers groom their children?”

  “Yes, not unlike Earth cats, and not only mothers. Mothers and fathers, and even siblings will share grooming. It is a form of bonding, although not all families do this.”

  “You should know that humans don’t like getting hair on our tongues.”

  “You promised to obey me, but I won’t ask you to do anything you dislike,” she replied. “I want you to start by kissing me, but then I want you to begin licking and nipping my ears, very gently. I’ll guide you.”

  I smiled. “All right.”

  She rolled onto her back. I knelt, perching over her, and then I lowered my lips. She parted, and we lick-kissed, both of us this time. Her tongue was more capable than mine, but she squirmed and then began crooning softly.

  I kiss-licked, and then I kissed my way to one ear.

  “Nipping is playful,” she whispered. “Think of grooming me. Only do what you enjoy.”

  I started with the tip, then moved to the base, first on one side, then the other, nipping gently at first. Aventurine crooned softly. I nipped some more, and she said, “Please, Taisha. Try your tongue. Please, for me.”

  I did, and that was weird, but then I tried something different. I brought her entire ear into my mouth and sucked gently. She chittered softly. “That is nice. Please lick, too.”

  I began to get her taste into my mouth, and licking started to sound pretty good.

  And once I started, I didn’t want to stop. A part of me knew I was drugging myself, but I became hungry for it, and I moved atop her, very careful not to squish her. We kiss-licked, and I showered both ears with attention, teeth, lips, mouth, tongue.

  And then she guided me down her body.

  I think she did more guiding, but I was completely lost, and I would have done anything to bring her pleasure, anything she asked.

  She didn’t ask for much. She guided, and that was all the help I needed.

  * * * *

  I came to awareness slowly. I liked waking up with a warm Kitsune in my arms. I liked it a lot. I could feel leftover bliss, and it felt really good.

  She was crooning softly, her hands holding one of my arms. “You feel so good, Aventurine.”

  She rolled to face me, and we lay on our sides. “I don’t know how to thank you, Taisha.”

  “Before you say another word, are you about to tell me this was a one-time event? If so, I understand, but I just want to know.”

  “Why would you ask that?”

  “Because when humans start that way, that’s typically a prelude to, ‘Thanks, it was fun, have a great life’.”

  “Well, that’s not what it means when I say it.”


  “May I continue?”

  “Are you annoyed?”

  “I feel too good to become that easily annoyed.”

  “Then you may continue.”

  “I know how humans see us. Well, I know how humans who don’t hate us see us. We came from far to rescue you. We are like your Superman.”

  “Yes,” I agreed.

  “But we are people, and it was scary to come here. What you’ve done for me…” She trailed off. “You didn’t simply ask for friendship; you nearly begged for it. When we don’t feel welcome here, to have one of you, especially someone we can respect, so openly inviting friendship, feels really quite good.”

  “There are two billion of us doing that, Aventurine.”

  “Probably not that many, but you make a fair point. However, they aren’t here, and you are. I have met humans on the space station, but they are all mated.”

  “All of them?”

  “There may be occasional visitors, but every human I
met before coming here was mated. I helped to catch Amanda, and she has been very welcoming, but not the same way you have been. So, my thank you was for that. You have lifted my heart.”

  “I’m sorry for the others, but I think I’m quite pleased my friendship holds value to you.”

  “It does,” she said. “For all of us. You’ve said you want friendship with us; you have that, no matter what else happens.”

  “I’m glad.”

  “If you become mated to one of us, this next part isn’t relevant, but I’m going to ask Prudence to invite you to come with us.”

  “Back to the space station?”

  “For a visit. We’ll show you Saturn, too.”


  “You would be gone for a while. Would Finley let you come?”

  “Yes, I’m almost positive.”

  “Good. Now, the rest of my thanks. Agreeing to be hunted was… it was good. I didn’t get to do our first hunt in my style. That wasn’t the nature of the event. I was enjoying tracking you my way. But then the last half was so much better. I watched you for a long time.”

  “I thought you might. Waiting for opportunity?”

  “Yes, but Violet also told me to trust her. I could have had you sooner.” She paused. “Did you hate it?”


  “Letting us treat you that way.” She turned her head. “Maybe it’s wrong.”

  I turned her chin back so she faced me. “No, Aventurine. Humans play games like that, too. We have lots of games that involve chasing each other. When it is a human parent chasing a child, sometimes they scoop the child up and say, ‘I caught you. Now I’m going to eat you!’ Then they do something with their mouth, not biting, but something symbolic, and the child squeals with delight.”

  “You were screaming in terror.”

  “I’m only saying, it wasn’t wrong. I wouldn’t want to do it every night. Could I ask something?”

  “Of course.”

  “Do Kitsunes pounce on each other.”

  She chittered. “Yes, especially lovers.”

  “Hunting-style of pounces?”


  “I’m bigger than you. I wouldn’t want to hurt you.”

  “You wouldn’t,” she said. “Or are you saying you don’t want me to pounce.”


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