Selected Assistant

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Selected Assistant Page 54

by Robin Roseau

  We greeted people in the grotto, but we let those who wished to tour the house. Finley and Amanda stopped back, talking about the amazing view.

  We had food, including fish that Carolina had caught, but other foods for those who couldn’t eat Komodo style. But then Carolina declared, “It is time.”

  She took my hands. And then Jasmine stepped up behind me. Carolina began speaking, but in Komodo. I only knew a few words. Apparently, Jasmine knew more.

  “My wife, this ritual is most typically performed a year and a day from the day we declare ourselves mated. But I wanted to do this here, in our new home on this beautiful planet, and so it has been somewhat longer.”

  She looked around and switched to English. “I do not know if everyone understands Komodo customs. I do not know if you understand the significance of this… head ornament my mate wears.”

  “Tell us,” Jasmine said gently.

  “May I?” I asked


  I smiled and then wrapped Carolina around me, turning to more fully face everyone. “Almost everyone here appreciates the differences between the species. Mama, has anyone explained?”

  “They tried to,” she said.

  “Well, I will try again.” And then I spent a few minutes. Mother and Father grew quiet, and I could see they were tense, but I said, “Carolina has taken such good care of me, and she has shown me wonders. Father, I have seen the rings of Saturn with my own eyes.” I brushed the net. “This is something Carolina needed, and we all know that we do what is needful for those we love.”

  And so, I explained the net, and about my teeth. And then I turned back to Carolina. She spoke in Komodo, slowly and carefully. And Jasmine translated.

  And then, for the last time, Carolina removed the hair net. Felicia and Yvette stepped forward. They brushed out my hair for me.

  “My wife,” Carolina said. “You have grown accustomed to this. It is very easy to bite yourself.” She smiled. “Or me.”

  “I won’t.”

  “If you do, these go back in.”

  I laughed then opened my mouth. It took her a minute, but she pulled the softening caps from my teeth, but she held my mouth open with her fingers. “Close slowly and carefully.” I did, and then she spoke for another minute.

  “Congratulations, my mate, my partner, my love.” And then she pulled me into a kiss.

  I didn’t bite her.

  Arena Victory

  We sat together in the stands overlooking the arena. Down below, Violet called Begin. Felicia and Swept Light began to battle it out, firing their lasers at each other and at their respective targets. At first, Felicia did well, scoring several times on the Luxan, every third shot shifting to one of the targets on the opposite side of the arena. Each successful hit either further isolated her opponent or increased mobility for her.

  But then he got a hit on her right arm, not immobilizing her, but it tended to put off her firing. But she continued shooting, scoring twice more on him and several more times on his targets.

  But then he went after the targets on her side, his aim slow and methodical. He began shutting her down, the force fields springing into place and pushing her towards the front of the open cage. She gave a cry of determination then carefully took aim at him. She fired just a moment after he hit another target on her side, and the resulting jostle from the force field threw off her aim.

  It was the last clear shot she had at him, as he dropped his gaze and hit her three times as rapidly as his gun let him fire.

  After that, it was all but over. She entirely stiffened, and he dashed forward, not fully trusting there was no ruse, but he came to her, took her gun from her, and then gave her a gentle backward push into the cell.

  From the stands, we went crazy. Swept Light stepped forward, reached into the cage, and withdrew his mate. She clung tightly as he carried her from the arena.

  About the Author

  A writer by avocation, Robin has a renaissance interest in many areas. A bit of a gypsy, Robin has called a few places home and has traveled widely. A love of the outdoors, animals in general and experimenting with world cuisines, Robin and partner share their home with a menagerie of pets and guests, although sometimes it is difficult to discern who is whom.

  Robin can be reached via email as [email protected]. Robin's web site is

  Works by Robin Roseau

  The Madison Wolves Series

  Fox Run

  Fox Play

  Fox Mate

  Fox Afield

  Fox Revenge

  Fox Dish

  Fox Lost

  Wolf Watch

  Wolf Ways

  Wolf Women

  Fox Fate


  Omega Born

  Omega Life

  Omega Choice (coming soon)

  Fox Short Stories

  Hunting Pups

  Fox in the Water

  Fox Rematch (set after Fox Mate and Fox Afield)

  Fox Opponent

  A Foxy Valentine

  Other Books in the Madison Wolves Universe


  Kitty Cat

  Poor Little Witch Girl


  Seer: Thrall

  Seer: Guardian

  The Selected Series









  Selected Roommate

  Selected Assistant

  The Games People Play Series

  Stories that ask a simple question: do you want to play a game?

  Do You Want to Play a Game?

  My Soul to Play

  My Soul to Lose

  My Soul to Win

  The Five Kingdoms


  Searching the High Seas

  The Pawn Series




  Queen (Coming Soon)


  Encircled (Claary)

  Delegation (Allium)



  Heir (Ahlianna)

  Tiara Parts One and Two (Darfelsa, coming soon)

  Other Novels and Novellas

  Anonymous Bidder

  Blood Slave

  A Charming Brew

  Emergency Claus


  Fitting In


  Free to Love

  Galatzi Trade

  Galatzi World

  Galatzi Joy

  Galatzi Life

  In Custody


  Lost in the Words


  Mind Wipe

  Outside The Box

  Red Paws Inn

  Reluctant Host

  Stark's Dell


  Sugar Baby


  Team Building

  More Team Building

  The Interrogation




  The Ski Bindings Shorts

  Short stories of love and lust amongst the slopes.

  Snow Fox

  Short Stories

  Cooking for Love

  Southern Night

  Captured by the Raptor (writing as Rosetta Robins)

  Selected Assistant

  Copyright 2019 by Robin Roseau

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in retrieval system, copied in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or otherwise transmitted without written permission from the publisher. You must not circulate this book in any format.

  This is a work of fiction. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author's imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to
actual persons living or dead, actual events or locales is purely coincidental.

  * * *

  License Notes

  This ebook is licensed for your personal enjoyment only. This ebook may not be re-sold or given away to other people. If you would like to share this book with another person, please purchase an additional copy for each recipient. If you’re reading this book and did not purchase it, or it was not purchased for your use only, then please return to and purchase your own copy. Thank you for respecting the hard work of this author.

  Table of Contents


  Selected Assistant



  Test Drive


  Taking a Break






  Sand Everywhere







  Real Dates









  Loris Fur


  Hunted. Again.



  Beachside Lunch

  Lingering Days





  Arena Victory

  About the Author

  Works by Robin Roseau

  The Madison Wolves Series

  Fox Short Stories

  Other Books in the Madison Wolves Universe

  The Selected Series

  The Games People Play Series

  The Five Kingdoms

  The Pawn Series


  Other Novels and Novellas

  The Ski Bindings Shorts

  Short Stories




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