Defying the Alpha

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Defying the Alpha Page 3

by Emilia Rose

  “And he said that Scarlett was trying to take you away from me.”

  She looked toward Scarlett, who sat on the opposite side of the auditorium with the rest of the warriors in her pack. They all had vicious, bloodthirsty looks on their faces today, which was unusual for a fairly peaceful pack.

  Tugging her closer, I stared down into her eyes. “You know I would never jeopardize us. You’re my mate, who I’ve waited years for.” I brushed some strands of hair from her face, tucking them behind her ear. “You’re mine, Isabella. Mine.”

  Kylo stared at us from his seat and had the damn audacity to smirk at me and wiggle his fingers in an attempt to fuck with me. I curled my claws into Isabella’s hip. That mischievous look in his eye told me one thing: he wanted to break me by using Isabella—whether that meant telling her lies or killing her.

  She was one of my greatest weaknesses, just like Scarlett had been his years ago.

  And Kylo wanted payback, sweet and sinful payback.

  Chapter 5


  Dressed in navy pants that clung to her ass and a white blouse with just enough buttons undone to show off her breasts, Isabella squirmed in front of the podium as she finished up the meeting, bright blue eyes flickering to mine every other moment.

  I intently listened to her stumble over her words, watched her cheeks flush pink, and felt her uneasiness permeate the air. It should’ve made me gloat in glory that I, Kylo Marks, had accomplished what I had come to do. But her nerves were giving me anxiety, and that anxiety was riling up my wolf.

  Help her, my wolf pleaded with me. You made her nervous.

  Ignoring his comments, I continued to listen to her spiel about the Lycans. While they seemed like decent people, ever since Ryker had betrayed the alphas and been executed for his crimes, a darkness had been unleashed onto the forest.

  Now wasn’t the time to reunite the Lycans and the packs, as the Lycans couldn’t do shit with inter- and intra-pack conflict, especially not this kind. It was a sort of chaos that I had never seen in my twenty-two years of life.

  They had eliminated most of the rogues, which was the point of their little team.

  We didn’t need them now.

  Settle her down, my wolf continued, watching her rub her reddening neck.

  I rolled my eyes. No, I said back to him.

  “Do you find the need for peace annoying, Kylo?” Isabella asked, stopping mid-stage to blink expectantly at me. She placed her hand on her waist, accentuating her curves, and I could do nothing, except suck in a sharp breath.

  Now! my wolf said. This is our chance to talk to her wolf.

  Curling my lip up in disgust at the thoughts racing through my wolf’s mind, I shook my head. “No, carry on. I just don’t see the point in this. The damage Ryker caused has been done and cannot be taken back.”

  She pressed her lips together, cheeks flushing red, and turned back to the group.

  As Isabella teetered back and forth, I glanced over at Roman, who sat in the front of the auditorium, showing me his teeth for capturing his mate’s attention. He probably thought I was going to rip his mate out of his life, just as he had ripped Scarlett out of mine years ago.

  Maybe. I hadn’t decided what I’d do with Isabella yet.

  Neither had my wolf, apparently. He couldn’t seem to stop staring.

  Chapter 6


  After stepping out of the stuffy auditorium, I ran my hands through my hair and cursed Kylo out under my breath. Thanks to that stupid asshole, I had made no progress in trying to convince the alphas to trust the Lycans. Between him and Scarlett’s pack, who was stirring up chaos, this meeting might’ve made everything worse.

  Warriors were questioning our abilities, alphas were questioning our trust, and I was questioning how I could get myself out of this mess. I rested my back against the wall, shoulders slumped forward in defeat.

  “Prepare for war, princess,” Kylo said, walking through the doors and down the hallway.

  I clenched my hands into fists, watching him walk away. It wasn’t an empty threat. According to Roman, Kylo had been lusting over his territory for a long time. Now that nobody trusted me, he had others on his side to join him in battle and aid him in victory.

  Worse than that, my damn wolf wouldn’t stop staring at him. I tore my gaze away from his huge back muscles flexing through his button-up shirt and clenched my jaw. What the hell was wrong with her? She was acting almost as interested in him as she did with Roman.

  My wolf was beginning to aggravate me.

  Kylo had some goddamn nerve.

  Raj cleared his throat and handed me a file filled with freshly printed papers. “Kylo,” he said, stuffing his hands into his pockets. We stepped farther away from the auditorium entrance, so nobody would listen in. “Alpha Kylo. He’s from one of the strongest packs in the whole region, quickly fighting his way to the top and making a name for himself.”

  I opened the file, skimmed through the information, and tried to gather my own thoughts about that man because my wolf was being awfully quiet again, and it didn’t sit right with me.

  “He is an incredible warrior, inherited the title of alpha from his brother who’d died in battle, is currently mateless, as he rejected his previous mate”—my wolf purred—“was born under the Wolf Moon, had a—”

  I furrowed my brows. “Born under the Wolf Moon?”

  I had been born under the Wolf Moon.

  Besides the Blood Moon, the Wolf Moon was the rarest moon to be born under. While it happened once a year on the same day, the wolves who survived their birth under such a moon were the strongest. Some even said they were given powers to protect by the Moon Goddess herself. A couple wolves had even outranked alphas.

  An alpha who was also a Wolf Moon baby would be incredibly powerful, could command rooms of people who didn’t even know him, and could rip people apart at the snap of his fingers.

  Raj nodded. “Yes. You know that wolves born during the Wolf Moon are some of the strongest. Their strength is similar to that of the original werewolves and possess powers close to that of the Moon Goddess.”

  Was that why I felt connected to him? We had been born under the same moon. I blew a breath out of my nose. Of course, that was the reason my wolf was so anxious around him.

  Raj gazed down the hallway at his mate, Jane. “I’ll find more information on him.”

  “No. That’s all I needed to know. But, Raj, prepare the Lycans. Kylo is unnerving and confident. I don’t want to be caught off guard, especially after how he acted today in the meeting.” And in the hallway earlier.

  When Raj disappeared out the side doors with Jane, I hurried down the hall to my office, flipping through the file to read about Kylo. Immersed in newspaper snippets and articles about him, I jumped when someone thrust me right against the door outside my office.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Roman murmured into my ear. “Sneaking back into your office before I had a chance to touch”—he slipped his hand under the waistband of my pants—“this.” He drew his nose up the column of my neck and brushed it against his mark. “It’s almost as if you want me to punish you, my dear Isabella.”

  “Punish me?” I asked with feigned surprise. I drew my knees together, loving the feel of his cock hardening against my ass. “Never.”

  After snaking his other hand up my neck, he pulled me closer. “Every single day of your fucking life, you want me to punish you, Isabella. You can’t resist it.” He brushed his fingers across my underwear and right above my clit, rubbing my wetness. “You’re already so wet, just thinking about it.”

  I turned my head to the side to look up at him. “Maybe I’d be a good girl if you actually punished me instead of making empty little promises. I want an alpha who knows how to really give it to me well.”

  “You don’t like my punishments?” he growled into my ear.

  “No.” Lie.

  He trailed a finger down my folds, pressi
ng it against my entrance but never into me. “I’m going to make you love them,” he said, voice gruff and filled with tainted spite. He sank his teeth into his mark and sucked on it harshly, making me moan. After placing his entire hand over my mouth, he said, “Shh, shh, shh, Isabella. Everyone is still here. You don’t want them to hear you, do you?”

  I squeezed my eyes shut, my pussy pulsing and desperately waiting for him to be inside of me. Moon Goddess, this was going to be rough. I could already feel it.

  Roman grasped my breast through my shirt and seized my nipple, tugging on it harder than he ever had before. I shook my head, pain shooting through me.

  “You might not want anyone to hear you,” Roman said, rubbing my clit with his thumb as his fingers still poked against my entrance. “But I do. Now, beg.”

  My toes curled. “No.”

  After I blatantly defied him, he growled into my ear, crept his hand up under my shirt, and yanked down my bra cups, so he could see my nipples press through my thin shirt. He pulled both of my arms behind my back with one of his and jerked me off of the door, so he could see my tits from over my shoulder.

  “Fuck, Isabella, your tits.”

  He rocked his hips against mine. “Feel my cock?” he asked.

  I furrowed my brows, the feel of his hardness making me clench. I just wanted to feel it inside of me again, anywhere inside of me.

  “Beg for me, and I’ll let you suck it.” He inhaled my scent and chuckled against me. “And after you suck me off, I’ll fuck this tight”—he pushed his finger harder against my entrance—“little”—harder—“pussy.”

  “Please, Roman,” I pleaded, just wanting to relax after that disaster. “I need it.”

  When he pushed his finger into me, I dug my claws into my office door to hold myself up and moaned loudly at the wave of pleasure that crashed over me. I wanted to feel full, feel him ram himself down my throat, making me red in the face and teary-eyed.

  “Louder,” he ordered. “I want everyone to know that you’re moaning for me, your mate.”

  “Please, Roman,” I said just a bit louder, moving my hips back and forth over his fingers.

  He thrust them deeper inside of me and watched my tits bounce. I reached behind me, stroking my hand up and down his cock through his navy-blue suit pants.

  “On your knees, my dear Isabella,” he said. Once he pulled his fingers out of me, I grabbed the door handle, but Roman pulled my hand away. “I said, on your knees,” he said. “Not in your office.”

  I turned around, eyes wide. “Out here?”

  “Yes, Isabella. Out here, on your knees, staring up at me with those sexy fucking eyes.”

  My heart raced. I knelt in front of him and sprawled my fingers over his huge bulge. I couldn’t believe that I was doing this right here, when anyone could walk around the corner, anyone could see me sucking my mate’s cock.

  After pulling down his zipper, he pulled out his thick, hard cock and slapped it against my lips. I wrapped my hand around the base and licked from his balls to his head as I stared up at him. I swirled my tongue around his head, gently sucking on it. He was so big, and my pussy was throbbing for it.

  “Fuck my mouth?” I asked Roman, batting my lashes. “Please, Alpha.”

  He grabbed the sides of my head and pulled me toward him. “Touch yourself for me,” he said.

  When I pushed a hand between my legs and started rubbing my clit, he shoved himself all the way into my throat until his hips were pressing against my lips.

  Stilling for one, two, three moments at the most, he forcefully bobbed my head back and forth on his cock until spit dripped down my chin and I couldn’t stop gagging. Even then, he continued. My core clenched as I rubbed myself off.

  Someone walked into the hallway behind Roman, and my nipples hardening at the thought of getting caught. I swallowed his cock, still letting him fuck my mouth, and glanced down the hall.

  Kylo fucking Marks.

  When he saw us, he stopped immediately and sucked in a deep breath, eyes fixed on me and my bouncing tits. I tensed and looked between the two men, my pussy tightening. It was so fucking wrong that this turned me on even more.

  Instead of walking back down the hall, Kylo leaned back against the wall and crossed his arms over his chest, the corner of his lips curling into a devilish smirk. Eyes flickering gold, he bit down on his lower lip.

  Roman had to know that someone was behind him, yet he continued in an animalistic manner, staring down at me and watching the tears fill my eyes as I gagged. I should’ve told Roman who it really was.

  But I couldn’t get a single word out.

  With one hand, Roman reached down and pinched my nipple between my fingers. A wave of pleasure rolled through me, and I clenched again.

  Moon Goddess. Moon Goddess. Moon Goddess.

  Kylo placed a hand on the huge bulge in his gray suit pants, slowly moving his large hand down a good eight inches and back up. Down and back up. Down so low and back up. My pussy tightened, and I moaned on Roman’s cock.

  This was wrong.

  “Is that all you have?” I asked when he pulled out of my throat for the first time. Drool dripped from my lips onto my sheer shirt, making it cling to my breasts.

  Roman growled and thrust himself all the way down my throat, holding himself there. I gazed up at him, cheeks flushing. I placed one hand on his thigh, trying to pull away so I could breathe, yet he wrapped a hand into my hair and held me close to him.

  “Is that all your fucking throat can take?” he asked back.

  I wrapped my arms around the backs of his thighs and pulled myself closer to him, eyes filling to the brim with tears. I gagged on his cock, knowing that I needed to pull away soon, but he still held me in place.

  “Come on, Isabella. Deeper.”

  Rubbing my pussy so fucking hard, I pushed him as deep as I could and choked on him. Kylo stood there, staring at us, hand in his pants, stroking his cock faster than before. He rested his head back against the wall, tensed, and let his eyes roll back, as if signaling that he had just come.

  My pussy tightened, and I moaned on Roman’s cock as a toe-curling orgasm ripped through me. Roman slowed his thrusts, grunted, and then stilled inside of me, his warm cum rolling down the back of my throat. When he pulled out of me, Kylo readjusted himself, smirked at me, and disappeared back down the hallway.

  I stared down the now-empty hallway, trying to catch my breath as my wolf purred. It was wrong—so fucking wrong—but Roman had loved every moment of it. He had never used my throat so brutally and ruthlessly before. And part of me—that feral and animalistic side of me—had loved it too.

  Chapter 7


  After slinging my arm around Isabella’s waist, I pulled her closer to me. Sunlight flooded in through the curtains, which were billowing open with the morning breeze. Agonizing howls rattled through the open window and filled our bedroom. I tensed and sat up in bed.

  Those howls weren’t from wolves taking their daily runs. They were from being attacked.


  War was here already.

  Voices from my warriors buzzed through the mind link, getting jumbled together. I shot out of bed, letting Isabella turn over.

  When she heard the growls, she jumped up. “They’re here already?”

  “Stay here,” I said to her, not wanting her to put herself in harm’s way.

  Kylo knew that if he took her from me, I’d be weak. And while I trusted Isabella, I didn’t trust that prick anymore. His family had destroyed mine, and I wanted to destroy him for it.

  When my feet hit the forest ground, I shifted into my wolf and sprinted toward the battle, following the stench of blood. From the mere sound of paws and growling, there had to be at least a hundred enemy wolves.

  Shit. Shit. Shit.

  Isabella followed after me despite me telling her not to. When we entered the battle, the stench of blood was even stronger. Wolves were ripping each other apart, dig
ging their claws into flesh, latching on to shoulders and legs and paws with their teeth.

  Overcome with rage, I sprinted through the pack, trying to find Kylo. If he wanted to fight, he’d fight me one-on-one, not ruthlessly kill my packmates because he had something against me.

  “Roman,” Isabella said, right on my ass. “Be careful. He’s a Wolf Moon warrior.”

  “Stay here.”

  I couldn’t keep Mom alive, but Isabella … I would give my life for her. All I wanted was to keep her safe. Nobody would ever lay their hands on her.

  Thank the Moon Goddess that Isabella actually obeyed me for once and stopped mid-forest, eyes glazing over; she must’ve been talking through her mind link to Raj. I hurried forward, searching for that piece of shit when Isabella screamed.

  I turned on my heel to see a huge gash in her shoulder. She shifted into her wolf and turned to kill the man when she stopped suddenly and stared at the towering alpha behind her attacker—Kylo.

  Kylo stared at her with so much ferocity, eyes with golden streaks, teeth with blood. He growled at his warrior who had hurt Isabella, watching him bow his head in submission and scurry away.

  Blind with rage, I leaped in Kylo’s direction and sank my teeth into the side of his neck, dragging him to the ground before he had a chance to kill Isabella himself. Nobody would take my mate away from me, especially not a cruel alpha like him.

  Teeth bared at each other’s necks. Sharp claws swiping through the air. Two alphas who wanted to prove their dominance.

  And I’d defeat him this time. I wasn’t the same naive young boy he had once known.

  Blood poured from our open wounds. Kylo spit a chunk of my fur from his mouth, ran at me again, and latched his teeth into my other shoulder. I lunged my body to the side, wanting to thrust him off me yet something cracked.

  I howled and collapsed, my shoulder giving out. Kylo sank his teeth further into my flesh. I kicked back with my hind leg, colliding with his groin. He growled and went to rip more flesh out of me when someone knocked him off me.


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