Connected (Gem Creek Bears Book 5)

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Connected (Gem Creek Bears Book 5) Page 9

by Jennifer Snyder

  When I reached his place I found him outside, dressed in a pair of nice-fitting khaki shorts and a white-collared shirt, stacking a blanket on top of the stuff he’d placed on the back of his golf cart. He shifted my way when he heard me coming toward him.

  “Hey, there,” I called to him. “What’s all this?”

  He smirked at me. “You’ll have to wait and see.” His eyes narrowed. “You shouldn’t have walked here. You need to keep resting your ankle.”

  “I can’t baby it forever. Besides, I’ve been resting it pretty much all day. It’s feeling stiff, so I figured I’d walk.” I flashed a grin at him. “I’m excited to see what you have planned.”

  “Good. Let me grab one more thing, and then we can go.” Rafe started toward the cabin. “Make yourself comfortable in the passenger seat.”

  The sensation of deja vu crept through me as I watched him climb the steps to the porch. I smiled as I situated myself in the golf cart, knowing it meant I was right where I was supposed to be.

  When Rafe came back, he had a serving spoon in one hand and his cell in the other. “All right, let’s head out.”

  “Where are we going?” I asked, seeing if he would slip up and tell me.

  “Nice try, but like I’ve said a million times—it’s a surprise, which means you’ll have to wait and see.”

  He cranked the engine of the golf cart to life and backed out of his driveway. We were only on the gravel road for a second before he cut onto a grassy path I would never have noticed. It was wedged between lot numbers thirty-one and thirty-two.

  “What’s back here?” I asked, even though I knew he wouldn’t tell me. He was all about keeping this a surprise.

  “Wait and see,” he said as we slowly climbed to the top of a hill.

  Once we made it to the top, I noticed a flat clearing in the wooded lot. There was nothing up here except a small fire pit made from smooth rocks. It looked like another camping lot but was larger than any of the others.

  “This is my favorite place in the campground,” Rafe insisted. He cut the engine on the golf cart and shifted to gaze out at the clearing. “When my brothers and I were little, our dad would bring us up here every other weekend during the summer. We’d pitch a tent and spend the night out here beneath the stars. We even built that fire pit together by collecting rocks from the creek. Took us forever, but we did it.” He chuckled.

  This place meant something to Rafe, and now, because he’d decided to share it with me, it meant something to me as well.

  “It’s peaceful up here,” I said, meaning it. It was a beautiful location.

  “I’ve always thought so. My dad did too. It overlooks the entire campground and has the best view of the sunset I guarantee you’ll ever see.” He winked. “Most people think the sunset over the ocean is the most beautiful sight, but I think it’s because they’ve never witnessed one take place between the mountains.”

  “I can’t wait to see it.” I shifted my attention to the mountains in the distance.

  For whatever reason, I’ve never paid much attention to the scenery of the campground until now. The mountains were beautiful. From where we sat, I could make out various shades of green trees filling out the mountains. A crisp blue sky hung as a backdrop for them. And minimal clouds wisped around their peaks.

  “Sunset happens just before nine,” Rafe said. “It’s going to be the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen. Guarantee it.”

  “I believe you. Already this place is amazing.”

  “You’re in for a treat.” Rafe grinned. “Are you hungry?”


  He slipped out of the golf cart and made his way to the back. There, he loaded his arms with the things he’d brought with us. I limped my way to help him, but he refused to let me. Instead, he quickly spread the quilt he brought on the ground and insisted I sit and rest my ankle while he laid everything out for us. With a smirk, I did as I was told, loving how he always seemed eager to take care of me. It felt good.

  “I don’t think I’ve ever asked you what you like or don’t like when it comes to food,” Rafe said. He plucked lids off the containers of food he’d packed us. “So, I made us a hodgepodge of stuff. I hope that’s okay.”

  “I’ll eat just about anything. Well, except cantaloupe.”

  “Cantaloupe? Really?”

  I wrinkled my nose and shook my head. “I hate it. Honeydew melon too.”

  “What about watermelon?”

  “Love it.”

  “Whew, good. I packed us some.” Rafe pulled the lid off the last container from his cooler, revealing red, juicy chunks of watermelon. “Nothing says summer more than eating watermelon. At least to me, anyway.”

  “Agreed.” I grabbed a piece and took a bite.

  Rafe did the same, then he nodded to my wrist. “Let’s see your tattoo.”

  I held my wrist out so he could see it. It was still covered with a thick layer of healing salve from the tattoo place and it still looked tender and raw, but I was still happy with it.

  “Looks good,” he said before popping the remainder of the watermelon chunk he was eating into his mouth.

  “Thanks. I think so too.” I licked my lips, savoring the remnants of watermelon juice on them. “I don’t think I’ve ever asked—do you have any tattoos?”

  A part of me hoped he said yes. I’d always been attracted to guys with tattoos. Honestly though, I wouldn’t care if Rafe didn’t have one though because I was so insanely attracted to him, regardless.

  “Nope. Not yet anyway.” He winked.

  “But you have one in mind that you want? What’s stopping you from getting it?”

  “A few things.”

  “Like what?”

  If it were money, I wouldn’t be opposed to purchasing his first tattoo for him.

  His cheeks tinted pink and the smile on his face grew, accentuating the dimple in his right cheek I adored so much. When his gaze dipped to the quilted blanket beneath us, I knew I’d somehow made him uncomfortable.

  “Well, there’s only one tattoo I’ve known my whole life I’d always get. The timing isn’t quite there yet, though.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his cheeks burning to an even deeper shade of pink.

  “I don’t quite follow. Why isn’t the timing right?”

  He coughed into his hand. “Uh, well. Shifters don’t wear wedding rings, for obvious reasons, so most of them prefer to get a band tattooed on their ring finger.”

  “Oh. That makes sense.” My heart skipped a beat. This was definitely not a turn I expected our conversation to take. “So, you’ve known your whole life you wanted to get married?”

  Rafe locked eyes with me and nodded. “I’ve always known I wanted something like what my mom and dad had—to get married and start a family of my own.” He reached for another piece of watermelon and chuckled. “Crazy to even think about, right? Marriage? I mean, being as young as I am.”

  “Not really. You and I both know better than most that life is short.” I swallowed hard, my eyes never wavering from his.

  “It is short.” He licked his lips, and I knew he was going to kiss me.

  When he leaned in, I closed my eyes and felt the rush of electricity pulse beneath my skin. His lips skimmed across mine in a featherlight touch that sent tingles of warm dancing through my lower belly.

  “I love you, Penny,” he whispered when he pulled away, ending our kiss far too soon.

  “I love you too,” I breathed. His eyes were bright with his bear when I lifted my gaze to meet his. “Does your bear feel the same way about me?” I asked, curiosity getting the best of me.

  “Of course. He’s chosen you.”

  I arched a brow. “Chosen me? What does that mean?”

  “Uh. It means he wants you as his mate.”

  “Oh.” I blinked. “Like he wants us to have sex?”

  A laugh burst from Rafe and I felt my cheeks heat with embarrassment. “I’m sure he does, but that’s not all being someon
e’s mate is about in the shifter world. It’s a bond to us—like marriage.”

  “Does it also involve me having to get my own bear?”

  Tris had told me some of this before, or maybe all, but I couldn’t remember. Suddenly, the details of how being someone’s mate worked seemed important.

  Rafe shook his head. “You don’t have to have a bear unless you want one.”

  “I want one.”

  “That was a fast response.”

  “Because I’m serious,” I said.

  I’d given gaining a bear a lot of thought. It was something I wanted. I loved the sense of family and safety that came with the clan. I loved living in Ruby. I loved the scenery of Gem Creek. I loved Rafe.

  This was right where I was supposed to be. I could feel it in my gut.

  “I want to be a part of everything here—like a true part of it all,” I said, holding his stare. I didn’t want Tris worrying about me getting hurt. I didn’t want to feel like I was standing on the outside of all this. I wanted to fit in. I wanted to be accepted all the way. And I really wanted to be with Rafe in every way possible. He felt like home. “I want to be with you.”

  “You are with me, and you’re a part of everything whether you realize it or not. The clan loves having you here. I love having you here.”

  “Thank you, but I still want a bear.” I cupped his face between my hands and smiled. “I’ve given a lot of thought to this. It’s something I want.”

  Rafe’s eyes flashed brightly. Clearly, his bear was excited by my words. This made me happy. When he leaned in and brushed his warm lips across mine, I entwined my fingers through the hair at the nape of his neck and pulled him closer. I skimmed my tongue against his bottom lip like he’d done to me once before and loved it when he growled in approval. He gripped my hips, his fingertips digging into my flesh, and lifted me into his lap. I could already feel his excitement throbbing. His hands roamed along my back, slipping beneath my shirt, until I couldn’t take it any longer. I parted our lips just long enough to pull my shirt over my head and toss it to the side. Rafe’s eyes brightened again, but this time not because of his bear. This time they brightened because he was hungry for me.

  He pulled off his shirt and tossed it near mine, a sexy lopsided grin twisting his lips. There was a challenge reflected in his stare. It seemed to say your clothes for my clothes. I grinned, letting him know it was game on. When I shimmied out of my shorts, careful of my ankle, I realized where we were—outside, where anyone could see us.

  “Should we move this somewhere else?” I asked, sounding breathless.

  “No one will see us up here. Just don’t be too loud,” he said with a smirk as he leaned me back against the quilt and trailed kisses down my neck.

  “I make no promises.”

  “Good to know,” he said. His teeth nipped my neck, and I squealed.

  We lay next to one another on the quilt, our clothes still on the ground beside us, and stared at the sun setting behind the mountains. It was one of the most beautiful sights I’d ever seen.

  “You were right,” I said. “It’s stunning. So much better than a sunset over the ocean.”

  “I told you.”

  I smoothed my fingers between his, enjoying his warmth and the electricity that pulsed beneath my skin from touching him. “Will you do it?”

  “Do what?”

  “Bite me. Give me a bear. Whatever you call it.”

  Rafe arched his neck so that he could look at me. His brows pinched together when our eyes locked. “Right now?”

  I nodded. “Right now is perfect.”

  “Are you sure you want a bear?”

  “Positive.” I smiled.

  Rafe leaned up on his elbows, and I shifted into a sitting position. He cupped the back of my head and placed his lips to my shoulder. I closed my eyes, not knowing how much this would hurt, but knowing it was what I wanted.

  “You’re sure this is what you want?” he asked in a whisper against my skin. “You know this can’t be undone once it’s done, right?”

  “I know. I still want it.”

  “All right,” he said before I felt his teeth sink into my shoulder.

  Pain radiated from the area, but it wasn’t as intense as I thought it might be. Not until he bit down harder. A gasp escaped me, and I felt his hand smooth along my bare back. I squeezed my eyes shut tight as he bit deeper. White-hot pain shot through me. I stifled a scream, biting my bottom lip to keep it in, and just when I didn’t think I could handle any more pain, it stopped, replaced by a warmth that traveled from the bite through me.

  I could feel her—the bear Rafe had given me—she was fierce.

  Rafe pulled away, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. Concern warmed his eyes. “Are you okay?”

  I cupped the area where he’d bitten me, still marveling at the sensation of having a bear inside me. “Yeah. I’m better than okay.” I kissed him. My bear growled, startling me. I pulled back and laughed. “Did you hear her?”

  Rafe’s eyes flashed bright with his bear, a grin forming at his lips. “Yeah. I did. She’s feisty.”

  I placed a hand to the center of my chest, feeling her warmth there. “Damn right she is. I love her already.”

  “Ready to set her free?”

  A wide grin stretched across my face as my bear roared her answer before I could speak. She was itching to be free.

  “How?” I asked.

  Rafe shrugged. “Just step aside.”

  I narrowed my eyes. “Step aside?”

  “Yeah.” He stood, letting me view all his naked glory from a new angle. Damn, he was mouthwatering. “Don’t resist her. Breathe. Relax. And step aside. She’ll know what to do.”

  I stood, eager to give what he was saying a try. Tension pulsed through me while I waited for something to happen. Seconds passed. I closed my eyes, thinking maybe I needed to focus more.

  Still, nothing happened.

  Why aren’t you coming out? I asked her.

  Shifter magic hung heavy in the air around me, but I knew it wasn’t mine. When I opened my eyes, I saw Rafe shifting into his bear. It was effortless.

  Do that, I prompted my bear. She huffed at me and then shoved me aside. I gained the sense that she didn’t like being told what to do.

  Yep. We would get along fine. Being told what to do had never been my thing either.

  Everything became crisper as I looked through my bear’s eyes, especially the remnants of the sunset. It was a gorgeous sight.

  Beautiful, isn’t it? Rafe asked. You’ll never see another one this stunning. The first seen through your bear’s eyes is always the best.

  I stared at the fading sunset, soaking in the final few rays of pink and orange streaking the sky before falling behind dark mountains cast in shadow.

  I want to see this every day, I said. Let’s build a cabin of our own here.

  Rafe’s bear made a noise. I knew it was because he agreed with me, I could sense it. Are you serious?

  Absolutely, I said.

  Rafe’s bear nuzzled me, happiness oozing from him. Building a cabin here has always been a dream of mine.

  Then we’re doing it. End of discussion. I bolted for the woods, ready to see how fast and strong my bear’s body was. Rafe was close behind.

  Chapter Eleven

  I piled my hair on top of my head in a messy bun. Then, I stared at my reflection in the mirror. “Do you think Rhett will be upset?”

  “Upset about what?” Rafe asked. He stepped to the doorway and leaned against the frame, his eyes on me.

  “That you’re moving out,” I said, locking eyes with him in the mirror. “I don’t want him to think I’d stealing you from him.”

  He chuckled. “He won’t.”

  “Don’t make fun of me. I just don’t know how this whole twin thing works. I know you have a crazy tight bond and I don’t want him to think badly of me.”

  “We weren’t going to live together forever. It’s okay. He’s
not going to be upset, and he won’t think badly of you. He likes you, Penny, and I’m sure he’s going to be over the damn moon about all this. Everyone is.”

  I exhaled a slow breath, puffing my cheeks out. “I hope so.”

  “Trust me.” He came up behind me, his hands on my hips, and placed a kiss to the area where he’d bitten me, giving me a bear. There was a faint scar there, but I didn’t care. It stood for something—a moment I wanted to remember forever. It was like my tattoo. “Everyone is going to love that we’re mated and they’re going to love having you as part of the clan officially.”

  My worry melted away when even my bear sighed with relief on that one. She could pick up on Rafe’s sincerity.

  “Are you ready?” He kissed my shoulder once more, sending warmth through my core.

  “I guess.”

  We headed outside and climbed into the golf cart. Then, we made our way to Liam and Tris’s cabin for the typical weekend bonfire they always had. Butterflies broke into flight in the pit of my stomach even though I knew I shouldn’t be nervous.

  We were the last ones there, which was the way I liked it. There was nothing worse than getting to a party of any sort first and having to sit there and wait for the real fun to begin. It was always best, in my opinion, to arrive a little late when things were amping up.

  My bear hummed beneath my skin, eager to meet everyone and have some fun. When we made our way to the back of the cabin where I could smell the fire already lit and hear everyone chatting, I sought out Tris. She glanced my way and waved, then her eyes narrowed, and she hurried toward me.

  Could she sense I had a bear?

  I assumed she could because I was able to sense hers from where I stood. My gaze drifted to Liam. Out of everyone, his bear stood out to me more than anyone’s. A sense of authority in the air surrounded him, and I was sure it had to do with him being the alpha.

  “First of all, you’re glowing. Happiness looks good on you, girl. Second, I can sense your bear. When the hell did that happen?” She playfully slapped my arm.


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