Redesigned (Off the Subject #2)

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Redesigned (Off the Subject #2) Page 14

by Denise Grover Swank

  Brittany gives it a try but still looks embarrassed.

  “It’s easy,” I say. “Even Reed can do it.”

  Reed’s gaze is on me, his expression unreadable. It takes him a moment to realize what I’ve suggested. “What? No.”

  The girls cheer.


  “Come on, Reed.”

  “Do it.”

  Reed groans and gets out of his chair. His eyes narrow and he walks past me, looking into my face. “You so owe me.”

  My stomach tingles as I think about what I could do to pay him back. Calm down, Caroline.

  He stands against the wall and looks down at the girls. “The only way I’ll do this is if you girls do it with me.”

  They giggle and form a line, Brittany next to Reed. She looks up at him with adoring eyes, and it’s obvious she’s formed a crush on him. Welcome to Team Reed.

  Reed flashes me a dazzling smile and my knees turn to Jell-O. Where has that smile been the entire time I’ve known him, but self-preservation tells me it’s a good thing he keeps it to himself, or it wouldn’t take any time for me to be naked underneath him, begging for him to take me, consequences be damned.

  “Caroline?” Brittany asks.

  I shake my head, realizing she’s asked me a question. “What?”

  “Should we start?”

  “Yeah.” I give them all instructions and Reed follows them as well. With his dress clothes and perfect face, he looks like a real model. He’s a perfect package on the outside and I know what’s under his shirt is perfect as well.

  Stop. Focus.

  “Okay, work it, girls.” I wink at Reed. “And guy.”

  They walk across the room, and I’m stunned that Reed actually puts in an effort, but Brittany notices too and this walk is her best effort yet. They practice a few more times, but Reed comes and stands behind me to watch.

  Reed’s participation has boosted Brittany’s confidence and after several passes, she starts to look like a real model.

  “Keep practicing,” I swing my gaze around the room. “All of you. And when I come back to do a final fitting, you can show me how well you’ve done.”

  “Will Reed come with you?” Brittany asks wistfully.

  “Uh … I’m not sure Reed can—”

  “Yes,” Reed says. “I’ll be with her.”

  I look over my shoulder at him, and the expression on his face takes my breath away. His gaze is full of something I haven’t seen before. Respect.

  I turn back to Brittany. “Well, I guess he’ll be here.”

  Bethany returns and takes the girls back to their rooms, leaving the last two with Reed and me. I take their measurements, acutely aware of Reed’s leg several inches from mine. I’m sure he wasn’t this close before. He’s scooted closer.

  When the last girl leaves the room, Reed and I are alone, sitting in chairs designed for six year-old-sized butts, but neither one of us move.

  This afternoon with him has proven to be dangerous. I’ve seen a playful, appealing side to him and now I don’t just want him, I want him. The whole package. Every part of him.

  This is ridiculous.

  I stand. “I need to ask Evelyn when I can come back to measure Desiree.”

  He stares at my lips, then his gaze moves to my eyes. “It sounds like the rain has let up. We can walk over together.”

  I pick up my measuring tape and stuff it into my bag. Reed hands over the notebook and I scan his notes.

  “Thanks for these.” I point to the page. “This will be really helpful with personalizing their outfits.”

  Reed shrugs and looks a bit embarrassed. “I know how important this is to you. I just wanted to help.”

  I pick up his jacket and hand it to him. “Thanks for this.”

  The look on his face tells me he’d rather help take off my clothes instead of putting them on.

  It takes every ounce of strength to not grab him and kiss him.

  He moves to the door and stands next to it. “After you.”

  We thank the tutors on our way out the back door. The paver stone path is narrow so Reed stays behind me. We walk in silence, but when we approach the back door to the main office, Reed reaches around and opens the door.

  Evelyn is on the phone in her office so we stand in the hallway and wait. Reed stares at the wall of photos, and my stomach balls into a knot. He’s drawn to the photo of me, an eight-by-ten close-up, set among a half a dozen five-by-seven frames. It’s meant to draw attention. The poor, little destitute girl. I know enough about these things to know parents had to sign a release for the organization to use my photo. I wonder if they were paid. I wonder if my mother spent the money on cigarettes. The cigarettes that are killing her now.

  I haven’t given much thought to her phone call. I have too many other issues to deal with. But part of me wonders if Scarlett is right. Maybe I need to see her just so I can say all the things left unspoken. When the fashion show is over, I’ll go back for a weekend. I don’t call it home. That place is no longer my home. I realize I no longer have a home. When Scarlett lived with me, our dorm room and then apartment were home. But she has a new home now, and the apartment with Tina doesn’t feel like a place I belong. Isn’t that what I fought for, what I ached for in high school, somewhere I belonged. Someone I belonged to?

  Funny, three years later, I’m still alone.

  Reed’s eyes are hooded as he watches me stare at the photo. He’s got a perfect poker face. Is he wondering why I’m looking at the photo? Or is he thinking about our first kiss?

  I was right that day he kissed me. Reed and I are all fire and ice, passion and lust. I see a side to him that intrigues me more than sex, but whenever I’m next to him, I can’t think straight. All I want to do is throw myself at him.

  When did I become this person?

  “I can see you now. Come on in.” Evelyn stands in the doorway of her office. Reed and I both startle, as though we’ve have been caught in our own personal turmoil. Or maybe I’m projecting.

  Reed sits next to me in the chair in front of the Evelyn’s desk and rests his hand on my leg.

  I restrain a gasp.

  “I’m glad you came by, Caroline,” Evelyn says, resting her forearms on the desk. “I wanted to thank you for including the children in the show and for being so concerned about their anonymity.”

  “No, thank you. Including them has inspired my entire collection.” I’m trying to ignore the heat pouring through his hand and running straight to my crotch.

  “Yes, that’s what I gathered from your e-mail.” She takes a breath and folds her hands. “I need to talk to you about Desiree.”

  I sit upright, uneasiness creeping down my spine. “Okay.”

  Reed notices my change in demeanor and moves his hand to his lap.

  “Her parents are reluctant to let her participate.”

  I stave off my disappointment. I might be able to swing this around. “Did they say why?”

  Evelyn shakes her head. “No, and when I pressed the issue, her mother was reluctant to give a reason.” Evelyn notices my disappointment. “We’ve had plenty of volunteers to take her place, though.”

  I lean forward. “Do you think her parents would let me talk to them?”

  Reed shifts in his seat as Evelyn’s eyes widen. “I’m not sure what good it would do.”

  “Please. I promise to handle the situation respectfully. I’ll tell them I understand their concerns, and I’d like to personally address them. Then if they’re still uncomfortable letting Desiree take part, I’ll respect their wishes.”

  Evelyn looks concerned. “I’m not sure they’ll agree to it.”

  “I’ll come with her,” Reed says, resting his hand on the desk. “Tell them I’m a representative of the Monroe Foundation.”

  The two of us joining forces seems to sway her. “I’ll try, but don’t get your hopes up. Desiree’s mother sounded adamant.”

  “That’s all I can ask,” I say, standin
g. “Thank you for trying.”

  Reed follows me out of the office, keeping a respectful distance.

  “I’ll be in touch,” Evelyn calls after us.

  When we get outside, Reed’s arm wraps around my back. My breathing shallows. How can one touch drive me to such distraction? I concentrate on putting one foot in front of the other.

  Reed opens the passenger car door and holds it open. I climb in and wait for him, sorting through my muddled thoughts. As Reed gets behind the wheel, the rain begins to fall again.

  He pulls out of the parking lot and asks, “Why is it so important to you that Desiree take part in the show?”

  His question catches me off guard. “Because it’s important to her.”

  I expect him to question me more, but he lets it drop, concentrating on the road.

  “Why did you say you would come with me to talk to her parents?”

  He flashes me a soft smile. “Because it’s important to you.”

  My breath freezes in my chest, burning my lungs. I’m not sure what to say to that. I’m not sure what’s going on with us. He’s turning into a park, determination on his face as though he’s preparing for a fight.

  I panic. “Where are you going?”

  “We need to talk.”

  Chapter Fifteen

  My panic soars. “No, we don’t.”

  “Yes, we do.” His tone lets me know I’m not getting out of this until he’s satisfied.

  The sky darkens from the approaching storm so the park is empty. Reed pulls the car to a back lane and turns the engine off.

  “We’re not leaving until you’ve hear me out.”

  “Then say what you have to say and let’s go.”

  “Friday night was a mistake.”

  I cringe. I’m horrified and humiliated all over again. I berated myself enough this weekend to equal a flogging. I don’t need Reed to do it too. “Why are you doing this? You made that clear Friday night.”

  “It was a mistake because we were with other people.”


  He leans over to me and places his fingertips over my mouth. “Will you just let me talk? And then you can skewer me all you want. Okay?”

  I nod, my breathing shallow. My lips are on fire. His touch makes every part of my body ache.

  “Contrary to what you seem to think of me, I don’t routinely have sex in back rooms. And I’ve never had sex with someone while on a date with someone else. That was a mistake. Tina deserved better than that and so did Brandon.”

  He’s right.

  “You were not a mistake. Is that clear?”

  I nod slowly in disbelief.

  “You were definitely not a mistake.” His voice is rich and heavy, but he pulls his fingers from my lips, and they feel naked.

  He’s still leaning over me, his eyes dark. “Why did you pull me into that room?”

  My face flames. “Reed….”

  “It’s a simple question, Caroline.”

  I look down. “It’s embarrassing.”

  He lifts my chin and looks into my eyes. “Then let me tell you why I went with you in that room, even though I was on a date: I wanted you. I’ve wanted you since the moment I saw you at Scarlett’s party. Granted, I didn’t handle the situation well. Then Lexi dragged me to that club, and I saw Dylan manhandling you. I was furious he was treating you that way when it was obvious you weren’t interested. So against my better judgment, I intervened. Then when we danced, and I touched you”—he lifts his hand to my cheek—“I wanted you even more.”

  Reed leans closer. “I don’t know what this is between us. I’ve never been this physically attracted to anyone, and I’ve never lost complete control like I did Friday night. You drive me insane, Caroline.”

  My breath is so shallow, I’m about to hyperventilate.

  His hand slides down to my neck, his fingers brushing my pulse point. “Why did you pull me back to that room?”

  A thousand reasons rush into my head. A thousand explanations, but it all boils down to the simplest of reasons. “I wanted you.” My voice is low and heavy and almost a moan.

  Reed’s mouth lowers to mine, his hand on my neck, lifting my chin so his tongue can search deeper.

  I lift my hands to his head, grabbing fistfuls of his hair and pulling him closer.

  I need him closer.

  His hand leaves my neck and reaches for the buttons of my blouse, unbuttoning them faster than I think possible given the fact his mouth is still plundering mine. When he reaches the last button, he spreads my blouse open, then turns me sideways and pushes my back against the passenger door.

  He studies my chest then looks into my face, his eyes dark with lust. “God, you’re beautiful.” His hands skim up my waist, resting below the curve of my breasts.

  I reach for his tie and unknot it, unbuttoning his shirt so I can see his chest.

  He slides his hands onto my shoulders, slipping my bra straps down my arms until my sleeves impede his progress. He pushes my bra cups below the swell of my breasts and lowers his mouth to my chest.

  I arch my back and cry out as his mouth finds my nipple. But he’s twisted at an odd angle. He glides his seat back as far as it will go, then grabs my upper arms and pulls me over the console so I’m straddling his lap.

  I lean over him, the raw hunger on his face driving my libido higher. I bite his lower lip, then run my tongue over it.

  He groans and wraps his arms around my back, and pulls me against his chest as he takes control of the kiss. He lifts my skirt, so that he has full access to my legs and ass. “I like it when you wear skirts,” he mumbles. “I can see your sexy legs, and it gives me easy access.” His fingers loop around my panties and slide them down. I rise up on my knees and lift my legs as he pulls them off and tosses them onto the passenger seat.

  I unfasten his jeans and tug them down over his hips.

  The rain pounds the windows, blurring the outside world. Nothing else exists except for Reed and me in the confines of this car. The two of us and this primal need.

  His hand slips between my legs and circles in small sweeps. I gasp as his fingers slide inside me, and he presses the palm of his hand into my mound and begins to move as his mouth takes my breast again.

  I moan with frustration and need.

  He lifts his head, and his free hand pulls my head down as he reaches up to kiss me. His kiss is wild and frenzied as I press myself into his hand. He leans his head back to look into my eyes. “I want you ready for me.”

  His words and the need in his eyes almost push me over the edge. “I’m ready for you now.”

  Reed reaches into his pocket and pulls out a condom, quickly putting it on. He looks into my eyes as he enters me, grabbing my hips and pulling me down on top of him. I lean my head back and gasp.

  Reed sets the pace, starting slow so the pressure builds and builds until he’s not keeping up with my body’s demands. I lean over him and press my hands onto his shoulders, taking control. His head tilts back and stares into my face, a sheen of sweat covering his forehead. I grab his cheeks between my hands and kiss him, mimicking with my tongue what he’s doing with his pelvis.

  I’m close, sooner than I thought possible. I quicken my movements, a moan building low in my chest. Reed matches my pace, pushing me over the edge. I cry out, pressing hard against him, desperate to have him deeper.

  He’s close behind me, lifting my hips and pulling me against him at a frantic pace until he groans and pushes deeper one last time.

  I lean my forehead against his. His eyes are closed as he recovers, then he lifts his lips to mine, kissing me gently.

  We’re still in our own sanctuary, the rain so heavy against the windows that there’s no way anyone can see in.

  He lifts me off and turns me so my legs drape over the console. My back is against the driver’s door. My skirt is pulled up, my blouse spread wide. I’m exposed to him again, but the awe on his face abates any embarrassment I might feel.

  His mouth lowers to mine and he turns my head toward him. His kiss is soft and gentle, but I feel my need for him growing again. I pull his head down, exploring his mouth with my tongue.

  Reed groans into my mouth, his hand reaching between my legs. He has me writhing in his arms within minutes. His mouth leaves mine, finding the sensitive spot on my neck.

  My breath is fast and shallow. “Reed.” I plead. I’m not sure how long I’ll last.

  “Come for me, Caroline.” His voice is husky against my neck, and his words tip me over the edge. I arch up into his hand and cry out as wave after wave washes over me until I’m limp in his arms.

  I lie against him for several moments. The rain has let up and I can see the blurred outline of the trees around us. I look up into his face, surprised at the intensity of his gaze.

  “What is this, Reed? What are we doing?”

  His mouth lifts into a lopsided smile. “I can’t believe no one’s explained the birds and the bees to you.”

  I smirk and sit up, turning to face him. “We have this hot physical relationship, but what about the rest?”

  His smile falters. “You’ve made your position on my career path clear.” The Reed I first met is slipping back into place.

  I close my eyes. Me and my stupid mouth. “Reed….”

  “I don’t expect you to settle for me and my paycheck. So I have a proposition.”

  I look up at him, skeptical. “What kind of proposition?”

  “I take it you’re not going out with Brandon again?”

  I want to ask if he thought I’d be here if I was. But my behavior last Friday night stops me. “No.”

  He places his fingers between my breasts and brushes tender strokes between my cleavage. “We’ve admitted we’re both attracted to one another, and we both find it difficult to control ourselves around each other.”

  I nod, unable to be as direct as Reed is.


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