A Merry Murder at St Bernard Cabins

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A Merry Murder at St Bernard Cabins Page 1

by Cindy Bell

  A Merry Murder at St. Bernard Cabins

  A Wagging Tail Cozy Mystery

  Cindy Bell


  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Also by Cindy Bell

  About the Author

  Copyright © 2018 Cindy Bell

  All rights reserved.

  Cover Design by Annie Moril

  All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage or retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  This is a work of fiction. The characters, incidents and locations portrayed in this book and the names herein are fictitious. Any similarity to or identification with the locations, names, characters or history of any person, product or entity is entirely coincidental and unintentional.

  All trademarks and brands referred to in this book are for illustrative purposes only, are the property of their respective owners and not affiliated with this publication in any way. Any trademarks are being used without permission, and the publication of the trademark is not authorized by, associated with or sponsored by the trademark owner.

  Chapter 1

  Nikki Green tucked a folded sweater into her suitcase and smiled to herself as her fingertips coasted across the soft material. There weren’t many occasions to wear it, as the weather near the bay was generally mild. There were some chillier days, but certainly no snow. The idea of being able to make snowmen, and get in a snowball fight thrilled her. The snowball fight would undoubtedly happen, since she would be spending time with her brother Kyle. Kyle was a couple of years younger than Nikki. He prioritized travel in his life, and in order to support his desire to wander, he took jobs along the way. His current gig had him stationed at St. Bernard Cabins, a high-end ski resort. Due to some under-booking over the holidays, the resort had a few empty cabins and asked the staff if they had any friends or family that would like to book them at a cut-rate price.

  “It’s good to be my sister, Nikki.” Kyle laughed as he spoke to her on the phone earlier in the week. “The benefits are endless, aren’t they?”

  Both Nikki and her parents had decided to book a cabin. It had been quite some time since they all had Christmas together. She felt a buzz of excitement as she added the last few garments to her suitcase. She zipped it shut, then glanced around her room one last time to make sure she hadn’t forgotten anything. She’d already arranged for another dog walker to cover her usual rounds, everything was in place.

  The sound of her phone ringing jolted her out of the mental checklist she’d been running through. She checked the ID and saw that it was Mrs. Whitter calling.

  “Hi Mrs. Whitter.”

  “Oh Nikki, it’s a total disaster.” She sighed.

  “What is?” Nikki braced herself. Mrs. Whitter could be a bit overly dramatic about things. The disaster might be a leak in the kitchen, or it might be that her Chihuahua, Princess lost her favorite toy.

  “I had everything arranged, absolutely everything, and would you believe now they tell me they don’t allow dogs?” Mrs. Whitter huffed. “A tiny little pup isn’t going to cause any harm to anything at all!”

  “Wait, who doesn’t allow dogs? I thought you were going to visit your niece?” Nikki frowned as she sat down on the edge of her bed. “Tell me everything from the beginning.”

  “Yes, I’m going to visit my niece. She is fine with Princess coming. But I hired a car service to drive me there, and I asked the woman on the phone specifically if they allowed pets, and she assured me that they do. Well, I called to confirm everything today, and surprise! No, they don’t allow dogs. I even offered to pay an extra fee. I’ve called all the other services and they’re all booked up. I can’t drive my little car up there, besides if I’m driving no one can cuddle Princess and make sure she’s safe and happy. I’ve promised to make my plum pudding for my niece and her family, and I won’t be able to do it. I’ll be stuck here for the holidays.”

  “Oh Mrs. Whitter, I’m so sorry. That must be so frustrating.” Nikki felt terrible at the thought of Mrs. Whitter, who had become a good friend of hers, being alone for the holidays. “Where does your niece live again?”

  “In Haggerty. It’s too late to even book a flight, though I would hate to take Princess on a plane.” Mrs. Whitter sniffed. “But no matter, there’s no point in dwelling on things that can’t be changed.”

  “Maybe it still can be.” Nikki glanced at her watch. “Would you be able to leave in a few hours?”

  “I had planned on leaving in the morning, but yes, everything is already packed up. Why?”

  “I’m driving to Lowlar, it’s not far from Haggerty, I can drop you and Princess off there on my way. What do you think?” Nikki smiled at the thought of being able to brighten her day.

  “Are you sure about that, Nikki? I wouldn’t want to put you out.” Mrs. Whitter hesitated.

  “I’m sure, in fact, I insist. I wasn’t looking forward to driving all alone anyway. It will be great to have some company.” Nikki stood up and began to go over her mental checklist again. “We’ll leave around one, if that’s okay with you?”

  “That’s perfect. I’ll call my niece and let her know. Thank you so much, Nikki.” Mrs. Whitter’s tone brightened.

  “I’m so happy I could help. I’ll pick you up at one, Mrs. Whitter.” As soon as Nikki hung up her phone, it began to ring again. She answered quickly and laughed. “Mrs. Whitter, I insist.”

  “I’m afraid this isn’t Mrs. Whitter,” a man replied.

  “Jake!” Nikki laughed. “I’m sorry, I was just on the phone with another client and I thought she’d called back.”

  “That’s all right. But I have a big problem.” Jake cleared his throat.

  “You do? Is Coco okay?” Nikki thought about the last time she’d walked Coco, a German Shepherd. He’d been fine when she’d dropped him off at home that morning.

  “Yes, he’s fine. But I have to work out of town for the holidays now, work just told me. Someone got sick and I have to cover them. I know it’s very last minute, and you weren’t going to work for the week, but I would be willing to pay extra if you would pet sit Coco.” Jake groaned. “I’m really over a barrel here. All of the kennels are booked already, and there’s no way I can take him with me. So, can you do it?”

  “Oh wow, Jake, I’d love to. I really would. But I’m leaving town in a few hours. I’m so sorry. Is there anyone else you can leave him with?” Nikki began to run through possibilities of people she knew that might be able to take him, but they were all busy with the holidays.

  “No, no one. Not going is really going to upset my boss. I just don’t know what else to do. Thanks anyway, Nikki. Merry Christmas.”

  “You too, Jake.” Nikki frowned as she started to hang up the phone. Then an idea popped into her mind. “Wait, Jake, are you still there?”

  “Yes, what is it?” A twinge of hope lightened his voice.

  “What if I take Coco with me? I’ll be gone for just about a week, too, and if you’re not back when I get back, I can always stay at your place until you are. I know it’s a little odd, but it could work, couldn’t it?” Nikki smiled at the thought. Coco was a gr
eat companion, and she was sure he would love the snow. Coco and Princess got along well with other dogs, and they had met each other before. Even though they hadn’t spent much time together, Nikki knew that it wouldn’t be a problem for them to travel together.

  “I guess that could work. You wouldn’t mind? I’m sure you have lots of plans.”

  “No, I wouldn’t mind at all. I’ll give you all of the information for the resort, and we’ll video chat with you whenever you’d like so you can check on him. But if I’m going to take him, I’d have to pick him up soon. I really want to make it to the resort before it gets too dark.” She began to reorganize her checklist in her mind. Adding a canine companion to her travels would require a few more things.

  “Sure, oh Nikki you’re a lifesaver. Thanks so much! I’m sure Coco will have a great time with you. I’ll have him ready.” Jake laughed. “You have no idea how relieved I am.”

  “No problem. I always look forward to spending time with Coco. I’ll be there a little after twelve.” Nikki hung up the phone and laughed to herself. Her quiet getaway had turned into a group excursion.

  * * *

  By twelve, Nikki was exhausted. Between phone calls, rearranging space in the SUV she rented for the trip, and adding a few last-minute items to her luggage, she’d been going nonstop since she’d hung up the phone with Jake. As she spread out blankets on the backseat of the SUV, she smiled to herself. Maybe it was a little chaotic, but she looked forward to the drive, and to having Coco as her companion for the week. Although, she didn’t have enough space in her apartment to have a dog of her own, she often thought of the dogs she walked as her own, and that was especially true with Coco. She’d been walking him for a long time, and since his owner often traveled for business she would dog sit, or take him for special outings on the weekends now and then. It was an honor to her that Jake trusted her so much with his dog.

  After one last check to make sure that she hadn’t forgotten anything, Nikki climbed into the driver’s seat of the SUV. The road that led to Coco’s house ran right in front of the police department. Her heart skipped a beat as she passed it. Yes, she would love to spend the holidays with Quinn, but he had a very busy life. She resisted the urge to stop in and wish him a Merry Christmas. She’d already sent him a card, and left cookies at his door. If she did anything more, he’d either think she was obsessed with Christmas or obsessed with him. She stepped on the gas until she was a good distance from the police station. They had become good friends, and although Nikki hoped for something more, it hadn’t progressed any further than friendship.

  Nikki parked in the driveway of Coco’s house and stepped out. After a quick glance at her watch she hoped that Jake would have Coco ready to go. By the time she got to Mrs. Whitter’s and packed her things in the SUV, they would already be running a little behind schedule.

  The front door swung open and Coco bounded out.

  “Hi buddy.” Nikki smiled as he jumped up to greet her.

  “Coco, down! You know better.” Jake huffed as he stepped out of the house.

  “Don’t worry, Jake. He’s usually very well-mannered. He just knows I love his hugs.” Nikki scratched the top of Coco’s head as he dropped back down on to all four paws.

  “I really appreciate you doing this. I put some things together for him.” Jake handed her a small bag. “He’s really good in the car, so I don’t think the trip should be too bad.”

  “Great. I’ll make sure he has plenty of chances to stretch his legs.” Nikki pulled out a small card that she’d written all of the resort information on. “Here’s where we’ll be, and of course feel free to call or text anytime you’d like.”

  “Thanks.” Jake met her eyes. “I mean it.” He handed her an envelope. “I don’t want to hear a word about the extra, there’s some for taking him for the week, and a Christmas bonus. I want you to have a great vacation.”

  “Thanks Jake!” Nikki tucked the envelope into her purse. “I’ll do my best not to argue.”

  “Good.” Jake turned away as his cell phone rang. “Ugh, I’ve really got to run. Sorry Nikki.”

  “It’s no problem. Coco and I are going to have a great time.” Nikki opened the back door of the SUV and Coco jumped in.

  Chapter 2

  After the short drive to Mrs. Whitter’s mansion, Nikki took a moment to check the weather. Despite the rather mild weather that surrounded her at the moment, she knew that just a few hours away winter was in full swing. As she checked the weather along the route to the resort, she was relieved to see that everything looked pretty clear. She might be able to make up some time along the way.

  When Nikki walked up to the front door, Coco stuck his head out through the rear window and whimpered.

  “Don’t worry, buddy, I’ll be right back.” Nikki knocked lightly on the door.

  “Come in, Nikki! Come in!” Mrs. Whitter’s voice rang out from a distance.

  Nikki tried the door, then pushed it open. Princess trotted up to her, took one sniff of her hand, then began to bounce back and forth in front of her.

  “Oh, you smell Coco, don’t you?” Nikki scooped the tiny dog up into her arms. “That’s right, you’re going to have a friend for the drive.”

  “I’ll be right there, Nikki, I’m just grabbing a few last-minute things.” Mrs. Whitter passed through the hallway and hurried towards her bedroom.

  “No need to rush. Let me know if there’s anything I can do to help.” Nikki set Princess back down on the floor, and glanced around the large foyer. Mrs. Whitter’s home was one of the finest in the neighborhood, not only because of its size, but because of its décor. She took special care to make sure everything was in just the right place and accentuated in just the right way. It was a skill Nikki hadn’t acquired herself.

  “All set.” Mrs. Whitter walked out with a small suitcase in her hand.

  “Let me take that. Is that all you’re bringing?” Nikki took the suitcase from her hand.

  “That’s my suitcase. Princess’ stuff is over there.” Mrs. Whitter pointed to a pile of fluffy, pink bags.

  “Oh wow!” Nikki laughed.

  “It’s not too much, is it? Will it fit?” Mrs. Whitter picked up Princess. “I just want to make sure that she has everything she needs. It’ll be so strange for her to be away from home. I don’t want her to be too nervous.”

  “I understand, and yes, there’s plenty of room. I’ll go ahead and load this up.”

  “Thank you. Princess likes the snow, but I need to make sure she is warm, especially if it snows.”

  “Of course.” Nikki grabbed a few of the pink bags.

  “I am also bringing this box of treats for my niece.” Mrs. Whitter pointed to a box. “Is that okay?”

  “Sure.” Nikki nodded. She loaded up the SUV, then went back to get the last of the bags. “Are you ready to go?”

  “Yes, we’re all set. Thanks so much, again.” Mrs. Whitter carried Princess out to the car.

  “It’s no problem at all. I’m looking forward to singing Christmas songs the whole way with you.” Nikki finished loading the trunk.

  “Oh well, that sounds lovely.” Mrs. Whitter managed a smile.

  “Don’t worry, I’m just kidding.” Nikki laughed. “I would never put you through that.”

  “Oh, thank goodness! I don’t mind a little Christmas music, but I’m not much of a singer.” Mrs. Whitter patted the top of Princess’ head. “You like to bark along though don’t you, Princess?”

  “Princess can hop in the back if you’d like.” Nikki opened the back door of the SUV and took Princess from Mrs. Whitter. “I’ve put some blankets down.”

  “Perfect. She does like to ride in my lap, but I think she’ll be fine back there, too.” Mrs. Whitter opened the passenger side door and climbed up onto the seat as Nikki placed Princess on the backseat. “My my, they make these monstrosities bigger every year, don’t they? Soon I’ll need a stepstool.”

  “Sorry about that, Mrs. Whitter. I
wanted something bigger for the trip since it’s a long drive, plus we might hit some snowy roads along the way.” Nikki walked around to the driver’s seat.

  “Nikki, listen, if we’re going to drive all this way together, I have one request.” Mrs. Whitter turned to face her as she opened the driver’s side door.

  “What’s that?” Nikki braced herself as she hoped it wouldn’t have anything to do with the radio.

  “I think it’s time you started calling me Sonia.” Mrs. Whitter held Nikki’s gaze. “We’re friends aren’t we, dear?”

  “Of course, we are.” Nikki smiled. “Sonia.” It felt strange at first, but good as well.

  As Sonia buckled her seat belt, she suddenly gasped.

  Nikki looked over in time to see Coco stick his head between the front seats and lick Sonia’s cheek.

  “Oh my! What is Coco doing here?” Sonia gulped as she dodged another lick.

  “Coco, no!” Nikki gasped and laughed at the same time. She grabbed the dog’s collar and tugged him away from Sonia. “Didn’t you get my last message?” Nikki gave Coco a few pets to calm him down, and the dog curled up on the backseat. Princess began to crawl all over him. “Princess looks pretty happy to see her friend.” Nikki grinned.

  “Oh no, I forgot to listen to it. Then I remembered when you pulled up the driveway and I just figured whatever it was you could tell me about it in person. Is Coco going on vacation with you?” Sonia fluffed her hair and shot a brief look at the dog over her shoulder. “He’s not very well-mannered, is he?”


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