Sweet Crazy Love

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Sweet Crazy Love Page 6

by Yvonne Sibanda

Already some of his friends whined over women cramping their style. They decided to sleep around without much thought of the consequence and were now married to women they did not even like, while he on the other hand enjoyed being single. He could do what he liked and wasn’t answerable to anyone, especially with his money. Soon he would be opening up his new garage as he had managed to save a bit.

  "You were right Marcia is definitely not your type, nope." she shook her head in denial.

  "Why not. She is attractive, fun to be with and a hell of a great dancer."

  "Marcia is too forward Randy" Elsie scoffed. Now it was her repeating the same words that he had said the previous night. What was up with Randy she wondered?

  "I don't think so" he paused while she opened her mouth to refute and closed it without commenting. "She is experienced in other areas also, and she was more than willing to offer..." he leaned in and whispered in her ear. Elsie gasped in shock.

  "I think I should get a stronger drink," Elsie said abruptly standing up and walking away. Randy was just full of it, she thought. If he wanted that kind, she could definitely be that for him. It's not like she had forgotten the mechanics of lovemaking in the seven years she had been chaste. What was she even thinking; she had made a promise to God to confine those intimacies to marriage and nothing else.

  She was reaching out for a can of beer in the refrigerator when Nan came into the kitchen also. "What are you looking for here, thought you were out enjoying with the rest."

  "I just needed this." She pulled out the two cans and showed them to Nan before settling down on the kitchen chair. She much preferred the old woman's company to Randy's naughty one, especially after the suggestion he had made.

  "They is nothing like ‘the one’, you can make it with anyone you wish to in a relationship." Nan said and Elsie remembered the question she had asked before they had been interrupted. "Nan that can’t be right, I mean we hear success stories of happily ever after and you are saying they isn’t that perfect one. We can make it work with whoever we want to be with."

  The music could be clearly heard and the voices drifting in, but for the mean time she felt they had the privacy to talk before they were interrupted. A sharp nod came from the old woman before she answered, "How did you know that Rita could be your friend?"

  "Well Rita is kind and we get along quite well. We have some things in common that we bond on and also we are two different people hence complement each other at the same time."

  "A love relationship is the same like any other relationship. Imagine if both of you took from your relationship while you expected the other party to be a doormat. Instead of being patient with each other about ones weaknesses but having a critical nature all the time, what would happen?"

  "Well Nan my friendship with Rita is different from my love relationship with Sean."

  "How is it different? You put the same things that you feed the other relationship. They are all relationships with people. So those who you think have it all made up and found 'the one' did the same in their relationship, they cultivated those basics that you require in any relationship including with friends or family. Things like love, loyalty, honesty, patience, faithfulness and respect."

  "So I am really not going to find the one then?" she waved her hands and Nan chuckled.

  "You will find that man who appeals to you more than the rest. The question is.... are you willing to keep that up in the long-haul. Be fascinated in the same manner that you were when you first met or just like everything else it will die down since you would have become familiar and stopped being impressed. What do you kids of nowadays call it, falling out of love?"

  Elsie giggled at that, the old woman was just being narrow minded in her thinking yet deep down what she was speaking about resonated within her.

  "I love you but I am not 'in' love with you. There is nothing like that."

  Elsie decided to open one of the cans. She needed that drink after all. "What if you happened to be in love with two men? What then since you are saying there is nothing like that?"

  "You will need to get your head screwed on straight" Nan jested and Elsie giggled.

  "You need to ask yourself on why do you feel that way and take a stand back. At times it means if you were in a relationship with both, you leave both guys because in the first place you never had time to get to know them. You just chose the good parts about them and forgot the rest. It’s either you love a person fully but you can't give them half of you."

  Elsie thought back to one of the conversation she once had with Rita as she had echoed the same sentiments. "Most of the time it’s about you and the fact that you are not satisfied with what you have and who you are that causes that. You will be interested in this guy because they have the money but he can't satisfy you in another way, that guy because he has time for you but he can't buy you the trinkets you love. You need to find contentment in yourself and not search it out from someone else; no human is perfect to fill out whatever you might want. If it’s that what you want only one man can fill up that need, our Lord Jesus Christ."

  Rita burst into the kitchen yelling, "Your favorite song is playing."

  "Go on" Nan waved her hands chuckling at the same time. Elsie hugged her before she left and whispered, "thank you."

  She rolled her eyes at Rita who was taping the floor with her shoe at the door impatiently waiting for her. "Let’s go" she grabbed her hand and they rushed to the backyard and were in time to see everyone lined up and dancing to the song.

  Chapter Five

  ELSIE LOOKED around the restaurant and heaved a sigh before taking a peek at her wrist watch. She doubted Randy would show up after she called him at the last minute. She missed Nita and wished she was there with her as Nita tended to take her up on her last minute plans. Rita had called to apologize, she had an exam on Monday so wouldn't be able to travel to and from school for the weekend.

  Sean as usual was busy with work. It was two weeks after the brunch at Randy’s place and the sage advice she had received from Nan. She had taken that advice to heart and decided to give a last chance to her relationship except Sean was always busy. Last week he took the trip to go and visit his friends and came back looking great and well rested.

  She knew he drove himself hard to impress his dad, but rather felt that he wasn’t living his life because of it. She rather thought his dad will always be unimpressed no matter how hard Sean tried. She had visited her father and his wife over the weekend with the twins and they loved the more amicable Luc. He took them out for some burgers so he could just get a taste of meat, since his diet conscious wife had put him on a veggy diet. Everyone was laughing at the steak he ordered and especially when he bribed the twins not to tell.

  She glanced at the door again for the umpteenth time before her gaze riveted back to the surrounding tables. Happy people with their families and friends, good conversation, laughter and soft live music drifting from the back ground as one of the local singers did what they knew best. This would be a first time for Randy to stand her up. After their talk over what he wanted, she thought he might have wiggled out Marcia’s number from Sean and had called her.

  His nana had mentioned that he had taken out an unknown lady for a couple of movies during the week and jealousy had clawed at her heart nearly shredding it into mincemeat. Nan had the nerve to laugh over her strident voice on the phone when she wanted the full details. Nan was going to be the death of her. The old woman had easily pointed out, “You are working out on your relationship with Sean remember.”

  She was still surprised over how free she was with Nana and would tell her everything, including her fears, hopes and dreams. Nan was just one of those people who never judged. The old woman knew a lot on what the youths were up to and tended to point out with a laugh that she was once a youngster also.

  Elsie was relieved when she spotted Randy and flagged him to where she sat. She continued observing him as his tall frame drew closer. Rita had felt it was a bad
idea for her to meet up with him; she was worried that she would make a mess of their friendship with her confused love, but her advice had fallen on deaf ears. If Sean couldn’t be there, then Randy was the best alternative. Dressed in coffee jeans, white t-shirt, checkered black and white shirt with his unshaven beard, he was quite a looker. It seemed he had grown back his beard after the fashion show.

  "Hey Randy, thanks for coming at such a short notice."

  Randy smiled before he settled down and remarked, "I wouldn't miss out on a free meal."

  He winked at her and she crossed her legs. She had already ordered the pizza and it didn’t take long after he had settled down for the waiter to bring it to their table including the sodas and fried chicken. The workers knew her since she was at her uncle’s jazz club cum restaurant, Greg’s.

  "Are you expecting more people" Randy asked with a corked brow after taking in the food that the waiter had brought.

  "Nope it’s just the two of us."

  "Ah huh, are you on a feeding scheme here or are you expecting?"

  She blushed at the thought before she answered, "Oh you, stop goofing around and eat. I happen to like letting go and eating my fill on a Friday. As for being pregnant, you wish. I and Sean don't share that kind of relationship."

  She smothered a laugh at his surprised face and gaped mouth. Geez, did men think about sex all the time that it sounded alien if they heard that one wasn't doing it. Randy cleared his throat before he asked, "Where is our Mr. Top-notch lawyer by the way."

  "Busy as usual."

  "Come on you have to be kidding, he can’t be busy all the time that he can't even make time for his girl."

  "That's Sean for you" she shrugged her shoulders dismissively before taking a bite of the chicken thigh. How she loved the aromatic spicy taste. She moaned and giggled at the fact that Randy had rolled his eyes. She liked the beard but its shadow not the full one which she thought definitely needed a trim and fast, was he trying to win some kind of beard contest or what, her mind thought while the other part of her mind took in everything else around her. So much for trying to be content, it was official, she and Sean were over. She had dragged that long enough.

  Randy took a sip of his drink before asking about her day. In no time they were talking about everything happening in their lives.

  Randy treated her in the same way he had before and she wondered if how he had acted at the club, the surprise over her hair had been just that and that euphoria had faded. She was disappointed though at the fact that he was back to his usual self. She would have wanted a Randy who could be naughty. Discontent, discontent, she thought and sighed. At least on a better note by Randy being his normal self it meant she was safe and he didn’t think of her as being forward and slutty at the fact that she would cheat on Sean in a heartbeat. The same Sean she had been thinking it was over. Her safety net.

  "Earth to Elsie" Randy waved his hand in front of her face. She giggled before she apologized, "sorry my mind had wandered off."

  "I guess I am boring company then" Randy said to her with a smirk. She took a sip of her soda instead, relieved that he hadn’t read into what she might be thinking.

  “No you will never be that and you know it,” she answered and was in time to hear people clap after the singer completed their song.

  On Friday's the club usually had a Karaoke night and as expected after the local upcoming artist finished singing the floor was left for the guests. It was either singing or poetry. Uncle Greg's Jazz club strived in that while Uncle Dominic’s family had a small cozy theatre out of town. She had usually gone there just to watch plays written out by upcoming script and play writers.

  She had caught her mom and dad speaking about some charity event that they wanted to do over the holidays as Wendy had written out a modern-day version of Cinderella and they thought it would make youths appreciate that side of art. She couldn't wait.

  A sudden thought came into mind when the person speaking on the microphone asked on who wanted to sing first. She raised her hand, giggling at Randy's outraged face. "Ok, we have our first singer for the night. Folks let us give a round of applause for Elsie and her friend."

  She stood up and grabbed Randy's hand.

  He would have wished to protest but with the people watching, silently walked to the stage and stood awkwardly near a microphone while Elsie spoke with the deejay. She finally came next to him and whispered, "I love old school, hope you don’t mind that I selected the prayer by Celine Dion." She muffled a laugh when he rolled his eyes before he nodded. She looked back, nodded to the deejay and the sound drifted through, loud and clear. The words flashed on the side on the screen near where they stood, but she didn’t need to read at all, since she knew it by heart.

  She giggled as Randy looked like he would escape from there any moment before she started singing.

  She knew her voice was passable and she could hold a note. When it was Randy's turn her eyes opened widely in surprise at the first note. Not fair, he had been pretending when the guy could send shivers down her spine with his voice. His loud melodious voice boomed and he tilted his head staring at her and winked before nodding his head signaling they had to sing together on the chorus. She cleared her throat and joined him, marveling at the way their voices blended perfectly together.

  Silence issued when they were done before a huge round of applause followed and a few whistles. Randy winked at her and she giggled before curtseying and they walked away back to their table which had now been cleared of their dishes. She took her seat and looked at Randy still surprised at what had just happened.

  "Why are you looking at me as if I committed a crime?"

  "You know you did," she continued staring at him accusingly, "You forgot to mention that you could sing. Look I even have goose bumps because of that." She motioned to her arns while Randy shrugged his shoulders dismissively. "Oh that it’s nothing; I used to be in the school choir in high school.”

  How could he be so casual about it? She thought and decided to tease him so she got the reaction she wanted, a surprised one like her.

  "I think I should add that on the qualities section of your profile."

  Randy rolled his eyes. She was daring him. He didn’t want to shock her when he made his interests known. He rather loved the fact she had disclosed about her relationship with Sean, that it wasn’t that deep.

  Finally he answered, "What you and nana need are lives of your on, active ones so you stop trying to meddle into mine.”

  Elsie huffed, "Well sorry Randy, I promised nana that by the end of the month you will be dating and I will make sure I deliver. Heard from Nan also that you were out on a few dates. So I don’t think my additions will hurt that much or cramp your style."

  Randy scoffed while she giggled. "Good luck then in your new venture, I will not discourage you."

  "At least you know when to concede,” she muttered playfully before speaking loud enough for him to hear, "For starters we should change your appearance."

  "What’s wrong with my appearance?" Randy frowned and scratched his beard before crossing his arms over his chest. He looked intimidating especially if he happened to glare at her. She nervously laughed and cleared her throat, "well I can’t say if you look at me in that manner, it’s rather intimidating."

  At that he chuckled.

  “Can you hear that,” she said and he leaned in with a raised brow. “Randy, Randy, Randy, we need a trim,” she whispered and winked. Randy laughed a deep throated laugh. He knew he will never have a dull day in his life with Elsie in it. He could just imagine her using the same tactic on the children so they could go and bath.

  "I guess I am not that intimidating, if my beard still complains. I am just little old me."

  She scoffed, "little, Randy can you even see yourself." She motioned with her hand from his head where he sat and glared at him before continuing, "You are strong, muscular, tall..."

  As she spoke Randy shifted and moved his chair closer bef
ore he placed his right elbow on his thigh and cradled his cheek so he could look at her intently while she rambled. She could feel the heat rise up to her face as she blushed at his attention. That was a forbidden route to take, her to think of Randy and his male physique and voice it out to him.

  "What else princess" he softly spoke with a light glimmer in his eyes as his voice reverberated and she felt its impact over her body. She drew her collar with one of her fingers away from her throat.

  "Stop it" she blurted out, only to raise her eyes and see him sipping on his drink with a raised brow. Did she just imagine all that? She sat back and fanned her face. The restaurant was rather getting hot, she thought. She couldn’t have imagined that, since she could see that they now sat closely together and Randy appeared to be concentrating ahead to two girls who were singing on stage.

  She swallowed, although she had wished to catch a glimpse of that side of him. She now was having second thoughts. Even Sean didn’t make her feel that way when he was just talking and without touching her. He fanned her feelings by kissing her.

  He turned to look at her and asked, “Anything the matter princess, thought we were still talking about my good qualities.”

  Chuckling, she pretended to be listening to another person who had now gone on stage before turning to him and remarking, “I wouldn’t want you to be like a proud rooster after that, enough about your qualities.”

  “Fine, enough about you trying to set me up with a woman” he retorted back.

  “Why not, you need a good woman like your nana says.”

  “My nana says a lot of things.” Randy held the back of her chair and easily shifted it so she now faced him instead. She could feel her heart rate rise as he drew her seat closer.

  “Don’t do that or else?” The threat was in his voice that had become a whisper while her senses reeled in shock and her skin literally prickled at the closeness.

  “Or else what?” she bluffed. This time her eyes widened as he leaned in to her ear and she felt the beard slightly brush against her sensitive cheek before he whispered “or else I will make you fall deeply in love with me, that you will stop trying to find that lady.” He sat back, smiled before he turned her chair back to its position. A jumble of butterflies could be felt fluttering in her tummy. Randy had returned to cheering the singer who was done and another one went up the stage.


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