Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3

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Gregor's Reason: The Night Movers Vampire Series Book 3 Page 18

by Helen Bright

  “Are you saying I’m not virile, my love?” I asked as I took her hand and ran it down my chest to my cock.

  “No, I didn’t mean in that way. I meant in the looks department. You don’t look any older than forty, come to think of it.”

  “That’s because we don’t age as quickly as normal humans. Neither do we get ill, and we live much longer than a normal human would, even if we don’t decide to take blood and have full immortality.

  “Back then maturity was well respected in society and the more mature you looked, the more knowledge you were thought to have. So many waited until they were around the age of fifty to become immortal. I waited because I wasn’t sure that I wanted immortality.

  “My mother came from a well-respected Russian family, and although she was always very proper, she was also very hands on when it came to my upbringing, and I was very close to her. Mummy's boy, as you would say. I could pick up on her unhappiness easily, and although I knew that my mother loved my father dearly, she often became sad when he returned from his business in the city.

  “I was sixteen when my brother was born, and my sister came along eight years later. My father had me working alongside him when I was seventeen, after I had finished my studies. And it was on my third day of working in the city that I found out why my mother used to get so distressed.

  “I thought that we were on our journey home, but we made a stop outside some houses in a part of town that I had never visited before. We made our way inside and our hats and coats were taken by a gentleman my father obviously knew well, as he addressed him by his first name.

  “My father turned to me and said, we will be here for some time Gregor, so relax with a drink or partake of the delights on offer if you must, but do not come looking for me. I will find you later when I am ready to leave. I was confused by his words, but also curious, so I decided to look around.

  “There were many rooms throughout the house, and all with beds in, many of them downstairs. Some of them contained women in their undergarments, and I apologised profusely for disturbing them, but they only laughed and beckoned me inside. I could hear strange noises coming from one room, and as the door was half open, I chanced a look inside.

  “A woman was bent over the bed, naked, and a man was behind her, also naked. I watched, fascinated as he started to fuck her hard. I was still a virgin, but I had seen enough from the ancient Greek texts to know about sex. As young men, we had passed about drawings from books, showing all sorts of sex acts and positions, but seeing it in the flesh was something else, and I felt myself grow hard in my breeches. The man spotted me and gestured for me to come inside and watch, but I walked away, embarrassed.

  “I went back to where we had entered and asked the gentleman who greeted us for a drink. I was served a strong vodka, which was like medicine in its taste. It helped relax me and after another glass, I decided to take another look around.

  “Upstairs was similar to downstairs, but more of the rooms were occupied. Many of those occupied rooms were locked, but in one of them were men sitting on chairs waiting, as if for a performance of some sort.

  “I sat on one of the empty seats and waited, trying my best to appear nonchalant, instead of the sweaty-palmed virgin that I was. A few minutes later a woman entered the room from behind a curtain. She was naked apart from a tasseled silver chain around her midriff.

  “One of the men who had sat on the front row of chairs got up and walked towards her. I watched riveted as he bound her hands behind her back with a silver coloured cord, then he knelt on the floor and bound her at the ankles, all the while kissing her bottom and the back of her thighs.

  “I was uncomfortably hard again, more so than before, and I was relieved for the moment when the man got up and stepped away from her. But that relief was only short lived. The man told her to drop to her knees, then he unbuttoned his breeches and let his hardening cock hang free as he commanded her to take him in her mouth. The woman did just as he had asked, but he insisted she take him deeper. He took hold of her hair and forced her head forward, but instead of the sounds of distress I expected, the woman seemed to moan on his cock in pleasure.

  “After a few moments, he tapped her cheek, and she released him. The man then removed all his clothes and helped the woman to stand. He unbound her hands and ankles and told her to lay on the bed. She did so with eagerness; then the man pulled down more cord from around the bed rail above. After fastening each of her wrists to the cord, the man got between her legs and fucked her. I came hard in my breeches at the sight, but I don’t think I was the only one that did so, from the grunts and sighs of the men around me.

  “After he had finished with the woman, he unbound her wrists and embraced her. Gradually the men around me got up and left the room, and I followed like the lamb that I was.”

  “Do you think that’s why you like that sort of thing Gregor? The kinky stuff, I mean. Is it because that was your first sexual experience and it somehow made you that way for good?”

  “Don’t make the mistake of analysing all kink because the media and society lead people to believe that we have to be flawed in some way to enjoy BDSM and the like. We don’t have to have had a terrible childhood experience or be sexually abused to want to seek out pleasure in such a way.

  “I had an exceptionally happy childhood, full of love and happiness. Yet, I knew seeing that woman bound and at that man's mercy did more for me than the straight fucking I had seen earlier, and always has done, until I met you.

  “I had some thoughts for a time after something that Maxim, my old bodyguard had said. He thought I did what I did because I didn’t like women. And I admit that I did compare myself to your abuser. But I would never lash out at a woman in anger, and it was ridiculous of me to contemplate even the idea that we had any similarities.”

  “You are nothing like him, Gregor,” she said vehemently. “Now, answer my next question honestly. Which did you prefer? Making love to me or what we did in your cellar?”

  “Both, but for very different reasons. I want it all with you because that’s what I think we both need. But the furniture scared you, and that’s why it had to go. Seeing you like that, knowing I had a hand in causing your fear, wasn’t something I could live with.”

  “But I really enjoyed what we did in there Gregor, and I would have done it again willingly. You never even considered asking me about it. You just assumed from my first reaction to the room, and on seeing the photographs, that destroying the room was for my benefit. But all it did was cause you to get injured and will probably cost you a fortune to replace.”

  “You would have me replace it?” I asked, not sure I heard that correctly.

  “If we end up being a couple, then yes. It’s obviously something you need, and as long as it’s on the lines of what we did in there, I would like to do it again, too. Does that shock you,” she giggled.

  “It both shocks and pleases me moya malen'kaya tsvetochnitsa, and it makes me very happy also, because I know now that what Keeley has been trying to tell me was correct. All these years I believed that the women who enjoyed my kink were not appropriate marriage material, even though I knew there were married couples who attended my club.

  “You see, after that day when we went to what was for all intents and purposes, a brothel; I knew why my mother was often so sad on my father's return. I questioned his love for her on our way home that day, and it is the only time my father ever raised his voice to me in true anger.

  “He said that he loved my mother with everything he had, but she was born a lady of nobility and was good and pure. He said the things he often needed from the women at that place were not acts that a woman such as my mother should have to perform. So he sated his need in that place and gave his love to my mother in the only way a woman of her standing deserved.

  “I was still angry at him as his actions still made my mother unhappy. My father's best friend was Vasily Petrov, Sergei’s Grandfather, and he never went with us to th
e brothel. He would leave the city after business and go home to his wife and young son.

  “Vasily’s wife was from French royalty. Her name was Adelisa. She was beautiful, smart, and funny, and when I looked at her and Vasily’s marriage and compared it with that of my parents, I didn’t like what I saw. I knew if I was to get married, I wanted the same type of relationship as the Petrovs, one based on mutual love and respect and although I now enjoyed attending the brothel weekly so I could indulge my desires, I knew I would give it up if I were to take a wife. But I never found anyone I wanted to spend my life with, until now.

  “Our palace is just outside the city and it would take us, at least, an hour by carriage to get home. We didn’t know it at the time, but the vampire hunters had arrived in Russia and had been searching the land trying to find out anything they could about the Immortals that resided here.

  “The hunters were a type of holy order, and they have been known by many different names over the centuries. Every hundred years or so they would band together and build an army. They would attack and take the head of anyone they thought was immortal and kill the humans that protected them. It just so happened on that day; they attacked our palace, and that of Vasily Petrov.

  “Instead of going straight home as Vasily had done, my father had insisted we go to the brothel. By the time, we arrived home, my mother, sister and brother were already dead, as were ten members of our staff.”

  Chloe held me tighter than ever, which warmed the coldness that now swept through me.

  “My father fell to his knees weeping beside my mother and sister, and his valet, Ruslan, also wept. I left them while I followed one of the chambermaids to where my brother’s body lay. I picked him up and began to carry him to my mother and sister’s slain bodies.

  “As I approached, I saw a sight that haunts me to this day. Ruslan was taking aim at my father's chest with a sword. I cried out for Ruslan to stop, but my father told me he had compelled him to take his life and finish him, as he could not live it without my mother. I begged him not to let Ruslan finish his task; but all he said was, I’m sorry my son.

  “I was just a few steps away when the sword pierced my father’s heart, and as soon as that happened, Ruslan fell to his knees compelled no longer. To end a vampire fully, you also need to remove their head and burn them. Ruslan wept openly for my father and what he had made him do. But when he asked should we remove the sword from his heart, I said no. It was my father's wish to be in the afterlife with my mother, and I would see it done.

  “Ruslan told me to go as he did not want me to see my father beheaded and I agreed to do so. I took my sister and brother’s bodies to the Palace Chapel that my mother used to sit in for hours and pray in. She was probably more devout than any of the hunters, but they were the monsters that day, not the vampires and their families that they targeted.

  My father’s body was burned later that evening and when he was nothing but ash we collected it all and placed it in a box next to my mother's body.

  “Vasily and his family came later that night. He had lost a few servants and a cousin, but had been in time to save his wife and son. If only we had not called to that place, I might still have my entire family alive and well.”

  “I’m so sorry, Gregor. You must have been completely devastated. To lose all your family in such a way is just unimaginable.”

  “Two days after we had their funerals, I took human blood. Ruslan was the donor, and three days after I awoke as an immortal, I turned Ruslan into a made vampire at his request. So you can say we shared our blood in a way.

  “Some hunters were killed on our land, as our staff tried to defend my family, and I believe my brother killed a number of them. Many had been killed at Vasily’s palace, but we knew a lot had escaped. So Vasily and I gathered as many born immortal vampires as we could, and set off to find the rest of the hunters’ army.

  “We caught up with them near Leningrad and slaughtered every single one of them. My family were not the only ones killed in St Petersburg, and we made sure the hunters suffered before their eventual deaths.”

  I felt Chloe shudder at my words, and I wondered what she thought of them. But she didn’t offer up her thoughts, and I didn’t ask. We both just lay there not saying anything at all, a real change from the last few hours; and eventually, just as daylight began to appear through a gap in the curtains, we both fell asleep.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven


  For the second time this week I was kissed awake by the sexiest male on this earth. How lucky was I?

  “Good morning, beautiful,” Gregor whispered in my ear before kissing around my jawline back to my mouth.

  “I could get used to waking up like this,” I told him, before kissing him right back.

  “How about like this, my love,” he said as he knelt between my legs and pushed my nightdress up my body until my breasts were fully exposed.

  “Oh, definitely like this,” I replied breathlessly. As he tugged hard on each nipple, almost to the point of pain. Then he soothed the ache away with gentle licks and sucks before kissing his way down my tummy. Parting my thighs further, he then sank low between them and began an oral assault on my whole sex, with licking, sucking and gentle biting around my labia before turning all of that attention towards my clit. I came quickly, but loudly, all the skill from my lover and the pent up sexual tension from yesterday, intensifying my pleasure.

  I wasn’t even aware that Gregor had moved until I felt myself being lifted up into his arms and carried into the bathroom. He sat me on the vanity unit between the two sinks, removed my nightgown, and turned on the showers. He adjusted all the different shower heads before opening a drawer below where I was sitting and taking out another towelling bathrobe. Pulling the belt from the loops he discarded the robe then placed my wrists and palms together in a praying position. He then bound them together tightly allowing no room for movement. Gregor stepped between my legs and tilted my chin up slightly so he could look me directly in the eyes.

  “You were right about me looking at you differently today my love. I will not apologise for doing so, or I will end up having to do that every day for eternity. Every time I open my eyes to a brand new day, I will love you more. With each hour, I see something else about you that makes me want you in ways that you can only imagine. So tell me, Chloe, will you be mine? Will you bond with me and share my immortal life?”

  In his eyes, I saw many things. Love, lust, hope, determination and that, combined with the honesty in his words, made me nod my head and smile.

  “Say the words, Chloe,” he commanded his deep masculine voice rising slightly with happiness.

  “Yes, I will bond with you, Gregor. I love you, and although logic and common sense should make me want to wait until I make a commitment to you, I feel something deep inside me that makes me know this thing between us is right. But were not going to do it here in the shower, are we?” I asked, confused.

  “No. This is where I show you that I won’t treat you differently, either. Now come with me, my love.”

  He lifted me off the sink and placed me feet first on the floor. After removing his boxers, he tugged on the belt that was binding my hands and led me into the shower. Gregor kissed me again and ran his hands all over my body, and I wished for a moment that my own hands weren’t bound, so I could hold him against me.

  When I started to grind my sex against his leg, he spun me around and pressed me against the wall. My breasts flattened slightly on the cold marble despite the warmth of the flowing water, and my hardened nipples throbbed.

  I felt a tug on my wrists as my arms raised, and I looked up to see Gregor tying the other end of the now wet belt to the shower head above. He traced his fingers through my cleft and paused for a moment before pushing two inside me. I pushed back on his hand as much as I could, as he pulled his fingers out of me, then slid them between the cheeks of my bottom and I gasped as he ran them gently around my puckered hole.

  “Gregor, what are you doing,” I asked nervously.

  “Hush, my love. It is not my intention to take you here,” he said, just as he breached the tight ring of muscle. “Not today, anyway. Tell me, Chloe, has anyone ever taken you here?”

  “No, and I don’t think I would like it, either,” I panted.

  “Relax my darling; I would prepare you to take me. There are many ways I can make it easier for you to accommodate my size.”

  “You mean a butt plug? Oh no. I’m not having anything plastic, or rubber, pushed in my arse,” I stated, raising my voice a little, so he knew I meant it.

  “Oh no, my love,” he said with mock outrage and chuckle. “As my wife, any toys you have will be gold or platinum and decorated with diamonds and pearls.”

  “Gregor, if that was a proposal then it needs some serious work before I accept,” I huffed.

  With his other hand, he cupped my mound before starting to flick rapidly at my clit.

  “Whatever that was, Chloe, I bet I can get you to say yes many times over before we leave this shower.”

  And he did. Bringing me to orgasm twice; with his fingers in my bottom and on my clit, then by bracing my forearms on the wall as he fucked me hard from behind.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight


  I was both exhausted and ravenously hungry by the time we had gotten ourselves cleaned up; so I devoured the tasty breakfast that the wonderful Andrei had created.

  Gregor was happy, and it showed. So was I, but I also had questions. He’d mentioned marriage in the shower. Was that just a joke, or did you have to get married when you bonded? I wish I could talk to Julia about this, but I didn’t want to disturb the new mum. And I didn't feel like I had the type of friendship with Gina or Keeley to ask them questions of that nature either, so I knew that I would have to bite the bullet and eventually talk to Gregor about bonding etiquette.


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