Howling for My Baby

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Howling for My Baby Page 13

by Beverly Rae

  “Oh, come on, little girl. I’m not stupid.” He slammed his palms down on the counter, his stern expression making her feel like a scared kid again. “Didn’t you think I could tell?”

  Syd nudged Jason, urging him to prepare to run. “I guess I thought we’d covered it up.”

  “You didn’t. By the way, all the cologne was a dead giveaway. And the kiss at the hunters’ lodge? Please, I’ve seen wet-behind-the-ears horny boys kiss a girl with more enthusiasm.”

  “Hey, now wait a minute.” But Jason’s protest was lost on her father.

  “Nope, I didn’t buy it for a minute.” He ran his gaze up and down Jason. “And now it’s time to ’fess up and bring it all out in the open. Once and for all.” Her father pushed away from the counter and put his back to them to dig around in a drawer—the drawer where he kept a pistol.

  Syd shoved Jason toward the door. Jason, however, wouldn’t move fast enough. “Will you pick up your feet? You’ve got to get out of here. Move, man, move!” Her heart thumped wildly in her chest. Why wouldn’t he run?

  “Stop right there!”

  Jason halted in his tracks, bringing her to a stop, too. He tossed her a wink before his face grew serious again and he turned to confront her father. “Mr. Skeller, this isn’t the time or the place. You can do what you will with me, but leave Syd alone. She’s still your daughter no matter what I am.”

  Syd kept her gaze on the man she loved, reveling in his courage. Wow, if I hadn’t thought he was sexy before, I sure do now. Too bad it’s right before he’s about to die.

  “Well, of course she is.” Her father’s chuckle surprised her. Yet what he held in his hand surprised her even more. Instead of a gun, he held out a credit card.

  She gaped at him, trying to figure out what was about to happen. “A credit card?” Did her father think he could slice up a werewolf with plastic?

  “Here, take it.” He tossed the card onto the counter and waited for someone to pick it up. “What’s with you guys? Didn’t anyone ever tell you not to look a gift horse in the mouth?”

  “You said you knew my kind.” Jason’s voice sounded a lot stronger than Syd felt.

  “Sure I do.” Skeller motioned at the card again. “Hell, you think I bought that metrosexual phooey? Give me some credit.” He chuckled and pointed at the card. “Even though I’m the one giving Syd the credit.”

  When he kept gesturing to the card, she finally walked over and picked it up. “So what do you want me to do with this?”

  “I want you to treat Jason at this club of his.”


  “Good grief, what’s the matter with you? Consider it my way of thanking him for watching out for my little girl last night.”

  If dropping jaws could make any noise, the explosion in the room would have deafened people twenty miles away. “Really?” Syd looked at her mom, who shook her head in mystification. Okay, Mom’s no help. “You know what he is and you want me to treat him to a night out?”

  “Of course. Why not?” Skeller ran his hand over his face. “Why are you all acting so weird? You know I’m not homophobic.”

  Jason made a choking sound before taking a step toward her father. “I’m a homosexual? I’m gay?”

  The giggle coming up from Syd couldn’t be restrained even when her father walked over to take her lover—her shifter lover—into a big bear hug.

  “Hey, son. You don’t need to hide it any longer. No straight man, not even those strange ducks you called metrosexuals, would ever wear the amount of cologne you do. But you’re Sydney’s friend and her judgment is good enough for me. At least now I understand why she feels safe with you. Come on. I’ll show you how okay I am with what you are.” With Jason’s mouth hanging wider, Skeller kept his arm around his shoulders and pushed him through the swinging doors.

  Syd and her mother followed behind them to find her father, his arm still wrapped around the stunned shifter, standing in the middle of the living room.

  “Listen up, people! I have an announcement.” Skeller’s voice boomed over the noise and music. Someone shut off the music and everyone grew quiet. “In case you don’t already know, this here is Sydney’s friend, Jason.”

  Jason lifted his hand in a half-hearted way before twisting his head around to Syd. With a tortured expression, he mouthed the words, “Kill me now.”

  “Anyway, I’ve heard a few of you making some comments about him and my little girl, and wondering how close they are. Well, let me make this perfectly clear. Jason is Sydney’s good friend—but he’s just her friend—and we don’t care if he’s gay and wears a shitload of cologne. He’s welcome in the Skeller household and in our hunters’ group even if he does stink to high heaven.”

  Some of her relatives clapped and hooted at the announcement, while others simply nodded knowingly. Syd clamped a hand over her mouth in astonished yet relieved silence. In the space of one afternoon, Jason had gone from being her lover to her gal pal.

  Chapter Seven

  “I have never had anyone—anyone—think I’m gay.”

  Syd tried to resist the temptation to tease Jason. Still fighting the urge, she slid out the passenger’s side of the car and smothered her giggle. “Let me get this straight—oops, sorry—you’d rather have my father know you’re a shifter than to have him think you’re gay?”

  Jason took her hand in the secure possessive way couples who’ve been together for years do and led her across the street toward the Hideaway. Syd basked in the comforting glow the familiar gesture gave her and glanced up at the yellow neon light—the one sign on the black building with dark tinted windows.

  “Of course not. My best friend’s gay. But—”

  “It bruises your ego for someone to believe this hunk of a wolf is anything but heterosexual, right?”

  “No, not true. I couldn’t care less what your family thinks. It’s just…I don’t like the idea of some of the ladies thinking I’m not interested in the opposite sex.”

  Syd yanked his arm, propelling him around to face her. “Why the hell would you care if the ladies think you’re interested in women or not?” She poked her index finger in the middle of his chest. “Are you interested in other women? Am I not enough? Besides, I thought wolves took one mate for life.”

  He grabbed her finger to stop her assault. “Do you have to poke me? I’m not looking around.” Pulling her to him, he enveloped her with his arms and nuzzled her ear, shooting hot flames of desire through her abdomen. “You are more than enough woman for me, Sydney Skeller. And yes, wolves mate for life. Even this wolf.”

  She tilted her head up to check his expression. Yup, he was serious. “Okay. Then no more worries about who thinks what about your sexual orientation, got it?”

  “Got it.”

  “Sheesh, I never would’ve believed it. Jason Cannon, king of the one-night stands and the most infamous player wolf of all time, wrapped around a female’s little finger.”

  Syd followed the voice to see a rather thin man with fire-engine red hair smirking in the doorway. With a flamboyant gesture, he flicked a speck of lint from the front of his silk shirt. Silk slacks, along with very expensive loafers, finished his ensemble, making Syd think she was woefully underdressed for what Jason had called “casual fun with friends”.

  “What the hell did you do to your hair now?” Jason released his hug on Syd, but laced his fingers through hers again.

  A dramatic shocked expression replaced the small man’s smirk. He delicately touched his redder-than-red locks the way a prissy girl would. “I needed a change, is all. We girls have to keep you brutes guessing, you know. You mean you don’t like it, sweetie?” He waved his fingers at Syd’s locks. “Looking at little Miss Cutsie there, I’m thinking you do like redheads.”

  “Uh, I’m more of a coppery brunette.” Syd didn’t know what to make of this rather odd stranger.

  Jason chuckled. “Actually, I prefer sassy brunettes. But I do like real redheads. Not the ones who look li
ke they dumped a bucket of orangey-red food coloring over their heads. And don’t call me sweetie.” He jerked his thumb at his friend. “Syd, this embarrassment to the Cannon pack is Benjy Boudoir.”

  At Syd’s chuckle, he added, “Yes, you heard correctly. That is his real name. Benjy, this is my mate, Syd Skeller, the future co-leader of the pack, so behave yourself. She may not have the tolerance I do.”

  Benjy’s face underwent several changes. Stunned silence was the first emotion and easily discernable. Then came surprise, followed by an emotion she couldn’t identify. Possibly jealousy? But why would Benjy envy her? After several seconds, however, acceptance came to him and a wide smile stretched his thin lips.

  “Well, color me blown away. And I’m not talking about anything to do with my jolly johnson.” Benjy skipped over to her, grabbed her by the arms, and proffered an air kiss on each side of her face. Once he’d finished with her, he slapped Jason on the arm in a coquettish fashion. “Did you say she’s your mate?”

  Syd nodded along with Jason, unsure of what to expect next. She squeezed Jason’s hand, letting him know she needed help understanding this intriguing creature standing before her.

  “You got it, Benjy. We’re mated.”

  “I guess this means a wedding is in your future?”

  Syd caught her breath and looked at Jason. Sure, she knew they were mated, but she’d just assumed werewolves didn’t do human-style weddings. Suddenly, she felt very shy and waited for her man to answer.

  Jason grinned down at her. “Of course it does. If she wants one. Although we’re already married in my mind.”

  She didn’t have to think before answering. “Yeah. She wants one.” Grinning and no longer shy, she grabbed Jason and kissed him. He kissed her back, long and hard.

  She’d expected a reaction along the lines of congratulations from Benjy, but got something totally different. Instead of wishing them well, Benjy struck a defiant pose, hands on his hips, and thrust his chin out at Jason. “Well, don’t think this is the end of our affair, my little stud muffin. Once you get tired of playing with the female, you’ll come running home to me.”

  Jason and Benjy? Did her man swing both ways? She turned to Jason whose eyes had changed from dark warm chocolate to sparkling amber.

  “Knock it off, Benj.” He set his gaze on her. “Don’t believe anything he says. Benjy’s joked around like this for years and he knows I hate it. Don’t you, buddy?”

  Unfazed by the warning, the lithesome shifter humphed and pivoted toward the door. “Whatever you say, Jay-Jay.” He flashed his fangs at the bouncer guarding the entrance to prove he was a werewolf. With one last flirty toss of his hair, he was inside the club before Jason could utter a protesting growl.

  They attempted to follow Benjy, but the huge bouncer blocked their way, then leaned over to sniff her neck. Although she wanted to run, she held her ground. Jason bared his teeth and the big man stepped aside. “Enter.”

  If the outside of the club was less than spectacular, the inside made up for it. Dark forest green leather covered every booth, chair and mahogany barstool while a twinkling chandelier adorned the mosaic-covered ceiling. A small stage, equipped with theater lights and an accompanying sound system built into the walls, stood guard over a black-and-white checkered dance floor. Tea lights glittered on the walls, creating a magical atmosphere. Beautifully dressed couples skimmed along the floor, dancing to a lively tune played by a band similar to those of the jazz club era.

  Syd glanced at her faded jeans and T-shirt and cringed. Slapping Jason on the arm in a perfect imitation of Benjy’s earlier slap, she whirled and started for the front door. He stopped her.

  “Hey, hold up. What’s wrong?”

  Syd ran her eyes over his attire and gawked at him. “Can’t you see? We’re not dressed for this kind of place. Why didn’t you tell me? I thought we were going to a neighborhood bar. Not a place like this.” They’d stopped at his condo to let him shower off the cologne and gather some of his clothes to take to her place. “We could’ve put on something more appropriate. I could’ve worn a dress and heels.”

  “I guess I didn’t care how we were dressed.” He shrugged in dismissal. “Besides, you look more beautiful in jeans than any of these ladies do in their fancy garb.”

  Damn it. How does he always manage to say the perfect thing? I have a right to get mad, don’t I? But oh, no. He goes ahead and spoils it for me. She fought to stay upset, but knew she’d lose the fight. “Thank you for the compliment. However, words don’t change anything. Let’s get out of here.”

  “Don’t worry. Shifters are great about not judging a person by the way they dress. Hell, if they had, my brother would’ve gotten tossed out of the pack. Trust me. They may look stodgy all dressed up, but they’re a terrific group of people. And a lot of fun, too.”

  “Still…let’s go, okay?” She could sense the others studying her. In a futile attempt to hide, she tried to keep her face averted. “Is everyone here a werewolf?”

  “Yes, they’re all shifters and nope, we’re not going anywhere. I brought you here to meet my friends and we’re not leaving until you do.”

  Wow, a week ago I hadn’t even seen my first werewolf. Now I’m in a shifter club, arm-in-arm with my werewolf lover and surrounded by a bunch of them. Talk about a major life change.

  She protested quietly yet forcefully while he tugged her along with him, through the people on the dance floor and onto the stage. Bright spotlights blinded her for a moment, granting her a little reprieve from the staring crowd. She ducked her head, hoping to see the floor opening up underneath her. Where was a trap door when she needed one?

  Jason motioned to the band leader to stop the music. When the last note had died away, he turned to the group and took the microphone from the lead singer. “Attention, everyone!”

  I am so going to kick him in the balls the first chance I get. Syd held her breath and dared to lift her head for a peek. Every person had stopped whatever they were doing and were locked onto Jason—and her. With a quick intake of air, she tucked down her chin and pretended she was an ostrich lost in the desert.

  “Everyone, this is my mate, Syd Skeller.”

  A shiver of excitement ran through her. He’d formally introduced her as his mate, not just to one friend, but to the whole group. Would she ever get used to hearing those words?

  Yet instead of applause or cheers, a low murmur wafted up to her. Surprised by their lack of greeting, she lifted her head in defiance and tried to shoot her meanest, squintiest eyes at them. Had Jason called these people “accepting”? I think not. Well, if they’re going to treat me like this, they have another thing coming. She covered the mike with one hand and hissed at him. “See? Go ahead. Tell me they hate me. Why else do you think they’re all talking really low and not saying anything loud enough for me to hear?”

  He looked at her, a smile playing across his lips. “You don’t understand. They’re not trying to be rude. If your transformation had progressed further, you could hear what they’re saying.”

  “Pff. Would I want to? If it’s unflattering, I’d rather not, thank you very much. Not that I couldn’t take it, mind you.”

  The furrow on his forehead deepened. “What they’re saying is very nice.” He shrugged and started to walk off the stage. “But since you don’t want to know…”

  All the bravado she’d kept restrained rushed out of her. She grabbed him before he took another step. “Wait a sec.” She dropped the fierce expression and suddenly wished she could see the expressions on the dark figures in front of her. “They’re saying nice things? Are you sure? Tell me.”

  “Oh, I see. Now you want to know, huh?” At her nod, he relented. “Okay. They’re saying how pretty you are and how you must be something special if Jason Cannon’s finally settling down.”

  “They are?” She narrowed her eyes at him. “Are you telling me the truth?”

  “I swear I am. Well…at least most of them are saying good

  “Most? You mean some of them aren’t?” Syd swallowed and got ready for the worst they could throw at her. “Like what? Go ahead. I can take it.”

  “Nothing about you personally. But a few of the females aren’t very happy to know you landed a hunk of a hound like me. A few of them are my former, uh, girlfriends. For lack of a better word.”

  Curious, she peered around her, trying to make out the jealous women. “Really?”

  “Yes, really.” He took her hand off the mike. “Can we bring up the house lights, please?”

  After the lights came up, Syd could make out the faces of the people. A couple of the females glared at her with envy and stiffened bodies. Yet, the majority of the audience smiled or waved when she looked their way.

  “Hey, Jason!”

  Benjy waved from the side of the room. “How about we give Syd a little initiation into the pack?”

  Cheers broke out around her. “Initiation?” What kind of initiation did werewolves have? A little walk on the wild side? A moonlight streak in the buff?

  “Yup. You gotta go through the initiation. After all, a pack is a close-knit club and all clubs have initiations.” Jason pulled her closer and held her against his strong body. “Don’t worry. You’re going to have fun. Trust me.”

  “I do wish you wouldn’t say ‘trust me’ so much.”

  A man jumped on the stage, his long coat tail flapping behind them. Jason tugged her backward a few steps, letting him take command of the mike.

  “Let’s do it, people. All contestants for the howling contest on the stage, please.”

  Syd watched, fascinated by the men and women who walked onto the stage. Changing, they tossed their clothes aside, shifted to wolf form, and made a straight line across the rear of the stage, placing her and Jason in the middle of the line.

  “Oh, wow. First I’m surrounded by naked people and now I’m surrounded by wolves.”

  Jason kissed her on the cheek and started removing his clothes. “The more I think about it, the better your idea sounds. We’ve got to find a way to make our clothes disappear.” Before he’d finished speaking, his conversion was complete and he rubbed against her. “I don’t think Syd’s ready to morph yet,” he said to the George Clooney look-alike announcer. Although he was in his wolf body, he spoke using his human voice. “I don’t think Syd’s ready to morph yet.”


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