Stolen Away (Hearts of Montana)

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Stolen Away (Hearts of Montana) Page 22

by Jennie Marts

  Her body was on fire with want and need, but she wanted more—more of his skin next to hers, more of his mouth licking and nipping and sucking, and more of him inside her.

  A moan escaped her lips as he rubbed and stroked her most sensitive place. A storm of feelings churned inside of her, building in intensity, as he took her to the brink of desire.

  Forgetting everything else around her, she let the moment take her, let the feelings consume her, let herself get caught up in the passion that this man drew from her.

  The circle of the storm grew, pulling everything into its center, into its core, until it reached the crescendo, and she cried out from the release, her body shuddering against him as the waves of feeling ripped through her body, again and again.

  She fell back against the bed, her body spent and tingling as she tried to catch her breath.

  Oh Lord, what had just come over her?

  She’d given in to all of it, all of the feelings, and had cried out when they overtook her. And she was afraid she’d cried out rather loudly.

  Was she supposed to do that?

  Suddenly shy and nervous, she snuck a glance at Cash, then had to smile at his expression.

  He wore a satisfied grin as he looked down at her, like he’d just won first prize at the county fair.

  Before Cash, she’d never had a man put her desire first or spend the time to tease and tantalize her body. She finally understood what all the articles about foreplay in the women’s magazines were about.

  And Cash Walker was a master in the field.

  She smiled up at him. “You look pretty proud of yourself.”

  He chuckled. “You just look pretty.”

  Her heart might burst with what she felt for this man. “You make me feel pretty.”

  “I want to make you feel a lot of things.” He sat up and slowly slid her panties down her legs.

  Her body woke up again as he tugged off his briefs then reached into the drawer next to the bed and pulled out a foil-wrapped packet.

  He covered himself then lay down between her legs, his arms braced on the bed on either side of her shoulders as he supported his body over hers.

  His expression was solemn, his eyes full of feeling as he stared into hers. “You make me feel a lot of things, Em. Things I never even dreamed were possible to feel. Things I thought I’d buried and let go of years ago. You make me feel happiness and joy, as well as the deepest sadness and regret at the thought that I had lost you. You make my skin itch, and my hands shake, and my heart feel like it’s going to bust out of my chest. You make me feel alive. In fact, you make me feel everything.”

  It was as if his heart was speaking to hers. “I know. I feel the same way about you.”

  He shook his head. “I doubt that you do. I can’t imagine anyone feeling the depths of emotion that I feel for you. I know it’s kind of soon, and I swear I’m not trying to rush you, but I want you to know that I’ve fallen for you, darlin’. And fallen hard.”

  She couldn’t speak, afraid that if she opened her mouth, she might start to cry. Hearing his thoughts spoken in his deep voice and with such tenderness and feeling told her how much this moment meant to him. How much she meant to him. Could this really be happening? She held her breath, waiting to hear his next words.

  “You don’t have to say anything, but I want you to know…” He paused, his voice choked with emotion. “I want you to know that I’m in love with you. So help me, as much as I’ve tried to fight it, I can’t, it’s bigger than me. It’s bigger than anything I’ve ever felt before.”

  He raised his hand and brushed his fingers against her cheek. “I love you, Emma. Plain and simple, I do.”

  Her heart felt as if it were going to beat out of her chest. “I love you, too. I swear I do. And it’s not too soon. Not too soon at all. It’s perfect.”

  A grin broke across his face. “If I’ve learned anything over the past few weeks, it’s that life is short, and finding someone to share it with is rare and a gift that should be treasured. I’ve found you now, Emma, and I want to share my life with you. I want to share everything with you. And I do see you as a gift to be treasured and cherished. How do you feel about sharing your life with me and letting me cherish you every day that we’re together?”

  “I feel pretty good about that, actually.” She tried to laugh, but her laughter turned to a shudder and tears leaked from the corner of her eyes as the intense emotions became too much for her to contain.

  “Hey, now. Don’t cry, darlin’,” he said tenderly. A teasing smile tugged at the corner of his mouth. “It’s not gonna be that bad living with me.”

  This time she did laugh. The laughter burst out of her mouth, born of happiness and joy, but it was cut short as he leaned down and captured her mouth in a kiss—a kiss filled with feeling and passion and desire.

  She kissed him back, pouring all of her love into the kiss. Then his hands were in her hair, and his weight settled between her legs.

  Clutching his back, she was filled with a bone-deep, gut-wrenching, soul-shattering need. Need for him to be inside of her. Inside of her heart, her soul, her body.

  He shifted, and then he was.

  She moaned as he filled her. Filled her with love and need and a glorious feeling of completeness.

  Moving with her, his hands touching and teasing, while his hips increased their rhythm with each stroke. Their passion surged and swelled, her core convulsing with need. Need for him.

  The rest of the world faded away as he took her to the edge until she was panting and crying his name, her fingers digging in to the hard muscles of his back. Then she was soaring over—flying—as his arms tightened around her, and he moaned into her neck with his own release.

  Then she was falling. Falling back to earth, to reality, falling into his arms.

  And he was there to catch her.

  He dropped onto the bed beside her and pulled her against him. She curled into the crook of his arm, wrapping her leg around his, still needing the contact of his skin.

  Laying her head on his chest, she breathed in the musky male scent of his aftershave. He always smelled so dang good.

  “That was incredible.” She reached her arms over her head, like a cat stretching in the sun, then curled back against him. “I’ve made a decision.”

  “What’s that?”

  “I don’t ever want to leave this bed.”

  He chuckled. “Not even for pie?”

  “Well, maybe for pie. But that’s about it.”

  He brushed her bangs from her forehead, looking down at her with love in his eyes. “I’ve made a decision, too.”


  “Yeah. I’ve decided that I want you to move in here. With me. And Percy, of course.” He touched her lips. “You don’t have to decide yet. But just think about it. There’s no reason for you to stay at your dad’s when I’m going to want you here with me every day anyway.” He gave her one of his flirty winks. “And every night.”

  She laughed. “I don’t have to think about it. All I have to do is go back to the house and pack my stuff.”

  “So, you mean you want to? Want to move in here with me?”

  “Yes, of course.” She rolled on top of him, straddling his waist, amazed at how comfortable she felt, even in her nakedness. “Cash, I’ve wasted too many years of my life being unhappy and feeling like I didn’t deserve any better. I’m in love with you. I know it in my heart, in my very soul. I will never love another man the way that I love you. So why wait? Why waste another day? Consider me officially moved in.”

  He grinned up at her and slid his hands around her waist. “I like it when you get all sassy.”

  She grinned and swatted at his chest. Before she had a chance to say anything, he flipped her over and rolled on top of her.

  A smile nearly split his face in two, and his eyes were full of mischief. “I love you, too, Emma. So, as long as we’re getting all sassy and making decisions, why not just make it officia
l? Don’t just move in with me. Marry me.”

  Her breath caught in her throat, and she was afraid her heart may have just stopped.

  Could this really be happening?

  “Are you really asking me to marry you while my hair is a tousled mess and I’m lying naked underneath you?”

  “I can’t think of a better time. And I kind of like your hair like that.”

  She laughed, then sobered. “Really, Cash? Are you sure?”

  “I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life, darlin’.” He leaned in, kissing her softly. “But I’m also sure I can wait. If you don’t think you’re ready.”

  She kissed him back, a hard quick kiss. “Oh, I’m ready. I feel like for the first time in such a long time, I have something to look forward to. Something to dream about and plan for.

  “I feel like the darkness in my life is finally fading away and the brightness is shining through. I used to see myself as weak and afraid, but now, thanks to you and the friendships that I’ve made, I feel brave and strong. And I feel stronger every day. Being with you and having the job at the diner have given me strength and a new sense of confidence. And I can feel myself changing every day.”

  “Well, don’t change too much.” He smiled at her, his own pride in her showing through his expression. “Seriously, I’m so proud of you. I can see the changes in you. It’s like you’ve blossomed right in front of me. You’re getting sturdier and more self-assured every day. And that’s all I want for you.”

  “I want to feel like I’m strong enough in myself so that you feel like you’re getting a whole Emma, not a partial shell of someone I used to be.”

  “I think you are braver than you give yourself credit for. I always have. But I hear you, and I’m willing to wait, to let you dictate this. I know I love you and want you to be my wife, but I’ll leave it up to you to tell me when you’re ready. You decide. You set the time and date and just tell me when to show up at the church. You’re in control.”

  She’d never been in control of anything. Especially when it came to her relationships or her own life.

  Except that wasn’t exactly true.

  She’d taken control of her life when she’d made the decision to leave Leroy. And when she’d filed for divorce. And when she’d moved back to Broken Falls and when she’d taken the job at the diner.

  She hadn’t decided to fall in love with Cash, her heart had been in control of that, but he was letting her decide how their relationship would progress. He’d laid it out in front of her, and all she had to do was pick it up.

  Which seemed to be the easiest decision she’d ever made. She loved him and she wanted nothing more than to be his wife.

  “Okay, if I’m really in control, I’m making my first two important decisions.”

  “Lay ’em on me.”

  “First, I want to get married to you, and I don’t want to wait. I’ll talk to Charlie and Cherry, and we’ll start working on plans tomorrow.”

  “Sounds good. Now what’s the second decision?”

  “I’ve decided I’d like some pie. And I’d like to eat it naked, right here in this bed with you.”

  He chuckled. “I like the way you think. I’ll even volunteer to get the pie.” He climbed out of bed and pulled on his jeans, zipping the fly but leaving the top snap undone.

  She swallowed. He was undeniably the sexiest man alive. And he was going to be her husband. And was bringing her pie in bed. Life couldn’t get much better than that.

  “Wait right here, and I’ll be back in a minute with a big ole piece of pie and two forks.” He winked and walked out the bedroom door.

  She leaned back against the bed frame, pulling the sheets up under her arms, and sighing with contentment.

  Her contentment was interrupted by the sound of a crash and a dull thud coming from the living room.

  Every one of her senses went on alert as her nerves tingled under her skin.

  She was probably overreacting. Sensitive to sounds after Leroy breaking into her house earlier.

  That noise could have been anything. Cash could have dropped something or tripped in the darkened room.

  But she didn’t think so.

  No, something felt wrong. Very wrong.

  Slipping out of bed, she pulled Cash’s T-shirt on over her head and tugged it over her bottom. The shirt was so big on her, it fit more like a dress.

  Padding barefoot across the room, she called out his name but got no answer.

  “Cash?” Blood pounded in her ears, and her nerves tightened in fear as she stepped out of the bedroom.

  Her gaze took in everything at once, and she saw two things that had her heart literally stop beating in her chest.

  One was Cash lying passed out on the floor and the other was Earl Purvis standing over him, a piece of firewood clutched in his hand.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  “Earl. What are you doing here?” Emma’s gaze swept the room, looking for an escape.

  But she couldn’t run, couldn’t leave Cash alone with this maniac.

  She had to stand up to him. Had to fight.

  “Hey there, sis,” Earl sneered and spit a thick stream of chewing tobacco onto the floor next to Cash’s head. “I came to pay you and your new boyfriend a little visit. Or should I say fee-on-say?”

  Crap. How long had he been there? Had he been listening to them talk?

  Or worse—listening to them make love?

  She straightened her shoulders. So what if he did? She hoped he’d enjoyed the show. Because it was going to be the last time he ever came near her—or Cash—again. She’d just been telling Cash how she was done being weak and vulnerable.

  This was the new and improved Emma. The one who was strong and willing to fight for what she wanted.

  Pretend to be brave.

  Cash’s words of advice—her mantra—came back to her, but as she whispered them to herself, she realized that she didn’t have to pretend anymore.

  She actually felt brave.

  Like she could take on this loser.

  Well, okay, she was still afraid, but it was like 80 percent scared shitless and 20 percent brave. But at least she felt it, and she was holding on to that 20 percent.

  Her self-defense lessons came flooding into her mind, and she knew the first thing she needed to do was to get him away from Cash.

  She took a deep breath. All she had to do was outwit this guy, get him into a place where she could overpower him, or at least put herself in a position where she could attack.

  Outsmarting him seemed the easiest task, especially when his weapons arsenal in that department was sorely lacking.

  She took a few steps toward the kitchen, motioning to the fridge. Anything to draw him away from Cash. “How about I get you a beer, and we can sit down and talk about it.”

  He took a step toward her, more of a stumble really, and she realized he must have already started the “having a drink” idea.

  Which could work for or against her.

  If he was already drunk, he might make even worse and more impulsive decisions than hitting Cash over the head with a log of firewood. But hopefully, his inebriated state would work in her favor if his reactions were slower and his focus blurred.

  Taking another step into the kitchen, she searched her surroundings—just like Cash had taught her—for any weapons she could use against him.

  This situation felt eerily familiar as she recalled facing off with Leroy only hours before. But this time she felt different—felt like she could really do this.

  She just needed to try a different approach with Earl—take her time then strike when she was sure she had him and could do the most damage.

  He stumbled a little closer. “Yeah, I’ll take a beer, but I’ll take it for the road, ’cause I’m not sticking around here waiting for the cops to show up.”

  “Fine. Take it and go.” Nothing would make her happier than to have Earl Purvis hit the road and never come back. “Just leave us alo

  “You’d like that, wouldn’t you? For me to just disappear and leave you here to play house with your new boyfriend?” His face held an ugly sneer. “But I can’t do that, and you know it.”

  “No, I don’t know it. I don’t understand why you even care what I do. I divorced your brother. Why do I even matter to you?”

  He slammed his fist onto the kitchen table. “Because you don’t get to just walk away. Not after you got my brother sent to jail and made him a laughingstock by divorcing him. You’re a Purvis, and you belong to him, to us. And we take what’s ours.”

  Actually, she had nothing to do with Leroy showing up drunk at Cherry and Taylor’s engagement party and taking a shot at her father and the sheriff—he’d done that all on his own. But now didn’t seem the best time to point that out.

  “You think you can just go on with your fancy little life, acting all high and mighty and sluttin’ it up with Walker, while my brother rots in a jail cell.”

  Too bad you’re not in the jail cell next to him.

  Earl spit another stream of tobacco onto the hardwood floor.

  Emma grimaced in disgust. He was truly a vile human being.

  He advanced on her, taking another step closer, the look of menace clear in his eyes. “We had everything worked out. You know how much planning went into breaking Leroy out of prison, and you screwed that up, too.”

  It couldn’t have taken that much planning. How hard was it to find out the time they were transporting him and crash into the county vehicle? “You can’t blame that on me. Leroy could have just left. I never asked him to come for me.”

  “But that’s the point, ain’t it? I can blame you. And I am blaming you. Leroy would have been just fine if you wouldn’t have pressed charges against him then walked out on him.”

  “I didn’t press charges against him. The state did. After he put me in the hospital.”

  He narrowed his eyes. “What he did to you was nothing compared to what I have planned.” Reaching for his belt, he fumbled with the buckle and pulled open the strap. Unsnapping the top button, he partially unzipped his fly. “When I’m done with you, no other man will ever want anything to do with you. Walker won’t even recognize your stupid bitch face. Then you’ll be crawling back to Leroy, begging him to take you back.”


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