scene of human activity. He looked across the
found the first sistrum. They had been in the
miles of desert to the horizon where the
bowels of the Djibel el Sheetan for over five
Atlantic shone in the westering sun like a sea
of blood, and pictured the Egyptians, the
forgotten forerunners of Leif Ericsson and
Columbus, setting sail for their great
The Secret of the Casket
His reverie was broken by the sound of
hurrying steps. The Professor came
scrambling up the tiers of seats waving aloft
THE Professor’s first care was to translate the some sheets of paper. He sank down beside
hieroglyphics on the golden casket. For two
Courtland and struggled to regain the breath
days he shut himself in his tent and refused to he had expended in his ascent of the long,
be disturbed except at meal times; even then
spiral stairway. He gasped, he puffed, he
he turned a deaf ear to Courtland’s enquiries.
wheezed, he tried in vain to speak. It was plain
“Wait until I have finished,” was all he
that he was under the stress of tremendous
would say.
excitement. He had some unprecedented
Courtland spent the idle hours while
discovery to reveal, but his vocal chords
the Professor was closeted with the precious
refused to obey the dictates of his will. His
casket, in exploring the interior of the great
eyes seemed about to fly from his head.
pinnacle. It seemed strange to be able to go
At last he thrust the sheets of paper
and come at his pleasure to the aerial temple
into Courtland’s hands.
which it had almost cost him his life to reach
“Read!” he exploded, and then
the first time. He found other subterranean
subsided into another fit of wheezing.
chambers, some of which were evidently the
So Courtland read the words which
living quarters of the priests who had served
had been carved on that golden casket by the
in the temple above, but nowhere did he find
hand of the man whose bones lay before the
any sign of human occupancy.
Gradually the feeling grew upon him
that this ancient structure had been used for
“Kut-Anten-Pash, the mighty Pharoah,
only a short period and then vacated. What
King of Kings, Lord of the Upper and Lower
could have caused the builders suddenly to
Lands, wearer of the Double Crown, Prince of desert the place of worship which it had cost
Ethiopia, Emperor of Syria and Persia, at
The Face of Isis
whose tread the Evil Ones tremble, at whose when he had finished perusing this remarkable
smile the Doers of Good are rewarded, by the document. “Don’t see that it adds much to
hand of his servant Osrah, Chief Astrologer what we had already guessed.”
and Magician, High Priest of Isis, the divine
“My dear boy,” panted the Professor,
Mother of Horus.
“that is exactly what I thought when I first
“The all-powerful Pharoah, who translated it, but I have changed my mind. We consorteth with Ra in his courses and setteth came here looking for traces of an Egyptian
his foot upon the face of Isis, having departed exodus to Mexico and quite by accident we
from the sight of his servant, to establish a have made the most extraordinary discovery
new kingdom, therefore I, Osrah, am left in the history of mankind!”
desolate and being desirous of waiting upon
“Don’t quite get you, Professor,” said
my Lord, purpose to offer myself a great Courtland.
sacrifice to the divine mother, Isis, who has
“Evidently not!” chuckled the old man.
taken the Great One into her all-embracing
“Before I explain my meaning, I want you to
tell me your interpretation of this paper.”
“Now in the time past, by virtue of my
“It seems to me quite simple,” said
skill in magic, I found in the mountains of Courtland. “This old codger, the high priest,
Ethiopia, a certain strange mineral, whereof discovered a mineral, and put a sample in the
the remnant is within this casket, and by box. This mineral was useful for something whose power the Mighty One has been connected with ship building. Kut some-thing-enabled to go hence. When I revealed unto the or-other, the Pharoah, used the mineral for
Pharoah the marvelous thing which I had
building his fleet and when he sailed for
discovered, he would fain make trial of its Mexico, he left old thingummy behind. After
power in his own person. My dissuasions were waiting for a few years for the king to come
in vain, neither would he permit me to back, the old priest gets fed up and kills accompany him, but commanded that I should
himself in the temple.”
use my skill in astrology to bring his desires to
“That, in slightly more formal
language, was what I thought at first,” said the
“With a sad heart, therefore, I came to
Professor, “and then I began to notice certain
this place, whereof I already knew, and, with curious phrases which did not seem to fit in
many slaves, carved out this temple in honor with this simple explanation. For example,
of the divine Mother, that all things might be
‘who consorteth with Ra in his courses.’ Ra
done in due order. When all things were was the Sun God. ‘Who setteth his foot upon ready, the Mighty One came hither and the face of Isis.’ Not a very respectful thing to departed hence to his kingdom.
do to the great Goddess Mother of the
“Now whether the Great One hath Universe!”
reached that kingdom or whether the dog-
“It’s all Greek to me still,” said
faced Seth hath utterly destroyed Him, I know Courtland.
not, but being far on in years and weary with
“Nonsense! Nonsense, my dear boy,”
waiting for my King to return, I go hence to cried the Professor impatiently. “It’s as clear join him.
as crystal. Isis was the divine mother. In other
“Let him who would follow, read words, Nature. Her symbol was the moon. Just within.”
as the Romans used the name Diana
indifferently for the goddess and for the moon
“FUNNY mix up!” commented Courtland, which was her symbol, so the Egyptians spoke
Amazing Stories
of the moon as Isis. ‘Who setteth foot upon
an expedition to the west coast of what we
the face of Isis.’ Now, do you understand ?”
now know as Morocco and carved out this
Courtland stared at him stupefied.
temple, probably to propitiate the goddess,
“Well—but—Good Heavens! Surely whose symbol the Pharoah was intending to you don’t mean—this old Egyptian king——
violate. When everything was ready, Pharoah
came here and departed for the moon. I fear it
“Exactly!” cried the Professor, is exceedingly unlikely he ever arrived!”
triumphantly. “He used this
metallic powder
Courtland was silent. He was at a loss
and went to the moon! No wonder he for any reply to the Professor’s fantastic wouldn’t take the high priest along. There
theory. The whole thing was so ridiculously
wasn’t room.”
impossible. That an Egyptian King who had
Courtland was dumfounded. Faint lived and died nearly thirty centuries ago, suspicions entered his mind that the strain of
could have actually solved the problem of
the last three days had been too much for the
interplanetary flight was too wild an idea to be Professor’s brain. Or perhaps that little red fez entertained, and yet he could find no
was not sufficient protection from the heat of
arguments with which to refute the Professor’s
a tropical sun. His face must have revealed his line of reasoning.
thoughts, for the Professor burst out laughing.
“After all,” he said at last, hesitatingly,
“No, my dear Courtland, I am not “we don’t know that your interpretation of the crazy. Now listen, and I will tell you my idea
inscription is the correct one. Perhaps it has
of what took place. The high priest quite a different meaning; a much simpler accidentally discovered a deposit of some meaning. The ancients were rather given to mineral substance which, under certain flowery language, you know. All this stuff conditions,” had the power of becoming about the ‘Face of Isis’ and ‘Ra in his courses’
opaque to gravity.”
may be just for rhetorical effect.”
in Wells’ book,”
“I thought you might say something
interjected Courtland.
like that, my boy,” said the Professor, “and if I
“I have not had the pleasure of reading
had nothing but this inscription upon which to
the work you mention,” said the Professor.
base my theory, I might agree with you, but I
“However, the priest told his master of the
have other evidence which will convince even
discovery and perhaps suggested to him that it
the most skeptical. First, have you thought of
might be the solution of aerial flight. The
the possible connection between my theory
ancient Egyptians were no fools in scientific
and the great shaft?”
matters and the Pharoah became ambitious to
“Why, no. I can’t say I have,” replied
experiment with this mysterious substance. He
decided to attempt to reach the moon. The
“Poo! Where’s your imagination, boy?
ancients had a marvelous knowledge of That shaft is just what you jokingly suggested astronomy but had no conception of the it might be; a cannon! Only instead of a bullet distance separating the heavenly bodies. there was a hollow cage and in place of Pharoah probably thought the moon was about
explosive, they used this anti-gravitational
twenty miles away and that he could go there
powder. The Pharoah probably waited until
and back in a few hours.”
the moon was visible through the shaft and
“Be that as it may, he ordered the high
then started. Just as one would point a gun.
priest to find some secluded spot and prepare
That’s why the shaft is polished so highly. The for his flight into space. The priest organized slightest friction would have been fatal.”
The Face of Isis
“You have an answer to everything,”
made the greatest discovery in the history of
said Court-land, “but—somehow I can’t seem
to see the thing as you do. It all seems so
“For the future I’m ready to believe
outlandishly impossible. And another thing: If
anything!” Courtland replied. “But what about
this metallic powder is antigravitational, why
this design he speaks of?”
doesn’t it fly off into space of its own
“There is a drawing,” explained the
Professor, “incised in the bottom of the casket.
“Do you see the last words of the It represents a cylindrical cage of metal strips, inscription?” asked the Professor. “‘Let him
with a circular wooden floor. Of course the
who would follow, read within.’ I have read
Egyptian astronomers knew nothing about the
cold of space, or the absence of any air, so
“Do you mean that there’s another they simply built a lattice cage. I am afraid inscription inside the casket?” cried that Kut-Amen-Pash was dead within ten Courtland.
seconds of leaving the earth.”
“Precisely!” exclaimed the Professor,
“The usual fate of the pioneer!”
producing a second sheet of paper. “Read
philosophized Courtland. “But what about this
this,” he said triumphantly.
fleshburner he refers to?”
“AT first that puzzled me too,” replied the
“Let him who would follow the flight
Professor. “Then I realized that since the
of the omnipotent Pharoah, make for himself a powder has no gravity screening properties in
chariot of brass like unto the design upon the its normal state, it must be necessary to submit bottom of the casket. And the floor thereof it to the action of some reagent. As the result shall be of cedar. And it shall be placed in the of the chemical transformation which takes
pit that is beneath the floor of the temple.
place, a compound is produced which has the
“And when the Divine Mother property of being opaque to gravity. That is no unveileth her face at the full, let him fast and more surprising than the familiar phenomenon
purify his heart and offer sacrifice at the altar.
of two transparent liquids which, when
Let him do these things from the going down mingled, produce an opaque precipitate.”
of Ra to the sixth hour thereafter. Then let him
“Then you think the ‘fleshburner’ is
enter into the brazen chariot and strew upon some kind of chemical?”
the floor thereof, the powder that is within this
“I have no doubt of it. Furthermore,
there is one class of compounds notable for
“And when the face of the Divine their power of burning flesh; the acids. It is Mother looketh down upon him through the
probable that sulphuric acid, one of the most
roof of the temple, let him take the fleshburner active substances of which we have any
and pour it upon the powder which is upon the knowledge, is the reagent that was used.”
floor of the chariot. Then shall he be gathered For a few seconds Courtland sat
unto the Divine Mother, Isis; even unto the silently considering the Professor’s revelation.
mighty King, Kut-Amen-Pash, who hath gone
Suddenly he sprang to his feet and began to
execute a wild dance, in dangerous proximity
to the edge of the cliff. The Professor watched
“Well, are you satisfied, my boy?” said
his antics in amazement.
the Professor, when Courtland had finished
“My dear boy, do be careful!” he
reading. “Do you wonder that I said we had
exclaimed. “Whatever is the matter?�
Amazing Stories
“Why, don’t you see?” cried “Hurrah
Courtland, slapping the Professor on the back,
“if old what’s-his-name could go to the moon,
so can we! We can build an air-tight chariot,
stock it with food, sprinkle the powder on the
The Chariot of Isis
floor and we’re off! Hurrah for Wadsworth
and Courtland, Interplanetary Explorers,
TEN days later, the two adventurers were
It was the Professor’s turn to be aboard a steamer, en route from Liverpool to amazed. To him the discovery of the golden
New York. Their excitement at the prospect of
casket and the astonishing revelation of the
their insane adventure had increased, rather
hieroglyphics had meant nothing more than
than diminished, with the flight of time. They
that he, Professor Myron Wadsworth, had discussed it endlessly from every conceivable taken his place with the greatest viewpoint.
archaeologists of all time. That there was any
In London, Courtland had bought
material value in this mysterious powder, every available book of fiction dealing with anything that could conceivably affect his imaginary flights to other planets. On board he personal life, had never entered his mind.
read them aloud to the slightly contemptuous
And yet, why not? If this thing were
indeed so; if this powder really did what the
“It won’t do any harm to get other
The Face of Isis by Cyril G Page 4