The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5 Page 55

by Davies, Brenda K.

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Stefan stood on the porch, his arms crossed firmly over his chest as he rapidly scanned the horizon. They were coming, he could feel it, and they were close. He turned to the people gathered behind him. "They're strong," Liam said.

  "Yes," he replied. "Don't forget they can't get in the house unless invited. If anything goes wrong, that is where you go."

  Liam nodded briskly, but his eyes were troubled as they met Stefan's. "That goes for you too. Don't do anything stupid, Stefan. I won't lose my daughter because you do," he growled.

  "I won't," he assured him.

  "They're here," Brian muttered.

  Stefan turned as three men materialized in the middle of the yard. He could sense their power, but it wasn't as strong as he had thought it would be. He glanced sharply at Brian. "You couldn't have handled this?" he snarled.

  "There's more."

  Stefan turned back around. He shut out the presences of the men before him to search the night. He could sense them out there, waiting in the shadows. "Fools," he muttered.

  "How many more are there?" Mike asked.

  "Four," Brian answered.

  "Two in the woods, two more behind the house," Stefan supplied.

  "How do you want to do this?" Brian asked.

  Stefan was silent as he watched the three men on the lawn move forward. He didn't want the others getting off the porch. These vampires weren't as strong as he had thought they would be, but they were stronger than they were. If they got off the porch, they would be putting themselves in danger. Isabelle would hate him forever if something happened to anyone in her family.

  "Wait for them to get closer," Stefan instructed. "I don't want you guys leaving this porch unless you have to."

  "We can handle ourselves," Ethan said coldly.

  "You can, but we're going to need you at our backs, and if you split up you'll be shredded. Stay on the porch," Stefan commanded.

  The men in the field stopped twenty feet away and stood waiting. Stefan glanced back over at Brian. "After this—"

  "I'm gone," he assured him.

  "If you find me again Brian, I'll kill you myself."

  "So you've told me."

  "So I mean!" he retorted.

  Brian turned to look at him and nodded briskly. "I know."

  "Let's go."

  Stefan stepped off the porch and strolled out to the center of the field with Brian at his heels. The men were foolish enough to rush at them. The fight was swift, brutal, and vicious. Between the two of them, the trio never stood a chance. By the time Stefan dispatched the first one and turned toward the second, Brian was finished with the other. The two from the woods came rushing out as the last of the first three went down.

  "Idiots," Brian muttered as they spun to face the new threat. Stefan tore out the throat of one as Brian slammed a hole through the chest and ripped out the heart of the other.

  Stefan was breathless as he spun toward the porch. They were all still standing there, watching them in amazement. Stefan focused his attention on the two who had been behind the house, but they were gone.

  "What the hell?" he muttered.

  Brian took a step closer to him as he dropped the heart and stomped on it. He wiped the blood absently on his jeans as he quickly scanned the night. "I guess we scared them off," he said.

  Stefan frowned as he shook his head and looked at the five scattered behind them. "They should have attacked when we came out here."

  "Come on, Stefan; you have the two of us, plus seven vampires standing on the porch. They realized it would be suicide. Thanks for the help," Brian said with a grin.

  "You didn't need it," he retorted.

  "I would have if they all attacked at once, and you know it."

  "I still don't understand why they didn't. They were stronger than the others."

  "They couldn't defeat us."

  "No, but still..." Stefan's voice trailed off as he nudged one of the dead ones over. "Where did you run into these guys?"


  "Well, that was quick." Awe was evident in Ian's voice as they all approached.

  "Of course it was," Brian said.

  Stefan turned toward them, wiping the blood from his mouth and hands as they stopped a few feet away. "Where did the other two go?" David asked.

  "Ran for the hills like the cowards they were," Brian replied.

  Stefan was amazed at the amusement on all their faces, even Ethan's. "Well, guess we know not to piss you off," Jack said.

  "Hey!" Ian cried as he moved forward. "That's one of the guys from the club!" He pointed toward the brunette Stefan dispatched of first.

  Stefan turned back around, his frown deepening as he stared down at the unseeing man. He felt a moment of triumph as he realized he’d taken care of one of Isabelle's attackers, something he’d wanted to do since that night.

  "So is that one," Jack said as he pointed to the last man, another brunette.

  A growing feeling of unease began to settle in his stomach. He kicked the other men over, but none of them had light blond or bright red hair.

  "Way to go!" Ian cried as he slapped him on the back.

  "Was there a redhead and a blond with these men?" he asked Brian.

  Brian frowned thoughtfully and nodded. "Yeah, come to think of it, there was. The one I killed had brown hair though."

  Stefan searched the night for a hint of their presence. "The blond is the one who bit Isabelle," Jack said.

  The bottom of Stefan's stomach plummeted as he suddenly realized why they left. They may have come here on a mission to kill Brian, but once here, they’d scented something else, something better that had been denied them.

  "Brian, let’s go!" he barked.

  "What?" he asked in surprise.


  Stefan's terror increased by the second. They had a head start. He blurred into the night as he raced across the field.

  "I hate it when he does that," Jack mumbled. "We're going to have to put a bell on him."

  "Where is he going?" Mike demanded.

  "They attacked this girl, Isabelle?" Brian inquired.

  "Yeah," David replied.

  Brian's eyes narrowed. "That's where they're going."

  "What?" they all yelled.

  Brian didn't wait to answer them, he took off, following Stefan's scent as he blurred into the night.

  "Let's go!" Liam said in a lethal tone. "Now!"

  * * *

  Isabelle rolled over and punched her pillow again. It didn't matter what she did; she was never going to get comfortable, never going to go to sleep without Stefan beside her. She contemplated going over to the next room to see her mom, she was certain her mom wasn't asleep either, but if she woke up Willow and Cassidy, she would never hear the end of it. She sighed as she flipped onto her back to stare at the ceiling. It didn't help Vicky was snoring, and Abby had just finished mumbling something about cookies.

  She tried to reach out for Stefan again, but he was still shut out from her. She rolled back over and curled into a ball as she tried not to think about what that meant. He hated her now, she was sure of it. She didn't know why he hadn't told her about his past, why he deliberately lied to her, but she was certain there was a good reason.

  Her mother wouldn't trust him if there wasn't, and the others wouldn't trust him either. Ethan told him to leave, not the others. They didn't hate him. She didn't think Ethan hated him either, but he did the same thing she would have if their roles were reversed. They were too much alike, arrogant, judgmental, and quick to anger, but also highly protective of each other. She didn't blame Ethan, and she was certain once she got everything straightened out, Ethan would come around.

  She had to get everything straightened out first, and she hoped Stefan would give her a chance. That he would forgive her, and that he hadn't believed her when she said she hated him. She wished she could take those words back, but she couldn't, and he wouldn't let her into his mind to tell h
im she did love him. If something happened to him, she would never forgive herself. She wasn't sure she could forgive herself now. She’d been so cruel to him.

  She shut the thoughts out; they did her no good now. She would talk to him tomorrow. He would be all right. He would be okay. She would beg for his forgiveness if she had to. The idea of doing that didn't exactly sit well with her, but for the first time in her life, she was willing to put her pride aside. She hoped it wouldn't, but she would do it if she had to. She owed him that much, and more, much more.

  She flopped back over again.

  "Would you stop doing that," Abby muttered irritably.

  "You were the one talking about cookies just a minute ago," Isabelle whispered back.



  "I could go for some cookies," Vicky mumbled. They were one of the few human treats they’d tried and liked. "At least I'd have something good to eat while listening to Isabelle sigh and moan."

  "How could you hear me over your snoring?" Isabelle retorted.

  "I don't snore!"

  "You snore louder than a chainsaw!"

  "Yeah, you do," Abby agreed.

  "Whatever," Vicky mumbled.

  Isabelle rolled over to look at them. Abby propped her head up on her hand and was staring at her from over Vicky's back. Vicky scowled at her from half-lowered lids. Isabelle managed a tremulous smile as she lifted herself onto her elbow.

  "I didn't mean to wake you," she apologized.

  "This bed sucks anyway," Vicky mumbled.


  Stefan's voice slammed into her mind so forcefully she almost fell out of bed from the shock of it. 'Stefan?'

  'They're coming, Isabelle, get to safety now!'


  'It's the men from the club, they'll find you! Go now!'

  Isabelle jumped up and threw the blankets aside as his panic fueled her own to near epic levels. Her eyes instantly fell on Vicky and Abby. "Get up!" she yelled.

  "What?" they demanded as they bolted up in bed.

  "Get up! Now! Hurry!"


  "They're coming here. The men from the club, they're coming here!"

  "Oh no!" They bounded out of bed simultaneously.

  "Get in the bathroom," she commanded.



  She grabbed Abby's arm and propelled her toward the bathroom. "Vicky, move," she urged frantically.

  Vicky rushed over to the bathroom and flicked on the harsh, fluorescent light. It flashed for a few seconds before blazing to life. Isabelle blinked against the flare as she shoved Abby into the ugly little green room.

  "Stay in here!" she commanded.

  "Isabelle, wait! What about you?" Abby cried.

  Isabelle ignored her as she raced across the room to grab the tiny wooden chair in the corner. She ran back to the bathroom and thrust the chair inside.

  "Use this to block the door, and don't you dare come out, no matter what!" she ordered.


  "Do it!" she commanded and slammed the door shut.

  She waited until she heard the chair being placed against the door before she ran over to the other door. Her hands shook as she fumbled to get the chain into place. 'My mother!' she screamed to Stefan.

  'It's you they want, Isabelle! You they're tracking. Your mother has been warned.'

  Isabelle bit back a sob as she turned back around. Vicky and Abby were stuck in here with her. 'I have to get out of this room!'


  'Vicky and Abby are in here!'

  'Don't you dare leave that room!'

  Isabelle glanced wildly around. They could come in here. People stayed in this room, but they didn't live here. It was no one's home. She left the room and took them away from her sisters, or she stayed and led them right to them. It wasn't a difficult decision to make. She spun back around; her hand trembled as she reached to slip the chain free of its lock. Her hand froze midway there.


  'Stay in that room!' he commanded.

  'Stefan, they're here.'

  His roar was so loud she swore it echoed through the room. It took her a moment to realize it wasn't his bellow filling the room, but the shattering of the large plate glass window beside her. Isabelle screamed as a darkness that had nothing to do with the night, rushed in to meet her. She recognized the putrid smell instantly as it swamped her mind.

  She ripped the chain free and unlocked the deadbolt as hands grasped at her. Isabelle spun as she lashed out with her claws. She sliced his face open, and blood sprayed his blond hair. She lashed out again, concern for her sisters serving to make her more savage as she caught him in his chest. She would do everything in her power to make sure this monstrosity didn't get anywhere near them.

  The door burst open behind her; it slammed into her back and knocked her to the floor. She cried out as her shoulder slammed into the wall and pain pierced down her side. Splintered wood and broken plaster rained down around her as the ruined door crashed to the floor. She scrambled back up as the other one came at her.

  "Kill her!" the blond spat.

  The redhead came toward her eagerly as his eyes gleamed with bloodlust. Isabelle jumped to her feet as the blond turned toward the bathroom door.

  "No!" she screamed.

  She launched herself at the redhead at the same time her mother raced through the door and flung herself at his back. He hissed as he stumbled backward, and her mother's claws tore down his back. Isabelle lunged at him and split his chest open with her nails. The blond, distracted by her mother's presence, came back toward them as Willow and Cassidy flew into the room.

  "Get out of here!" Isabelle screamed at them.

  They skidded to a halt as the blond turned toward them. Fear tore through her as they turned to run back out of the room. He disappeared before her eyes, coming to a halt in front of them to block their exit. "Veal," he purred.

  "Mom!" Willow screamed.

  The door to the bathroom burst open as Abby and Vicky raced out. Isabelle felt as if her heart stopped beating for a full minute. She was so focused on everyone else she’d completely forgotten about the man before her.

  He flung her mother off, knocking her to the floor before he grabbed Isabelle's arm. She swung out instantly, but he grabbed her other arm and twisted it to the side as he forced her to her knees. She bit back a whimper of pain and lifted her chin defiantly to glare back at him.

  "I've been dying to see you on your knees," he said with a cruel smile.

  "Fuck you!" she spat.

  "Isabelle!" Vicky screamed.

  Isabelle swung up, ignoring the tortuous agony in her arm, as she caught him across his stomach. Blood spurted over both of them as he twisted her arm all the way over and knocked her to the floor. She almost screamed but managed to stop herself in time as he knelt over her and pinned her shoulder against the wall.

  He was so strong, so much stronger than she was. There was no way she could fight him. Thoughts of her family rushed over her as the sounds of a battle filled the room, but there was nothing she could do to help them. She was completely trapped, and he was going to kill her.

  The roar filling the room was so loud, it drowned out every other sound instantly.

  Relief flowed through her. The redhead released her arm and spun away from her, but it was already too late. Stefan seized him, ripped his head back, snapped his neck and ripped out his heart. Isabelle stared in amazement as the man fell lifelessly to the ground. She couldn't believe how quickly Stefan managed to kill him. The man was much stronger than her, much stronger than anyone she’d ever known. Except for Stefan, she realized.

  Isabelle struggled back to her knees. She cradled her damaged arm as she lifted her head to meet his red-filled, furious gaze. The ferocious snarl on his face vanished instantly, and his eyes turned back to black as he knelt before her.

  "Where's the other one?" she panted out.
br />   "Dead. Are you okay?" he demanded.


  He brushed the hair back from her face, his eyes intent as he studied her worriedly. She flung herself forward and wrapped her good arm around his neck. Tears of relief and joy flowed down her face. "I'm sorry!" she sobbed. "I'm so sorry."

  "Shh," he whispered as he enveloped her in his strong embrace. "Don't cry, Issy. It's okay."

  "No, it's not."

  He held her in his arms as he savored her sweet scent and comforting warmth. She lifted her head from his shoulder; her eyes were vivid with tears as she glanced behind him. "Is everyone okay?" she asked.

  "We're all fine," her mom said as Brian burst through the door.

  "They're dead already?" he asked, sounding highly disappointed.

  "Yes," Stefan replied. He stood slowly, pulling Isabelle up with him. Brian's eyes landed on her, and a smile curved his mouth. Stefan drew her closer against his side. "Don't you have somewhere else to be?"

  Brian shrugged as he turned to survey the destruction of the room. Isabelle pulled away from Stefan; she scowled at Brian as she ran over to hug her family. Stefan’s tension and bloodlust still simmered just beneath the surface as he watched her. She had been placed in too much danger for his liking, way too much. He couldn't seem to shake the beast in him as his emotions swung out of control. He shot Brian a glaring look when he strode past him and grabbed Isabelle as she turned away from hugging Vicky and Abby.

  He tucked her back against his side, ignoring the confused glance she shot him as he allowed himself to be comforted by her presence. He closed his eyes as he let her heat envelop him and soothe the raging tension within him.

  "Sera!" Liam burst into the room; his eyes were frenzied as he raced past Stefan to his family. The others came cautiously forward as they picked through the rubble and bodies littering the room.

  "I'll take care of this," Brian volunteered. "You guys should get out of here. I'm sure someone's called the police by now."

  Stefan nodded briskly. "I'll get Kyle and Julian," Doug said.

  "They're in the room next to mine!" Sera called out.

  "Freaking kids sleep like the dead," Mike muttered as he turned to follow Doug.

  "You sure you can handle this?" Stefan asked Brian.


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