The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5

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The Vampire Awakenings Bundle: Books 1-5 Page 67

by Davies, Brenda K.

  As the song ended, Emma turned back toward where the motorcycle was parked. She didn't want this day to end, but she was looking forward to getting back on it with him again. He appeared in the doorway of the store and held his right hand out to her as he shifted the bag into his left hand. She took it and followed him the few steps down the street to the motorcycle.

  He put the chess set into the saddlebag and helped her with the helmet again before settling onto the seat. Feeling a little more confident this time, she climbed on behind him and slid her arms around his waist. Heat encompassed her as she pressed her breasts against his back. She flattened her hands on his stomach and felt the ridges of his muscles beneath her hands as he started the bike and pulled away from the curb.

  She rested her cheek on his back as she watched the water and scenery go by on the narrow, winding roads. She savored the power beneath her legs and the strength of the man in front of her. Leaning back in the seat, she could no longer resist the urge to throw her arms out to the side as they drove through a less crowded stretch of road.

  She laughed as the wind blew over her face, tickled her skin and plastered her clothes to her. It felt as if she were flying, as if she were free of herself and could do anything she wanted in this world. Her head tilted back as a gleeful shout escaped her. The last of the lingering tension and fear she'd been feeling over Tristan vanished like dandelion fluff in a storm. She was moving on, she was living life in a way she never had before, and it was the greatest thing she'd ever experienced.

  She was still laughing as she lowered her arms and wrapped them around him again. "Feel better?" he asked as he briefly turned his head to look at her.

  "I feel wonderful!" she cried. She hugged him tighter as they entered an area of the island she recognized as being close to where she was staying.

  He turned down a couple of side streets before stopping in front of her house. Emma held onto him for a second before reluctantly releasing him. Sliding off the bike, she reached up to pull the helmet off, but he was already taking hold of the strap.

  "I had fun today," she told him.

  He smiled at her as he removed the helmet and placed it on the seat. "Good. That means you'll go to dinner with me tonight."

  "I don't know; you might get sick of me," she teased as she bumped his hip.

  "Never." It was the way he said the word with such conviction, more than the actual word itself, that caught her attention and caused her to flush with pleasure. "But I would like to change my clothes first."

  "So would I."

  He wrapped his arms around her waist as he bent to kiss her and lifted her as he straightened back to his full height. She loved the way he made her feel so small, yet so protected. He bent her back and kissed her deeply before setting her on her feet again.

  Still more than a little dazed from his kiss when he released her, she took an unsteady step back. "I'll see you in a couple of hours?" he asked.


  Turning on her heel, she shot a smile over her shoulder at him when he lightly slapped her behind. She practically skipped up the steps to the house when she heard the bike fire up and pull away from the curb. Opening the door, she stepped inside to find Mandy reading in the living room and Jill on the computer. They both focused on her as she shut the door.

  "Did you have fun?" Jill inquired.

  "A blast," she admitted as she hurried down the stairs.

  Jill grinned at her as she closed her laptop. "Well, you definitely did something right last night."

  Emma froze as she frowned questioningly at her friend. "What are you talking about?"

  Jill pointed into the kitchen. Emma leaned around the doorway to see what Jill was talking about. Her mouth dropped open when she spotted the massive bouquet of colorful flowers sitting on the table.

  "Those are for me?" she blurted as she approached the flowers.

  She recognized half a dozen birds of paradise in the bouquet, but that was where her identification skills ended. There had to be at least three dozen flowers in the blue vase.

  "Our names weren't the ones on the card," Mandy said as she approached.

  Emma pulled the card from the plastic holder at the edge of the vase. All it had was her name typed on it. "I can't believe he did this," she muttered.

  "You deserve flowers, and that boy knows it," Mandy said.

  "Or maybe he couldn't believe you did something," Jill teased.

  Emma rolled her eyes at her friend and shook her head. She smiled though as she leaned forward to inhale the heady scent of the flowers. Yes, she could lose her heart to him, she decided.

  * * *

  "Ethan." He had known Stefan was in the doorway before he spoke. "Can we talk?"

  Ethan glanced at him as he tugged a clean shirt over his head. His hair was still damp from his shower, but it would dry soon enough. "Come in." Stefan glanced behind him before stepping into the room and closing the door. "Where's Isabelle?"

  "Outside, on the phone with your mom."

  "She'll be busy for a while."

  "She will." Stefan agreed as he walked over and sat in the chair in the corner. "So are you ready to tell me what's going on?"

  "I thought we'd already had this discussion."

  "I'm not talking about Emma being your possible mate. I'm talking about you. Isabelle always assumed you were like her and trying to avoid finding your mate, but that's not the case, is it?"

  Ethan studied Stefan as he leaned against the bureau. If anyone would have any understanding of what he was going through, what was inside him, it was Stefan.

  "No, it's not," he admitted. Stefan's steady gaze was focused on him as he steepled his fingers before his face and waited for Ethan to continue. "It's the blood."

  Stefan dropped his hands down. "The blood?"

  "The humans. Even when I was in high school, I knew I was different from my siblings, my parents, and The Stooges. They could be around humans with far more ease than me, and even enjoyed them more than I did. There was always this hunger for them inside of me, this yearning to taste them, even before I reached maturity."

  "And when you reached maturity?" Stefan prompted.

  "And then, unlike the rest of my family, it became almost unbearable for me to be around humans without wanting to kill every single one of them."

  The subtle rise in Stefan's eyebrows was the only reaction to his blunt statement. "Have you talked to your brothers about this? They may not have hit maturity yet, but they might be experiencing the same thing as you without you knowing it."

  "No, they're not like me; you know that as well as I do. You've been out with Aiden and Ian; they're more than happy to be in the clubs with humans or at college living among them. They can feed directly from a person; I've never trusted myself to do it. Maybe some of my younger siblings might feel this way, but I've watched them, and I don't think they do."

  "You've never fed directly from a human before?" Stefan inquired.

  Ethan took a deep breath as he braced himself to reveal something he'd never revealed to anyone before. "Until recently, I'd never done anything with a human before. Blood bags and vampire women were my only experience. Since high school, I've had only minimal contact with people. I've gone to great lengths to keep it hidden from everyone."

  "You've done well at it; I never suspected anything like that." Stefan stared at him before he rose to his feet and walked over to the balcony doors. "I've always believed some of us are just more twisted when we're changed," he said thoughtfully. "I most certainly was, and so was Brian. Your father and The Stooges weren't. It would only make sense that certain purebred vampires would also have that malevolence within them when they're born. I don't think it makes us evil, but I do believe it makes us more susceptible to becoming murderers who thrive on taking a life. You've dealt with this your whole life, and you haven't given in to it; just because it's in there doesn't mean it rules you."

  "The thirst, sometimes..." Ethan broke off as he shook h
is head. "Sometimes I don't know how I haven't killed every human in a room before." There were times when the image of it was so vivid in his mind that even after he shook it off, and looked around to find everyone still alive, it still took him a few minutes to convince himself blood didn’t cover him and all their throats were intact.

  "I know how you feel."

  Ethan lifted his head to look at Stefan. Yes, for once someone understood how he felt. Stefan had focused his anger and need to kill on other vampires to gain strength, but he'd already changed his ways by the time he met Isabelle.

  "And it's not the same with Emma?" Stefan asked.

  "Not at all. She even makes it easier for me to be around other humans. It's as if they fade into the background when she's there."

  Stefan stepped away from the doors. "You realize that fact only adds to Isabelle’s concerns, don't you?"

  "I do."

  "It seems strange you're not trying to bolt like your sister did," Stefan said with a snort.

  "Emma might."

  Sadness flickered over Stefan's face before he rapidly covered it. "Yes, humans can be difficult. When do you plan to tell her about this?"

  Ethan didn't know the answer. He was terrified of what might happen when he did tell Emma, but he was beginning to realize it would be inevitable. If she was his mate, then things were only going to get worse before they got better. For the first time, he felt true panic as he realized there was a good possibility he could lose her. She wasn't a vampire; she wouldn't experience the impossible to break mate connection as a human. The laws of his kind didn’t bind her, and he didn't know if he ever wanted her to be.

  He should back off now, walk away before the bond intensified and he couldn’t part from her with his sanity still intact. He was already in over his head, and he was going to take her down with him if things between them continued to grow.

  "Fuck!" he hissed as he turned away from Stefan.


  Ethan lifted his hand to stop Stefan's words as he paced over to the door and back again. "I'm looking to condemn her to a life of blood and death, to this hunger."

  "She'll control the hunger better with you around, just as you do when she's around," Stefan said. "Just as Isabelle and your mother, and your father and I do. It's more likely she won't experience what it is you battle every day because of you."

  "What if I pass it on to her?"

  "It doesn't work that way, Ethan."

  "Then how does it work?" he demanded.

  "I don't know. But if it worked that way your father and The Stooges would have inherited Beth's more homicidal tendencies, but they didn't."

  "There's still a chance she could."

  "I don't think so, there's no darkness in her, not that I can tell anyway. I really believe it must be inherent in all of us to begin with."

  Ethan thought over those words before he turned toward him. "This darkness, this thirst, why us?"

  "I don't know," Stefan admitted. "I was colder as a human, but I blamed it on the events of my childhood. Looking back, I think it was more than that. There was always a darkness in me, and my change amplified it. But asking that question is like asking why some people are killers and others aren't. Is it birth, circumstances, are they driven to it? You're asking questions there are no answers to; don't get caught up so much in searching for the answers, it will only eat you alive."

  "Then what do I search for?" he asked.

  "What you want for yourself and for her. What this is between you. If you believe she’s your mate, it will make you stronger, or it will destroy you."

  Ethan stared at Stefan for a minute before resuming pacing. "I guess being almost three hundred years old makes you able to give such sage advice."

  "And tangling with your sister. She was a bit difficult in the beginning if you do recall."

  Ethan released a short bark of laughter and turned away from Stefan. "That's putting it mildly, but then I wasn't exactly easy on you either."

  "No, you weren't," Stefan agreed. "There is another thing you must remember in all this." Ethan shot a questioning look over his shoulder. "You, Isabelle, and your siblings all exhibit abilities none of the created vampires have. Such as smelling out vampires who kill humans. You and Isabelle are both stronger than any vampire your ages should be. What you feel may be intensified because you are stronger. You were born into this, and there are probably things all of you can do that none of us know about—things which may affect each of you differently. Emma may be the one to give you the relief from the demons you fight before your bloodlust drives you to kill."

  Ethan started to see Stefan in a new light. He was no longer the egotistical older vampire chasing after his sister. Stefan was his friend, someone he could turn to in a way he couldn't turn to any of his siblings, not even Isabelle.

  A knock sounded on the door before Isabelle opened it. She poked her head inside. "I could have been naked," he told her.

  She frowned at him. "It's good to know you would get naked in front of my mate."

  Ethan scowled at her and shot Stefan a look. "You're a lucky man," he said sarcastically.

  "I've never heard that before," Stefan said and gave Isabelle a loving smile in an attempt to placate her.

  "We can change things," she replied haughtily.

  The smile slid from Stefan's face. "Never."

  "I didn't think so," Isabelle said with a grin. "What are you two talking about?"

  "Big Macs versus Whoppers, I'm personally a Whopper guy," Ethan told her.

  "You're hilarious," Isabelle retorted.

  "How is mom?" he asked to distract her from her line of questioning.

  "She's good, missing us, and I did notice the change of topic."

  Ethan grinned at her as he strode forward and rubbed the top of her head. "You always were a quick one," he told her as he slipped past her and out the door.

  "Why don't we all go out to dinner together tonight?" She grabbed his arm to stop him before he could escape. "I'd like to get to know Emma better."

  "You might scare her off."

  She scowled at him. "I am not frightening."

  "You've obviously never met you." Uneasiness flickered over her features. He realized teasing her wasn't helping her growing apprehension about his relationship with Emma. "Why don't we meet for a drink at the bar later?" he suggested.

  She looked as if she would protest, but Stefan stepped forward and rested his hands on her shoulders. "Good idea."

  Ethan would like to stay and reassure her more, but he had to get out of here and back to Emma. Even the constant battle he waged to keep himself in check wasn't as consuming as his driving need to make sure she was safe. He squeezed Isabelle's hand, turned away from her, and hurried out the door.

  Chapter Twelve

  Emma glanced around the crowd gathered inside; Ethan held her hand as he led her through the people toward where Isabelle and Stefan sat at the bar. It took everything she had not to fidget when they both turned and leveled her with curious stares.

  "Hi," Isabelle greeted with a smile, but her eyes were assessing.

  Emma fought the urge to glance at Ethan for reassurance, but she'd never hid behind someone before, and she wasn't about to start now.

  "Hi," she said and forced a smile.

  "Sit down," Isabelle said and patted the seat next to her. Emma slid onto the stool next to Ethan's sister. "Ethan told me you just graduated from college, what are you going to do now?"

  "I'm not sure," Emma answered and leaned over to place her drink order with the bartender.

  "What do you want to do?" Isabelle inquired.

  Emma felt like a witness on the stand as she leaned back in her chair and met the amazingly pure violet eyes of Ethan's sister. "Still haven't figured that out yet."

  Isabelle laughed as she picked up her drink and took a sip. "Did you like college?"

  "I had a lot of fun there." She was incredibly grateful when her drink finally arrived, and she
had something to do with her hands and eyes. She lifted it and took a sip.

  "Where do you plan to live now that you're done with school?" Isabelle asked before Emma had a chance to swallow.

  "Isabelle, enough," Ethan said as he rested his hands on Emma's shoulders. Isabelle's eyes flickered between the two of them; a muscle twitched in her cheek as her jaw clenched. "It's not the Spanish Inquisition."

  "Sorry," Isabelle said to Emma.

  "It’s okay," Emma assured her.

  "It's just that Ethan doesn't bring many girls around; in fact, I've never met a girlfriend of his. We were beginning to wonder if he liked girls."

  "Isabelle!" Ethan hissed as Stefan choked on his drink and laughed loudly. Emma didn't know if she was mortified or if she wanted to laugh. She settled for chuckling with Stefan as Isabelle smiled innocently at Ethan and he glared at her in return.

  "Ignore my sister; we don't let her out in public very often," Ethan grumbled.

  "More often than you," Isabelle replied cheerfully.

  Emma started to relax as the banter between the siblings eased the mounting stress. Isabelle focused on her again, but her inquisition seemed to be over as she turned the conversation toward music and television shows. A pleasant hour slid by, and Emma was beginning to realize she enjoyed Isabelle's company when she wasn't trying to pry into her life.

  Ethan leaned over her and ordered two more drinks for them. He stiffened suddenly as his head turned toward the front door. Emma frowned as Isabelle and Stefan also became rigid and turned in their stools. She tried to see what had caught their attention, but she could barely see anything beyond Ethan's chest.

  "What's the matter?" Emma inquired.

  Ethan shook his head and moved even closer to her, overwhelming her with his heat and delicious scent. She didn't know what was going on, but she was unable to stop herself from wrapping her hand around his powerful forearm. He glanced down at her and forced a smile, but it didn't reach his eyes.

  "Everything ok?" she asked.

  "It's fine," he said and bent to drop a kiss on her forehead. Emma found herself instinctively reacting by pressing against him. She heard his harsh intake of breath seconds before his mouth drifted down to brush against hers. Her toes curled, and her fingers dug into his arm as his lips seared hers and he nibbled her bottom lip. Disappointment filled her when he pulled away, but his hand remained on her shoulder, and his body stayed against hers.


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