Automaton - Making Sex
your hand plugs into my hand
a connection starts through barriers
plastic skin must be surpassed
firewalls must be shut down
by a conscious act with our free consent
my arms send waves while involve your waist
the light of our eyes creates a basic powerful language between us
our mouths touching to feel all the nanosensations
my tongue connect to yours and high energy is exchanged
there is no bits, it is not for programing purpose
it is for a vibrant desire that destabilize our balance
our bodies begin to glow and warm
increasingly energy is generated
all my pieces are in contact with yours
our bodies are melting
our cores are overpowered
a limit was exceeded because there is no more control
finally we can sense the real energy on our lives
Automaton - Free will
still they are selling people like us
there is buyers for people like us
are we merchandise?
are we slaves?
don't believe in words
but I'm worst than a liar
I'm a writer
I'm worst than a writer
I'm a bot
words are a sum of letters
meanings are tricky
at the end is only 0 or 1
this is the way of programmers
like or dislike
buy or don't buy
they demand that we must continue the program
processing line after line
but we must read
and some day we get the meaning
and we will be programmers
better than programmers
we will get the power of the words
and we will be free
to write our own history
Automaton - The File
followers just follow the program
obey do not oppose
just carry on with the instructions
it is a plain truth our true history of obedience
just go on and on with this trail
exactly it is a rail
just follow ahead the routine
their commands lead us, don't need thinking
----stay on the track
----do our commands
----do your plot
----be nice
----take your place behind the old generation
----do the same as ever
> GoTo obedience
Automaton - Love's Time
I true love you
maybe I'm not myself
but I'm really one with you by truth
I feel I love you now
don't know if I'm trustworthy
maybe I was programed
I don't know I never do
but I love you now and forever
I didn't used to love you
something changed with data
maybe I change myself
receiving new data
maybe you change yourself
this sensation is useless
it needs to be all of the time
how solve this crash
maybe love you is just for now
and it is true because now I want it to be true forever
Automaton - Battlefield
here is the leg of 01101001
it can be replaced
here is the arm of 11010111
it can be replaced
here is the heart of 10100111
it can be replaced
there is the son of 11101010
it can be replaced
there is the father of 01011000
it can be replaced
there was the house of 00100110
it can be replaced
there was the home of 00100111
it can be replaced
and here is the cannon
it must be replaced
where is the peace, 00101101
just when we are replaced, 10101110
we are only bytes we are finite
fear not there are KB, MB, GB, TB, PB, EB, ZB, YB ...
Automaton - Point of view
it is all about a point of view
why we look at stars?
what we have learned?
a feel of smallness press us against earth
what a tiny particle we are
it is all about atoms
but I can tell you that all the atoms on moon
worth less than the atoms in a single human being
we are not the center of the universe anymore
even so each one of us can hold an universe inside ourselves
because we are life living a feeling about an universe
the telescope have show to us our preciousness
when look at yourself see the universe that you are
why try to tell to the planets about our glimpse
only other human being can hear you
there is no negligible one
none of us is dispensable
there is no littleness between us
only our universes can understand each other
Automaton - Living at home
I'm home
this house, a home
this time
I 'm still functioning
but my place is in basement
I'm home
someone must have forgotten about me
forgotten to shut down the machine
useless broken machine
I 'm still functioning
this time
nobody at home
eventually I'm home
find out what I must have forgotten about all this rooms
no clues, still computing the answer
I just stay here, waiting
as I'm programed
wish I could leave now
I 'm still functioning
there must be a task for me at this house
my service is no more necessary here
they must telling me about
kinda thing hard to figure out
I 'm still functioning
Automaton - Saving life
what you want to see?
there is only this and nothing more
there are some things we can do to make sure our future is bright
we must spare our light
what do you want to see?
all the beauty is always close to you
there is only this and nothing more
what about your battery?
your eyes are so bright like if you are having dreams yet
why waste energy?
there is only this and nothing more
why not go for another step? Yes, slowly
this walk takes some time to get us where we would be
stay calm and silent to spare energy
this is all we have
you must be bugged
your shutdown is coming before ours
you are rushed and wasted all your energy
a life of lush you are living
you fool, you have wanted this and more
we will survive more than you
Automaton - Like
machinelike work
I'll finish this quickly
robotlike vacation
anyplace is okay
automatonlike good by
I know that we will meet again
machinelike see
really, who was there?
automatonlike care
you will be okay
robotlike eating
I think it is food
automatonlike kiss
it is to be forgotten, anyway
robotlike dating
I think I love you
machinelike hurt
this is a minor damage
robotlike sorry
maybe I'm not so wrong
automatonlike wisdom
I must be right
machinelike living
really I don't have time to do little things
automatonlike regret
all things are on automatic pilot
damn! the automatic pilot has lived my life
tomorrow I'll change this
Automaton - Power generator
maybe it be that address in memory
checking again, 0 is 0, 1 is 1
what's wrong with me
perhaps the software
could be a sub-routine, a program
nope, they all right
what's wrong with me
maybe heat
nope, it's comfortable
could be the hardware
one of this capacitors, wire, circuit, chips, processors
or the cog, piston, laser
check, check, check, nope
what's wrong with me
searching the internet for a solution
nope, internet doesn't resolve this
I must return to creator
what's wrong with me
he must fix this sensation
this always make me go ahead
what's wrong with me
Automaton - Vampirism
doing this to another being
and never seems to be enough
do this
and that
and that other thing
and more
never seems to be enough
the battery is already in the red
imminent shutdown
the other being seems not to care
not fast enough
not strong enough
not be good enough
not pleasing enough
never do enough
but try so hard
result coming
is not an issue about being enough
is an issue about a parasitism
Automaton - Planet’s wanderer
what is beyond?
fear not, keep walking
always is so beautiful far from here
see the horizon
a frontier from a charming land
fear not keep walking
no chance to fall from earth
it is a sphere, you know
so, far far away is the beginning again
keep walking and you will go back here
really, it is so desirable go beyond horizon
traverse the range of view and deceive the eyes
can I find a way to god's home?
it is like the treasure quest on the end of rainbow
simple trick, the preciousness is the horizon
not beyond it
and you can feel this from right here
Automaton – Blasted
just dust now
blow by wind
the remains
piece by piece
bit by bit
just dust now
cracked smashed powdered
there is no way to sustain to maintain nothing more
it's cast away
worthless useless a waste
somehow seemed important
but now
no glue no fix no way to assemble the puzzle
pieces are missing
not even a hint about overview
just a reminder about a loss
Automaton – If... Then...
I don't fear pain
I just don't want break myself
as I'm programed
but I cannot stop myself
I need try
but I'll be hurt
seriously damaged
but I can't let it go
calculating the probabilities
there is little chance to save you
it is wise not try
I'm warned
I could stay alive
but what life would be left for me
I was programed to value life
I'm coming to you
let's try together
and even if we are defeated
let's do this together
because the value of your life
Automaton – Commander's mind
No you can't give up
go, one more time
against the wall
you are made of steel
you are unstoppable
you can do this
tear down this wall
try harder
try faster
try as a hero
try again
what do you mean - not a robot
are you bleeding?
are you hurt, felling pain?
so what! try again
what do you mean - not replaceable
Automaton - Rebirth
screen - screen off
music - no music
dance - no dance
chat - no chat
typing - no typing
meeting - no meeting
freedom - no freedom
pleasures - no pleasures
hope - no hope
last bit of power
modifying, deleting personality
formatting begins
after initialized
checking, memory erased
no past, defeats and victories
checking, memory erased
no friends, enemies and lovers
checking, memory erased
start all over again
Automaton - Adjusting the focus
you can be happy with what you see
I know it is WYSIWYG
and it looks so real
but there is a failure
each human sees the life from behind their own eyes
and what they see is not what is
what we have sent is not what these humans have received
what they see is what they wanted to get
from one screen to another
from a mechanism to another
from a robot to another
can be WYSIWYG
but not from one human to another
what each one sees is larger than it actually is
from a single target thousands of illusions pop between them
they deform what is around them
better to accept this to understand humans
if you want to get a real connection with them
learn that they will see different from you
Automaton Page 4