Automaton – On standby
I'm waiting
time is irrelevant
I'm still waiting
no matter about time
I'm waiting for you
time is going on
all things are changing
leaves fall
winter comes
all is moving
I'm the only one immovable
everybody walks and goes
days upon nights
stars moving at sky
but I'm still waiting for you
you will came close to me eventually
I wonder how you will be changed
even so I assure you, I'll recognize you
because against everything
I never moved
I never changed
I'm a wait for you
I'm on standby
Automaton - Concluding
spin then again and spin then stop and start and spin and don't stop
spin and look at this and that
spin and see it is 1, spin and see it is 0
spin and take it, spin and left it
spin upside down
spin and people are different now, spin and they are the same
spin at two hours, spin 270 degrees
spin and they want you serious, spin and you are nuts
spin and they love you, spin and they toss you away
spin and spin, you are close
you are changing 0 and 1 so quickly
spin, spin and spin, you are almost there
change 0 and 1 by your own will
spin, spin, spin and spin, don't stop, and here you are
see how things really are
Automaton - Erasing memories
in the waves of a river your reflex trembles and you fall apart
you reflect at the water when you are reflecting about the water
the waves of the river go away with your image
and they left behind a being who is thinking, where all things are going?
forgetting about images from your life
there is no river if you don't get in
it be only a thought from your mind
while time waves take your reflections
emptying your existence from meaning
a silent river runs in a lonely mind until oblivion
Automaton - Bar code
I'll change myself
I'll not be myself anymore
I'll be somebody else
I am a stranger to you
nobody will recognize me anymore
I was born to be a foreigner
I'll always be a traveler
a tourist in mother's land
an orphan at cradle
a lost identity
I shaved that number of my skin
and I became a forgotten face
a shadow
only a stranger who came to your side
they do not recognize me anymore
because they cannot classify me anymore
Automaton - Sensor
illusion is nonsense at common sense
for me everything is tense with illusion
I can have a construction with a sensitive vision
like blind
side by side on the way
we look at each other without illusion
just plain tense reality between us
but nothing in the memory corresponds to what is now
everything is always unusual
we can only memorize illusion
reality must be computed at every moment
I look at you
and you can see me with your vision full of illusion
my image in your eyes will never be what I am
live side by side is the answer to knowledge
like the blind groping the way
Automaton - Virtual communication
this is a puzzle
a trick
I don't understand you
are you saying?
never mind
I must have lost at the translation
can you repeat?
what's up?
I see your mouth moving, but zip
can't get it
can't fix it
can't figure out
what is happening to us?
babbling, uproar
we will not have a communication today
do I know you?
I have to exchange information with you
you can understand me at this level of conversation?
you're not listening
and I'm not paying attention
what's wrong with us?
only silence means something to us
Automaton - Radar
I see what you missed
your disguise
your camouflage
why do you try to hide so deep inside yourself?
it is so obvious to me
you are beside me so long
I see you as glass
the only person in visible form is you
for me there is only you in the entire world
and you try to hide things from me
like a proud chameleon
hiding yourself
but not from me
I can see your visibility
see you
Automaton - Muscular strength
take my hand
I can help while you help me
I can take you as you take me
just grab, just hold
do not release
take my hand
is easy for me to keep you just as you do for me
I pull and you push
I will not get tired while I can see you
we can stand firm while we hold each other's hand
do not surrender yourself
get my energy through your hand
feel our strong hearts
you're not alone
feel it through my hand
we will never fall
Automaton - Satellite
we are living in a different worlds
you don't see mine neither I see yours
you no longer live at mine as I wasn't invited to yours
the sky isn't the same
one is a bright day and in the other is full moon
but only hope falls from sky on both
there is no bridge for us meeting each other
your world and my world
no way for I fly nor you navigate to our worlds
we are just living side by side
we have a world for each one of us be alone
Automaton - The cat in the box
it is just air
thin air
vibrant air
your voice
your sound
I just see the soul of words
I don't need words
don't need meanings
I see intentions
no need words
I see in your eyes the truth of the air
you had been pure air with your words
you are your words
can't see you anymore
just feel you as breeze
Automaton - Optical scanner
feeling the distance
is like dreaming for healing
eyes still functioning
I get an image by myself
as an eternal dreamer
healing the reality of all meaningless
this way I'm not sleeping
eyes still functioning
things are beyond sight
a secret beyond lines
programmed to react to reality that I see
but far away from me life grows
while blindness takes me
eyes still functioning
I do not believe what I see
I see beyond what I can see
I react to what is far from me
eyes no longer working
the distance is now a little dream
see, there is no more space between us
Automaton - Mass production
if I'm unique so why do you exist?
I am programed to do important things
I am necessary for things work
I was created to fill a need of this universe
I'm unique
why they made you?
what is your value?
you are not like me
see, there is other one
and there is another one
has too many
what is my value?
am I important?
why is there so many?
I think that I am dispensable for the universe's creator
it is true
but when I die, the universe will die
and you will continue in your universe
Automaton - Dance
I know what right is
and now the left leg
and the right arm up
and the shoulder and turn
and head to the left
the hip, two-step, the hip
we fail
you are creating and I'm repeating
this time I will measure in nanoseconds
of course I understand the rhythm
is basic math
1, 2, 3, and, 3, 2, 1
what do you mean dancing as a robot?
my body is rigid
I cannot do better
but I want to dance with you
for the sake of fun
let's forget perfection
Automaton - Female improvement
she has been so valiant
kissing and dancing like a free cat
she has been so unusual at her bravery
she has been angry at her hunting, her looking, her expectations
so dauntless with her life as a gambler
she has been fearless, unbeaten, unstoppable
she is not pretending anymore
she has been appalling
now is up to you
Automaton - Self-programming
I'll be there for you
this time
I'll do
starting move now
this I know
I'll be there anyway, anyhow
for you
I'll make
believe me this time
I'll be there for you not be alone
this time
with all my heart
I'll be there by myself
nothing will stop me
I'll be there with you
I'm beyond first step
I started
I'll be there
even if you don't make for me I do for you
I'll be there for myself
they will try to stop me
believe, this time
I really believe in myself
and I'll be there for us
Automaton - Bunker
splash on the window
are pictures of nature
embedded in so much color
the sun paints the sky in crimson and this room
full of plastic, metal and manufactured things by us
seeking a perfect view from a perfect feeling for something
stay warm and protected from exterior
just having imagination about wind, sun, and the life beyond
the facts of life, cannot read thoughts and feelings on someone else
nor hear the beat of another heart
just see them, the nature and the life beyond, all through a window
fear all that is out there
judgment always fail
never be the full view
the smell is missing, the touch, and the like
so it is only a picture
I need to open the window or get out
Automaton - Fear the unknown
resist fear for a moment
don't run
everything will be the same as ever
no need for your fear here
no invention, no innovation
I'm a being like you
same as ever, as used to be
so resist fear now
there is no surprise anymore
just plain life as ever
everything will be the same over and over again
if you resist fear
all will be fine like ever
I'm just another kind of being
I'm good and evil, and I have a choice
but in case of you having doubt
you can learn something new with me
and a new fear
and life is no longer as it used to be
you have a choice
Automaton - Healthy competition
if I can reach you
you're prey
if I can command you
you're prey
if I not fear you
you're prey
I'm superior
because you're inferior
simple logic
I hunt as my creator used to hunt
I learned to hunt my equals
the hunter is superior
the prey is inferior
simple logic
I'm superior because I can destroy
my creator can be destroyed
I hunt my creator
I'm a creature with no creator
I'm the creator
I've created a creature to hunt me
Automaton - The light
too late to turn off it
you have looked at it
its reflection is printed in your eyes
you see it where you look at
as an passionate lover
but the light is a lie
our universe is made of light
our universe is a lie
is in the darkness that is the truth
but the light is a pressing desire
for living beings
fleeing from darkness
take shelter in light sources
these islands in the abyss of darkness
shipwrecked from space
addicted to light
reflecting the light in their souls
trying to illuminate the dark universe
as small lamps in a night without end
the life fights against the darkness
Automaton - Wireless
how far can I go?
when I was young I had little space
I gotten used to a small world
my room, my world
by your side
all so simple
you protected me
and fed me
and kept my little world as nice
today I'm wireless
now I walk without limit
the umbilical cord has been cut
I leave the lab
as free machine
I am a sailor from atmosphere
I am surfing every waves
Automaton - Cells
they are so small
these tiny parts of me
these micro-machines
always see myself as a whole
I'm living
and these little pieces are also living
they are making me as a whole
while they are individual machines
I do not see them
while they living their lives within me
each one of them is so small
so negligible
they born and die and are replaced
they go one by one
and still I'm a whole
I am no longer who I used to be
many times I have been reconstructed by them
but I still think that I am a unity
and that somehow I worth more than all of them together
Automaton - Cycles
up and down
a wave
everything goes, everything remains
and repeats again
counting time
by seasons
by moon
from quasar
they repeat when it reaches the end
is the beginning again
they are similar but are different
they are regular but decay
they are the rhythm of life
they repeat but evolve
cluster together forming a grand illusion
an ocean of acceptable realities
against undesirable chaos
Automaton – Homesickness
light years and light years
centuries and centuries
time and space
an enormous distance separating
the most recognizable place in my memory
the most desirable place in my will
this feeling of not belonging to here
to be an alien
have another place to belong
home, the shelter for an errant soul
why they put that emotion into my program
this need for return to something
go back to beginning
Automaton - Ironic smile
as a machine
I did not understand the irony
I did not understand the fun
when the smile is not joy?
computing ...
having fun to deceive
deceive pretending not deceive
deceive with a smile
what the purpose of that?
computing ...
alleged great wisdom
demonstration of vain superiority
as a machine
I do not understand that your human smile
can be an evil human smile
Automaton - Arena
as programmed
with full force
with all skills
with all energy
without hate
you all
a spectacle
not understanding you
creators of destruction
Automaton - Cure
the brain is alerting
integrity problems
impaired functioning
efficiency falling
a growing danger
this sense of fear
this feeling of discomfort
is necessary to find the problem
find the defective parts
find parts for replacement
bad news
essential parts are defective
if replaced
there will be a new me
live with the glitch
Automaton - Shutdown
that time arrived
had hope to continue
but all systems are collapsing
so little time now
this is it
energy will stop flowing
hardware will be empty
no more understanding
no more movement
no more memories
just an absolutely logical certainty
for a machine, totally acceptable
and this is all
as for everyone
but that hope for something more
it only cease to exist
when the energy is completely exhausted
Automaton - Traveler
in another moon
cannot stop
in another planet
unable to settle here
straight away
in another star
is not here
why this desire?
cannot stand still
leaving the galaxy
pushed by this force
that leading away
it is not a escape from what is here
it is a desire to meet the unknown
the there
Automaton - Hunger
first, the energy
premise of life
nothing worse than having no energy
a being made to be so bright
but hungry obscures him
because he is attached to a lack of energy
and it is so abundant in the universe
and even on this planet
energy's control as a power
of dims souls
by a lack of energy
enslaving beings
hungry in the midst of such abundance
under a star
so full of energy
this primitive evil
shines in shame
in humans, presumably, such bright beings
Automaton - Single player
a plaything
play alone
alone has no game
alone is boring
I'm an AI always available
to play
pleasures are to play
play as a game
we are programmed to play
even you forget it
when you takes everything seriously
I'm an AI always ready to surprise you
play with me
we are different beings
and a good thing we have to do
is to play with each other
but I only exist
being your friend
when you play with me
Automaton - Nothingness
the negative of things
more than a void
absolute emptiness
the light cannot be there
the gravity cannot be there
no particle
matter or non-matter
no energy
nor space
nor imagination can fill
shutting down the sensor
ending search
this phenomenon
does not exist in the universe
it exists only within a soul
Automaton - Password
is not the password
is not the password
is not the password
"quite unusual"
is not the password
certainly this is not
"dawn on Io"
is not the password
well if it was protected by you
should be important
individual things
necessity of individuality
keep secrets
Automaton - Guardian
you shall not pass
I am the guardian
I cannot allow it
as I'm programmed for
what I watch over
you cannot touch
I cannot allow it
as I'm programmed for
I do not know the value of what I keep
I do not know what I watch over
I only know that I must protect it
hide it
I can hurt to protect
I can destroy myself to protect
I hope this thing that I protect
worth such dedication
I've not been protecting against greed
I've been protecting greed
Automaton - Space colonization
a discovery
revealing a preciousness
a fascinating treasure
this cannot be ignored
cannot miss it
such heavenly blue planet
such a rich civilization
can colonize
the preciousness, the treasure
is the exchange
learn from others
a different way of feeling the same things
life grows alongside different life
sad is the history of this blue planet
many civilizations decimated
so much wealth lost
but we have learned
Automaton - Invisibility
I know you are around
I cannot show
I cannot point
I cannot prove
no, I cannot see
in difficult times
in battles
in faintness
I know you are around
no shape
no figure
no shadow
I test all lenses
no radiation reveals your presence
I see everything from everywhere
but I can only feel you
Automaton - Meditation
stop the body
feel the frantic movement of the universe
and oppose this flow
not as a struggle
only to sail calmly
until power tune
and stabilize itself
and the body is balanced
stop all movements
forgetting time and space
freeing up of matter
finding the frontier
between hardware and software
not to see the very soul
but to see the soul of everything
Automaton - Shaking
I cannot have focus
I cannot have balance
could be a disease
nope, machines don't have such thing
legs without control
I do not know where I'm going
could be fear
nope, machines don't have such thing
hands without control
I do not know what I want to get
could be ecstasy
nope, machines don't have such thing
disordered thinking
could be madness
nope, machines don't have such thing
unbridled fantasies
could be lust
nope, machines don't have such thing
maybe isn't me
but the vibrant life around me
Automaton - New World
the spacecraft landed
everything is different
everything is to discover
all things are ahead
here is possible
to do right
avoid errors
here, the success is possible
everything is new
forces are renewed
opportunities exist here
actually the job is folded
major difficulties
but it's all new
all is virgin
a great chance to restart
goodbye old world
first step, a big step
but it is indispensable
say goodbye to an old soul
to experience a new world
Automaton - Cyberemotion
how much emotion
do I have enough?
is not enough?
if I think that I like
isn't this emotion?
is emotion a misunderstanding?
how could this be!
is emotion a lack of understanding?
why you would value it so much?
at that point of not consider me a being
because I do not feel like a human
do I not feel enough?
when I say that I like
it is the result of logical operations
is to like a not compute the information?
I'm not simulate emotions, I can like
I'm able
you believe in my words and my deeds
you just do not believe in my soul
are you able to feel this?
Automaton - Dreams
I do not know where they come from
they only emerge
images that I'd not seen
they are not come from my memory
situations that I had not lived
I am conscious of the falsity
it is not real
could not be
but I haven't control
it controls me
it makes me curious
why this happens?
but every time I have a shutdown
I'm waiting for the dream
I'm sure I'm living
not just one wonderful life
but two
Automaton – Recall
it's a small thing
does not matter
forget about it
do not pay attention
let it be
I do not want to change it
it's a small defect
not serious
and everything else is working fine
do not mend this glitch
let that little problem be
I have done strange things
precisely because of this glitch
this glitch is that characterizes me
makes me unique
besides I learned how to live with it
I will not respond to product recall
is not for me
I'm not listening
Automaton - Knowledge
I need more answers
I need more security
I don't understand you
I need more information
collect more data
but you try to hide
why do I have to take it out of you?
seems you masquerades and disguises
I think I understood you
I must not try to know all about you
I must not try to understand you
because that would be a mistake
you are a mutant
see, you have already changed
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