Surprising Darcy

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Surprising Darcy Page 3

by Selena Blake

  He was an investigator of sorts and sometimes she couldn't help feeling like he had taken it upon himself to figure out the mystery of Darcy Evans.

  He cupped her jaw in his hand and turned her face toward his. There ought to be a law against looking at a woman like that, she thought as his lips came down on hers. As usual, his kiss washed away all doubts and proved that he wanted her.

  “You know I want you Darcy,” he said, his voice soft. “I always have.”

  How she wanted to believe him.

  “He wants you too.” Darcy's breath caught as she turned to look at the other man on her couch. Reed was dark to Aiden's light. He had dark wavy hair and equally dark eyes. Everything about him was intense, calculated. He was always quiet, courteous, watchful and right now he was watching her.

  He didn't seem to be watching and waiting. Just watching. As if he knew she'd make up her mind and her mind would be set on him. He wasn't smiling but he seemed almost amused. As if he knew he was making her squirm. Just like he was making her wet.

  Instantly she felt guilty. Aiden had his arm around her and she was getting turned on by another man. A man whose intensity burned so hot she knew she could get burned. At the hospital Reed was known as the only doctor with a death wish. He was into dangerous sports like hiking impossibly high mountains, diving out of planes, and surfing killer waves. Sports where death and injury were more common than success, and yet he seemed untouchable. As far as she knew he'd never gotten injured.


  Darcy was used to playing things safe. She had her set schedule and she stuck to it. Her private life was a matter of routine no matter how hectic things got at work. She liked it that way. She liked depending on herself, knowing she wouldn't be let down.

  But looking at Reed made her realize just how tightly she held onto that control. And just how easily he could take it from her.

  His eyes never left hers. She didn't think he blinked either. God, he had the patience of Job.

  Finally she turned away but couldn't focus on the movie. She couldn't focus on anything. Could only force air in and out of her lungs and try to slow the pulse that had begun to hammer through her veins.

  “You want him don't you?” Aiden's voice was quiet, calm. He didn't sound hurt or accusatory. He ran the backs of his fingers down her arm.

  She opened her mouth to refuse but no sound came out. She tried again. “I--”

  She did. There was something about Reed that was undeniably attractive. Magnetic.

  Aiden held a finger to her lips. “Go to him.” His words were both an invitation and an order. Her breasts tingled and her muscles bunched as she obeyed him.

  A short crawl across the couch on her knees brought her closer than she'd ever willingly been to Reed Montgomery. She paused, looking for some sign of an invitation.

  His dark brown eyes seemed to burn with desire. She had the strongest urge to crawl onto his lap and beg him to make love to her. That thought alone scared the hell out of her and held her frozen at his side.

  This wasn't love. It was sex pure and simple. Wasn't it?

  She let her eyes rake over the six feet plus inches of incredible male in front of her. Beneath the soft looking fabric of his T-shirt were clearly defined abs and a strong chest. Lower she saw the ridge beneath the zipper of his jeans. So he wasn't quiet as calm and collected as he seemed. What would it take to break that cool facade, she wondered, taking in his long legs stretched out in front of him, crossed at the ankles.

  He reached out and snagged the tail of the bow at her left shoulder, tugging until the fabric gave way, exposing the top of her breast. His eyes left hers to roam over the newly revealed flesh and his fingers followed, caressing the swell.

  Of all the women in the world: beautiful, graceful women... he could have any one of them. The intensity of his stare made her self-conscious and she started to cross her arms over her chest.


  One strong hand stopped her and then effortlessly tugged her forward. Instinctively she straddled his hips, the erection beneath his fly meeting the wetness of her panties.

  “I can see the doubt in your eyes.” It was much easier to keep up her false bravado when she wasn't half naked in his lap. When she could concentrate on something other than how kissable his lips were. When she could tell herself she was pretty, successful, desirable.

  She swallowed hard, trying to keep her wits about her. To not be seduced by this man, by his voice. This was one night. One night only.

  “What do you get out of all this?” she whispered.

  With a gentleness that betrayed his strength and dangerous ways he sat up and cupped her cheeks, framing her face with his hands. He looked into one eye and then the other before his gaze traveled down and locked onto her lips.

  “I get you.”

  Chapter Three

  Darcy melted against Reed, conscious thought evaporating. Their lips met in a soft kiss, testing, tempting. Her hands rested against the solid wall of his chest, her fingernails plucking the soft fabric. He explored her lips like a man on a mission and yet, had all the time in the world to complete it.

  Slowly he pulled back and looked into her eyes. Then he smiled. He was so devastatingly handsome, his smile so charming that she felt dizzy. Without giving her time to catch her breath his lips claimed hers again, this time masterful and firm.

  Demanding and thirsty for her, Reed drank from her lips. Took as much... maybe more than she was willing to give. His tongue speared between her lips into the waiting warmth. His cock jumped at the feeling of her wet mouth sucking his him inside. It was ridiculous how jealous his cock was of his tongue.

  He slid his fingers deep into her chocolate colored hair, holding her where he wanted her. Over and over, he tasted her, tangled with her, pulling her out of her shell. He felt her arms wrap tightly around his neck just before the globes of her breasts flattened against his chest.

  As much as he wanted to fill his hands with her luscious curves he forced himself to go slow. That was damn near impossible for a man used to going fast.

  Especially when he wanted to lean her back over her coffee table and sink into her sweet heat, thrusting into her again and again. Watch the look on her face as she came around him. Feel the delicious release inside her body.


  Pulling back he forced a deep, steadying breath into his lungs. But then she tipped her pelvis so that her feminine heat rubbed against his erection. Through his lust he wondered how far Aiden would let him go. Reed knew that he was going to go as far as he could and that his friend was going to have a hard time reclaiming his woman.

  He leaned back just far enough that he could take his shirt off. Her fingertips roamed over his naked skin. She seemed to take delight in how his muscles moved beneath her touch.

  He snagged the bow on Darcy's other shoulder and the silky fabric slithered down, barely concealing her breasts. It was like they were playing peek-a-boo and he was dying to see. Dying to touch. Dying to taste.

  With one hand supporting her back he pulled the fabric down with the other. He couldn't wait to feel her skin against his.

  Aiden watched his best friend skillfully mold his hands around Darcy's breasts. He couldn't see her nipples but knew that they'd be hard, aching to be squeezed and tasted.

  He saw her eyes go cloudy as Reed took a dusty pink bud into his mouth and began sucking. Her head dropped back, the dark wave of her hair cascading over Reed's arm almost to her ass.

  Outside rain pelted the window.

  “You are going to leave a little of her for me, right?” Aiden asked, although he was unconcerned. Even if Darcy was exhausted, he knew that they could bring her to the brink over and over.

  Neither Reed nor Darcy moved. They only stared at each other. And for a moment everything was completely silent. A bright blue bolt of lightning illuminated Darcy's curves and Reed's profile. The thunder that instantly followed jolted Darcy and reminded Aiden that she hated stor

  He loved them.

  One of his favorite fantasies revolved around making love to Darcy in a pouring rain. They'd both be soaked from it, her hair wet, clinging to her skin. He'd push it out of the way and claim her lips like he was dying of thirst.

  Rain drops would pelt them and slowly he'd strip her naked. He knew he'd enjoy watching the water run over her skin... down her breasts to the valley between her legs.

  Aiden clenched his fists and fought against the images playing in his mind that brought him closer to the edge of his own release. He'd been fighting it since she'd answered the door in that slinky black dress. He wouldn't come now. Not yet.

  Darcy couldn't tell what Reed was thinking. He didn't say a word. Slowly he lifted her from his lap and settled her at his side before reclaiming her lips.

  She stretched her legs and leaned back into the cradle of his arms. He ran his fingertips over her ribs, tickling her. She laughed into his mouth.

  He pulled back and stared down at her. She drew her lower lip between her teeth.

  “You're ticklish,” he murmured and then gave her a smile that Satan would have been proud of.

  She shook her head trying to ward off the attack but it was too late. Both men grabbed her. Reed tickled her sides and Aiden raked his fingernails across the bottom of her feet.

  She howled with laugher and tried to wiggle out of their grasp. She kicked her legs but Aiden held on tight. She swatted at Reed's hands and pushed at his shoulders but he was stronger, quicker.

  Momentarily pausing the assault on her sides he grabbed both of her wrists and held them over her head.

  “Hey! No fair,” she cried, trying to free herself. She got her legs free of Aiden's grasp just long enough stick them under the seat cushion. He slid his hands up to her knees and gave them a squeeze.

  Giggles erupted from her lungs.

  “Stop. Stop!”

  “Trust me,” Reed said and placed his hand on her stomach, pressing down until she stopped wiggling.

  Aiden drew back and she stared up at Reed, aware of the subtle change in him even though she wasn't exactly sure what it was.

  “I don't think that’s a good idea,” she whispered.

  “I do,” he whispered back and kissed her. His fingers slid down her stomach and traced the edge of her panties. Just as she felt his tongue touch her lips she felt Aiden's hands slide up her legs. He pushed them apart, exposing her to his eyes, his fingers.

  Reed took immediate advantage and slid his hand beneath her panties, across the neatly trimmed curls to her pussy. His fingers slid through her juices and she heard Aiden groan.

  “She's so wet.”

  Reed answered with a groan of his own. The sound absolutely melted Darcy. It was possessive, delicious, and erotic.

  She relaxed against him, secure in his strength, trusting him to please her.

  And he did. Over and over his fingers circled her pussy, spreading the moisture until finally he sank one, then two, deep inside. Her body accepted him, welcomed the invasion.

  “Lift your hips,” Aiden commanded. Somehow she managed to comply. He tugged the panties down her hips and off her legs. Beneath her back she felt Reed's cock twitch and strain.

  How they could still be in control she had no idea. She was mindless, limp, crazy with lust. This was every bit as wonderful as her fantasy.

  Aiden's hands joined Reed's. Together they took her to the brink, rubbing her clit, taking her higher and higher and higher.

  A cry built in her lungs as she spiraled up toward another orgasm. Suddenly they withdrew their fingers and her hips came off the couch as she whimpered.

  “Don't worry, love. We'll let you come.” Aiden braced himself over her and kissed his way up to her lips.

  “Eventually,” Reed chimed in.

  She wanted to feel him inside her. Now. Before she could stop them, those exact words tumbled from her lips.

  “Is that right?”

  “Yes.” Her breath hissed between her teeth as he tweaked a nipple. Reed did the same to the other and Darcy thought her eyes were going to roll back in her head.

  “We have a few more surprises for you, love. I'll be right back.” He kissed her nose.

  “More surprises?” she asked, staring up into Reed's dark eyes. He gave her a small smile, the smile of a man who knew something she didn't. “I'm not sure I can handle any more surprises.”

  He leaned forward and sucked her nipple into his mouth. Her eyes drifted shut and she wrapped her arms around his shoulders. It was shameful how easily they turned her on. How much she desired them, just how easy her body accepted them.

  “You didn't think we'd forget your cake did you,” Aiden asked and her eyes flew open.

  He carried a small white and black cake covered with white candles. She recognized the signature Harlequin pattern of Odell's Cakes and her heart squeezed in her chest.

  “I thought you said you forgot the cake.” She stood up.

  “I ordered it before I left for the conference and Reed picked it up on his way over.”

  Such a simple, sweet gesture. The L word hovered on her lips, but she bit it back and gave him a bright smile instead. “Thank you.”

  “Shall we sing?” Reed murmured and pushed himself into a sitting position. Aiden held the cake toward her.

  “You don't have to sing,” she whispered, feeling oddly choked up. Aiden already sang happy birthday to her earlier...he really was one in a billion. Smart, sexy, and thoughtful. His only flaw was that he was too perfect, she thought gazing up at him in the candle light.

  “You going to blow these out or let them melt your cake?” he asked wryly.

  “Make a wish,” Reed reminded her.

  She thought for a moment. Was it too much to hope? Did she dare wish for something so...permanent? So life altering? Was it too soon?

  But it was what was in her heart, what she why not?

  She made her wish, smiled up at her man, and then sucked in a big breath. Then she blew a long steady stream of air over the tiny flames, extinguishing each one.

  “Damn, that's hot,” Reed said and Aiden quickly agreed.

  Aiden set the cake on the end table and plucked the candles off.

  “Time for my dessert,” Reed said, his hand flat against her stomach.

  Chapter Four

  “You guys are insatiable,” Darcy said. Reed grinned. It was obvious by the tone of her voice and the way her lips curved upward that she didn’t mind their need.

  Aiden ran a finger through the icing and then licked it off. Darcy groaned. It was a purely feminine sound, needy and a little desperate. And such a turn on.

  “Now my mouth is watering,” she muttered with a pout.

  Reed licked his way up to her shoulder and then across her collar bone. Her attention was divided between him and Aiden, who was stripping out of his suit.

  Reed stood up and grabbed her hips, pressing her against his cock. The pressure felt great. But he knew that being inside her was going to feel even better. Just the thought of her sheathed around his erection brought him closer to release. If he wasn't careful, he'd snap any second.

  “Don't let her come,” Aiden said. Reed had no intention of letting her come. He was going to hold her at the brink as long as he could. Of course, he might come in his pants first but it was a sacrifice he'd make.

  Aiden had his shirt, tie and shoes off in no time. Reed watched Darcy stick her finger in the icing. He couldn't wait to cover her nipples with the stuff and lick it off.

  She was gonna want to kill them for making her wait... but later, he knew, she was going to thank them for giving her a night to remember.

  Aiden grabbed her wrist as she brought her finger to her mouth. He shook his head.

  “Not yet.”

  She frowned up at him.

  “I think we should give Reed a taste.”

  “Yes, you should,” Reed piped up. He took her by the wrist and guided her finger to his mouth

  Darcy watched his dark eyes blaze as he sucked the chocolate frosting and her finger into his mouth. The sensation hit her in the stomach... and lower. Her breath caught in her throat as his tongue circled her finger, sucking gently, cleaning her skin. Finally he let it pop from his mouth and the corners of his handsome mouth curved up.

  “We're going to need to get rid of this sexy little outfit,” he told her. He reached behind her for the bows that were holding it closed. She felt Aiden's hands as well, tugging the bows, revealing her skin to the cool air. Four hands slid down her back, two toward her ass and two toward her hips.

  A delicious chill raced over her skin making her dizzy. It was different, so much better than a cold breeze whipping through her as she traversed the city in the dead of winter. Or the time Aiden threw snowball slid down her shirt. This was the perfect combination of cool air and warm hands.

  “I'm just gonna let you guys have your way with me,” she said, unable to do anything more as desire pulsed through her, distracting her. And yet she seemed more focused. Blissfully aware of each inch of skin that Aiden revealed and Reed kissed. Hyper-aware of the pulse throbbing in her pussy. Of the ache deep inside.

  “That's just the way we want you,” Reed murmured in her ear and then nibbled the lobe.

  She heard Aiden wipe the magazines off her coffee table. Reed scooped her up and laid her back onto the chilly surface.

  Reed reached for the cake and they set about covering her nipples in icing. It was mind blowing. Cold, seductive, and completely erotic. When she thought things couldn't get any better, her level of desire couldn't get any higher, they took turns licking it off.

  “Oh my God.”

  “We're not Gods, sweetheart,” Reed said.

  “Speak for yourself,” Aiden said as he placed a cherry on her bellybutton. Her muscles clenched as the cold juice trickled down her skin.


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