Crown of Thorns: a Fae Urban Fantasy (Dark Fae Assassins Academy Book 1)

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Crown of Thorns: a Fae Urban Fantasy (Dark Fae Assassins Academy Book 1) Page 7

by Melle Amade

  “Used to relying on your magic prints?“ I taunted him.

  “Did you give yours up?“ He asked cocking his head to the side to size me up.

  “No I just developed a few more talents,“ I said

  He raised his eyebrows that me and my skin bright red realizing how that it just sounded. Fine no magic,“ he said but he took my embarrassment and lunged at me I was too swift and dodge to the side putting 1 foot down spreading my body like a star next cute in a sidekick up the side of his head. Is it snapped back in for a moment I thought I was going to fall but he stabilized himself as everyone in the class let out a collective grown.

  That’s got to hurt someone said.“

  Prince will have to put a blood off his chin nice move,” he said, I was waiting for his commentary I looked in the air taking a running jump at his body place in my foot square in his chest I’m feeling him fall back as I took the other leg and wrapped around his neck. He fell completely backwards with my legs wrapped around his neck. Are use my arms pinned his hand so I use my hands to put his arms behind his neck using all the way to my body gets his face.

  But I can snap your neck right now,“ I said.

  “There’s a few other things I can think of that we can do in this position,“ he said with a grin.

  “Enough,” Lord Kaan’s Voice bummed out across the room he applied as he slowly walked forward that there was a questioning look at outside. Ila has just shown us the benefits of developing more skills than just magic. Magick can only take you too far but one must learn one on one battle also. And it looks like either has spent the summer studying it.

  “Mind if I get it?“ To print murmur looking up at me with those green eyes that made me turn it bright red. I swiftly jumped off his body he stood up and applauded me. His clapping brought the rest of the class to heal. I looked around it’s like they did anything he did. I guess that’s what it was like to be friends. The bad lately, “good fight freezer,“ he said next time I’ll be better prepared.”

  “If the next time is it any point in the next couple years,“ I said you don’t have enough time to prepare for hand to hand combat,” I smiled as it turns and walked away from him again. I returned… Bionics she was keeping and shaking her head.

  “I don’t think they’re gonna let you be my partner much longer. You weigh out class me,“ she said. Well I said I guess we’re gonna have to work on that.”


  I tried to find Morrow during lunch but I only caught a glimpse of her walking off with Rea at a distance. They weren’t headed back to the dorms they were going through one of the archways and back towards where the forest was. Somehow I had to find out more about her more about what she was up to more about more specifically with the frost free want to voice and saw me in the courtyard and called me over.

  “I made us a picnic lunch today,“ he said glancing at me at Onyx.

  We both looked at it with a surprise card picnic lunch?“ Yeah who wants to eat the stinky cafeteria every day. He had a good point. There was a cool breeze fell in the air and you could definitely feel the start of winter in the air but I enjoyed being outdoors much more than being inside the cafeteria and the fact that it actually got the luncheon set up for us was really quite lovely.

  As we lay there in the type of sunlight snacking on cheese and deli lids really quiet for most of the time and let him ask Alex questions about being a Reaper. He seemed quite curious about it I currently watched Heather city with Tatiana and the third pay policy that she had always followed her to feel like they they were in circled around the prince and his entourage but every now and then I noticed he looked over at me. Unfortunately Tatiana noticed also and return your head is it towards her trying to engage her in conversation.

  “So you guys have dates for the harvest dance?“ Oison asked casually being careful to keep his eyes moving between the two of us. Looked to me like he was keeping his options open.

  Onyx percent laughing. Like anyone’s going to invite the reaper to the harvest oats,“ she said.

  “I’ll invite you,“ I said with a grin.

  “I told you I didn’t swing that way,“ she said.

  “Neither do I,“ I said but who really cares it’s just a dance it’s not a hook up.“

  “Well then who’s going to go with me,“ I said I asked.

  “Real seems like it should be pretty clean,“ o said.

  “She doesn’t eat Onyx grand and she’s not gonna look as freaky as I do it one of your beautiful face parties.

  “You’re pretty beautiful for repair, and God or his son said.

  “You know you had that going pretty well I tell you I had it for a repair. Then should really just learn when to shut up,” she said standing up.

  “What the hell did I do,” or his son said. I like most men,” I said you opened your mouth

  I chuckled as I got up and went after Onyx.

  She was assessed “pretty for repair?“ He asked what the hell does that even mean cancer would just be pretty no matter what?“

  “Just forget about it,“ I said how long till your next class?

  Well you don’t get this yet to come“ on excel we’re seniors we don’t have next classes. We end at noon.

  “Are you kidding me I have two classes a day history in assassin.“

  “You didn’t even look at your schedule did you,“ she said in a different class every day besides history which ever Sassan class every day. It’s not that complicated.”

  “Hey don’t take it home with me,“ I said you just got to invitations to the harvest dance today. One from some bozo on the other one from well the hottest chick on campus or deadliest I can’t figure out which.

  “It might be hot in your real form but I’m not in the frost face.

  I clutched my hands over my heart oh your words just hurt so much,“ I laughed. “Come on lighten up.”

  “You don’t know what it’s like I in I have had sex in like one month,“ I said.“

  “And that’s a long time?“ I said.

  “You’re damn right it’s a long time,“ I said and there’s no help and how I’m getting any of that here.”

  Well I can’t help you with that but I can help you get some energy out,“,“ Person. I can help you get a good skill so you don’t look at switching to AT&T in class tomorrow.

  “I don’t think there’s anything you can do in one day that’s gonna make me look like a lesson in idiot in assassin class,“ she left but I’m game let’s wrestle.”

  “That’s exactly what I was thinking,“ I said we are already almost at the Annedroids that would leave to the forest. This was going to serve two purposes I was following in the steps of Mora and Rea but also really honestly need some help.

  We found I met her that made a perfect arena and I started slowly showing her some of the moves that I knew from MMA some jujitsu moves and sore tired of moves some double tag or rooms and I made a repeat them a repeat of a repeat them and tell you the pad to sweat in the afternoon sun.

  “Enough,“ She said after I dropped her for the hundredth time. We were covered in dirt and grass or Harrison was a mess. Let’s go take showers,“ she said get ready for dinner.“

  “We only have one bathroom why don’t you go back and get started,” I said I’ll join you I’ll get in there later. Just want to sit out here for a few minutes and relax.

  Call yeah yeah you sit out here and commune with nature,“ she said freaking face and your love of nature. I’ll see you in the room or dinner depending on if I even make it to dinner.

  I waved her off there was somebody watching me and I knew it. I want to give them a chance to find me based on the smell I know exactly who it was it was more a little pixie how does distinct tank of lemon about her lemon and sugar.

  He didn’t take her long to approach me. I just laid back in the day I put son relaxing and watching the clouds moving to blue sky above the trees. Till I heard your footsteps.

  “For a half pixie you
’re not very quiet, and karin and Roman recently.

  “I’m a frost fae just like you,“ she said.

  She made it sound like this was a conversation we had before so I decided to leave it. “I know I know girl frost pay it’s cool I was just teasing you.”

  “What happened,“ she asked why were you gone so long.

  “You know why,“ I said leading her to give me an answer.

  “Well did you find her,“ she asked. I was on a trail,“ I said but I lost you at the last minute. The best I could do is killer damn cat. Hardly anything to brag about.”

  “We better come up with something a little bit better when the clan mates and a few nights.“

  “Don’t worry I’ll be ready,“ I said just make sure you come with me we haven’t spent any time together in a while,“ I said

  “since when do you want to spend time with me,“ she asked.

  Come on over and see you all summer. What’s wrong with a little time between friends?”

  “Whatever,” she said shaking her head. Be at your place at eight Thursday night just make sure you don’t read that thing with you.”

  “The way she said “thing“ pissed me off but I wasn’t gonna say anything about it. “Sure,“ I said shaking my head and waving her off despite what I had said it was actually true I didn’t even have time alone in the forest where are used to hang out and I was exhausted from fighting Onyx all afternoon. At least now I had a lead I was going to meet with the price for the clan I didn’t have much to go on route three days to try to gather and little bit of information.


  Onyx gets better in our afternoon training sessions but neither one of us can dig up much information other than the phrase clan is pretty powerful and the price for world they keep to themselves and they’ve been monitoring prisons for the king for a long time. Do you think they’d have it pretty good I wouldn’t be looking for any change.

  Charlie try to find me a couple of times but I made a point of avoiding him there was something about that guy that I just don’t really trust he was either a spy for the light there or he really was a bastard trying to help bring the horse. Frost to our planet. Neither option sounded very good to me. Every time I saw him I made some simple excuse I know if you came a parent that I was somewhat avoiding him and I still sat next to him in history but thankfully that was only once a week.

  I’ve grown used to being at the school again I found ways to avoid my sister and talk to Yana and kept my focus with the prince on being in class I was still struck down by his Santa and his smile and his masculinity but there was only so much I could do and mostly I just took that frustration out by beating them senseless every chance I could get. It was weird he seemed kind of like the challenge. Nothing like Tatiana if she had to do anything other than be a princess she probably be a designer or a professional party thrower. Apparently she had some of the most decadent parties in the Academy of pride of coarse and none of which I was invited to even though I knew my sister was. The easiest way for me to deal with Heather was to avoid her and mostly I just found that I missed it the most.

  I couldn’t even discuss it with anyone. Price favor and notoriously hateful of animals listed happened to be maybe like an arctic fox or a polar bear. But in general animals weren’t their thing. Little wonder considering the environment they like to live in. I tried mentioning to her one night to Onyx. She just looked at me like I was crazy.

  “You’re missing a rodent?” She asked.

  Put it’s not a rodent it’s a cat. It’s a cat that turns into a dragon it’s got wings like yours you should think that was pretty cool. Well I guess it had wings like yours. She found no one has wings this cold is mine not even in the reaper world.

  ,“ I said with a smirk.“

  “I don’t care just have nine lives or something,“ she asked I heard that once from a human who is about to die she asked me if she would have nine lives like a cat had.

  I shook my head. “That’s just an old wives tale,“ she said

  When the night finally came Onyx made her self scarce. I didn’t ask where she was going but I know she went out I was curious if she was actually going out to see ocean. That started to make up a little bit become more friendly that I didn’t ask. I was too nervous and preoccupied with this clan meeting.

  “Precisely 745 more how I knocked on the door I was already up and out the door with her. SheFrowned at me. You can’t wear your school uniform,” she said what are you thinking,”. I shrugged it off I don’t know I wasn’t thinking she’s tired for the day and still wearing it. Go change it got like 30 seconds,” she said

  I slipped into some jeans and a hoodie and my quilted vest was actually all the clothes are showing up with her body campus hurry because the long sleeve shirt I had wasn’t going to be enough. But the truth is we spent so much. Time in our uniforms it didn’t really seem to matter.

  “That’s better she said,“ without a word she turned and walked down the stairs I followed her silently under the archway is not in the forest. There were a few of the frost for students there most of which I’ve carefully avoided. More and real with the only ones I know I know is soon as noticeably missing

  “Is always in coming?“ I asked

  Moore has looked like I was insane

  Do you know his stance, and karin has she said

  “Of course, and karin sorry I’m just really tired

  “You know you using that excuse hello,“ she said soak your brain is out also. Have you been drinking coffee juice or something? And karin

  Oh no there’s just been some stuff going on with my parents,“ I said. The one thing I had figured out was that I was an only child service I didn’t have to worry about brothers and sisters and my parents are notoriously harsh so that seems like it would make sense.

  “At least you’ll be able to sort some of that out tonight so I’ll be here,“

  “yeah that was one of the reasons why I was not excited about this, and process.

  We stood in a circle and I just watched everybody to see what they were going to do they all brought their hands bringing their left hand and center of the circle and touching therefore finger and there’s some together I wasn’t sure exactly what I was doing and I sure as hell hope they didn’t need I was magic to do anything but I did exactly what they were doing they are suddenly Got Freese and karin and icicles and snow fell on the ground.

  I wish of cold air filter Glenn and suddenly 10 mature prosper stood before us in the long white downs their faces severe their long hair in various patterns of braids I didn’t know that he sprayed represented a different family with in the clan and fortunately I recognized my parents they glanced at me but didn’t say much. As they all appear to Hawkin Frost for a man came and stood by me. Which of the Lord is in the rest of us maybe about 25 he lied to her and whispered Cooley in my ear “I’ve missed you,“ said. Kissing me on the neck and then turning my face towards him I want to pull back the last thing in the world I want to do was kiss this fucking cold beast but I was Ila I wasn’t dying so I leave her and kissed him solidly on the lips I didn’t really have a choice now did I.

  It wasn’t very surprising to me when it was Silas father who took the lead are you still at the front. “We are so close but somethings happened and we can’t quite figure out what it was I love you were sent to a Raticate Gaia Blackstone but there are markers that she still existOnly her energy is scared and we can’t find her. What happened?”

  “It took you three weeks to ask you what happened?” I asked

  The whole counsel looked a bit shocked. “I love you know as well as the rest of us that yeah actions we take have to be done and complete secrecy you can give them great trust and faith by the council to fulfill the great purpose. Great activities take time and this is not one to rush. He must be precise.“

  “And singular purpose,“ I said.

  “Precisely,“ eyeless father said. “So what happens with Guy Blackstone why is she stil
l alive and where is she.

  “She escaped,” I said as simply as possible all I managed to do was killer cat.

  “OK,“ nobody cares about her cat,

  “look,“ I said. “I know how important she is to this operation I know how important it is that she’s removed.” I was lying through my teeth but I had to say something. I had no idea why they wanted her killed. Me not her meet you.“

  “Do you have any idea where she might be now?“ One of the other clan members said.

  “No,“ I said that I felt if I didn’t return to the school and I was already a week late then there would be more questions asked.“

  “You did the right thing daughter,“ while his mother said

  “I’m still working on tracking her,“ I said and I still have a few good leads.“

  “Why don’t you give some of those leads to me,“ Ila’s boyfriend said. I’ll track her down while you finish school.“

  “That won’t work,“ hi this father said. And you know exactly why it Hass to be either who takes her out.”

  Well I definitely liked the sound of that because the pilot was gone nobody else could take me out well then I’d say I was pretty safe. Still what the hell were they up to.

  “ we have the harvest dance coming up,“when that’s over there’s a two week break I’ll go out and find her and I’ll bring you her head,“ I said I thought it sounded kind of dramatic and cool but my father looked at me a little quizzically.

  “It’s not her head we won’t either we need her heart don’t forget that. We need the heart of Gaia Blackstone.”

  “Understood,” I said, and the clan dissolved. Eyla’s parents disappearing in a cloud of frosty air. I started to feel a bit for the girl who had worked so hard to please her parents and still had to make the ultimate sacrifice. It wasn’t Eyla who was the threat. It was this clan.


  I walk back to the apartment was slow and steady. Why the hell did they want my heart? And why the hell was it that Ayla had to be the one to kill me. I needed to talk to Bruta. This wasn’t just for us for trying to get back at me this sounded like a magic spell. That’s why I had to be involved I had no idea. And less to bring on the whore frost they needed The heart of an unforgiving way with no magic or something like that I don’t know I was still deep in thought so I walked up the stairs to the apartment and I didn’t notice until I was standing in the living room the sensitive filthy air was musty and chicken and it brought a warm to my heart that I hadn’t fell in a while it reminded me of cozy cuddles and love Paris and… And


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