Her Dual Surrender

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Her Dual Surrender Page 10

by Ines Johnson

  “You are going to need a new vocabulary,” he said, breaking his stronghold on her lips. “This is not a dishonest or unfaithful act we are engaging in.”

  Though he’d released her mouth, he hovered within a millimeter of her lips exchanging his breath for hers.

  “You will not be shared with any other male. You belong to my brother and me.”

  He stole her breath when he nipped the center of her lip. When her lungs emptied, her chest expanded. Her heart flooded with peace and a sense of rightness. Pakua’s hands sliding down her body felt far from wrong. She felt like she belonged.

  She heard something click into place, like a key turning in a lock, as he pulled her hips into his torso. Her thigh brushed the place where he was wounded. He did not gasp.

  “You’re not sick anymore, are you?”

  He traced a path from her collarbone to her ear with that wicked tongue. She felt his lips curl into a smile as he worked the hem of her skirt up. “You have healed me, my little goddess.”

  She jerked from him. “Don’t call me that. It’s blasphemy.”

  His lips curled. Beulah felt as though she were Eve in the garden. All Pakua needed was an apple in his hands. Instead, his hands were filled with her bottom.

  “I speak the truth,” he said. “We are headed to heaven.”

  His lips sealed over hers again. He pulled her so close that her soft chest mashed into his hard one. A deep throb began in the seat of her being.

  It began at the base of her spine. Heat and pressure flared down and out into her hips. The fire swirled around to the front of her body. It licked over her navel and then arrowed down to her sex.

  Beulah gasped and moaned at the same time. The sound that escaped her throat was a cross between an animal dying and the screams of joyriders on a roller coaster.

  She was flying.

  She was floating.

  She was falling.

  She was drowning.

  She reached out for something steady, something solid, anything familiar. Her hands met with Pakua’s chest. Her nails dug into his skin. She felt twin heartbeats beneath both her palms.

  “I will not let you go,” he said into her mind. “I will never let you go.”

  He meant it. Not just physically. Pakua reached into her body and wrapped the tendrils of her soul around his strong fingers. She saw it with her own eyes.

  Light danced between the two of them. It was much like the swirling, liquid energy in the energy pool. One of her hands let go of Pakua’s heart. She waved her fingers through the energy pooling between them and knew that she held his soul.

  She was airborne again. This time she came down for a landing on the smooth floor. Pakua loomed over top of her. He stripped her naked, unraveling her body and discarding her clothing somewhere behind them. His large eyes looked down at her with awe and reverence. She was an idol and he worshiped her.

  His head bowed and he claimed the tip of her nipple. Beulah bucked off the floor. His hands roamed her body. His fingertips curled into her skin with need. His palms pressed into her with desperation.

  He was in pain, but the sensation didn’t emanate from his side where his wound lay quiet. It echoed in the hollows of his hearts. Beulah heard it clearly, as clearly as she knew he needed her.

  She stopped fighting. She opened herself to him. He parted her thighs with a free hand, not letting loose her nipple. His fingers played in the thick curls between her legs until he found what he was looking for.

  Josiah had never touched her there, not even by accident. He’d always shoved himself into her, thrusting until he’d had his fill. She’d often been left sore. She’d always been left empty.

  “Do not think of that cretin again,” Pakua spoke into her mind. His mouth was full of her other nipple. “You belong to me now, and you will only ever know pleasure.”

  He slipped into her, like a thief in the night. She didn’t feel so much as a pinch of pain as he breached her long-sealed entrance. She didn’t feel an ounce of discomfort as his wide girth stretched her beyond capacity.

  Together they rocked. But it felt like they were still. They held onto each other, and it was the world around them that rocked. His movements sped up, impossibly fast. He was chasing after something in the distance. She clung to him, half afraid, completely eager.

  The pursuit overwhelmed her. She felt her body filling, preparing to burst. He was right. It felt like heaven.

  “No,” he said out loud. “It is Nirvana.”

  With one final thrust, they touched the edge of something beautiful, something more powerful than the two of them put together. Her body tensed and that falling, flying, floating, drowning sensation came over her again. It took over her, but not entirely.

  She did not hit the ground. She landed safe and sound inside of Pakua’s arms. He held her tight, and he did not let go.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Yehfe closed his eyes and sighed at the pleasure trickling down the bond he shared with his brother and their mate. Beulah was staying. Pakua had taken her unto himself. Soon, Yehfe would be able to lose himself in the physical pleasure of her and they would be a whole unit.

  His dreams were all coming true. His brother was slowly reconnecting back to this plane of existence. He’d gained a mate and a precious child. And soon, they would add younglings to their family.

  With a full heart, Yehfe entered the Infirmary. The room was mostly unused as Eloheem did not take ill often. On the single berth lay the Grey Reticulean.

  The thin, gray, hominoid beings were frequent visitors to the planet Earth. Humans knew of their existence from a few mishaps in history, but few humans believed the aliens were anything but legend.

  A group of humans that Shanti called conspiracy theorists believed that the Greys abducted humans and performed invasive experiments. Yehfe knew that this was true. He also knew these experiments were sanctioned by the Neterians, the elders who had seeded the Womb Rock known as Earth millions of revolutions ago.

  The Greys were scientists and they reported their findings back to the Neterians about the progress of their pet project. Being that the Greys were scientists and not warriors, Yehfe felt renewed in his certainty that it was the right thing to save the life of this being that had given them chase.

  The Greys measured and studied life. The Eloheem protected and nurtured life. Yehfe was certain the two sides could work any misunderstandings out.

  The Grey opened his large eyes and focused on Yehfe. “We have been looking for you.”

  Both of Yehfe’s hearts stopped at those words. So, they were being hunted by the Neterians now. What would happen to his tribe when the elders found them? What would happen to Beulah? He would not see her returned to Earth where her foul ex would separate Eva from her.

  Yehfe felt his fingers bunch into the palm of his hand. He looked down to see he’d made a fist. It was a very un-Yin-like move.

  The Grey inhaled a shaky breath. He closed his eyes with the strain of it. Yehfe’s fist unballed and he went to the male’s side.

  Yehfe placed his hand just above the wound on the Grey’s shoulder. He didn’t touch it. The wound was filled with marred energy. Either Ngai or Manu had attacked the Grey during their space battle. There was nothing Yehfe could do for the male. It had been Beulah’s energy that had healed his brother, but Greys didn’t have such a connection. It wouldn’t take long for the male to die.

  The Grey took in another raspy breath. “This was not the first attack by a marred Eloheem. There may be more if we do not contain the problem.”

  “There are no marred Eloheem aboard this ship.” It was not a lie. Ngai had moved onto to the next world. And Pakua was healed thanks to Beulah’s healing touch. “You must know that violence is not our way.”

  The Grey nodded his head. “We know that it was the Draconians who did this to your fathers.”

  Yehfe sighed with relief now that he knew the Grey understood it was not a defect but a purposeful manipulatio
n of their kind. “Why are the Draconians targeting Eloheem?”

  “Isn’t it obvious?” The Grey’s large eyes went thoughtful. His pupils twitched rapidly, like a calculating machine. “Eloheem have free passage anywhere in the universe. No one would ever suspect beings of peace to bring harm.”

  Yehfe looked down at his palm. His fingers were relaxed now. But the mere mention of harm coming to his loved ones had made him ready to incite violence against this male.

  “The Draconians wish to cause chaos to disrupt the rule of the Neterians.”

  Yehfe had met Draconians in his time. He knew that the whole race was not diabolical. Just as a few males of his tribe had succumbed to a darkness, he did not believe that all Draconians were tainted.

  “We captured a marred Eloh male,” said the Grey.

  Yehfe’s attention snapped back to the pale body on the berth. “What was his hue?”


  That was Lung and Chang’s father. “Does he live?”

  “The madness consumed him. But we were able to use his body to find a way to reverse the effects.” Grey’s were emotionless beings. They only understood facts and numbers.

  “Tell me? How do you reverse the effects?”

  “You must return me to my people. They have the antidote”

  Yehfe paused. If they came to the Greys they were effectively turning themselves into the Neterians. But if they didn’t get this male help, he would die.

  Yehfe rung his hands uncertain of what to do.

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Beulah awoke to fingers running along her sensitized skin. The fingers were too long and thick to be a child’s. They were too warm and callused to be her sister’s.

  She knew instantly whose arms she was in. She waited for the shame to find her in this common area room where anyone could walk upon them. Shame made no appearance.

  She waited for Yehfe to barge in and shower her with disappointment. Yehfe didn’t make a physical appearance, but she felt him in her heart and in her head.

  What she felt was not dismay or displeasure. She knew in her soul that Yehfe was overjoyed that she had lain with his brother. For him, this meant they were truly bonded.

  “You have ruined me, my goddess.”

  Beulah wanted to tell Pakua not to call her that. She didn’t. Somehow the title felt apropos as they lay naked at the foot of a pool of life-giving light.

  He had worshipped her. It wasn’t with the tenderness that his brother showed her. It was with a fierce reverence. After a lifetime of being passed over, she had the love and devotion of one man, and the passion of another.

  “I have aimed to feel nothing for so long,” Pakua whispered his lips over the curve of her neck. “You have filled me with more sensations than I can manage. I think the solution will be to release them again.”

  He slipped into her body from behind. He filled her to the brim with his member. He pumped into her, urgent and deep. Sex had always been quick and a bit painful with Josiah, but now-

  “You are to think of no man but me when I am inside you. And I plan to be inside of you far more than not.”

  Pakua sped up his motions until Beulah lost her sense of place, time, and self. Her body tensed and relaxed leaving her languid. Her eyes drifted closed.

  “Rest, my goddess, so that we can go again soon.”

  “Go?” She snuggled into Pakua’s warm chest and listened to his twin heartbeats. “Go where?”

  “To Nirvana.”

  Beulah remembered Yehfe mentioning that to her. It was what had allowed Pakua to heal when she touched him.

  “I can only reach that level of awareness when I’m inside of you.”

  Her limbs felt lazy, but her mind was still sharp. She opened her eyes, staring at his purple chest. The wound at his hip was only a faint scar. He was healed. On Earth, humans healed themselves with drugs, but sometimes got addicted and continued taking the drug long after they were well.

  “Is that why you’re with me?” she asked. “Because you want to get high?”

  She felt him shrug as he massaged the nodes of her bare spine. “It is a perk of having a mate.”

  Beulah scrambled up and reached for her dress. He watched her, a frown marring his brow.

  “You are angry,” he said. “I do not understand why? Would you like me to lick you between your thighs again? That relieved your stress before.”

  “I’m angry because you’re treating me like a whore.” She yanked her dress over her head and down her body.

  “We already discussed this. It’s natural to take two males in my culture.”

  “A whore gives sexual favors in exchange for money. In this case, the money is spiritual enlightenment.”

  Pakua still looked confused.

  “I gave you my energy expecting nothing in return. I was trying to help you and your brother. I was trying to save your life because that’s what you do when someone is in need.”

  Pakua sat up. He folded his legs under him and placed his hands in his lap. He was a naked Buddha waiting for enlightenment.

  “I know you don’t love me,” she said. “But the least you could do is not use me. I’ve been used and abused my whole life.”

  “I would never do you harm.”

  “You just did.” She put her hand on her heart.

  Pakua’s gaze locked on her clenched fist. He shook his head slowly. He stood and grabbed his robes, pulling them over his body. When he was done, he turned to her, his face a hard mask.

  “You may have my body, but you will not have either of my hearts.”

  The floors shook and the walls rattled. Before Beulah could fall, she was wrapped up in Pakua’s arms. His large body pressed her into an alcove. He tucked her head into his chest. She heard the twin organs marching at a rapid pace. She couldn’t see or peer around him. His body was a shield.

  “Have we been hit again?” she asked from inside his cage. “Are we under attack? I have to get to Eva.”

  Pakua’s hand gentled on her cheek. Something pulled at her attention. It pulled her inward. It was Yehfe’s gentle touch calling out to them both through their bond.

  “We are not under attack,” Pakua voiced Yehfe’s thoughts. “We have landed.”

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  “Do you promise me that this isn’t dangerous?”

  The feminine voice was one part scolding and one part exasperation. Darkening the edges of Shanti’s voice, Yehfe heard the metallic tint of fear. Shanti wrapped her arms around Hsing. She locked the fingers of one hand over the other wrist, caging in her mate.

  Hsing ran his hands through waves of her dark hair. “The Grey Reticuleans are scientists, little one. I believe you would call them nerds or geeks in your vernacular.”

  Shanti arched an eyebrow and huffed. “And what? You guys are like the jocks?”

  “I don’t know what that word means?” Hsing grinned. “But I like the sound of it.”

  “I’m sure you do,” said Shanti. “Probably because it sounds like-”

  Chen cleared his throat. He stood off to the side of his brother and mate. He leaned his body against a wall watching the two with amusement.

  Shanti tossed her Yang mate an appeasing glance and shut her mouth, leaving the rude word unsaid. Hsing captured Shanti’s closed mouth and plundered until she opened. Yehfe turned away to offer the triad their privacy.

  Hsing never concerned himself with keeping his affections for his mate out of sight. Over the revolutions that Shanti had been on board, the Eloheem had taken to knocking on doors and hailing a greeting before rounding corners, lest they find Hsing twined around his mate.

  “Be safe,” Shanti said when Hsing gave her her mouth back. “Otherwise, I’ll come down there and get you myself.”

  Hsing grinned and stole one last kiss. He released Shanti who stepped backward and into Chen’s open embrace. Chen wove his arms around Shanti and placed a tender kiss upon her temple. Shanti twined her fingers with his and
most of the tension in her body visibly dissipated.

  The solidarity between the triad made Yehfe’s hearts burn. And then his hearts picked up their beat. He felt her before he saw her.

  Beulah came into the control room followed by Pakua. Yehfe had felt Beulah’s fear when they landed suddenly. He hadn’t gone to her because he knew that she was in his brother’s arms. As the two approached him now, there was a gulf between them; a tension thicker than the swamps of Moldan.

  Yehfe tried to catch his brother’s eyes but Pakua looked away. Yehfe turned his attention to Beulah. She chewed at her lip as she cautiously made her way to him.

  He opened his arms. Beulah let go of her lip. Her stride lengthened. With a few steps, she was crushed into Yehfe’s chest.

  “Why is there upset in your heart, my one?” he asked.

  She let out a small sigh that ended in a trickle of laughter. “I started this journey wanting to go home and now that we’re so close, I don’t want to be back on Earth.”

  Yehfe pressed a small kiss to her temple. The tension seeped out of her body. “We have already established that your home is with us.”

  Yehfe felt her turn her head toward Pakua. Pakua’s gaze fastened itself to the ground. His hands clenched and released. His feet shuffled in place. Yehfe felt his brother’s yearning to take hold of their mate, but Pakua didn’t move.

  “We are returning the Grey to his people?” said Pakua. He directed the question at Hsing who was placing on protective gear. The red planet’s climate was harsh even for the Eloheem. “I will suit up and join you.”

  “No,” said Yehfe. He let go of Beulah and faced his brother. “I’m going along with Hsing.”

  Pakua shook his head. “You are Yang. It is my responsibility as a Yin if there is to be combat.”

  “Combat?” Shanti’s eyes narrowed at Hsing.

  Hsing sighed as he buckled the remaining strap of his protective suit. “There is no danger. We are returning their wounded brethren.”


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