Kavanagh Christmas: A Kavanagh Legends Holiday Novella

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Kavanagh Christmas: A Kavanagh Legends Holiday Novella Page 3

by Sarah Robinson

  “You did.” Kiera yawned and stretched out on the bed. “If you’d packed last night like I did, you wouldn’t be running around at four o’clock in the morning like a mad man.”

  “You’re sassy today,” he teased, tossing a sock at her.

  She batted it away, grinning. “Sorry. I’m just tired. Let’s not book these early morning flights anymore.”

  “Deal.” He suddenly remembered what he was missing. “Oh! The gifts!”

  “I packed those in my bag already. I think we got everyone covered.” Kiera pushed up onto her elbows. “Santa’s been very nice this year.”

  “Has he?” Quinn lifted a pierced brow and walked over to his wife. “How nice?”

  “Nice enough.” She wiggled her brows and bit her bottom lip, tossing her strawberry blond hair over her shoulder. “You’ll see.”

  “If we had more time…” Quinn let his gaze rake over her gorgeous frame.

  She laughed. “But we don’t because you didn’t pack last night!”

  “This again.” He rolled his eyes and reached for her, pulling her up off the bed and against him. He wrapped his tattooed arms around her and kissed her hard on the lips. Slowing down, he slid his tongue inside and tasted her. Kiera moaned, leaning farther into him.

  They’d known each other all their lives, and yet, he’d never tire of her. She was the love of his life and always had been from the first moment he’d seen her on the playground fighting with his brother when they were kids. Marrying her last summer in a vineyard here in Seattle with all his family in attendance had been one of the most beautiful moments of his life.

  Unfortunately, they hadn’t been able to make a trip back to the East Coast since. Life had gotten busy as Kiera finished her residency and took a job with a new practice out here as a physical therapist. They rarely gave her much time off, and she was really struggling with how much she disliked her employers. He kept begging her to quit, but she insisted that she couldn’t since it was her first job out of school and she didn’t want it affecting her resume. He could understand that, but he still hated to see this job dimming her passion for what she was doing.

  “When’s our flight back again?” he asked, zipping up his bag carefully.

  Kiera lifted her mug of coffee from the nightstand and took a sip. “The day after Christmas. I have to be back at work the next day.”

  “I think in the new year, you should consider finding another job. You’ll have been with them for a year, and you hate it.”

  “We’ve talked about this.” Kiera stood and grabbed her bag, heading from the bedroom.

  Quinn followed suit. “Right, but a full year on your resume looks great. No future job will penalize you for that.”

  “Quinn, please.” Kiera placed her bag by the door, walked over to the fridge, then began scanning the contents inside. “I don’t want to have this fight again. Just because you’re unhappy in your career doesn’t mean I am.”

  He blinked, shocked at the malice in her words. Low fucking blow.

  She looked over at him, undoubtedly recognizing shock in his expression. Closing the fridge, she crossed her arms over her chest and looked down at her feet. “I’m sorry. That was too harsh.”

  “You meant what you said.” Quinn grabbed his car keys off a nearby table. “Come on. We’re going to be late.”

  Silently, they loaded their things into the waiting taxi and then stared out opposite windows during the ride to the airport. Quinn’s career was still in flux, there was no doubt about that. He was an artist and while his pieces were popular, they weren’t necessarily in high demand. His price points were high, and his inspiration over the last year was low. It made for a difficult combination.

  When he’d been living in New York, he’d never been lacking for a muse. The city provided him a backdrop of creative comfort that every artist dreamed of. In Seattle, however, he felt…detached. The gray skies and lack of family and friends nearby was lonely and depressing, and he didn’t thrive in that environment. He thrived in chaos and noise and family screaming across a dinner table every Sunday.

  He still wouldn’t consider himself unsuccessful. He sold plenty of work to keep his art afloat, and had plenty of money left over from his days as an agent to let them live comfortably for the rest of their lives. Still, none of that really mattered when he struggled to even finish a piece.

  Two hours later, Quinn and Kiera were nestled comfortably into their first-class seats on the airplane, headed for New York City. He found himself staring down at his glass of whiskey and wondering how things would be with his family. They spoke all the time on the phone and video chats, but that was never really the same. The idea of leaving his home again to return to the gray skies of Washington made him depressed.


  He turned to look at his wife. She was sliding her finger up and down the stem of a glass of champagne. “Yeah?”

  “I really am sorry about what I said earlier. It was mean, and, honestly, I didn’t really mean it. Am I tired of fighting with you about my job? Yeah. But is it because I love my job? Not even a little.” Her almost translucent blue eyes lifted, searching his. “I know you just want me to be happy, and seeing me in that office is anything but.”

  “I just want you to be happy. You love what you do, and working in that office for that shit boss is taking the joy from you. I hate seeing that.” He knew what it was like to lose the joy from his passion, and he didn’t want the same for her. “I love you, Keeks.”

  “I love you.” She squeezed his hand. He lifted hers to his lips, kissing her knuckles. “But I think you’re right. I think I need to find a new job. A year is long enough. Maybe too long. I need to find an office or hospital that is the right fit for me.”

  Quinn’s brows lifted. “Really? You’re not just saying this for my sake?”

  She shook her head. “No. I’ve been thinking about it for a while. Long before you said anything. The leap is just frightening, since I’m so new. What if no one wants to hire me?”

  “They’d be fucking idiots,” he replied. “Give me their names and I’ll tell them.”

  Kiera laughed. “You’re ridiculous.”

  “You love that about me.” He smirked and ran a finger across her cheek.

  She leaned into his touch. “I definitely do.”

  “You know, you were right, too,” Quinn continued. “About my career. I’m not…I’m not loving where I’m at right now.”

  “You still sell pretty well,” Kiera said, worry invading her expression. “I shouldn’t have said what I did. I know you’ve been struggling to finish this last piece. Things will get better.”

  “Inspiration ebbs and flows, but it feels like I might not ever get it back. Like my well is dried up and what I’ve already created is all I had left in me.”

  “I don’t believe that for a second,” Kiera assured him. “You’re so full of talent, Quinn. You’re just getting started.”

  He loved the confidence with which she spoke. Seeing her support and adoration meant the world to him. Though, he wasn’t feeling particularly unconfident, but rather, uninspired. He couldn’t actually pinpoint what the problem was or how to fix it.

  “Hey, you know what might give you some inspiration?” Kiera whispered, leaning conspiratorially into him. She cast her gaze toward the front of the airplane cabin. “Meet me in about thirty seconds in the bathroom.”

  His eyes widened. Mile high club? “Oh, that’s definitely inspiring as hell.”

  She grinned and put a finger to her lips. Unbuckling her seatbelt, she nonchalantly rose from her seat and walked down the aisle toward the small airplane bathroom at the front of first class. The plane shook for a moment, and she grabbed a seat back to hold on. A moment later, she disappeared into the bathroom.

  Quinn downed the rest of his whiskey and glanced around the cabin. Most of the passengers were either sleeping or engrossed in their books and electronics. The flight attendants were serving drinks in
economy class and he didn’t see any of them up in first. This is too easy. Getting up from his seat, he quickly and quietly made his way down the aisle and opened the bathroom door that she’d left unlocked for him.

  Kiera was grinning back at him, motioning for him to shut and lock the door behind him. There was barely enough room for the both of them, but luckily, first class bathrooms tended to have a bit more room than usual. Locking the door, he turned back to his wife and pulled her to him.

  “We have to be quiet,” she whispered, giggling as she hooked her fingers into the top of his jeans. She began unzipping his pants, which were already feeling way too tight for his dick.

  “I make no promises,” he teased. Then she dropped to her knees in front of him and his eyes nearly rolled into the back of his head at the sensation of her lips around him, pulling him into her mouth again and again. “Holy shit, Keeks…that feels fucking fantastic.”

  Her tongue trailed across his length as her fingers dug into his ass cheeks. His hips moved with her rhythm until he was getting too close. He didn’t want to finish in her mouth—at least not right now. Later, once they’d landed, he’d be more than happy to oblige.

  He pulled her up to her feet again, gripping her hips in his hands and seating her on the small bathroom counter. She barely fit and was mostly hanging off the edge, but that’s all he needed. Pushing up her skirt, Quinn slid his fingers beneath her panties, feeling how ready she was for him.

  “Damn, Keeks…you’re so wet.”

  “I need you, Q. Please.” Kiera’s voice was soft and husky, dripping with lust.

  He grinned, then yanked her panties down her legs and shoved them in his pocket. Just for fun, he wasn’t going to let her have them back. Positioning himself between her legs, he pressed against her entrance and slid inside.

  “Oh, my God,” Kiera said with a groan. “Harder. Fuck me, Quinn.”

  Damn, he loved it when she cursed. So few and far between, but man, did she know how to make his day when she did.

  Never one to disappoint, Quinn held her hips and pumped into her again and again. She was pressed back against the mirror and her feet were up on the wall behind them. The angle was amazing, feeling so fucking deep inside her.

  Her body began to shudder and shake, and his climax was only moments behind. His mouth found hers as they silenced one another with hard kisses and desperate bites. When she finally began to calm, and her body stilled, he pulled out and they slowly began to clean up.

  “Do you think anyone heard us?” Kiera giggled as she stood.

  He shrugged, pulling his pants back up and buttoning them. “They’d be lucky fuckers if they did. You go out first, then I’ll follow in a minute.”

  She nodded and straightened her skirt. “How do I look?”

  “Like you just joined the mile high club.”

  Kiera smacked his chest. “I’m serious! Does it look that obvious?”

  Quinn laughed and kissed her. “You’re beautiful, and not the least bit salacious.”

  “Thank you.” She gave him another quick peck, then snuck out the door quickly.

  He waited a minute longer, his hand feeling the pair of panties in his pocket. A wicked idea hit him, and he quickly made his way back to their seats. Luckily, on the way back, it seemed like the other passengers hadn’t noticed anything because not a single person was looking up from their devices.

  Opening the overhead storage above them, Quinn grabbed a blanket. He sat down and spread it across their laps, leaning their chairs back slightly. Lifting the armrest between them created a small love seat.

  “Cold?” Kiera asked, cuddling against him.

  “Not even a little.”

  She eyed him, clearly not catching on just yet. “Why the blanket then?”

  Quinn pressed his lips to her ear. “Spread your legs.”

  Her eyes widened, and a mischievous grin appeared. She pushed her knees apart, her lap entirely covered by the blanket. His hand slid between her legs, brushing against her inner thighs slowly and softly. Gentle caresses that made her tremble with anticipation just like he wanted her too.

  When his hand reached the apex of her legs, she sat up straighter. He slid a finger across her bare skin, reveling in the silky, wet feel of her folds. He spread her wider with his fingers, plunging two fingers deep inside. A soft groan escaped her lips and her eyes closed. He loved watching her trying to control herself, contain her enjoyment, when he knew all she wanted to do was ride his hand and shout his name.

  Finding her clit, he danced circles around it until her hips were pumping against his fingers. Replacing his fingers with his thumb, he flicked the pad of his thumb over her sensitive nub repeatedly as he plunged two digits back inside her. She unraveled around his hand, her body trembling, and her breath heavy and fast.

  “The pilot has turned on the fasten seatbelt sign,” a voice said over the PA system. “We’re experiencing some turbulence. Must be those reindeer with Christmas only a week away! Ho ho ho!”

  Kiera giggled, glancing over at him with a wink. “We’re definitely going to be on the naughty list.”

  Quinn smiled. “You’re welcome.”

  Chapter 4

  One Week Before Christmas

  Kane Kavanagh

  “Honestly, Kane, you look ridiculous. We can’t pick them up at the airport with you dressed like that.” Nora propped her hands on her hips and stared at him. She wasn’t fooling him one bit, though. Her wide smile told him she loved every moment of his antics. In fact, he had no doubt it was one of the reasons she’d fallen in love with him all those years ago.

  Kane shoved his thumbs behind his large white suspenders and snapped them against his chest. “Why not? I look damn good in this Santa suit. Hell, I’m downright jolly.”

  Nora laughed. “You’ll be lucky if you don’t get detained by airport security.”

  “Come on, kitty.” He reached out and pulled her against him, curving his palm against her ass and squeezing. Damn, she felt good. “Haven’t you ever wanted to be Mrs. Claus for a night? Play a little Santa Baby? I’m sure you’ve been ‘awful good girl.’” He sang the last part like the lyrics in the song.

  “Mrs. Claus has a ring on her finger.” She held up her bare left hand. “I do not.”

  For now. Kane grinned at her then pulled her in for a kiss. Uncomfortable conversations were always easy to avoid with a lip lock, and he’d never tire of kissing her. He wasn’t about to ruin her Christmas present by telling her that he already had her engagement ring hidden in his nightstand upstairs, but he couldn’t fucking wait to give it to her.

  They’d chosen to stay unmarried for many years, despite his mother’s chagrin. At first, the excuse had been that they were just too busy. She was finishing school and then starting a new job. He was at the height of his career as a mixed martial arts fighter and was constantly traveling the globe. It left them apart a lot, and doing the long-distance thing more than once.

  As much as he’d hated being apart from her, they’d made it work. But everything was different now that he was retired and officially settled back down in the Woodlawn area to be near his family and help out at Legends gym. He and Nora had purchased a house together and were basically already living like they were married.

  But as Dee constantly reminded them…they weren’t.

  Kane could tell that this was beginning to bother Nora since all the reasons why they’d waited were gone, and now, she was just left wondering why. She wouldn’t have to worry long, though. He had no plans on ever letting the love of his life slip through his fingers.

  “We’re going to be late.” Nora pulled back, her arms still wrapped around his neck and her voice breathy and eager.

  Kane growled against her neck, kissing his way down to her collarbone. “They can wait.”

  Nora shivered, but batted him away. “Come on. We’ve got to go. Quinn’s already going to make fun of you for wearing that suit.”

  “Watch him get some
fucking coal in his stocking then,” Kane replied, grabbing his car keys and swatting her on the ass as they headed out the door.

  “The moment you take off that suit, I’m hiding it.”

  Kane smirked, holding the passenger door open for her. “The moment I take off this suit, kitty, I’m going to be deep inside you.”

  Her cheeks turned bright red, the corners of her lips fighting off a smile. “Jesus Christ.”

  “It’s actually Mr. Claus. Mr. Christ is a whole other Christmas story.”

  She rolled her eyes as he closed the door and then walked around the car to the driver’s seat. An hour later, they were walking up to baggage claim in search of his younger brother and new sister-in-law. Kane was only a year or so older than Quinn, so they’d always been very close, and he’d known Kiera since they were children. There had never been a doubt in anyone’s mind that Quinn and Kiera would end up together one day, but they’d certainly taken their goddamn time going about it. Either way, he was happy as hell that they were married now.

  What he wasn’t happy about was the distance. When Quinn had decided to move to Seattle to be with Kiera, Kane had definitely supported him, but he’d been so sad to see him go. All of them had. The Kavanagh’s were tight knit and practically overpowered the entire Woodlawn neighborhood of the Bronx. Having one of their own across the country was hard, and he’d especially seen how difficult it had been for his parents. His father had been dealing with a lot of health problems lately, and Quinn used to be his right-hand man for everything. His mother, of course, wanted her children all under one roof forever and never growing up, so of course she hated him being so far away.

  Luckily, Kane had been able to convince them to fly out for Christmas this year after telling Quinn his plans to propose to Nora. They definitely couldn’t miss that, so they’d agreed wholeheartedly. Plans were already in motion, and though Kane was certain Nora would say yes, a part of him was still nervous about it all.


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