Mind Games - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist

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Mind Games - A Bad Boy Romance With A Twist Page 59

by Gabi Moore

  She laughed out loud. An ugly laugh.

  “So, I have to take a fifty-fifty chance on landing up dead, or divorce you? Just how great do you think you are?” she sneered. Christ, she looked hot when she got a little bothered like this. But I reminded myself to stay focused. This was no place or time for sex.

  I smiled down at her.

  “Quiet down. There’s no need to get excited. It’s not a fifty-fifty chance, exactly. If you stay in this room with me, you have to take one sip, that’s the rule. But I know which glass you should choose from.”

  “So are you going to tell me then?” She was getting exasperated.

  “Oh of course I’ll tell you. The poison is in the glass on the right. Drink from the left and you’ll get nothing but water, and we can leave here and go and have a picnic” I said breezily.

  Her eyes narrowed.

  “But how do I know you’re telling the truth?” she asked. Beautiful. Just the question I wanted her to ask.

  “Well, Natasha, you don’t. And therein lies the rub.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, that’s the problem between you and I, isn’t it?”

  “That you’re a creepy asshole who’s trying to poison me?” she spat.

  I laughed.

  “No. That there is no trust. I make my living solving highly sophisticated problems Natasha. All day long I solve puzzles of complexity you can’t even begin to imagine. And yet this was really tricky for me. How do you get trust back, once it’s broken?”

  She sat in silence, her anger fizzling off a little as she considered what I was saying.

  “You don’t trust me,” she said plainly.

  “Oh, I trust you. I trusted you when I threw you out there to get fucked by whoever I liked. Jesus, I couldn’t find men fast enough for you to fuck! Oh no, that’s not the problem. I trust you Natty. And I know you. But you don’t trust me.”

  She lifted her eyes to mine, and in the dim light I saw them wobble along the bottom with fresh tears.

  “And that’s clear to see. The poison is on the right,” I said.

  “But I don’t know that for sure,” she replied quietly.

  “So, you see the problem. The sex was never the problem. The pool boys, the stupid diaries. I don’t care, Natty, honestly. But I’ve at last found a way to solve this once and for all.”


  “Drink. Take a sip, or get out. You could assume I’m lying and take a sip from the glass on the right. I can have your body cremated. Or you could trust me and drink what I tell you to drink.”

  She frowned at the glasses, and I could almost hear her thinking. She looked so beautiful, even now. Especially now, even, all unguarded and wild and raw like this. I fucking loved this woman, and nobody could prove otherwise. I would do anything for her. And that’s why I had to test her like this.

  She had come here, probably expecting some sordid sex thing, and why wouldn’t she? But that was too easy. She knew how to do that. Alone here in a room with her, with both of us fully clothed, it honestly felt like the most intimate thing we had ever done. Fuck the whips and the chains. This was scary.

  She looked over her shoulder and considered the door and her third option of running away and leaving me forever. But her gaze came quickly back to the table. She lifted a slender, shaking arm and wrapped cautious fingers around the glass on the right. As though she just wanted to touch it.

  “It would kill me instantly?”


  She pulled her hand away and rested it on the glass on the left instead.

  “What’s in this glass Todd?” she asked, her eyes closed, as though we were both rehearsing lines from a play.

  “It’s water, my darling.”

  “Is it water? Is it really?”

  “It is.”

  “Can I trust you? Can I believe you?” she said. They were words said for their own sake. She wasn’t saying them to get an answer from me. She was saying them to herself, to see if she could believe them.

  “I would never lie to you, my love. I’ve only ever wanted the best for you. Drink from the left glass and we can leave here, and forget all this.”

  Her hand wavered on the cool surface. I was sweating bullets. I knew Natasha. I was betting on how well I knew her. But she had a violent, unpredictable streak too. It was a risk I had taken: that she would take a spiteful gulp from the glass on the right and I’d have to watch her fall over and die within seconds. It would kill me, of course. It would kill me. But at least then I would know, once and for all.

  Money is worthless. Youth and beauty are worthless. I don’t give a damn about paltry things like fidelity. All I wanted from her was her trust. For her to believe me, and believe in me. And if she couldn’t do that now, if she couldn’t prove that I had that special place in her heart, then she was better dead to me anyway. Like I said, I have a flair for drama, so sue me.

  I suppose you want to know what happened next? Which glass she chose? Well, I understand. It was the single most painfully anxious moment of my life, that I can say. I stopped breathing. But all at once, she lifted the glass on the left, brought it to her lips and without hesitating, gulped down the water, all of it, till there was not a single drop left. She banged the glass down on the table and stared straight ahead.

  “I trust you, Todd,” she said.

  My world crumpled like burnt paper and everything came rushing in to a fine, glorious point somewhere between my eyes. A choking sensation grew deep in my throat, and my heart felt like it had stopped beating all together. I realized with alarm that my face was hot. I was crying. Long, wet streaks poured from my eyes as I stared down at her. My Natty. My beautiful wife. Alive and well. So alive she seemed to glow and pulse right in front of me. I would do anything for this woman. I had done everything for her.

  She stared straight ahead, strangely calm. It was a reversal of our old roles. It was my turn to weep like a baby and succumb to my emotions, and her turn to survey me a cool calm air. She stood and looked at me. Something had changed in her.

  “I understand now. I understand why you did what you did. I get it. I was wrong, Todd. I was so, so wrong to treat you like I did. But you are right. I was scared to trust you. I was so scared of everything. But you knew. You knew what I needed. You knew that we had to get here, we had to get to this point…”

  Her voice was clear and strong, almost as though she was an actress now, all the spotlights on her, and everything else dark and listening. The tears kept streaming down my face. I tightened my jaw and tried to see through the blur.

  “For the last few months I kept asking myself, what are we doing? What on earth are we doing? But I get it now. We were doing what we had to do. To stay together.”

  I couldn’t speak. Nothing in the world existed for me at that moment but her clear, bright face. And my love for her. In this room, I had cleared away the last ugly cobwebs of doubt and fear that had clung to our relationship from the beginning. But with a long, cool drink of plain tap water, we had washed that all away now. The poison had left us, in this strange, dark room, and it had left forever. I could feel it. And I knew she could feel it too.

  She reached out and touched me. Ordinarily, I would have shut her out, scoffed at her. I, too, had been scared. But now, things were different. Instantly, my body responded to her, and I was rock hard in a matter of seconds. She stepped closer towards me and pressed her long, feminine form against me, and I was overwhelmed by her scent and the softness of her skin.

  I wanted to be inside her. I wanted to bury into her as far as I could go, and hold her and keep her, and lavish on her all the pleasure her beautiful little body could stand. She leaned in for a kiss and I hungrily returned it, and we kissed slowly but with a sweet, passionate hunger. Her lips were trembling but deliberate, working over mine with a care and skill that took my breath away. She was guiding me. And when she guided me gently to the floor, I followed. She always was the expert, in matte
rs of the heart. Of the body. I gave myself over to her.

  Her little hands worked quickly over my clothes, removing each layer and tossing it aside. I was soon naked, face wet, staring up at her as she straddled me, my massively engorged cock tucked between us both.

  “I love you Natty,” I said.

  “I love you. Now you’ve made me wait so long for this, and I don’t want to wait any longer,” she said, and leaned in for another kiss.

  Chapter 21 - Natasha

  Perhaps you’ll think I’m crazy, just like Pablo and basically everyone thinks I’m crazy, but nothing else in my life felt more right than it did at that moment. In that weird room, with him, and his crazy “tests”, I finally found some peace and understanding. Really. All that other stuff? All the other men? They were all just foreplay.

  I was a virgin, now, and fucking him was the only thing that mattered. In fact, my whole life felt like it led up to that strange, sweet moment. And then we were naked together, in the semi-darkness. The masks could come off now. The games were over, the artifice had broken down and now it was just me and him. And our bodies.

  I kissed him hard and deep. I had forgotten how good it was, just to kiss him, to taste him. He entered me with ease, and I pressed my body down onto his, smoothly snaking against him, hungry for every last inch of his glorious cock. Instantly, wordlessly, we found a soft, tender rhythm between us, and soon, I realized I was crying too. There had been so many men. So many lies. But only he mattered now. Only this, here. Only his beautiful body and all the delicious things it was doing to mine.

  There was no hurry. But with each strong, full thrust, I responded internally to him. I did trust him. I trusted him with my heart and soul. And body. I was a nobody when he found me, and he had loved me. In his own way, he had been a nobody too. And I loved him so much it hurt. In and out he slid, stronger and deeper, his breath coming in shortening rasps through his wide, gorgeous chest.

  His handsome face softened and stared up adoringly into mine. I could tell he was coming. I girded myself against him and held him hard, and as he spasmed deep inside me I slipped easily over into my own warm, juicy orgasm. It was sweet and warm and fucking hot and when we both stopped shaking, we pulled back and found one another’s eyes again.

  “I missed you,” I said.

  He smiled and kissed my brow. I flopped forward and lay there against him for a moment. A sweet, simple fuck. No fireworks. No whips and chains. And certainly no other men. But all the same, it was the kinkiest and most vulnerable I had ever felt. He stayed inside me as I placed tentative lips on his and kissed him.

  “Let’s go again,” he said.

  “Again? Now?” I giggled. This really was a new Todd.

  He instantly stiffened inside me and the slow stroking began again, both of us staring deeply into the other’s eyes. It was cheesy. It was sex 101 stuff, of course. But I blushed hard all the same. This was all new to me. Being naked, here, with his cock in me …what could be sexier?

  We found the old rhythm and soon I was fired up again. He pulled me down into him for another deep kiss, but then pulled away again just as suddenly.

  “Promise me, Natasha. Promise me right now. Whatever is in your heart, trust that no matter how dark it is, I want to be a part of it. Always. Even if you cheat on me and deceive me, I want to be there. Through all of it. I love you Natasha. All of you. Even the bad parts,” he said, all at once.

  His face was serious but tender. Then he fucked me hard, once, driving his immense cock deep into me.

  “Especially the bad parts.”

  Chapter 22 - Natasha

  Am I doing it right?” he said. “What about now? Natty, you’re not even looking!”

  I smiled at him from the deck chair.

  “Of course I’m looking! You need to bring your shoulders forward more so they’ll take you further once they go under the water. You really have to get the downward stroke as long as possible,” I said. “Anyway, quit practicing so hard. Butterfly is the hardest stroke, why do you want to know how to do it?”

  “Because it’s the hardest stroke!” he said, and I watched his powerful body push off the pool edge as he took another lap. He was strong and disciplined, but his technique was definitely on the beginner end of things. Like with most things in life, he threw himself into the task, slicing up the blue water with each heavy stroke, propelling his lithe, naked form quickly to the other end of our pool.

  When he reached the other side, he stood and the water poured off of him. God he was good looking. My husband. My schedule hadn’t changed much these last few months, but for Todd it had, and now he wanted to spend as many mornings as possible home here with me. He playfully called it his “skinny dipping training” and got all cute and competitive about it. Today, he made me show him how to do butterfly, even though to be honest, his other strokes left a lot to be desired.

  He shook his head quickly, like a dog, and his dark, wet hair against his tanned skin looked amazing. I’ve always loved the pool. But I love it much more when there’s a hunk like him splashing around in it…

  “Are you dry yet? Can you come and join me already?”

  “Don’t interfere, you don’t know how the process goes,” I said, laughing.

  “Don’t make me come up there.”

  “Don’t make me come down there,” I laughed.

  “Or what? Go on, I’m not scared,” he said, and I couldn’t pull my eyes from his firm chest, speckled with droplets. I was so glad he was spending more time at the gym these days. More time doing anything, really, that wasn’t work.

  “Ok that was the last straw, buster, I’ve had enough,” I said and sprang to my feet. I was naked too, but I never really feel that way, next to the pool with the sun on me. Guessing his next move, I sprang back and shielded myself with my upturned towel, then stood well from the edge and taunted him a little. He chopped the surface of the water with a strong arm and sent a long sheet of water my direction. I squealed and leapt out of the way.

  “Missed me!” I said, and pulled my tongue out at him while dashing behind the chair.

  Down came his hand again and he threw another splash of water at my naked, sun warmed body, and this time a few sprinkles landed on me and set me off into goosebumps.

  “Bastard!” I said, and I heard him laughing good-naturedly.

  I dropped the towel and ran towards the edge of the pool, flung myself off and rolled into a ball. Down into the silent water I went, like a rock, and when I broke my head through the surface again, it was to see him completely doused and with a good foot of the pool water lying in puddles on the tiles, the water’s edge still sloshing violently.

  “Bitch!” he laughed and came for me. I squealed and swam away. Luckily for me, all that muscle and heft doesn’t move quite so swiftly through water, and he couldn’t catch me for a while. But when he did, I was out of breath.

  He pinned me into a corner, strong arm on either side of me, legs spread beneath the water, and kept me there in a little cage his body made. It was fine, I was only pretending to want to escape anyway. He smoothed over my rat’s tail hair and kissed my wet lips, and I kissed him back.

  “See? Didn’t I say? Everything’s better in the pool” I said, and went for another kiss.

  I had lost count of the days we had whiled away like this, me bobbing in his lap, the water lapping at the edge with each little thrust. Fucking him was glorious. Fucking him in the pool was even better.

  He tasted like holidays.

  The fund was doing alright these days, but Todd was slowly pulling out, taking things easy and not letting business eat up every day of his from morning to night. We didn’t suffer. In fact, we seemed so much wealthier now that he was home so much more, and we could actually enjoy things. We had downsized a little, since that fateful day in the dark room. No more pool boys, for one, but I also cleared out my closet and started to rethink my whole debutante-dragged-through-a-hedge-backwards look. I still loved more than an
ything to be naked, like I was now. That way, he could access me whenever he wanted. With no clothing, there was nothing between us. No masks.

  I lie, though, I wasn’t completely naked: it had been our anniversary the month before, and he had bought me a beautiful choker necklace. A solid bangle, only it was big enough to go round my neck, with a tiny metal buckle at the center. He had clasped it round me, locked it and kept the key. I still wore my giant engagement and wedding ring, but this? This was the real symbol of what we had together. It was a secret between us two, and nothing in the world could have made me take it off.

  “Oh, I almost forgot!” he said, smiling suddenly at me. “I have a present for you.”

  Swirling the water all around him, he stepped out of the pool, wrapped a towel round his gorgeous body and disappeared inside the house. When he returned, he had something in his hands. A book.

  I dried my own hands and reached for it, and he gave it to me carefully, squatting low on the pool edge and smiling down at me, still half submerged on the top step. It was a beautiful gilded diary, all curls and flowers etched on the front. A thick diary, very well-made, with a little lock to close it, but which currently hung open.

  “Open it,” he said, and smiled at me with twinkling eyes. Fuck, he was hot.

  I opened the cover and saw the first entry had already been written. The same hand writing I could pick out in a lineup.

  I decided to get rid of the old diary. I had some good times, and some bad times, but all of that is in the past now. From today, I’m focusing on the future. I love Todd, and though we’ve had a difficult year, I wouldn’t change it for anything. He’s very handsome, and he has a massive dick, I just thought I might add. What a hottie. Eleven out of ten.

  I threw back my head and laughed.

  “Couldn’t have said it better myself!” I said.

  - THE END -


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