Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2)

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Hidden Truths (Violet Chain Book 2) Page 1

by Kahele, J

  Hidden Truths

  Violet Chain Series

  Book Two

  By J Kahele

  Text copyright © 2015 Hidden Truths by J Kahele

  The characters and events portrayed in this book are fictitious. Any similarity to real persons, living or dead, is coincidental and not intended by the author.

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any forms, or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the prior permission of the copyright owners.

  Prologue – Violet

  Breathe…just breathe.

  How could this be happening? A half hour earlier I was confessing my love to Chain and now here I was smashed between my living room wall and Phillip’s body.

  I tried to wriggle free from Phillip’s hold, but he slammed his body against me, placing his legs on either side of mine, locking me into a firm grip.

  The smell of whiskey and stale cigarettes lingered on his breath as his tongue slithered down the side of my face. “Fuck you’re beautiful,” he whispered as his lips nibbled my ear, his fingers teasing at the hem of my dress.

  “Let me go,” I shouted, my fists slamming into his chest. He laughed as he clutched my wrists with one of his hands pinning them against the wall, above my head.

  His nose nuzzled at my neck. “Your skin is so fucking soft, I bet you’re even softer inside,” he purred.

  Softer inside? My heart raced as his words streamed through my mind, tears pooling in my eyes as fear swallowed me whole. His hand crept under my dress and inside of my panties and I knew if I didn’t do something fast, he was going to rape me. I closed my eyes, trying to calm my fear and wish him away, one question racing through my mind: Why was this happening?

  I inhaled deeply before opening my eyes, turning my head sideways, not wanting to look at him, and that’s when the black wrought-iron shovel, leaning against the fireplace, caught my eye, sparking a glimmer of hope. I had to get that shovel. It was my only escape. But with my hands bound above my head, it was impossible.

  He rubbed his hard length against my stomach, groaning, and for a quick second doubt entered my mind, but I shrugged it off. I couldn’t give up. I had to stay strong. I had to think positive, think logically. Surely he was just trying to frighten me; he wouldn’t dare attempt to rape me here in my own house. But that thought soon faded as he spoke.

  “Fuck, I have to have you,” he panted. He knelt in front of me, shoving my hands against my stomach, gripping my wrists in one of his hands. My body shook, my worst fears coming to light right in front of my own eyes as he slid my dress up with his free hand.

  He pivoted his head to the right for one quick second and the adrenaline in my body soared; fear and anger mixed with excitement engulfed me all at once. This was the opening I had been waiting for, my chance to be free.

  As he turned his head back around, I lifted my knee, slamming it into his face, knocking him backwards. I lunged to the side, grabbing the shovel.

  “You bitch! I think you broke my fucking nose!” he screamed, cupping his face as he sprang to his feet. Blood was pouring from his nose, running down his fingers as he charged at me. I raised the shovel over my head, stopping him in his tracks.

  “Don’t come any closer, I’m warning you,” I stuttered tearfully.

  An eerie silence filled the room, the tension thickening as we stared each other down. Phillip’s eyes glanced at my trembling hands holding the shovel and then back up at me. The sides of his lips quirked up into a devilish smile and I knew something bad, something really bad, was about to happen.

  Terror coursed through my limbs, causing my body to shake fiercely. My heart was pounding so hard in my chest, I thought it would burst.

  My head was so dizzy, I began to see spots in front of my eyes and I couldn’t for the life of me catch my breath. I was hyperventilating. I had to calm down. This was definitely not the time to pass out.

  I closed my eyes.

  Took a deep breath.

  Let it out slowly.

  I heard the shuffle of his shoes and my eyes bolted open. In a flash, everything spun out of control.

  It was a blur. It happened so fast, I didn’t have time to think. I couldn’t remember if he tried to take the shovel or if I swung freely. All I was sure about was that he was lying on the ground, knocked out, a large gash in the side of his head and I was still gripping the shovel tightly in my hands.

  Chapter 1.0 – Chain

  Violet—my Violet. I couldn’t believe she had finally confessed those three words that I had been longing for, those wonderful words, those magical words, ‘I love you,’ that took me from pool boy to boyfriend, suitor, her one and only.

  Who would have thought that what started out as a casual dinner, followed by a night of unadulterated, hardcore sex, then weeks of lustful desire and passion, would have blossomed into something so beautiful, pure and loving, filling the void in my life, bringing me perfect happiness, completing me.

  I felt a hand against my shoulder, causing my body to fall slightly to the side, interrupting my thoughts.

  I glanced up at David smirking. “You’ve been sitting here for twenty minutes with that stupid fucking grin on your face, saying absolutely nothing. What the hell is going on in that head of yours?”

  That was easy to answer. “Violet,” I snickered.

  David chortled. “I never thought I would live to see the day when Chain Alexander would fall for a female.”

  Yes, it was true I had fallen hook, line and sinker for one Violet Townsend.

  I sat comfortably back in the chair before saying, “Well I have and I’m not afraid to admit it.”

  Most men would never admit their feelings for a woman to their buddies. It wasn’t masculine or cool to admit that you were whipped by a female. But I didn’t care what anyone thought, I was in love with Violet and she was in love with me and I wanted to shout it out to the fucking world.

  David went to speak when my cell rang. I stilled him with my hand and slid it out. I glanced at the caller ID but the number was unfamiliar, which was strange to me, being that it was my private line. After a few seconds of contemplating whether to answer or not, I pressed talk. “Chain Alexander.”

  I heard an exhale before the caller spoke. “Chain, it’s Vince. Um, I’m here with Violet…we kind of have a problem.”

  The fact that he mentioned Violet and a problem in the same breath made me instantly concerned. “What is it, Vince?”

  He inhaled sharply before saying, “Some man tried to rape my sister.”

  My heart dropped at his words. I was shocked, appalled, but mostly angry. “What the hell do you mean some man tried to rape Violet?”

  I felt a hand rest on my shoulder and looked up at Callie. “What man tried to rape Violet?” Callie asked worriedly.

  I hushed her with a raise of my hand and turned my attention to my cell. “Is she okay? What happened?”

  Vince released a hard breath before saying, “She’s a little shaken but safe. Violet said he grabbed her outside when she was leaving, then dragged her inside the house.” He paused and I could hear mumbled voices. I heard a rumble in the phone as Vince cleared his throat. “I have to go, Chain, the police just arrived. Please come, she needs you, I’ll explain more when you get here.”

  “Okay, Vince, I’m on my way.” I hung up my cell and stood up and turned to David. “Sorry, I have to go.”

  “What happened?” David queried.

  I could feel the blood rush out of my face as the reality hit me hard, the words catching in my throat before slipping out. “Some
man tried to force himself on Violet; apparently he grabbed her when she was leaving the house.”

  David reached for my arm. “Oh shit, are you fucking kidding me? Is she okay?”

  I was still completely disoriented by the news Vince had delivered about Violet, but managed to answer David. “Vince said she’s okay. I have to go, David, she needs me,” I murmured.

  David waved his hand. “Of course, go.”

  My hands were trembling as I slipped my car keys out of my pocket. Callie snatched them from me. “You are in no shape to drive; I will take you. She is my best friend too and I want to make sure she is alright.”

  My body was shaking, my hands twitching, and I felt like my head was going to fall off my shoulders as it began to pound fiercely from a torrid mix of emotions streaming through it: anger, worry, but mostly hurt. I was hurting for Violet, worried that this stranger had wounded her in some way, and angry because the bastard had the nerve to touch her, to force his way into her house.

  My jaw clenched as I thought of the fear she must have felt when he came out of nowhere.

  Questions flashed through my mind, one in particular standing out from the rest. What was she doing at home in the first place? She had told me she was leaving the hospital and going straight to her parents’.

  “Chain,” Callie mumbled, interrupting my thoughts.

  “Yeah,” I responded, half out of it.

  She blinked hard. “Are you ready to go?”

  Still overwhelmed by the news, I believe I shook my head before saying, “Yes.”

  She patted my back, attempting to comfort me. “She’s going to be okay.” But her words brought no comfort to me. This was bad and I had a gut feeling it was about to get even worse.


  The ride to Violet’s house was excruciating. I couldn’t stop thinking about what she went through, the horror she felt knowing that a stranger was about to rape her.

  A police car sat on the curb in front of Violet’s townhome as Callie and I pulled up. I could see someone moving in the backseat as I stepped out of the car, and all I could think was that the man in the back of that car had to be the stranger—the one who had attacked Violet.

  Without another thought, I rushed over to the police car, wanting—needing—to know who this man was. I glanced into the window and was taken aback when I saw the man in the backseat was no stranger at all, but Phillip.

  I was dumbfounded, shocked, astounded. But why? It wasn’t like he hadn’t tried to take Violet against her will before. I suppose a part of me wanted to believe that my once good friend was not a man who would take advantage of women, that somehow losing David’s and my friendship would affect him, make him want to change, but unfortunately that was not the case.

  I could see one of his eyes was swollen and completely closed and blood was still dripping from his nose and mouth. He glanced up at me with a lost expression splashed across his face, like he was almost pleading for my help, which made the rage inside of me rise even higher. How dare this bastard think I would feel sorry for him? I lunged towards the car, wanting a piece of him so badly, wanting him to pay dearly for the pain he had cast upon me—upon Violet.

  A hand gripping my arm halted me; I looked up to meet the shaking head of Callie. “He’s not worth it, Chain, come on; Violet needs you.”

  I stepped back and even though the rage was still burning inside me, the need to feel some sort of physical relief still gripping me, I retreated. Violet needed me and I was pretty sure pulling a man out of a police car and beating the shit out of him was against the law and being arrested right now would not help anything.

  I followed Callie into Violet’s house. Officers were walking around, picking through everything. I saw Violet sitting between her two brothers on the couch, talking to an officer sitting in the chair across from her. Insecurity bit at me. It had been barely an hour since she had confessed her feelings; what if something happened and she changed her mind? What if this incident made her swear off men forever? Between Harrison and his cheating ways and what Phillip had done to her, I wouldn’t blame her for never wanting to be near a man again.

  Before I could think on it anymore, her eyes flickered up at me and she bolted from the couch and into my arms. “Chain,” she whimpered.

  The touch of her washed away the doubt and I practically melted her into my embrace, smothering her with my arms, wanting to shelter her from the world. “Oh baby, I’m so sorry.”

  Her face pressed against my chest. “I was so scared, Chain.” The fear in her words upset me. I felt impotent, helpless. I wanted so desperately to take it away, but I knew I couldn’t.

  “I’m sorry I wasn’t here.” It was all I could say.

  She looked up at me with a faint smile. “You’re here now, that’s all that matters.” I was amazed that even in her condition, she still managed to comfort me. But that was the kind of person my Violet was—amazing.

  I placed my hands on either side of her face and anger filled me as I noticed a red mark on her cheek and her swollen lips.

  I took a deep breath through my nose, trying to calm myself. “He hit you?”

  She shook her head. “No, he pushed me and I fell against the wall face first.” I gritted my teeth. I couldn’t believe he put his fucking hands on her. I breathed in and out as I tried to shake the vision of Phillip pushing her out of my head.

  Her body was trembling so fiercely, I could feel the rapid beat of her heart. Seeing her in this state only deepened the insecurity I had felt since finding out what happened. I needed to know if Phillip had completed what he set out to do—if he had raped her.

  My heart was racing, my throat suddenly parched as nervousness overwhelmed me. The wretched questions plagued my mind. Did Phillip succeed? Did he rape her? A part of me wanted to know, but another part of me was afraid of the answer. What if he did succeed? To know that he had violated Violet against her will would rip me apart forever.

  I gently cleared my throat. “Phillip didn’t hurt you, Violet, he didn’t—?” I stopped, finding it difficult to say the words.

  She stroked my cheek gently before saying, “No, Chain, he didn’t.” I exhaled, not even realizing I was holding my breath.

  Relieved, I pulled her back into my chest. “I am going to make sure that bastard pays for what he did to you.” And I intended on keeping my word, come hell or high water. I would make sure Phillip paid for what he had done to my girl.

  Callie frowned as she approached us. I released Violet and Callie hugged her tightly. “Are you okay?”

  “Yeah, I’m fine, Callie,” Violet responded.

  Callie’s eyes darkened and her face twisted into an angry scowl. “That son of a bitch, how dare he! You should have ripped his dick off!”

  The mere thought of having a woman emasculate me with her bare hands made me shudder. Just a bump or a too-hard touch made it ache. But I had to agree with Callie, Violet should have castrated Phillip for what he attempted to do. I strongly believed that any man who raped or attempted to hurt a woman in a sexual manner should lose his manhood, violently and permanently.

  “Hey, Chain,” a voice said from behind. I turned to see a noticeably shaken up Vince walking up to me.

  I smiled as I shook his hand. “How are you holding up?”

  He raked his fingers through his hair frantically, tears welling up in his eyes. “Shit, Chain, you should have seen her. She was so out of it. When I came to the house, it was so silent; you could hear the smallest of pins drop. I called out to her as I stood by the door and there was no answer. I saw her car in the parking lot so I knew she was home. I thought maybe she was in the shower or something, so I walked into the living room and what I saw will haunt me forever. She was so still, like a statue, frozen in place. Her hand held a shovel above her head as she stared down at the man lying on the ground. It was so disturbing. As I moved closer to her, she didn’t even flinch; it was like she didn’t even know I was there, like she was in a trance. Whe
n I was finally able to snap her out of it, all she kept saying was how horrible of a person she was for hurting him. She was blaming herself for everything that happened—herself…” He broke off, his emotions overwhelming him. I found myself choking up a bit at his reaction and words. He loved her almost as much as I did and I could tell he was torturing himself inside of his head for what Phillip had done. I couldn’t blame him; I was doing the same thing, self-condemning myself for letting her leave the hospital. If I hadn’t let her leave, none of this would have happened. Phillip would never have gotten his grimy hands on her. Phillip. Even in my head, his fucking name sent a scathing chill through my bones.

  Vince sniffed back his tears. “I should have protected her; I should have been here for her.” I patted his shoulder, trying to comfort him.

  “How were you supposed to know that some crazed maniac was going to do this to her? It’s not your fault, Vince, and you have to stop thinking that way. It happened and we will all get through it. She’s safe, Vince, that’s all that matters now.” He nodded his head and looked down, my words giving him that little comfort he needed.

  “Excuse me, Ms. Townsend, but I have a few more questions to ask you.” I turned to the side and saw a police officer standing in front of Violet. I hurried over to them.

  Violet turned to face him. “Okay.”

  He flipped his small notebook and readied his pen. “This is a question that may make you feel uncomfortable but I need to ask it. Was Phillip Raser clothed or unclothed?”

  She shrugged. “Clothed.”

  The officer paused for a moment, writing in his notebook, and then continued. “Can you please explain to me exactly what he did to make you believe he was going to rape you?”

  She glanced up at me nervously, before looking back at the officer. “As he was touching and rubbing against me, he said, ‘Your skin is so fucking soft, I bet you’re even softer inside.’” I could feel the anger welling up inside of me. Hearing the beginning of the gory details of what Phillip had done made me realize I didn’t want to hear anymore. In fact, I wanted to run as far away as I could from it. But she needed me. And I needed to suck it up and be there for her, no matter how much it bothered me.


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