Amazed (Tempted Book 3)

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Amazed (Tempted Book 3) Page 8

by Heather Doltrice

  I knew when he showed up it wasn’t good. My nervousness started to hit the ceiling.

  “I’m sure everyone was Expecting Professor Conrad but we have learned of an encounter that occurred with a student and he is currently under investigation,” he said, looking right at me, “For the safety of the student we have decided to keep her name out of this.”

  Letting out the breath I was holding in, I finally relaxed.

  “We already know who it is. It’s all over school,” Abby Daniels called from the back of the class.

  She was always so nice to me until I started dating Ethan. After that she became a bully toward me. I guess it’s safe to say that she had a thing for Ethan. She needed to join the club because apparently he was a hot commodity.

  I had become a punching bag for girls who wanted Ethan. They thought I was some sort of threat but they needed to know what I knew. I wasn’t a threat because he didn’t want me. He wanted nothing to do with me.

  “Abby, that’s enough,” the Dean warned.

  “Was he good kisser, Grace?” she asked, cackling with laughter.

  Gathering my stuff, I ran from the room and slid down the brick wall next to the classroom. Who told the dean? Seriously, who would do that? Holland was the only one who knew and I knew she wouldn’t do that. It was no question about it.

  Hearing the door swing open, I saw a cloud of blond hair swaying as Holland made her way to me.

  “Gracie, I’m so sorry that happened,’ she said, enveloping me in her arms.

  I couldn’t answer all I could do was sob. Who would have told that to everyone? But the worst part of it all was that someone caused Talon to lose his job. That’s what made me feel the worst.

  “Do you want to leave?” she asked, rocking my back and forth in her arms.

  I could run away from the scandal today or I could go ahead and face it and get it over with.

  “No, let’s go back in,” I told her, wiping all my tears away and getting myself together.

  She looked at me like a proud mother doting on her child.

  “You always were the strong one,” she said, helping me up off of the ground.

  Shooting her a smile, we linked arms and walked back into crowded classroom. The first thing I noticed was Ethan looking at me with something in his eyes but I couldn’t quite put my finger on what it was.

  Concern? Guilt? Maybe a combination of both but I didn’t understand why he would feel guilty. I didn’t really understand anything about him. I thought I did but I didn’t. That much I was sure of.

  “Ms. Emerson, let me know if anyone bothers you and they will be dealt with. Your substitute teacher will be here any minute. Let’s all try to behave,” Dean Sheldon said, leaving.

  Nodding, I sat down quickly. I couldn’t stand knowing that they were all looking at me and judging me.

  Looking down at my notebook, I read over last week’s notes like my life depended on it. I was doing anything and everything to drown out them all whispering that I was a slut and a teacher’s pet.

  “Shut up. Just shut up!” Holland said, jumping up from her seat and turning to face everyone, “Leave her alone. And Abby do you think you’re in the position to call anyone a slut? I mean really? You’ve slept with nearly everybody on the football team.”

  I still couldn’t look up but I did crack a smile. She had moved to Lakeveiw and grew balls. Just when I needed her to.

  Abby jumped up to confront her but her friends told her to sit down. They were actually intimidated of Holland.

  “That’s right, Bitch. Sit down,” Holland said, smirking.

  What had gotten into her?

  “Who are you and what have you done with the real Holland?” I asked in disbelief.

  She just laughed and sat down beside me.

  Our substitute came in and everything kind of settled down for a while but it didn’t stay that way. At lunch I had people asking me if I had slept with all of the teachers on campus.

  “How you holding up, Grace?” Ethan asked, sitting at the table with me and Holland.

  He was still wearing the same look as earlier. I didn’t like it on him, it didn’t fit.

  “I’m just peachy. How are you on this lovely day?” I asked, sarcastically.

  “I’m serious, Grace.”

  “Why do you care?”

  “Because I just do. Do you have a problem with that?”

  “No, I’m sorry for being a bitch. I’m just not having the best day but I really do appreciate your concern,” I said, dropping my defenses.

  “I understand. Do you girls mind if I eat with you?” he asked, looking from one to the other.

  “I don’t mind,” Holland said, looking at me to see what my response would be.

  “Me either.”

  “Good. I wasn’t leaving anyway,” he said, picking up his pizza and taking a huge bite.

  I loved being around Ethan, he made me feel something indescribable even when I was having the worst possible day.

  “I still don’t understand how the dean found out,” Holland said, shaking her head.

  “Me either. No one knew about us.”

  Ethan locked his jaw and started puffing his chest out.

  “Are you having a heart attack?” Holland asked, trying not to laugh.

  “I wasn’t aware that you and Professor Conrad were an “us”,” He said completely ignoring Holland’s jab.

  “We weren’t. I mean not really. It was one kiss and it was stupid,” I said, trying not to giddy that he was jealous of me with another man.

  “I thought you were going to pop a blood vessel, Nick Jonas,” Holland said, laughing way too hard at her own joke, “Get it? Nick Jonas because he was jealous. You know like the song? Okay, I’m going to shut up now.”

  Laughing, I felt Ethan’s foot brush against mine under the table.

  “Can we talk outside?” he whispered in my ear, causing chills to run through my body.

  Nodding, I got up and walked outside with him. I couldn’t help but wonder what I was doing and why I was letting myself be alone with him.

  He was toxic to me I had learned that after everything that had happened with us, but yet there I was alone with him.

  “Grace, I miss you,” he said with his smoldering eyes.

  I wanted to tell him I missed him too but I couldn’t do that. There was no way I would let myself fall victim to his charms again.

  “I don’t believe you,” I said, standing my ground.

  Sort of. My voice was shaky and I hoped that he couldn’t hear the nervousness dripping from it. But knowing Ethan he probably had and I knew that he was going to prey on that.

  “Why?” he asked, anger contorting his face.

  “Because we were happy and you screwed it up.”

  “I know but I swear I have my reasons for what I done.”

  “Oh, really. I can’t wait to hear them,” I said, crossing my arms and tapping my foot.

  “All of the guys on the team was telling me I was getting into deep with you and that I needed to focus on football. Football is all I have, Grace.”

  “That’s not true, Ethan. You had me.”

  “I love you, Grace. I want to be someone you’re proud to seen with. That’s why I thought it was best for me to focus on football. I wanted to make something of myself. I wanted to do it for us.”

  I should have been stronger but I believed him. I felt my hear flutter in my chest and my knees buckle. I was giving into him and I couldn’t stop myself. Love makes you do crazy things.

  “I love you, too.”

  “Do you think we could give us another chance?”

  “Yes,” I blurted out, smiling from ear to ear.

  He picked me up and spun me around as we laughed and kissed each other.

  I couldn’t have been happier that I was back together with Ethan.

  I had found the love of my life and I never wanted to let go.


  Chapter 16

nbsp; I had learned one thing about myself through everything and that was that when it came to Ethan I was a pushover. I was a doormat and I was addicted to him. The high of being with him was like nothing I had ever felt before but the low of being without him was the worst pain I had ever experienced.

  And in that moment I was so high I was touching the sky. I was in the clouds.

  Standing in the bleachers, I cheered on my man. He was killing it on the field and after every point he scored he would find me in the crowd and smile.

  “He’s really good,” Holland said, watching the game like her life depended on it.

  “He’s the best,” I sighed, not taking my eyes off of him.

  “You’ve got it bad,” she said, nudging me.

  “Can you blame me?”

  Everyone in town knew how I felt about Ethan because I made no secret about it. Ever since we started dating again a couple of weeks ago I walked around Lakeview with a smile on my face and more pep in my step.

  The talk of my kiss with Talon had died down. Everyone was on to their next victim of small town gossip.

  There was thirty seconds left on the clock and everyone was on the edge of their seats waiting to see if Ethan was going to score the winning touchdown.

  Biting my lip, I prayed the he could pull it off but I knew he could.

  Squeezing my shut, I waited until I heard the crowd’s reaction. Hearing people chanting Ethan’s name, I opened my eyes and saw all of the football players celebrating on the field.

  “He did it!” I screamed, hopping up and down.

  “I know! He was amazing out there,” Holland said, mimicking my reaction.

  I was so proud to be able to call him mine. He stopped celebrating his huge win with the guys and locked in eyes on me and blew me a kiss. Pretending to catch it, I laughed and made my way down the steps.

  Tossing his helmet on the grass, he ran toward me and scooped me up.

  “Congratulations, Baby,” I said, placing a kiss on his cheek.

  “It was all you, Babe. You’re my good luck charm.”

  “What’s the plan tonight?”

  “Bonfire party at the lake and then you and me all alone in a bed,” he said, nipping on my ear.

  “I like that plan.”

  “I’m going to shower. Why don’t you go wait with Holland and then we’ll head over to the party,” He said, placing me on my feet.

  “Okay, don’t be too long,” I said, pouting.

  “I won’t. I love you.”

  “I love you, too.”

  He kissed me and then he walked toward the locker room.

  “Are we going to the party?’ Holland asked, leaning her head on my shoulder.

  “How long have you been there and how do you know about the party?” I asked, raising my eyebrows at her.

  “I literally just walked up and a little birdie told me,” she said, smiling like a giddy school girl.

  “By any chance does that little birdie look like a Hollywood bad boy and have a sour attitude?” I asked, placing my hands on my hips.

  “Nope. You must know a different little birdie. The little birdie I know is sweet, smart, and funny, but he does look like he stepped off of a movie.”

  Ignoring her statement, I leaned against the fence and watched the exit of the locker room hoping to see any sign of Ethan. When I was away from him it was like I had separation anxiety. It was really sad.

  I had become so dependent on Ethan. I knew it was dangerous but I couldn’t help myself. I also knew that I was putting myself at risk of getting hurt again.

  I was just so scared he was going to slip away from me again.

  “Are you trying to give yourself x-ray vision?” Holland said, giggling.

  “What are you talking about, Holl?”

  “You’re literally trying to burn a hole through the locker room. He’ll be right out. Calm down,” she said, showing me how to breathe in and breathe out.

  “Ha-ha, very funny,” I said, rolling my eyes.

  After what felt like a lifetime Ethan strolled out and walked our way. As he got closer I saw that his hair was still a little wet.

  “Was you too excited to get to me that you couldn’t dry your hair?” I said, flinging myself into his arms.

  “You know it, Babe. I missed you too much,” he said, gripping my waist tightly.

  “You two are the worst,” Holland said, walking toward the parking lot.

  “Is somebody jealous?” Ethan called to her.

  He was answered by her spinning around and flicking him off. Throwing my head back in laughter, I gripped Ethan’s hand. I felt right at home when I was with him, like I belonged with him. I had found my place in life and it was beside him. Always beside him.

  “Where are you?” Ethan asked, nudging me playfully.

  “In this moment,” I replied, cracking a ginormous smile.

  “I love you,” he said, coming to a complete stop.

  Turning to face him, I stared into his eyes.

  “I love you, too,’ I said, feeling his mouth land on mine.

  The heat that was radiating from us was enough to start a wildfire.

  “Are you two going to have sex right here or do I need to call someone to drive me to the party?” Holland’s voice boomed bringing me back to reality.

  “Call someone,” Ethan yelled back, putting his mouth back on mine without even waiting for her answer.

  We were lost in our own little world and we were content. All I needed was him and I knew that he felt the same about me. We were a perfect match, we clicked and that made me want to jump for joy.

  Finally coming up for air, I turned my attention to Holland and you know what I saw? Holland getting on the back of Luca’s Ducati.

  How long had we been kissing?

  “Holland, what are you doing?” I yelled, sending death glares Luca’s way.

  “Ethan told me to call someone, so I did. I don’t really feel like being the third wheel,” she said, wrapping her arms around him.

  She looked like she had been on his bike before. Many times.

  “You ready, Babe?” Luca asked Holland, looking over his shoulder at her.

  Babe? Did I miss something?

  “Don’t call her that,” I said, trying to seem intimidating.

  Ignoring me, he kept looking at her like she was the only girl in the whole world.

  “See you at the party,” she called, putting on a helmet and speeding off with the devil himself.

  “Wait, was that her own helmet?” Ethan asked, scratching his head in confusion.

  “I’m going to kill him. No, wait, I’m going to call her dad and make him kill him,” I said, pulling my phone from my purse.

  “Tell him tomorrow. Let’s make an appearance at the party and then go back to your place. That’s when the real party will begin,” he said, winking and pulling me toward his car.

  That statement instantly made me feel better. I could worry about Holland and her infamous bad decisions later. I needed to focus on me and my right decisions. Apparently I was the smart one when it came to relationship. Who would have thought?

  Nodding, I let him help me in the car and I couldn’t fight the smile that was appearing on my face. Every time I stopped to think about how lucky I was the smile showed up.

  “I love your smile,” Ethan said, gripping the steering wheel.

  “I love you. Every single thing about you,” I told him, resting my hand on his thigh.

  “Right back at you, Beautiful.”

  Biting my lip, I gently ran my hand up and down his leg.

  “Babe, If don’t quit doing that I’m going to pull over and take you right here,” Ethan growled, glancing at me.

  Feeling pleased with myself, I removed my hand and cranked up the radio. I couldn’t wait to get the party over with and to climb in bed with my man. That’s where I felt at home, that was my idea of a good time. Not a party.

  “You have no idea what you do to me,” Ethan said,
adjusting himself with one hand while he kept the other on the steering wheel, “I can barely focus on the road when you’re here.”

  “Why? I’m not doing anything,” I said, feeling confused.

  “Because I don’t want to take my eyes off of you, Babe. You’re everything beautiful in this world and you’re all mine.”

  Just when I thought he couldn’t get any better he went and proved me wrong.

  Every single time.

  Chapter 17

  Sweat. Skin. Kiss. Moan. Lick. Grind. Ride. Repeat.

  That was the words that best described what was happening and I was enjoying every single minute of it.

  “Harder,” I moaned, feeling Ethan diving into me.

  “You want it harder? I’m about to give it to you,” he said, drilling into me.

  We only stayed at the party for thirty minutes and we couldn’t take it anymore. That why we were parked down an old dirt road and I was straddling him in the backseat.

  Flipping me over on my back, he pushed himself deeper into me. Grazing my teeth against his shoulder, I let out a soft moan.

  “You make me feel alive,” he said, gently tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

  Digging my teeth into my bottom lip, I fought back a scream. The pleasure that was ripping through my body was enough to make me explode.

  “Oh, Ethan. Keep doing that,” I gasped, hearing the sound of out flesh hitting together.

  It was like music to my ears. Everything about us fit perfectly. Our bodies were completely in sync but so were our hearts.

  He rammed farther into me and it made my back slide against the leather of his seats. The sensation it caused was indescribable.

  “You feel so good, Babe,” he said, looking into my eyes as he continued to move inside of me.

  I felt beads of sweat forming all over my body. Who needed the gym when Ethan Charles was like your very own personal trainer? It was one fun work out.

  “I’m almost there,” I said, clawing his back.

  My body began to shudder and then completely gave out under him.

  “You’re so good at that,” I breathlessly said, wiping my forehand and fanning myself.

  Laughing he pulled out, and placed the soiled condom in a bag.


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