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by Jessie Rose Case

  Jessie Rose Case


  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Book 19


  This is a Happily Ever After, Galactic Cyborg Heat Series, Hot Romantic Fiction Novel. Book 19. A tantalizing story of passions and desires, that brings two people together in a way they never thought possible.

  NOTE TO READERS: This is a sci-fi romance filled with hot explicit sex and strong dominant men. It’s gritty, confrontational and steam will be coming out of your ears. If you’re looking for something to get those juices flowing, you just found it. Enjoy!

  CraZ. Book 19 in the Galactic Cyborg Heat series.

  Fated to be rejected...... the chances of finding another? The Universe held many wonders.... did it hold another for him ....


  Rejected. The one female who could be his mate on this world didn’t want him. It was a bitter pill to swallow and he had to move on. For too long he’d acted under orders until finally free. Done things he had no choice over. Things that had nearly driven him out of his mind, until he’d had no choice but to turn off his emotions to save his sanity. Cyborgs, they could do that. Shut down what made them faulty.

  Did he want to remember? No. Life held little meaning, it just was. A history filled with war, destruction, battles and domination. Littered with crazy and yet, he’d survived to be free and again, life held disappointment. Did that mean he was one of the lucky ones? The data across his optic told him, yes. Logic never lied, that had to be true. Did he want to feel that? Feel lucky? No. His data told him. Feeling led to pain. Emotion led to no control. And no control led back to crazy.

  He wanted something more than death, dying and rejection. To find that one female made for him. The one person who would change his life forever. Make him whole once more and give it meaning.

  She was out there. He just needed to find her……


  Chris Robinson never expected anything more than work hard for what she wanted in life and she was ok with that. She realised early on that her parents loved her, but if she wanted anything more from life, she needed to earn her own money. There were no handouts and no one to give you a break. You had to work for it. And she did. Carried two jobs and saved every credit she had. She wasn’t a scientist or a doctor or had any special skills. But she could work hard.

  And that got her noticed. A man to call her own who worked hard like her. With a planned life together, they headed to the stars. And for a while hard work and all the challenges were worth it. Until it went so very wrong.

  Clinging to her pain, her shields went up. Paying little notice to the arrival of the Cyborg Empire. As the years passed, so did the rotation of Cyborgs coming to her world. The people were happy to see them, but she hardly noticed.

  Until he made sure she did. Confronted by a male, a Cyborg who demanded her attention. His gaze penetrating. Asking unspoken questions. She could feel the heat and desire rolling off him. His hunger focused all on her.

  Surprise and shock hit her at her own body’s response.

  “Tell me you’re real….” he whispered breathing her in…..

  Copyright April 2019

  All Rights Reserved. The unauthorized reproduction or distribution of this copyrighted work is illegal, except for the case of brief quotations in reviews and articles.

  Criminal copyright infringement is investigated by the FBI and is punishable by up to 5 years in federal prison and a fine of $250,000.

  All characters and events in this book are fictitious. Any resemblance to actual persons living or dead is coincidental.

  Other Books By the Author


  (An Historic Native American Indian Romantic saga)

  When the Wind Blows

  (An Historic Native American West Romance)


  (A Bataari New World Sci fi Alien Romantic saga Book 1)

  A Hot Blooded Mate

  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 2)


  (A Bataari New World Sci Fi Alien Romantic Saga Book 3)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 1 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 2 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 3 House Arturo)


  (A Vampire Romantic Novel Book 4 House Arturo)

  Galactic Cyborg Heat Series

  Books 1 - 20.

  The Covenant

  Books 1 – 3

  Prince of the Demon Realm

  Book 1

  Intragalactic Gods Series

  Book 1

  A word from the Author.

  Hello, I'm Jessie and I thank you for buying this book! I know you did not have to.

  There are so many choices out there. It's a wonderful feeling knowing that someone else will enjoy one of my stories. And for me, it's about telling a story that I'd like to read myself.

  I am not caught up in POV or literacy genius. It's simply not me or my style and I will never be that person, so I apologize to all those who are focused on the POV and the genius of literacy. I envy those that are.

  On the days where my pain and meds stop my thinking processes, writing these books have been my lifeline. It reminds me that I still have the ability to rise to the challenge and that I refuse to go quietly into the night.

  But, I'm just like you, someone who wants to bring some passion into my life and hopefully yours too. A good story that's hard to put down, that brings some escapism, sexy fun and pleasure into our reading. We all love a bit of that!

  And, I hope I achieve that for you in this book. I sincerely hope you enjoy it so much that you want to look out for the next in the series. (Coming soon) And if I'm lucky, you will have had such a good time, you'll recommend it to your friends and I thank you kindly.

  My very best wishes to you and yours. Jessie x

  About the Author;

  Jessie, (pseudonym) is married with sadly no children but 3 wonderful dogs that fill her life with much laughter, joy and love. She is a ‘second mother’ to her foster children, now grown with children of their own who call her grandma and her husband’s two children and her nephews who she accepts, she spoils rotten.

  Having been a 30-year career social worker. Now retired due to ill health. And many years of supporting services across all sectors and leading several teams, Jessie has now turned her attention to another love of her life, books.

  In a career that required the ability to write court paperwork, lengthy reports, create protocols and procedures, and having been published in a medical journal for a study on addiction, Jessie is now concentrating on producing stories she would love to read and buy herself. When not busy on her lap top you will find her cooking, reading her favourite authors or swimming in the sun.

  She hopes you can join her on the adventure….

  Get in touch with Jessie for her mailing list ….

  Table of Contents

  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter One

  Cyborgs, Old Earths demonised race. They didn’t deal in wishes and hopes. They dealt in facts and logic. And the logic here told him the female did not want him. It was that simple. If he’d had his emotions turned on, his logic told him he’d be feeling far worse. The fact that he was feeling anything was unusual. They were off for two reasons, one, they couldn’t be trusted and two, he couldn’t be trusted with them. It wasn’t much comfort. Did he need comfort? Not that he could recognise the need for it. To lose, a
one in a million chance. Likely his only chance. Was a reality staring him in the face. The data that flowed across his optic told him there was a 98% chance he would feel pain, if his pain receptors were also turned on.

  Did he want that connection so badly?

  He’d not pursued her as his kind tended to do but given her time. Time to make up her own mind as the rules dictated. The burning need to touch, caress and bury himself inside her, had not come to him on scenting her. It wasn’t the Cyborg way and he’d held himself apart. Was it because a mistake could be deadly? To him, not her. His data had no answer for him. Not enough data to go on to make an informed decision.

  Even now, he was unsure if he’d already imprinted on the female, if he had bonded. His data automatically told him the odds of that being true. He should be sure, but he wasn’t. It was an usual state for a Cyborg that relied on data to make decisions.

  Gathering further data would require him to turn his emotions on and he wasn’t ready for that. His system diagnostic flowed across his optic. It showed red across the board just thinking of it. Not that he needed the reminder of what a system failure that would be if he did. Too many years, too many actions, too many orders. The stats on his life flowed amongst the other data constantly on display across his optic.

  CraZ, gazed across the land ignoring the information he didn’t want to see. He didn’t want to think about the past. His life was a matter of record. He’d been born to fight. To be a warrior for Old Earth and the Corporation. He hadn’t expected to survive; the odds were against them. None of them had. Not to ever be free anyway.

  And he’d not expected to find her on this world. An outpost now attached to the Empire. He hadn’t actually expected to find her at all. But on seeing and scenting her, his system came alive at the prospect. Things he’d not considered a possibility in his life before, were suddenly open to him. A female of his own choosing, a family beyond his brothers. Even with his emotions turned off, his system diagnostic registered the positive need. He seemed he wanted that. Family. A legacy. Something more than Cyborg.

  And on finding her, he’d made his request with the Empire. He identified the female. Made the appropriate overtures to the Commander in charge, who in turn, spoke with the community leader on his behalf. Only, it hadn’t gone as expected.

  The community leader had informed his Commander it was unlikely that the female would be willing or interested. He hadn’t been wrong, and CraZ found himself still waiting for a reply from her. Five days. It made no sense to him. His logic told him her behaviour was unusual. She’d given her reasons at his first approach. Data inferred she was committed elsewhere but carried no scent. Was she possibly ill, scared or very unsure? Watching her from afar, it was clear she wasn’t ill. She worked as hard as any male. Up early working until late. Craz kept his distance but he couldn’t stay away from seeking her out. Making sure she wasn’t being harmed in some way. He felt the pull towards the female, but his logic told him she clearly didn’t wish to respond or wasn’t ready.

  If this was a rejection, it wasn’t the first time a Cyborg had been rejected by a female. They had the choice. They could choose to be with them or not. No female was pressured into joining with a Cyborg. Their own history would never allow that. That wasn’t to say a Cyborg didn’t use his advantage. They were hunters, hounds after all, built to hunt and track, to infiltrate to overcome any obstacle any challenge and everything about a female, was a challenge to be met by them. A challenge they were genetically designed to win. Their animal DNA made sure of it. Skilled in seduction, they used it to their advantage but, it could be a death sentence too. Offering the female delights she would crave, could lead a Cyborg to imprint and if rejected thereafter, to his own death. It was a delicate balance. One they were still learning to live with.

  A life with a Cyborg could be long. Very long. Females already mated to Cyborgs had started to regenerate. They’re bodies turning back to their optimum perfection if they’d passed it. In effect they were get younger, stronger, healthier. Others got better from illnesses or injuries and they all, started to live very long lives too. Mac their Doctor thought it had something to do with the transfers of their nano’s during sex and the strong bond of compatibility. They recognised the female as their true mate on a DNA level and changed their system to allow them as much time as possible together.

  It was logical. Having spent decades looking for your mate, there would be no point if she would live only a few years.

  As the nano’s worked to keep the Cyborgs in optimum condition, so they worked in their chosen female it seems. Each time the female’s system was flooded with nano’s, it improved their quality of life and made the females receptable to their seed. It was still a wonder to the Empire. Cyborgs who had nothing, could now have Cyborg/Human hybrid children. Something thought unthinkable for all the Designers meddling in playing God with Cyborg lives. They now had a legacy to their own lives. Gifted children, who would one day lead the Empire.

  The evidence was all around him. On Worlds now in the Empire. On trading planets and outposts. On the Space Station, even on the shipping lanes. Cyborgs were finding their mates and having children. Their lives now completely different from the decades of Designers building them, repairing them and selling them on. Earth Corp might have bought the expertise to make them a reality, but it was the Designers who played God to create them.

  And once they had, they kept playing until they got what they wanted or just destroyed what they considered failures, for a new concept. Cyborgs were commodities, nothing more. Owned and very expensive, nothing was wasted. Put on the front line of every Corporation War to make sure Earth Corps interests were always on the winning side. They were retrieved, repaired, put back on the front line or crated for parts and reused where needed. They were simply a tool that came out and was put back.

  Built stronger, faster, taller, with optic vision in various spectrums and audio hearing far beyond what would be normal for a human. They were given every advantage for battle. Nothing left to chance. Weapons, armour, fighting styles. With a range of infiltration skills including seduction that were cutting edge. After decades of engineering, they were the ultimate warrior.

  Thrown into battle time and time again. Injury and even death didn’t always mean the end for a Cyborg. Limbs could be re-grown, and bodies jump started. It was the life of a Cyborg. It wasn’t pretty or soft. It was hard and harsh. Survival was all that mattered at any cost.

  Until they were finally free, and the Admiral found his Kim. Then a shockwave of emotion flooded their shared neuro nets. Sparking an inferno of feeling, devoid in most of them for decades. The experience, an awakening of sorts. Rippling out across the galactic pond to all those connected to him. A connection not thought possible for Cyborgs suddenly existed and a whole new world opened up to them. One they grasped with both hands.

  And that started the Empire. Admiral Rage, followed his female and ended up at a Space Station that was in trouble. A Station they were familiar with. One they’d used over the decades, who kept themselves to themselves. Cyborgs had liked that they didn’t pass judgement. Seeing it had been over taken by pirates, came as a surprise. It was an armed fortress after all and their logic told them, they’d had help to get in.

  They found them killing and stripping the place. Most of the men were dead, many of the females and children too or dying or being raped. The Empire had declared itself, moved in and taken over the Space Station. Defeating the pirates in a quick and decisive action. Few pirates survived it and those that did, were held accountable for their actions.

  Giving the survivors protection, the Empire set about rubbing out the corruption that had handed it over to the pirates in the first place. And legally took it in salvage and helped them to rebuild.

  Not that Earth Corp who owned it, let that go. No. They came at them head on. Tried to wipe them out by creating a virus to kill them all off. Then a computer programme to infiltrate their programming makin
g them all robots again. Luckily the Empire dealt with both before they became reality. The Empire foiled their plans and in doing so, found out more about Earth Corp than anyone ever knew.

  Cyborgs weren’t their only experiments. They’d seeded the universe in a desperate bid to own the minerals on other worlds, then let people die when they couldn’t afford to retrieve them. And they weren’t the only ones.

  Other corporations came late to the party, but did the same and the Corporation Wars went to a whole new level.

  It was a wonder anyone survived at all.

  The female stopped stacking the hay and turned in his direction, like she knew he was there. Zooming in with his optic, he could tell she wasn’t too happy at seeing him again. Her body language just reinforced that. He could tell so much by just looking at her. Another Cyborg advantage. They were made with the ability to see human body tells. To be able to read body language and to scent behaviour and feelings. The ability to filter human emotions excreted through their skin, told them a whole lot more. Happy, sad, fear and stronger emotions, desire, hunger, anguish, all had their own unique scent on the air. Each, a telling note that could be tasted.


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