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Anagram Page 4

by Sienna Grant

  “My pleasure, sugar.” Lifting my hand to his mouth, he kisses my knuckles tenderly while smoothing his other hand over my cheek and pulling me to him before connecting our lips. It’s times like this when I wish he’d commit. He can be so soft and tender but he’s like an animal at other times. Not that I mind, I love how he controls me. He can play my body like a well-tuned instrument and I have no way of stopping him. Our mouths move in sync, while our tongues tangle together, tasting, and his is a flavor I’ll never get enough of. I tug him closer to me by the lapels of his blazer, deepening our kiss. I swallow Everett’s groans and his tongue delves that little bit further before he’s pulling back and breaking our kiss.

  “That should keep me going for the rest of the day,” Everett says huskily, swiping his fingers across my lips.

  Taking my lipstick from my bag, I lean up to look in the rearview mirror to apply a fresh coat.

  “You know that lipstick would look much better staining the base of my cock,” Everett whispers, his hot breath blowing in my ear, causing a wetness to pool in my underwear.

  With his fingers clutching my chin, he slowly turns my head to look at him, his lips once again just a mere breath from mine.

  “I have to go.” Putting my lips to his cheek, I leave the outline of my lips on his skin. “Your cheek will have to do for now.”

  I don’t wait for his reaction. I grab my bag and step from the car heading into the building and back to work.



  Watching her unfold her sexy body from my car makes my dick physically ache. Reagan has a body cut from sin and can make me drool.

  The day she waltzed her way into my office, I knew I had to have her beneath me. Nothing excited me more than the way she argued with me. She hadn’t long been chief executive of Hicks Life Solutions, and I knew nothing about her, only that she was the youngest and the first female ever.

  I’ve known Terry Hicks for a few years, so I knew whoever he put in charge of his company would have to be fucking good at their job, especially after the moron they had in place last time. That bastard was one of the worst. If it hadn’t been for me, Terry Hicks would have lost everything. He owes me a favor.

  Once the boardroom was set up with tablets water for everyone, I took my seat at the end of the long table. Twenty minutes later, people started to filter in; all that was left to arrive was Terry and his new employee.

  While talking with one of the shareholders, the was a knock on the door, and in walked Terry, followed closely behind by a pair of legs in sky high, black, fuck me heels. That was about as far as I got until Terry cleared his throat and called my name. As my gaze travelled further up, I took note of the black suit and red lipstick. When I heard another cough, I dragged myself from out of my filthy mind before my dick got so hard it took over the meeting. I blinked twice before looking back at Terry.

  “Everett, this is Reagan Quinn, my new chief executive. Reagan, Everett Brooks.”

  My mouth dropped open like a fish. With a name like Reagan, I thought it would be a guy. I was in so much trouble.

  “Hello, Mr. Brooks, I’m very pleased to meet you.”

  I stared at her outstretched hand, small and feminine, waiting to take mine. My eyes came in contact with the cleavage she’s trying to conceal. I tried hard to control myself. The tight grip on my hand made me wonder if she would wrap her fingers around my dick that tight. The skin of her chest flushed, and my gaze travelled up to the slender lines of her neck.

  She cleared her throat before reprimanding me. “My eyes are up here, Mr. Brooks.”

  “And what pretty ones they are, Ms. Quinn.” The smirk pulled at my lips before I could stop it. Before I got kicked in the balls, I toned it down a little bit. “I’m very pleased to meet you too. Please take a seat.”

  She walked around to the opposite side of the table, my gaze following as she put one foot in front of the other, all the time wishing I could clear the room and fuck her over this table with those heels digging into my back.

  Reagan pulled out the chair and sat down. Grabbing my iPad, I moved to the opposite end and pulled out the chair closest to her. All through the meeting my eyes barely shifted from her sexy form.

  That was a long fucking meeting that day, but it was also the day I made it my goal to have Reagan Quinn beneath me, and when I put my mind to something, I make sure I do it. There was no way Reagan Quinn was going to end up in any other fuckers’ beds.

  She disappears into the building and I start up the engine of my Mustang and pull out into the New York traffic, heading back to my own office.



  I’m deep in concentration when I hear a single tap on my door. Before I can answer, it’s opening. Raising my gaze from the monitor, I see Margie standing at the door with a cup of coffee. I’ve been here since six this morning, getting a head start on a huge amount of research for a new contract. It’s worth a lot of money to us, and Mr. Hicks is dying to land the deal.

  A small smile tugs at my lips. “Margie, you are a diamond.” She smiles back and brings me the mug. I take a sip of the hot liquid, letting the caffeine and full aroma give me the boost I need.

  Margie has only been here a week and already she’s proving her worth. She’s alert, efficient, and has things done without me even asking. I can’t believe how quickly she’s picked up everything. She put a whole new filing system in place and has changed the way the accounts are organized. Even Steven was impressed. I’m still a bit cautious about letting my guard drop around her though. My business persona is ruthless. In this field, you can’t always trust an innocent smile and a friendly set of eyes. Mr. Hick’s has handpicked me for this job, and I refuse to let him down.

  “Is there anything else I can get for you, Ms. Quinn?”

  “I could murder a pastry from the deli.”

  “Would you like your usual?”

  “Yes, please.” My usual consists of a croissant filled with peanut butter and some fruit. My mouth is watering already. On cue, my stomach grumbles at the thought of it.

  Margie smirks and nods. “I’ll get on that right now.” Leaving my office, she pulls the door closed behind her.

  It’s not long before Margie is strolling back into my office with my much-needed snack. “For you. One Americano with a double shot and one croissant. Enjoy.”

  Just the smell of the French pastry has me salivating, and I can’t wait to dig in. I take a big bite of the croissant and my back hits the chair as I sigh in pure pleasure. It doesn’t take me long to finish it, and I’m soon getting back to work.

  Picking up the receiver I ring through to Margie, she picks up almost instantly. I smile to myself. Her efficiency is remarkable. “Margie can you pop into my office please and bring a notepad.” Placing it back down I pull a chair around for her. After a soft knock on my door she comes in with a gentle smile and steps up to the desk.

  “You called Ms. Quinn.”

  “Why don’t you come and take a seat and I’ll show you some of the business side of Hicks Lifestyle. This will make you sharper in your job and know what to look out for in clients.”

  I run through some of business associates and show her the requirements for each one. She takes everything in and makes notes. I know we’ll be just fine with her.

  Finally, it seems I’ve found a decent assistant.

  After a long but productive day, I start packing up my desk.

  “Are you sure, Ms. Quinn? I don’t mind staying longer.”

  “You know, Margie, usually I’d say yes, but I’ve been here since six, and I rarely go home before seven, I’m taking advantage of the extra time and going to see my family.” I find myself smiling at her. It’s something I’ve never really done with the staff, so I’m in unfamiliar territory. At the mention of family her chin drops, and a frown settles between her brows, instantly making me regret sharing my plans. She soon smooths her features i
nto a polite smile, and with a nod she leaves my office and goes back to her desk. Nothing like putting my foot in my mouth. Fuck! How could I be so heartless? I feel a little sorry for her that she has nowhere to go other than an empty house. I find myself wanting to find out what happened to her parents, the rest of her family.

  I look up in time to see Margie with her bag on her shoulder, arranging her desk for tomorrow. I scurry to stop her before she leaves. “Margie…”

  She turns and looks at me over her shoulder. “Yes, Ms. Quinn?”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t even think.” I sigh, shaking my head at my stupidity.

  “Oh, don’t be silly, it’s fine. I’m used to it now; it’s been a long time.” Her smile is sad as she turns and begins walking to the door.

  “See you tomorrow.”

  Lifting a hand in a wave she leaves.

  Still quietly berating myself for putting my foot in it, I go back to my desk to gather my belongings before getting out of here for the day.

  Every Tuesday, the family and I have dinner and spend some quality time together. I could never promise more than that, what with being so busy with work, and they’re okay with it. Mom does a good old-fashioned roast with all the trimmings.

  I have a paternal aunt who couldn’t have children, Mom was an only child, and both sets of grandparents aren’t with us anymore, so we’re a really tight knit family. They were so supportive when I started my career, and when I became CEO, they were so proud. I loved seeing the look on their faces when they’d tell their friends that I’m chief executive of a leading pharmaceutical company.

  Grabbing my bag from the passenger seat, I get out, and once the car is locked, I let myself into my mom’s house.

  “Oh, here she is.” Mom pops her head around the door and smiles. “I didn’t think you were coming for a minute.”

  “It’s Tuesday, of course I’d be here. I can’t miss my roast, Mom.” I smirk and kiss her cheek, then pull her in for a tight squeeze. With her arm still wrapped around my waist, we walk into the living room.

  “So, how’s life in the corporate world, Reagan?”

  “Oh, you know, busy; dog eat dog, or so they say.”

  “It’s good to be busy. Go sit down, dinner won’t be long.”

  Mom leaves me to go into the kitchen and I walk over to the couch that my brother is sprawled out on. I drop my bag over the side smirking as I watch it lands on him.

  “Ouch. I am here, you know.”

  “Get your lazy ass up, then.” As soon as Hayden has swung his legs around and sat up, I plop down next to him. “How’re you doing?”

  “I’m good.” It hasn’t been too long since his fiancée decided to break off their engagement. She left him with nothing but a huge amount of debt and a wedding to pay for. I offered him the money to help him out, but he wouldn’t take it. His theory was he got himself into the mess and he’d find his way out of it. I hate seeing him like this, he’s been so down and depressed.

  A smirk appears on his lips as his fingers run over the keyboard on his phone, typing away furiously.

  “What are you smirking at?” I ask in vain, knowing he won’t tell me.

  “Nothing in particular. Just one of the guys.”

  “It’s about time you got back out there and found yourself a girlfriend.”

  Turning his head to look at me, the corner of his mouth tips up in a smirk. “What if I said I had one, what then?”

  “Then I’d be happy. I hate to see you upset. I know how much Penny leaving hurt you.”

  “Do you have to mention that bitch’s name?”

  And there you go, that’s how much his break-up destroyed him. “Hayden…” I say softly.

  “Reagan…” he mimics me in a high-pitched voice. “What do I need another woman in my life for when I’ve got you. You’re enough of a pain in my ass.” He rolls his eyes. “Anyway, how’s Mr. Big Shot? It’s about time you brought him to meet Mom, don’t you think?”

  Now it’s my turn to roll my eyes, but that means using muscles that are already exhausted, so instead, I give him the finger. “Maybe.” Hayden knows the situation with Everett and me, and he’s just trying to get a rise out of me to take the attention off him. Asshole. His arm goes around me and locks me in a headlock, pulling me into him.

  “I don’t think Mom would approve if you told her you were just fucking,” he whispers, laughing under his breath at the same time.

  “Fuck you, dickhead.” Removing his arm from my neck, I get up and take my cell from my purse. “I’m going to give Mom a hand in the kitchen.”

  The sound of his laugh follows me into the kitchen. I don’t know why I even bother.



  “Did you have a nice time with your family last night, Ms. Quinn?” Margie asks as she places some paperwork on my desk for me to sign off on.

  “I did, thank you, Margie.” I can’t help the smile that creeps onto my lips. Not one of my employees has ever even asked me about the weather, let alone my family. Then again, I suppose I’ve never given them a reason to.

  My brother and I are so different it’s scary, if we didn’t look alike, you could say we were from an entirely different gene pool. Whereas I’ve always been a little closed off, Hayden is way too trusting. I told him years ago it would come back to bite him in the ass.

  I was right. Penny, that bitch, she literally took him for everything he was worth and left him with the bank loan she had taken out to pay off her gambling debts.

  Margie brings me back from remembering my brother’s darkest days with her soft voice. “So, if you could just sign those, I’ll get them scanned over to Mr. Hicks.”

  Pushing the papers toward me, I take my pen and one by one sign my name on the dotted lines. I gather them up neatly and pass them back to her. She’s shifting from foot to foot like she’s nervous. “Are you okay, Margie?”

  “Um, yeah.” She nods as she nibbles on her bottom lip.

  “Are you sure?”

  “Well, I just wanted to say that if you ever wanted to have a coffee anytime, I’m around…” I feel my eyes widen with surprise at this offer. “I was thinking at the weekend or something, of course, you don’t have to, but the offer’s there if you ever do.” The words rush out of her mouth and she holds the papers against her chest, wrapping her arms around herself. She spins on her heel and leaves the office. My mouth is still open as I watch her through the glass partition. She uses a finger to push her glasses up her nose and tucks loose strands of hair behind her ears before turning her focus back to the computer.

  There’s absolutely nothing I could have in common with this woman except that she’s the same age as me.

  I have one girl friend, and that’s Ruby. I can’t see myself extending that circle anytime soon. If I compare Margie to Ruby, there’s completely no comparison. I don’t even remember how to make friends.

  Margie must feel my eyes on her because she looks right at me but quickly turns her face away. I feel like a bitch for not answering her, but I have no idea what to say. Maybe I’ll wait and see if she brings it up again.

  The hours have sped by, and while I’m deep in concentration, the chatter rises in the office, making me look up to see what’s happening. With a scowl on my face, I stand and go to the window and push back the vertical blinds. Strutting through the office is Everett, casually nodding to my employees. What the hell is he doing here?

  I sit back down and wait for either the phone to ring to announce his presence or a knock on the door. Everett isn’t one for rules unless they’re coming from him, so it’ll be interesting to see how this plays out. Will he just come barging in, or will he obey protocol and go to my assistant first? With a single knock on the main office door, he walks in and up to Margie’s desk. He rests his hands on the desk, leaning over, and I just know he’s working his charm on her. Margie stands from her chair and holds out her hand, forcing Everett up to h
is full height as they shake hands. She glances into my office more than once and I feel the need to rescue her. Going to the door that adjoins our offices, I pull it open and lean my shoulder on the frame, folding my arms across my chest.

  “It’s okay, Margie. I’ll take it from here.” I turn my attention to Everett. “Mr. Brooks. To what do I owe the pleasure of this little visit?”

  He smirks as his gaze runs over my form more than once, then turns back to Margie. “Thank you…Margie, is it?” She nods her confirmation. “It’s good to meet you, Margie.”

  Standing away from the door, I open it wide so he can waltz through. “Can you hold my calls, please, and make sure I’m not interrupted?”

  With a firm nod of her head, Margie takes her seat and I close the door, before taking my seat in front of him. “So, what’s the occasion?”

  “No occasion. Can’t I come by and see you?”

  My greedy gaze runs over his perfectly styled hair and the neatly groomed stubble on his face that showcases his lips before dropping down to the expensive navy suit he’s wearing. Everett wears a suit so well, but he hardly ever wears a tie unless he’s going into a meeting with an important client. The top button of his shirt is left undone and his leg is pulled up with his ankle is resting on his thigh. Seeing him sitting here in my space, my domain, is a heady feeling, and one that I can’t hide as I cross my legs under my desk, clenching my thighs together.

  “Not unless it’s by appointment, no. I’m a busy woman, and you’re just as busy, if not busier, than me.”

  “I thought I’d drop by and see my girlfriend, is that so bad?”

  “Well yes, it is. Since, officially, I’m not your girlfriend, just your fuck buddy.”

  “Hey. I’m exclusive to you, no one else.” He winks and paired with the cocky smirk pulling at one side of his mouth, I can’t help but smile back.


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