Interconnected Hearts

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Interconnected Hearts Page 14

by Bethany Daniel

"You really don't have to pretend you like it." Zoie whispers.

  "I'm not pretending. You can ask Krista, when it comes to my chocolate cake, I don't allow anything less than perfect. Way back when I first married Victor, before I perfected the recipe, I accidentally put in salt instead of sugar and you should have seen the face he made!"

  "It was really awful." Daddy scrunches up his nose. "She took one look at my face and burst into tears."

  "See Zoie, you did a better job than me."

  Zoie laughs and sits back in her chair, happy to be the star of something other than just a movie.

  "Maybe I can make some chocolate cake for Braden."

  "I highly doubt he would object." I roll my eyes. "Kate says he eats as often as the baby does."

  Zoie giggles and leans her chin on her hands. "I don't know where it all goes though, have you seen his six pack?"

  "Yuck! No, and you better not be seeing it a lot either, young lady."

  "Amen to that." Daddy chimes in. "Don't let a boy throw you off track, Zoie."

  "If anything, he keeps me on track." Zoie smiles, leaning back in her chair. "He's special."

  "Yeah well, so are you." I tell her as I cut my own piece of cake. "Don't forget that."

  Zoie sends me a gracious smile and we all talk about random topics over the cake that is surprisingly really good. Moments like these are exactly why I wanted this big dinner table. Family and the moments like these that make up memories, even the kinda messy ones that will last forever.

  The following morning, I grab an apple out of a bowl in the kitchen and make my way outside, but as soon as I step out on the porch I find a folded note with mine and Scott's name on it.

  Frowning I open the note and find something scrawled quickly from Brenna.

  "Scott and Krista,

  I'm so sorry that my keeping Cason a secret has caused such a media frenzy. That was never my intention, I saw some of those awful magazine covers. I want the chance to clean the slate and move forward. Would you be willing to meet up with us at the park on Malvern around 5? You have my number to text if you decide to come.


  I sigh, folding the letter up and sticking it in my purse before unlocking Matilda and sitting inside. Mama and Daddy are staying just outside of town and we have plans to meet up during my lunch hour, but maybe if it's ok with Brenna, they could meet up with us and get to meet Cason.

  As I start up the car, I pull out my phone and call up Scott, he had another early morning shoot so I haven't gotten to talk to him this morning.

  "Well good morning." Scotty answers on the first ring making me smile.

  "Good morning, how's work going?"

  "Oh you know, action, cut! Do that over again....over and over again. Fun times."

  I giggle at his grumpy attitude. "My poor baby. Just a couple more days until you wrap up, right?"

  "Thank God. Anyways, how's your morning so far, baby?"

  "Well that's kinda why I'm calling. I found a note on the porch from Brenna."

  "Oh." His whole tone changes from playful to serious. "What did she say?"

  "She wants to put a better foot forward and meet up with us at a park this afternoon. If we're up for it."

  "Are we?"

  "I believe we are. How about you text Brenna and tell her it's a go, and ask her if it's ok to bring Mama and Daddy along with us."

  "Do you think they're ready to meet him?"

  "Maybe not, but I know they'll want to once they hear what's going on. They do live all the way in Georgia. It might be awhile otherwise before they get the chance. Its perfect timing."

  "Alright. I'll set everything up. Have a good day at work, baby."

  "You too. I love you."

  "I love you too."

  We say our goodbyes and I slip my phone back into my purse to begin the drive to Franklin High. Something tells me this is going to be an interesting day.

  Chapter 32

  By the time lunch time rolls around, Scott has told me that everything is set up to meet Brenna and Cason at five and that it was ok to bring my parents.

  Now just to talk them into it.

  I walk up to the little cafe Mama picked because it has a balcony to sit out on and quickly spot them sipping on what I'm sure is sweet tea. One thing I learned quickly, around here tea doesn't come sweet like back home. You have to add it yourself.

  "Oh hey honey!" Mama grins when she sees me and quickly wraps me up in a hug.

  "Hey princess." Daddy smiles before giving me one of his bear hugs.

  I pull back from him and quickly plop down in a chair. "Have y'all been waiting long?"

  "Not too long, maybe twenty minutes or so. You know I like soaking up some sun." Mama smiles looking up at the sky. "How's your day been?"

  "Busy. This time of year a lot of the kids are freaking out about their futures, so they come to me."

  "I'm sure plenty of people in Holly-weird need a good guiding hand." Daddy mumbles and I roll my eyes.

  "Not all of them are weird, Daddy. You'd be surprised just how normal some of them are. Just look at Scotty."

  "Yes, Scott and his party...friend, that now has his child."

  "Daddy." I sigh and lean my arms on the table. "You have to not hold that against him. He was young, he was on a fame high and Brenna gave up on getting through to him. Things changed, he's getting the chance to be there for Cason now."

  "I don't see how you can be so nonchalant about this, Krista. An illegitimate child is a big deal!"

  "I know that!" I close my eyes and take a deep breath to calm myself. "You don't think it bothers me that my husband has a child with another woman? That a little boy will eventually call him Daddy that won't be calling me Mommy? Well it does, Daddy, ok? Is that what you want to hear?"

  I didn't realize I had started to cry until I feel Mama pull me into her arms and I lean my head into her shoulder. Sometimes a girl just needs her mama, and sometimes a person just breaks. Even when they are trying to hold themselves together.

  "That's enough, Victor." Mama tells him harshly over my head.

  "I'm sorry, Krista." Daddy heaves out a sigh. "It's just your my baby girl, I can't help but want to throttle Scott for being so stupid, even if it was well before he met you."

  I collect myself enough to look him in the eye. I'll have to remember to fix my make up before I go back to work.

  "I get that. I do, but now he's an adult and he's stepping up to the plate. He's not going to be some dead beat that just turns his cheek to his responsibilities. That's not who he is." I wipe under my eyes and hope my face isn't puffy and red. "Look, I know all of this throws everything for a loop, but Scott and I are planning on meeting up with Brenna and Cason this afternoon. I want ya'll to come and meet them to. But if you can't yet, I understand." I grab my purse and check the time. "I'm sorry Mama, but I have to get back to work."

  "It's ok sweetheart." She stands and pulls me back into her arms and runs her hand down the length of my hair. "I'm sorry about your Daddy's outburst. He's just feeling overwhelmed with all this Hollywood craziness. If he had his way you would have settled down with a good old Georgia boy."

  I laugh softly and she smiles at me. "I know Mama. Do you think y'all can come this afternoon?"

  "I'll talk him into it, don't you worry."

  I hug her tight and turn to face Daddy. Through it all, I've only ever been his little girl and I think he has a hard time remembering that I grew up.

  Daddy silently walks up to me and hugs me tight, I let myself hold onto him for a long moment before stepping back and smiling up at him. "I love you, Daddy."

  "I love you too, Princess. I'm sorry I'm such an oaf sometimes."

  "You're forgiven. But now, I really have to go!" I stand on my tiptoes to kiss his cheek. "See you this afternoon?" I ask hopefully.

  "Tell your mother the address and we'll be there."

  I grin and give each of them a quick hug before running off towards Matilda to get back to
work. Yep, definitely an interesting day.

  Chapter 33

  By the end of the day, I'm a ball of nerves and decide I need some time with my best friend before walking into the unknown.

  As soon as the phone starts ringing, Kate answers and I laugh hearing some random kid song playing in the background. "Hi Auntie Krissy." Kate says and I smile hearing Will babble behind her, she must have me on speakerphone.

  "Hello there Mommy, how's my favorite nephew?"

  "Your only nephew has been a cranky pants, so we're out driving and listening to his favorite CD."

  "Perfect! Do y'all wanna meet me at the park on Malvern in about 15 minutes?"

  "Um sure. What's up?"

  "I need moral support. Scott and I are meeting up with Brenna and Cason there, and my parents are tagging along."

  "Your parents are in town?"

  "Uh-huh. I'll fill you in when you get there."

  I make my way to the park, cursing L.A traffic the whole way there. It's a miracle anyone ever gets where they're going.

  Once I finally make it to the park, I quickly park Matilda under a shade tree and walk along the side walk until I see Kate happily pushing Will in one of those baby swings.

  "Kate!" I yell waving my arm over my head to get her attention.

  She waves back when she sees me and quickly swoops Will out of the swing to come over to me and gives me a one armed hug.

  "Hey! Alright, start talking."

  I pull them over to a bench that's a ways from the walking trail and tell Kate all about Mama and Daddy showing up unexpectedly, Scott's parents visit, Zoie's lawyer visits and finally the note from Brenna that lead here.

  "Wow. Apparently I've missed a lot."

  "Uh huh. You've been a little bit busy." I smile and lean over to kiss Will's smooth cheek.

  "So, you're all meeting up here in..." She pulls her phone out to check her phone. "In the next hour?"

  "Yep. Crazy isn't it?"

  "I think that's a little bit of an understatement, Kris."

  I sigh, running a hand through my hair. "Do you wanna know something?" I whisper, facing straight forward.


  "I'm scared."

  "Of what?"

  "Of not being what Scotty needs, being seen as the evil step mother, completely failing at all this." I gulp and look down. "And Zoie, what if I fail Zoie? She isn't completely who Excite wants her to be, I know Braden seems to help, but it's not like he's gonna be around forever. What if she ends up one of those statistics of Hollywood...just like her brother?"

  "Well, then you can know you've done all you could possibly do, Krista. Unfortunately, you can't save every person that walks through your door. You can guide her, help her get through all the stuff with her parents and the emancipation, but after that she's going to have to face the ugly cruel world."

  "God that scares me."

  Kate laughs and bounces Will lightly on her knee. "That's what happens when you're a parent. Don't even try to deny it." She gives me a pointed look when I go to protest that statement. "You think of her like a daughter. That's why it scares you, she's etched herself into your heart."

  "She has." I agree. "What am I gonna do if she leaves?"

  "Let her make mistakes as she goes, be there to help pick up the pieces when her heart gets broken or something goes wrong. Just like your Mama has always been there for you. And I bet, you'll be that extra person that Cason turns to."

  "Do you think he'll ever like me?"

  "I don't know anything about step parents, but there's no way he won't love you, Kris. You'll just have to make a little extra spot for him to fill in your heart."

  "God I've missed you." I lean my head on her shoulder. "I'm so glad you ran away from your husband and ended up at my college."

  Kate laughs and leans her head on mine. "Believe it or not, me too. I can't imagine having a better best friend."

  Will squeals making us both laugh and Kate stands up pulling him to her hip. "I'm gonna let him play some more, if you need me, I'm here. Ok?"

  I nod and watch her take him to a sandbox, collecting myself, I stand and make my way over to stand near the park entrance where I spot Zoie and Braden with their hands entwined.

  "What are you guys doing here?"

  "Scott told me what was going down, so I thought I should be here." Zoie shrugs and looks down before looking up at me nervously. "Is that ok?"

  "It’s perfect." I grin at her. "You're a part of us now whether you like it or not!"

  She laughs and leans in closer to Braden. "Well, I do like it. I'm looking forward to meeting the little guy."

  "Is that Kate and Will?" Braden asks, squinting his eyes against the sun.

  "M hmm, Will was fussy so they went for a drive and I asked her to take a detour here." I shrug. "I'm sure she wouldn't object to Uncle Braden entertaining him for a bit."

  "Yeah I bet. You ok if I take him off her hands for a bit, babe?"

  "Go ahead." Zoie leans up for a quick kiss and sighs happily watching him jog over to the sandbox to play with Will.

  "You're happy, aren't you?" I ask quietly.

  "For the first time in a very long time, yes. I really am."

  "Good. You know Zoie, I want you to know, even after all the court stuff is done, you're welcome to stay at our house. I meant what I said, you're a part of us now."

  She smiles and reaches over surprising me with a hug. "Thank you, Krista. I think I'll take you up on that. Besides, what person in their right mind would sell a house to a 16 year old girl?"

  I laugh and squeeze her back. "Very true."

  "I think I'll go hang out in the sand box for a little while." She waves at me and runs over to join Braden, Kate and Will.

  I wave at them and turn to scan the parking lot just as Scott's SUV pulls into the parking lot.

  Once he turns the engine off, I walk over and open the driver's side door. "You ready?"

  "I guess I am." He slides some sunglasses on his face and messes with his dark locks. "Brenna texted that they will be here in about five minutes."

  I grab his hand and entwine mine with it. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Scotty. He's a four year old, he's not judging you or anything."

  "I know, but some day he will."

  "Well someday isn't today. Come on, let's go wait on the bench."

  We walk hand in hand to the bench Kate and I had sat at and watch all the little kids running around playing.

  "Hey, is that Katy?" Scott asks pointing towards the bouncy pony Will is now riding on.

  "Uh huh, Zoie and Braden too."

  "Really? What are they doing here?"

  "Moral support." I shrug and lean my head on his shoulder. "Mama texted me that they'll be running a little late because she needed to get some beauty rest."

  Scott chuckles and shakes his head. "I don't think she needs that, you look just like her and your beautiful as ever."

  "Always the charmer." I kiss him quickly.

  He smirks at me and stands as we see Brenna unloading Cason from a compact red car. As soon as his feet hit the ground he takes off running almost passing Scotty and I in the process.

  "Cason Joseph! I don't know how many times I've told you not to run away from me!" Brenna yells after him.

  Cason skids to a stop, waiting for her to catch up to him. "Sorry Mama."

  Brenna ruffles his hair and grabs his hand to keep him from going further. "Cason baby, do you remember my friend Scott?"

  Cason squirts his eyes at Scott, quickly looking him up and down. "Uh huh."

  Scott squats down to his eye level. "Hi again, buddy." He smiles tentatively and grabs my hand. "This pretty lady right here is my wife, Krista, and we'd like to be your friend too. Would that be ok?"

  Cason's little blue eyes study us both for a long moment before he shrugs. "Ok. Wanna play?"

  Scott laughs and nods. "If it's ok with your Mom."

  Brenna smiles at Cason when he swings his head in her direction
. "Of course."

  Scott takes off following Cason to the tall slide and I stand back to watch.

  "I want us to be friends you know." Brenna says from beside me. She pushes her long thick hair over her shoulder, takes one look in the direction of Scotty and Cason and turns to face me. "I know this whole situation is well...awkward."

  "You could say that."

  "But it's time for me to put my big girl panties on." She sighs, wrapping her arms around her middle. "I admit when I first saw Scott again in that restaurant it brought up all kinds of feelings and a part of me wanted him back."

  I bite my lip ready to stand my ground but she holds up her hand to placate me.

  "But that man out there." She points to where Scott is standing at the bottom of the slide waiting to catch Cason. "Isn't the boy I was in love with 5 years ago."

  "No, he's not. He's changed."

  "For the better from what I can tell." Brenna smiles. "You're good for him."

  "Thank you. I want to be someone good for Cason too."

  "You will be, Cason may be little but he's got a giant heart."

  "I know someone else like that."

  "He is like him in many ways. Don't let that scare you though. He's an amazing little person, and that's not just because of who his father is."

  "You've done a great job with him, Brenna."

  "Thanks. It hasn't always been easy, but I've given that little boy the best life."

  I smile and turn to watch the boys. Surprisingly I feel at peace with our situation right now, not caught in a sticky web of confusion. The beaming smile on Cason's face just truly warms my heart.

  "Hey Kris, look who we found." Kate smiles walking up with Mama and Daddy beside her.

  I make quick introductions between my parents and Brenna as well as Kate and Brenna. Zoie and Braden come and join us and after getting everyone acquainted, I reach up and hold on to my necklace. Rubbing the two hearts together as I stand in the middle of the most important people in my life, I feel a sense of true happiness. Watching Scott chase after a giggling Cason with a giant grin on his face and being surrounded by the love of our friends and family, my heart, is full.


  6 Months Later


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