Skirting the Ice (The Bannister Brothers #3)

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Skirting the Ice (The Bannister Brothers #3) Page 11

by Jennie Marts

  A whole box?

  She had a whole box upstairs?

  Jack swallowed and tried to control his breathing. “Okay then. Lead the way.”

  Whoever invented thong underwear should be awarded a medal, he thought as he followed her magnificent butt up the stairs.

  She led him down the hall and into her room, not bothering to turn on the lights. A soft breeze fluttered the sheer curtains, and the moon poured silvery light through the open windows.

  The sheets and comforter on her bed were a tangled mess. He tried to imagine what it would be like to curl up next to her in them, and he prayed that he was about to find out.

  She crossed to the nightstand, opened the drawer, and pulled out a box of condoms. Offering him a naughty grin, she tossed four onto the end of the bed.

  Four? He took a deep breath.

  Calm down, slugger. He could handle four.

  Hell, he was excited for one.

  Falling onto the rumpled sheets, she rolled onto her back, propped herself up on her elbows, and offered him a seductive smile.

  He gulped.

  She was so fucking beautiful.

  He was afraid to move, to blink, terrified that this was all a dream, and he didn’t want to wake up.

  “It seems like you still have way too many clothes on,” she teased, aiming a glance at his shorts.

  He shook his head, a grin playing across his lips. “I really do like you, Murphy.”

  “I like you, too. But right now, I’d like you better if you were naked and laying on top of me.”

  Her racy words set flickers of heat shooting through him as he pushed his shorts over his hips and let them fall to the floor. Stepping out of them, he climbed onto the bed and laid down next to her.

  His hands itched to touch her, and he ran his fingers along her stomach, between her breasts, and up the side of her neck. He loved the way her back arched, her nipples puckered, and goose flesh broke out across her skin.

  He wanted to tease her—to arouse her the way she was exciting him. He wasn’t sure what to do, what she liked. She was so bold, with her brazen words and seductive poses. She was like every fantasy he’d ever had come to life in front of him—except she was better than anything he could have dreamed.

  She was so perfect. He felt shy and awkward enough around her.

  He pressed his forehead to hers and spoke softly. “You are perfect. I can’t believe I’m here. With you. I don’t want to mess this up. I want to please you. But I’m not sure what to do.”

  “Just kiss me,” she said, her voice husky with need. “We’ll figure it out from there.”

  Her breath tickled his skin, sending darts of heat shooting down his spine. He wanted to do more than kiss her, he wanted to devour her, to feast on every inch of her skin.

  But he would start with kissing her. All of her.

  He dipped his head, slanting his mouth across hers, already craving the taste of her lips. Her tongue met his, hot, demanding, deepening the kiss as she gripped his shoulders.

  The scent of her perfume swirled around him as he trailed a line of kisses along her neck, down her throat, and across her breasts.

  Gazing down at her tight rose-colored nipple, the color reminded him of the sweet pink wine they’d had earlier. Like a delicious temptation, he drew the bud between his lips, and swirled his tongue around the tip in a slow indulgent sip, earning him a low throaty sound of pleasure from Murphy.

  Heat surged to his groin, aroused at both her touch and the way his touch excited her. He took his time, slowly exploring her body with his hands, his lips, his tongue. Caressing, fondling, teasing—drawing her to the brink of desire.

  He loved the sounds she made, and the small tight movements that guided him in knowing what she liked and what she didn’t.

  He drew his fingers softly across her waist and along the fabric at the top of her panties, tormenting both her and him. She arched her back, pressing against his hand, and he knew this small slip of lace and cotton was all that stood between him and fulfilling the fantasy he’d had of someday being with her.

  Someday was here and now, and his heart pounded against his ribs as he slipped his fingers inside the fabric and drew the tiny panties down her legs.

  Stealing a glance at her, he sought her permission with his eyes as he trailed a finger along her inner thigh.

  Her breath hitched in a small gasp, and she bit her lip as she nodded, giving him permission to proceed, and a shock of heat surged through his veins.

  She was so damn perfect.

  Her hair was tousled; the long blond strands fanned out across the pillow.

  He grabbed for one of the foil packets, but dropped it, his fingers fumbling, shaking with nerves at the thought of finally being with her.

  “It’s okay,” she said, sitting up and reaching for another packet. “Let me.”

  Oh holy mother.

  He stood perfectly still, holding his breath as she tore open the package and covered him with its contents. The touch of her fingers almost sent him through the roof.

  He was trying to play it cool, act like this was all normal stuff for him, but it wasn’t. She was his fantasy, the first girl he’d fallen in love with, the one who’d haunted his dreams and broken his heart.

  And here she was now, pulling him down on top of her as she lay back on the bed. She drew his face to hers, kissing him deeply, passionately, as she wrapped her legs around him.

  Everything else fell away, and he had to remind himself to breathe.

  Because he couldn’t think straight, couldn’t focus on anything but her.

  Nothing else mattered. Nothing except this moment—this pure sweet moment of bliss as they moved together in perfect rhythm, her hands clutching his back, her soft cries of pleasure murmuring in his ear.

  There was no way this could be happening—could even be real.

  But reality disappeared.

  All that was left was their bodies, hot and greedy as they tangled in the sheets, each movement drawing them closer to ecstasy.

  Except he didn’t want it to end. He wanted this night, this feeling, to go on forever.

  She shuddered, crying out, her fingers digging into his back as the waves of her release coursed through her.

  And that was it. He couldn’t hold back. He was gone.

  When it was over, he collapsed on the bed, pulling her to him as he fought to regulate his breathing.

  But he knew he was fighting for more than that. It wasn’t just his breath he was trying to control.

  So much of his life had been spent thinking about his lungs, his air passage, his ability to handle his asthma. But this was different. This was more—so much more.

  It was still a part of his body that he was trying to control, but this time it was his heart.

  Because he knew this woman had the ability to break it—to shatter it into a million pieces.

  But it was too late to take it back.

  He’d given her his heart over a decade ago.

  Now he just had to hope she wouldn’t destroy it, and him.

  She grinned up at him, her hair a messy tangle around her face. “Wow. That was amazing. And I didn’t even buy you dinner yet. I can’t wait to see what happens after I treat you to a steak.”

  Yep. His heart was hers.


  The morning sunlight streamed through the window as Murphy blinked open her eyes and stretched like a cat. Her body was sore, her muscles aching from the lovely abuse she’d put them through. But it was a good sore, the tender aches reminding her of the pleasure that had caused them.

  She’d slept like a freaking rock.

  Once they’d finally fallen asleep.

  She had loved the look on Jack’s face when she’d tossed those four condoms on the bed. His eyes had widened, and his Adam’s apple had shifted in his throat, a sure sign that she’d unnerved him. She’d only been teasing him, but he’d taken on the challenge and had earned the gold medal.
  Stretching her arm across the bed, she reached for him, but the other side of the bed was empty.

  Oh shit.

  Had he taken off?

  No, not Jack.

  Maybe he went home to take a shower. Or get some clothes. Or his shoes.

  She climbed out of bed, groaning with the effort, and made her way into the bathroom. Still naked, she pulled on a robe and took a few extra minutes to wash her face and brush her teeth and hair before padding barefoot downstairs.

  The smell of coffee filled the air, but her heart sank at the sight of the empty living room. “Jack?”

  He stepped out of the kitchen, wearing only his underwear, a five o’clock shadow, and the pair of glasses he’d left in the kitchen the day before. He had a cup of coffee in one hand, her new laptop balanced across his other arm, and his forehead was creased in concentration as he studied the screen. He looked up as she entered the room, and his face broke into a grin.

  Damn, but he was the sexiest nerd she’d ever seen.

  “Good morning,” she said, her own face responding with a smile.

  “No, it’s a great morning. An amazing morning. Best morning I’ve had in years.”

  She chuckled and looked around for the puppies that should be prancing around her legs.

  “I already fed the dogs and let them out in to the backyard to play,” he told her as if reading her mind. “You want coffee?”


  He set the laptop and his coffee on the counter and grabbed the only other cup sitting on the counter. “We didn’t drink coffee as teenagers yet, so I don’t know exactly how you like it. But I assume from the half-empty bottle of flavored creamer in your fridge, that you like froofy coffee.”

  “Froofy? Is that even a word?”

  “I think so. If it’s not, it should be. It’s probably in the urban dictionary.”

  “Just pour the coffee.”

  He handed her the cup and a spoon, then passed her the creamer from the refrigerator.

  After mixing in enough creamer to earn a raised eyebrow from Jack, she tapped the spoon on the side and took a heavenly sip. “Ah. The perfect blend of froofiness.”

  He grinned and pulled her into his arms, being careful not to spill her coffee. “You’re the perfect blend of goofiness.”

  “Me?” She laughed and turned the mug toward him. “I don’t recall having any Star Wars mugs.”

  He shrugged. “I hate drinking out of Styrofoam cups so I brought a couple of my favorite cups from home to use while I was watching the house yesterday. At least I gave you the Princess Leia one.”

  “Thanks. I feel special now.”

  “You are special,” he said, his eyes turning serious as he dipped his head and gave her a toe-curling kiss. He tasted like dark brewed coffee, and his morning whiskers scraped her chin. Fingers of desire surged through her veins as darts of heat shot up her spine.

  “Wow.” She took another sip of coffee as she tried to catch her breath. “So, what were you looking at so intently on the computer screen?”

  He didn’t answer.

  She looked up to see his eyes wide and his mouth open as he stared down the gaping front of her robe.

  “You’re not wearing any—” he sputtered. “Any, anything. Under your robe. You’re naked.” His voice rose as he said the word ‘naked.’

  Yep, sexiest nerd ever.

  She set her coffee on the counter then slowly untied the sash of her robe and let it fall completely open.

  Jack gulped, his eyes going wider still.

  “I’m not completely naked,” she said, her voice breathy and low as she slid the robe from her shoulders. “Not yet.”

  An hour later, they made their way back to the kitchen.

  Her coffee was cold but her body was warm and sated.

  “I’ll start a fresh pot of coffee,” she told him as she dumped out the contents of their cups. She grinned down at the image of Han Solo on the side of his. “I don’t have much in the way of breakfast food, but I think I have some granola bars and an apple we can split.”

  “Sounds good to me. I’m starving, so I’d eat the arm of your couch if you put enough ketchup on it.”

  “Hopefully we won’t have to resort to that.”

  “The granola bar is good for now. I can grab something more when I run home to shower and I’ll order something in for lunch.”

  “Ugh. I almost forgot we have more painting to do today.”

  “We just have the last bit of the kitchen to finish, then we can put in the tile backsplash and you’ll be ready for cabinets.”

  She cocked an eyebrow at him. “You said that with the confidence of a man that might actually know how to put in a tile backsplash.”

  He grinned. “Or the confidence of a man who has Googled the directions and watched seven instructional videos on YouTube on how to install a tile backsplash in order to impress the girl he has a massive thing for.”

  “That works too.” She laughed with him and poured fresh coffee into his cup. “But I say we take a break from painting and working on the house today. We’ve put in plenty of hours already and really, who needs a kitchen? As long as I’ve got coffee and can use the microwave, I can get by another day. The cabinets don’t arrive ‘til the end of the week anyway.”

  “You sure? I don’t mind helping you.”

  “I’m sure. Besides, I’ve got practice this afternoon, and then I have to get ready for my hot date tonight. We’re still on for dinner, right?”

  “Yeah, of course. Although you don’t have to go if you don’t want to. That bet was really just my lame attempt at flirting and trying to let you know I was interested. And that horse is already out of the barn, so to speak.”

  “Wow, farm animal analogies are always a sexy choice.” She laughed as his neck turned red. “And a bet is a bet.”

  “Okay, you don’t have to convince me. I’m in.” He offered her a sideways grin. “And I can’t promise no more farm animals, especially since we’re having steak. Clever word play is my specialty.”

  “You are so adorkable.”

  He chuckled. “Thanks, I think. Have you decided where you’re taking me?”

  “Yeah, but it’s a surprise.” She poured herself a cup of coffee and stirred in fresh creamer. “So you never told me what you were looking at on the computer this morning that was taking so much of your concentration.”

  The smile fell from his face as his laughter died. “I was looking through the video feed of the security cameras to see if I could spot the person I saw in your backyard last night.”

  A chill ran through her, chasing away the warmth she’d felt moments before. “And did you? Spot him?”

  “Not yet. I was just getting to about the time I heard Winston barking.”

  “Can I watch it with you?”

  “Yeah, sure.”

  She followed him to the sofa and sat down next to him, her arm pressed against his. Something told her she was going to need the warmth and support of his shoulder while they looked through the recordings.

  He opened the laptop and clicked to the screen showing the various displays of the outdoor cameras. Pointing to the lower picture of her backyard, he explained, “This is where I saw him. Next to the hedge by your window. Which by the way, we should do some mitigating of some of the bushes in your yard, both for fire safety and to eliminate potential places that an intruder could hide outside your house.”

  “Okay,” she answered absently, her eyes trained to the images on the screen.

  She let out a gasp as a figure crept across the display, clad in jeans and a dark hoodie.

  “That’s him,” Jack said, freezing the image. “That’s the guy I saw.” He glanced at her and must have been able to tell that the blood had drained from her face. “Are you okay?”

  Fear spiraled in her belly, but quickly turned into anger. She gritted her teeth. “Yes, I’m fine. Play it. I want to see who this bastard is.”

  They watch
ed for another hour, checking all of the screens and scrolling through the entire night, but he didn’t show up again after that first time.

  “Damn. The dogs must have scared him off,” Jack said.

  “The dogs and a half-naked guy running through the yard with a garden tool.” She nudged his shoulder. “And you say that like it’s a bad thing. I think it’s great that the dogs scared him away. Hopefully he’ll stay away.”

  “You know what I meant. And I’m sorry to say this, but I don’t think the dog’s barking is enough to keep him away. Whoever this guy is, he’s crazy enough to have followed you across the country, I think it’s gonna take more than that to scare him away.” He sighed. “You know we have to call the police.”


  “I guess. I still think he’s our best bet if we want someone to take the case seriously.”

  “Okay. I just want to hop in the shower then I’ll give him a call.”

  “Yeah, me too. I’ll run home and grab a quick shower and some fresh clothes. I’d rather not see Rich while I’m in my underwear. I’ll meet you back here, and we can print off these images so he can take some copies with him.”

  “Sounds good.”

  Forty-five minutes later, Jack knocked on the back door then let himself in. “You should keep this locked,” he told Murphy, who was curled on the sofa reading a book.

  Winston was stretched out by her legs, but he jumped down to meet Jack and indulge in a quick belly rub.

  Murphy’s hair was damp, and she wore yoga pants and a pale blue tank top. The scent of her shampoo filled the room. He wished they could call Rich and tell him to forget about coming over, forget about all of this stupid stalker shit, and shut out the world and just be together.

  “I know. I normally would, but I knew you were coming back over.” She let out a weary sigh. “I hate all of this. The extra security, the stupid cameras, the worrying about constantly keeping the doors locked. And I hate the idea of someone watching me.”

  “I hate it too.” He dropped onto the sofa next to her, and Winston jumped back up and curled next to her side.

  Her cell phone sat on the arm of the sofa and it chimed with the sound the buzzer made at a hockey game when a goal was scored.


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