Rumors: Justine & Devon

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Rumors: Justine & Devon Page 8

by Rachael Brownell

  “Don’t you like surprises?” he counters.


  “Trust me,” he says, opening my door for me so I can get in the car and out of the chilly air. “You’re going to like this. I promise. Plus, I thought it would be perfect for our first real date, even if we have company along.”

  Waiting until Ryder and Emerson drive past, he falls in behind them and follows them through downtown and out of the city. We’re about twenty minutes outside the suburbs when he turns down a country road, the kind that are identified by numbers and nothing more.

  “You know, this reminds me of a made-for-TV movie. Guy takes girl on a date in the country and girl winds up dead in a cornfield,” I tease when he suddenly comes to a stop, a line of cars in front of us appearing out of nowhere.

  “Sorry to disappoint, but there would be too many witnesses,” he replies as the car creeps forward a little.

  Ten minutes later, we’re parked in the middle of a vacant field, walking hand in hand toward a giant screen. Devon’s carrying the picnic basket he had hidden in his trunk and I have a blanket for us to sit on. Emerson and Ryder are a few paces ahead of us, a blanket of their own tossed over Ryder’s shoulder.

  “So, what movie are they playing tonight?” I ask as he helps me spread the blanket on the ground.

  “Ask Emerson. All I know is it’s some chick flick. She’s the one that found this place for me.”

  “I had no idea it was even here, and I’ve lived here for years,” I comment.

  “Us locals like to keep it on the down-low,” Emerson quips from behind me. “And it’s not a chick flick. It’s a romantic comedy.”

  “Same thing,” Ryder mutters.

  As we all settle in, Devon produces a bottle of wine and four glasses from the picnic basket. Pouring each of us a glass as the movie flickers to life, I curl into his body and take a sip. As far as ‘first’ dates go, this is pretty amazing.

  Sound asleep, dead to the world. How embarrassing.

  I remember the start of the movie and finishing my first glass of wine. My body was exhausted, and Devon’s chest was incredibly comfortable as we cuddled on the blanket. The last thing I remember was him offering me a second glass and declining, thinking one more glass would put me to sleep.

  It’s morning now, and the sun is barely above the horizon. As I stare out the window, watching it slowly rise, I think about the last few days I’ve spent with Devon. They’ve been fun, and he’s been amazing. Kind, generous, patient.

  Last night he must have carried me to the car and then up the stairs to bed. I was tucked into his body when I woke up, wearing only a t-shirt and underwear. The restraint that man must have is profound. He not only undressed me but redressed me in his shirt. He didn’t attempt to wake me, at least not that I know of.

  Looking over my shoulder, I wonder what it would be like for us if this wasn’t a weekend thing. What if we lived in the same city? What if we saw each other more than a few hours a week? Could it be as amazing? Or would things fall flat?

  Every relationship is great in the beginning. People tend to be more caring toward the other person. They act appropriately, make time for one another. There’s a fog that surrounds people as they get to know each other. It’s easy to see the good through the fog and ignore the bad.

  Devon’s not perfect. Far from it, I’m sure. I have yet to witness this imperfection, but I’ll patiently wait for it to show itself. Until then, I plan to ride the high I’m on. It’s an amazing feeling, and I enjoy it more than I should.

  Devon begins to stir, rolling toward my side of the bed. His arm stretches out, his hand feeling around the sheets, more than likely searching for me. Moments later his eyes pop open and when they meet mine, I can see the panic.

  “Hey,” I say, moving to the bed and taking a seat on the edge.

  “What are you doing up this early?” he asks, tugging on my arm until I’m back in my spot, wrapped in his arms.

  “Well, apparently I fell asleep on you last night.”

  “Yes, yes, you did,” he confirms, kissing my neck and squeezing me tight.

  “I’m sorry, but I’m impressed,” I state, rolling over to face him.

  “Impressed?” he asks, clearly confused, lifting his brow for emphasis.

  “Yeah. Not only did you carry me up here but you changed my clothes, and I didn’t wake up.” Laughing, Devon’s head rolls back, and I push against his chest. “What’s so funny?”

  “I tried to wake you up when the movie was over, but you started swinging at me. Then, when we got back here, I tried again, and you still weren’t having it. You’re feisty when you’re tired.”

  “I don’t even remember any of that,” I reply, defending my actions.

  “Well, did you know you talk in your sleep?”

  Oh, shit! I did know that. It’s been a long time since I’ve shared a bed with anyone and even longer since I’ve had a conversation with someone while I was asleep. The last time wasn’t pretty.

  “Um, whatever I said was a lie. I claim no responsibility. I wasn’t coherent, and I was drinking.”

  “One glass of wine hardly counts as drinking.”

  “Still, alcohol was involved.”

  “Fine, if that’s your story,” he says, pushing the covers away and sliding out of bed. “But I thought you might want to know what you said.”

  “So tell me. It can’t be that bad.”

  Or it can and I’m going to regret asking.

  In one swift motion, I’m on my back and Devon is straddling me. I inhale sharply, unprepared for his attack, and hold it when I notice the look on his face.

  “You were begging me.”

  “For?” I squeak out.

  “To take you.”

  “I was not!” I scream, pushing against his chest as he bends toward me, his face only a few inches from mine.

  “Oh, yes, you were. Ask Emerson and Ryder. They’re my witnesses. Of course, I’m a gentleman, so I denied you. Over and over and over again. I felt bad about it at first, but you refused to wake up, even when I was undressing you. I ran my hand up your side like this,” he says, placing his hand on my hip. Slowly, barely touching my skin, he moves his hand higher and higher until he reaches the underside of my breast. Careful not to touch it, his hand begins its descent back toward my hip. “You were shivering, just like right now, and begging me. I had to take a cold shower after I tucked you in.”

  “I’m sorry,” I say, looking over his shoulder to avoid eye contact.

  “Don’t be sorry, Justine. I want you just as much as you want me, but I wasn’t about to have my way with you when I knew you weren’t conscious. And now I have to jump back in a cold shower and drive three hours with nothing but the image of your naked body on my mind.”

  My eyes find his and I contemplate my options. I knew he had to leave early this morning. He has a work function tonight he can’t skip. So, do I make his fantasies a reality before he leaves or allow the sexual tension between us to keep building until the next time we see each other. Whenever that may be.

  “How long before you have to leave?” I ask, placing my hands on his biceps.

  “As soon as possible. I know what you’re thinking, and there’s not enough time. When we do this, we’re going to do it right. I’ll need hours, maybe even days, alone with you. There will be no rushing, no time frame. I want to explore every inch of your body and memorize it over and over again.”

  So a quickie is out.

  “And when will we have time to do that?” I ask, shifting under him, which elicits a moan. Not my intention. I don’t want to tease him.

  “Next weekend. I’ll find a way to be here. Don’t make any plans.”

  Smiling, Devon bends down and kisses me deeply. Ten minutes later, he’s forcing himself to get in the shower, his excitement evident as he walks away, leaving me breathless, twisted up in the sheets.

  An entire weekend. Just the two of us.

  This week is
going to take forever to pass. Tyler and Hunter leave tomorrow morning for their conference. There will be less work to keep my mind occupied. The places it’ll travel will only make time move slower. An hour will feel like six. One day will feel like two.

  While Devon showers, I pack my things and change into clean clothes. Grabbing my toothbrush, I knock on the bathroom door and open it a crack when I hear him call my name.

  There’s a distinct lack of steam in the bathroom. Devon is stepping out of the shower, a towel wrapped around his waist. He’s grinning at me in the mirror as I put toothpaste on my brush. Turning to face him, I lean back against the counter and wait for him to approach.

  “What’s the smirk for?” I ask.

  “Nothing. Just thinking about how much I love minty toothpaste.”

  “Really?” I reply, my voice laced with doubt.

  “No,” he laughs, smacking me on the butt as he leaves me to brush my teeth.

  After loading my bag in my car for me, Devon pulls me into his arms and holds on tight. I attempted to convince him to stay for breakfast and failed. He tried to convince me to go back to Chicago with him, using Tyler’s absence as a plausible reason to take a vacation. I considered the idea for a few minutes before shaking my head.

  “Next weekend, then?” he asks, refusing to let me go.

  “Yes. Next weekend I’m all yours,” I state firmly.

  “Careful what you wish for,” he jokes, the rumble in his chest causing my breasts to bounce up and down slightly. “Damn it, woman. You make it so hard to leave.”

  “Not on purpose,” I defend.

  Tilting my chin up, Devon kisses me gently before helping me in my car. Backing out of the driveway, I keep my smile firmly in place until I’m out of sight and I allow the sadness to wash over me.

  This man has turned my life upside down. He makes me want to act irresponsibly, skip work, and drive to Chicago. That scares me. The last time I fell this hard for someone, I ended up getting hurt. I’m not ready for that. I’m not emotionally prepared for that.

  Unfortunately, I need to be. Not only in case Devon breaks my heart but for the next few weeks. With JP back in the picture, having to work with him at some point, I need to guard myself.

  Chapter Eleven

  Audra is home when I arrive. Being Sunday, I didn’t expect her until later this evening. She has a routine. A routine that she rarely deviates from. Especially on Sundays.

  Alarms start going off in my head. Something isn’t right. When I left her yesterday, she gave me the impression that things between her and Keegan were fine. Normal. I’m starting to think that may have all been for show.

  “Hey,” I say, dropping my bag on the floor by the coffee table and taking a seat on the couch. “What are you doing here?”

  “I have assignments to grade,” she states, returning her focus to the papers in her lap, red pen at the ready.

  “Yes,” I start, drawing the word out. “I can see that, but what about church? Are you not planning on going today?”

  Services start in less than an hour, and she’s still in her pajamas, her hair pulled into a messy bun on the top of her head. Audra doesn’t allow anyone to see her like this. She would never leave the house without being picture perfect, especially if she planned to attend a church service.

  She’s even wearing her glasses, something she only does late at night before she goes to bed.

  “I really need to get these graded, so I decided to stay home today.” She doesn’t bother to look up at me, instead, making a note in the margin and flipping to the next page.

  “Well, I’ll be around all day if you want to talk about anything,” I offer. She mumbles her thanks a few moments later and I take that as a clue to leave her be for now.

  After a quick shower, I attempt to talk with Audra again, but she brushes me off. This continues for the rest of the afternoon, and I’m about to break when my phone chimes, distracting me for a moment.

  TYLER: I need you to meet with James tomorrow. The file is on my desk. After the meeting, I need you to email me all the information so I can get started from here. They need a full media workup to be in place in two weeks.


  This is not good. I assured Tyler I could work with him, but I never thought he would have me meeting with him. Alone.

  Two weeks? A full workup normally takes months. Not to mention, I’ve never been the lead person, I’ve only helped the process along. It doesn’t sound like we have much of a choice in the matter. If the client needs it in two weeks, I’ll get the ball rolling and hand it over to Tyler as soon as he returns.

  ME: Okay. I’ll head in early and prepare. What time should I expect him?

  TYLER: He’ll be there at noon. The conference room is free. Ryder said he’ll be in and out of the office all day if you need him. I’ll try to call during the meeting if I get a moment.

  ME: Sounds good.

  “I’m ordering a pizza,” Audra announces as I toss my phone on the counter. “What do you want on it?”

  Pizza. Another oddity for Audra. It’s an indulgence she only allows herself from time to time. At most, once a month, and if I remember correctly, we ate pizza last week.

  “You choose. No onion, though.”

  Digging through her purse, I watch as she pulls out her phone and powers it on. Shaking my head, it all becomes clear when her phone starts chiming over and over again.

  “Avoiding something.” It’s more of a statement that a question. “If you want, we can talk about it.”

  She avoids my question, dialing the pizza place and placing our order as she leaves the kitchen. Following her, I find her back in her spot on the couch, papers in her lap, feverishly scribbling something with her red pen.

  “They said thirty minutes,” she announces.

  Snatching her pen mid-stroke, she glares at me and holds her hand out.

  “Not until you talk to me. Something is wrong, I’ve known you long enough to be able to spot the signs. Why won’t you talk to me?”

  “Why? So you can tell me how much of an asshole Keegan was and how I should be relieved that he broke up with me?”

  He broke up with her?

  “No, you should talk to me so I can be here for you, to tell you how amazing you are and how much of an idiot he is that he couldn’t see that.”

  Tears begin to form in the corner of her eyes, but she holds them back, blinking them away. “Right, his loss. Can I have my pen back now?”


  “Seriously, Justine. I have to finish these-”

  “I know. I also know that the best medicine for a broken heart can be sappy movies and junk food. Maybe a little wine wouldn’t hurt either. Girls’ night, just the two of us. If you don’t want to talk anymore, fine, but do this for me. Please?”

  Her smile is weak, but Audra slides the papers onto the coffee table and agrees. I let her pick out a movie while I raid the cupboards and grab every container of cookies she’s baked this weekend. We’re about to hit play when the pizza arrives, my mouth watering from the smell as I walk into the living room. What I find is hard to handle.

  Audra, curled into a ball on the couch, silently crying into the decorative pillows she bought a few months ago when she and Keegan went to the outlet mall. Setting the pizza aside, I take a seat next to her and move her head into my lap, stroking her hair as she lets it all out. The pain. The anguish. The heartache.

  We’ve been here before. Last time, our roles were reversed. She was holding me together while I fell apart. I was hoping the day would never come that I would have to repay the favor. I never wanted her to feel the way I felt that day or the weeks and months that followed.

  “I don’t understand,” she finally says, grasping to catch her breath. “He didn’t even give me a reason. He just said I wasn’t worth it.”

  “Worth what?”

  “I don’t know!” she screams as another sob racks her body. “I tried to be who he wanted me to be.
I wanted to be everything I could for him and more. It wasn't enough.”

  Stroking my hand up and down her back, I attempt to talk her down. It’s not her fault. She’s more than enough. She needs to be happy with who she is because she’s amazing. I keep my focus on her, on how great of a person she is. Reminding her of all the wonderful things she does for other people, how caring she is and promising her she’ll find someone who will recognize all of that eventually.

  “Like how you found Devon,” she says.

  “What do you mean?”

  “He’s perfect for you. He looks at you the way all men should look at the person they love.”

  “Back up a little. Devon and I are barely dating. He’s not in love with me, Audra. Things are still new and exciting, that’s all.”

  “If you say so, but I’ve seen that look before. If he’s not in love with you yet, you’re in big trouble. That man has it bad.”

  Her words stick with me as we reheat the pizza and turn on the movie. The rest of our night is spent pigging out and laughing at the stupid comedy Audra chose. It doesn’t keep my mind from wandering to Devon, though. Aside from texting me that he made it home, I haven’t heard from him. Not that I was expecting him to call, he’s busy tonight, but after Audra’s comment, I wish he had.

  The moment I pick up the file on Tyler’s desk, the panic sets in. I can’t do this. Assisting Tyler would be one thing, working directly with JP is another. I ran out of the office the other day after I saw him. I’ve avoided Allison’s calls and texts all weekend, claiming I was busy. I was, but knowing she’s going to want to talk about him, I didn’t make time to call her back. He’s the last person I want to discuss. I’d rather talk about Keegan, and that says a lot.

  “Hey, girl.” Emerson greets me as I’m walking out of Tyler’s office, hugging the file folder to my chest. “Everything okay?”

  “Yeah, fine,” I lie, spotting Allison heading in our direction.

  “You can’t avoid me any longer,” Allison sings as she joins us. “Talk. Now.”


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