Club Thrive: Vendetta (The Club Thrive Series Book 2)

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Club Thrive: Vendetta (The Club Thrive Series Book 2) Page 17

by Alison Mello

  Logan: It’ll be fine. I’ll help back her.

  Shane: Great because she has to meet with her boss tomorrow to go over what she’s been working on with you.

  Logan: We’ll see you there in a little bit.

  Shane: See you soon.

  “Everything okay?” Katie asks.

  “Yeah, that was Logan. He texted to see how you were doing,” I tell her, tucking my phone into my back pocket. I look down at my watch. “We need to get going soon. Are you ready?”

  “I will be in a few minutes. I just need to put my work stuff in my bag and then we can go.” She collects her folders and slips them into her briefcase.

  When she stands up, I’m right behind her. I wrap my arms around her waist and she leans back, pressing into my chest. “Please try to relax. You’re supposed to be able to enjoy your family time.”

  “I know, but my dad can be a stubborn man,” she says.

  Our conversation is interrupted by a knock at the door. “It’s Slade,” we hear shouted from behind the closed door. When I open the door, he says, “Are you almost ready?” I look over to Katie and she nods.

  “We’ll be out in a minute.” I close the door. Placing my hands on either side of her face, I force her to look me in the eyes. “It’ll be fine.” I kiss her gently. “Let’s go. The guys are waiting for us.”

  When I open the door, Slade says, “You guys are going to have to ride with us tonight.”

  “Umm, why would we do that?” Shane asks.

  “Because the tires on both your cars have been slashed. I’ve reported it and the tires will be replaced.” Katie sighs in frustration.

  “Let’s get this night over with. I’m exhausted and if it weren’t for my job, I would be staying home tonight.”

  I lock my fingers with hers, and we head down to our security team’s car. Once we’re in the car, I turn to her with a smile and say, “At least we can both enjoy a drink or two because neither of us has to drive.”

  She smiles. “I love that you always find the positive in things.” She rests her head on my shoulder, closing her eyes to try and relax for the short ride to her parents’ house.



  We pull up a short time later, and Logan and Sky pull in right behind us. “Hey, guys,” I say, pulling my briefcase from the car. Logan and Sky walk up with Stephan fast asleep in his car seat. “He is getting so big,” I say, giving Sky a hug.

  “I know.” She smiles. “How are you holding up?”

  “I’m doing okay. I’m a bit tired, but I’ll make it.”

  “Are you guys going to join us inside or sit out here and talk all night?” my mother yells from the porch. We laugh, watching my mother stand on the farmer’s porch with her hand on her hip.

  When we get to the top of the stairs, I introduce my mother to Logan and Sky. She invites us all inside, offering us beer or wine. Shane and I happily accept a beer while Logan and Sky take wine.

  “Shall we talk business before or after dinner?” my dad asks, entering the room.

  “Hi Dad, it’s great to see you too.”

  He laughs. “Get over here and give your old man a hug.”

  I walk into his arms and he squeezes me tight, kissing the top of my head. “How are you holding up, pretty girl?”

  “I’m okay.” I look at my mom. “Mom, how much time do we have before dinner?”

  “You have time if you want to start discussing the party.” She hands Logan and Skyler their glass of wine.

  “Let’s take our drinks into the living room then.”

  We all take a seat around the coffee table, and I begin pulling packets from my briefcase. I have a packet for Logan and Sky, and one for my father. “Okay, as you know, the club will be closed to the public, so only those with a special postcard will be allowed in.” I pull out a printed copy of the postcard that I have on order for everyone to see. “I’ve also generated a list of the people who have RSVPed, so when they turn in their postcard and hand over their ID, security can check the list to ensure they’re allowed in.”

  “What about all the workers?” my father asks.

  “There’s a list of employees we know of so far in your packet,” I tell my dad proudly. I feel like I’m in work mode, not dinner-with-my-parents mode, but like Shane said, I need to sell it.

  “I can update it as we need to, but that covers the radio station, as well as the caterer.” I turn to Shane. “Do you know who from the club will be working this event?”

  “No, I haven’t done that schedule yet, but I have a list of bartenders and bouncers who are willing to work these events, so I can turn that over to you if that helps.”

  “I want all of our bouncers on that night,” Logan adds. “I don’t want any issues. We will have three guys at the door instead of two and the rest will be on the floor.”

  “I’ll text Jonah to let him know. I don’t think any of the bouncers were against working these functions so that should be fine,” Shane says to Logan.

  “I’m doing a background check on all of these people, so please get me a complete list of all the staff as soon as you can. I can start with this tomorrow, but I would like to go through this as quickly as possible. Also, I plan on having the four guys who have been watching Shane and Katie’s place there as well, so we have plenty of coverage for the club.”

  Logan pulls a folded piece of paper from his briefcase. “Here is the club layout for you.” He lays it out on the table, pointing out places where he thinks we should have guards stationed. “For this particular event, I’m going to have the VIP sections closed.” He looks at me. “I have a different pricing plan for those who want to use the VIP sections, versus not using them.”

  “When you get that all over to me, I’ll work on the brochure for you.”

  He nods and turns back to the layout. “Do you see any concerns with this?”

  “No, it looks like everything is being well planned. As long as these background checks clear, we should be good to go.”

  I take a deep, cleansing breath.

  “What’s wrong, pretty girl?”

  “I was worried you were going to tell me the party couldn’t happen.” I look down for a second. “This is not only my sister’s party, but also my career. I’m working hard to not only ensure that Logan is happy but that my sister also has a nice party, and I have to say it’s not easy trying to please everyone.”

  “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make this so stressful on you, but I need to make sure everyone at this party is safe, not just you two. I don’t know what this guy’s plans are. We discovered he was staying in this rundown loft. The landlord hasn’t seen him since he stopped in to pay two months’ worth of rent in cash, but the evidence we’ve found so far is horrible.” My poor dad sounds so tired. “The guy has pictures of you and your sister, as well as your mother. He knows Shane manages the club. He has notes next to each of your pictures. He even had a picture of me with an X through my face. The note next to mine was quite interesting. He’s very angry I put him in jail. Says I screwed him over, planted evidence and all that bullshit.” My father puts his head down. “He wants you all as payment for what I did.”

  I sit next to my dad. “It’s okay, Daddy. I know you’re worried, but we’re all doing everything we can to be cautious while still living our lives.”

  “I know, but you have to understand the guilt I feel is like nothing I’ve ever felt before, and to make it worse, I can’t catch the guy.” He rubs his hands over his tired face.

  “Dinner!” my mother calls from the kitchen. That’s when my sister comes running down the stairs. She’s wearing a skimpy top and Daisy Duke shorts. It’s very inappropriate, not only for a family dinner but worse, considering the situation.

  I give her a dirty look. “What’s wrong with you?” she says with an attitude.

  “This is a family dinner and with all that’s going on, do you really think your outfit is appropriate?”

  “Let me a
nswer for her,” my father says. “It’s not appropriate, but considering we have guests, I’ll drop it for now and deal with her later.” My sister rolls her eyes and storms off into the kitchen.

  Logan looks at Sky. “Thank God we had a boy,” he says softly, but I heard him, and so did Shane apparently, as we both turn to them and start laughing. That’s when Stephan starts to fuss. Sky scoops him up from his seat, carrying him to the table for dinner with us.

  “Can I hold him?” I ask Sky.

  “Eat your dinner. You can hold him when you’re done,” she says.

  “I’m not worried about my dinner. You eat and I’ll hold him. I don’t have to worry about eating with a child on a nightly basis.” I take the baby from her arms.

  “Are you sure?”

  “I’m fine. Eat your dinner.” I start playing with him. “I can’t believe how big you’re getting,” I say to him in my best baby voice.

  Shane makes me a plate while everyone else is putting baked chicken, mashed potatoes, and veggies on their own plates. “I’ll cut your chicken for you so you can eat while you hold the baby.”

  “Thanks.” I smile at Shane.

  Everyone begins eating, and the smell of the delicious food must make the baby hungry because he starts crying. “Do you have a bottle for him?” I ask Sky. She runs off to the living room to grab the baby’s diaper bag, and is back in a minute with a bottle in hand.

  “Do you want to feed him?”

  I smile. “I’d love to.” She hands me the bottle, and as soon as I place it in his mouth, he starts eating his dinner.

  My mom smiles proudly. “Look at you, handling that baby like a pro.”

  “Can I be excused?” Kara asks, being a total brat.

  “What is your problem?” I shout, pissed off.

  She narrows her eyes at me. “You seriously need to ask me that? Daddy hasn’t let me out of this house for days. I’m miserable. At least you get to go out and do things.” She storms off to her room.

  “I’m sorry, guys,” I say, looking at our friends.

  “No need to apologize. It’s a tough situation, and your father has to do what he thinks is right to keep you all safe. It’s totally understandable.” Logan looks at his child. “I had no idea what fear felt like until Sky had Stephan. Having a baby makes you see all the bad in the world, and you realize you’ll do whatever you can to protect your family from it.”

  Sky and I get to work helping my mother clean up while the guys sit with Stephan in the living room enjoying a drink. We’re finishing up when the baby starts to fuss again. “I think it’s time we get going,” Sky says, giving me a hug.

  “Thank you very much for welcoming us into your beautiful home,” she says to my mom.

  “It was a pleasure having you. Congrats on that beautiful baby boy of yours.”

  “Thank you.”

  I walk Sky into the living room. She picks up Stephan, and starts putting him in his car seat. The guys are all shaking hands and saying their good-byes.

  I yawn and Shane says, “I think it’s time we go too.” He says to my father, “I’ll get you that list of employees tomorrow.”

  “Thanks, take care of my girl.” They shake hands and I quickly hug my Mom and Dad good-bye. When we open the door, our security is ready and waiting on the front porch.

  We get home a short time later, and we both go straight to our room to get ready for bed. We’re tired from the long night, and I have to go into the office tomorrow. Once we’re both lying in bed Shane says to me, “Do you want to have a baby someday?”

  “Sure, why wouldn’t I want a family? Does that scare you?”

  “No, it’s just that I’m a bit older than you and I was starting to come to terms with the fact that it may not happen. Seeing you hold Stephan tonight made me hope that it was a possibility.”

  “I don’t mean to rush our relationship, but I’d like to do it in the proper order. First comes love, then comes marriage, then comes the baby carriage.” I sing the old song and it makes Shane laugh.

  “Do you think for a second I would get you pregnant without marrying you first? Your father would have my balls.” I burst out laughing at the face he makes when he says it.

  “Well, I’m glad we’re on the same page, because I have to agree that wouldn’t go over too well with either of my parents, and I think my father has enough to worry about right now.”

  “I agree, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get lots of practice in the meantime.”

  I slide closer to him in the bed. “No, no it doesn’t.”

  He presses his lips to mine. What starts out as a soft sweet kiss quickly turns into a heated passionate one. I’m running my hands through his hair as his hands slowly glide up my body, under my shirt. He breaks our kiss, lifts my shirt, and goes straight for my nipple, sucking it into his mouth. His tongue rolls over the hardened tip, and my hips start to grind against his semi-hard cock. I skim my hands over his back and into his pajama pants, squeezing his ass. I continue slipping my hands over his hips, and grip his cock. I slowly begin stroking his fully erect cock, causing him to growl with my nipple still in his mouth. He pulls away and when he does, I flip him over and climb on top of him. Rolling my tongue over his nipple, I lick my way down his body, to the top of his pajama pants. He lifts his hips and I slip his pants down over his toned ass, and down his legs. Looking down at him, I lick my lips before I glide my hands up his muscular thighs. When I get to his hips, I lower myself licking the bead precum off the very tip of his cock, with a smile I suck the tip of him into my mouth. He hisses as I slowly suck him deeper and deeper.

  He’s moaning and biting his lip as I suck him harder and faster. His hips start to move, and his cock twitches in my mouth. Using my hand to massage his balls sends him over the edge. “Fuck, I’m coming, baby!” He growls as he buries his cock deep in my throat.

  No sooner do I pull him from my mouth he flips me over, climbing on top of me. His fingers slip through my folds, rubbing over my clit. He licks up my neck to my ear, nibbling on my earlobe before he whispers his love for me into my ear. He kisses his way across my jaw until his lips meet mine. That’s when he slips his fingers deep inside me. “Shane, I want to feel your cock.”

  He makes quick work of my panties, tossing them to the floor with the rest of our clothes. He lines himself up and slowly slips the tip of his cock into my wet pussy. “Shane, don’t be a tease.” I moan. He slowly slides more and more of his cock inside of me. I’m about to flip him over and take what I want when he finally picks up the pace. He lifts my legs, placing them on his shoulders so my ankles are by his ears. He’s giving it to me good and hard, just the way I like it.

  “Yes, Shane,” I moan as my orgasm builds.

  He buries his cock deep inside me a few more times, and finally my orgasm shreds through me. “Yes, baby,” he says, emptying his seed deep inside me. Lowering my legs, he lies beside me. I yawn. I’m completely spent. “Get some sleep, baby. I’ll be right back.” He slips out of me. I’m fighting to stay awake until he gets back, but I’m too spent and can feel my eyelids getting heavy.

  “I love you, Shane,” I say, not knowing if he even heard me.

  Chapter 18


  I’m quite excited to be going to work today. I haven’t been into the office in what feels like forever, and I miss my co-workers. I check my appearance ensuring I look good for my morning at the office. I have a meeting this morning with Tanya and the rest of my team. Tanya texted me this morning asking if I could do lunch with them after the meeting since it’s been so long, so Shane is going to drop me off and come back to pick me up at one.

  I stroll into our walk-in closet in search of a pair of pumps to wear with my skirt and blouse. When I come out, I find Shane dressed and ready to go. “Are you ready, baby?”

  “I am,” I say with excitement.

  “Wow, you must really miss work. I’ve never seen you so excited for a Monday morning.”

“I miss my friends and co-workers.” I shrug. “It’s hard being holed up here when you’re used to seeing other people and getting to interact with them. I went from seeing Miranda on a daily basis to seeing her once a week if I’m lucky. I miss her.”

  “I know, and hopefully this will be over soon and things will be able to go back to normal.”

  “Shane?” Slade calls out. “We’re ready when you guys are!”

  “We’re coming!” he calls back.

  “So, you know I told them to come into the house, but also to announce themselves. Every time they knock on that door, I almost have a heart attack from worrying that something has happened to them.”

  “That’s fine. I’ll have to stop wandering around the house naked now,” I say with laughter.

  “That’s not funny. The only place you’re allowed to be naked is in our room or our bathroom.” He grabs my chin and kisses my lips. “Let’s get you to work.”

  We pull up to work in the security team’s vehicle. One of the guards walks me in with Shane while the other guy waits outside.

  “Thanks, I’ll see you at one.” I kiss my man good-bye and walk off with some pep in my step. When I get upstairs to our office, I’m greeted by the entire office team. I smile at my friends as they hug me and welcome me back.

  Once I’ve had a chance to say hi to everyone, Tanya comes over. “I know you just walked in, but can I see you in my office?”

  “Of course, let me put my stuff on my desk and I’ll be right there.” She nods and walks off to her office, and I head off to my desk. I quickly deposit my stuff and go straight to her office.

  “Can I come in, Tanya?” I glance through her door.

  “Of course. Please close the door behind you.” I close the door and take the seat across from hers. “How are you doing?”

  “I’m okay, a bit tired and sick of being stuck in the house, but it is what it is, I guess.”

  “Are they any closer to catching him?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. Every time my father thinks they’re going to get him, he gets away. It’s leaving my father tired and extremely stressed.”


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