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Worth the Challenge

Page 10

by Erickson, Karen

  “Aren’t you hot?” He unfolded the beach towel he’d carried under his arm from the car and set it on the ground, plopping himself on top of it with ease.

  She was dying. Her skin literally felt scorched. “Sort of.” Pulling the beach towel the hotel had provided from her oversized bag, she settled it next to Rhett’s and sat. His close proximity tantalized her senses and she watched in silent fascination as he reached for the beach bag and rifled through it, pulling out a bottle of sunscreen she’d found in the bathroom at the villa.

  “You should put this on immediately.” He handed her the bottle.

  “Thanks.” Popping the cap, she squirted sunscreen into the palm of her hand and slathered first one arm, then the other, making sure to rub it on her already-tender shoulders. She smoothed some on her face, opening her eyes to find Rhett watching her.

  “You going to take the dress off?” The low, velvety tone of his voice was like pure seduction and a shiver went through her.

  Deciding to get it over with, she stood and tugged the dress up and over her head, folding it neatly before she sat back down and stuffed the dress into the bag by her feet. She kicked off her flip-flops and grabbed the sunscreen, pouring it directly onto her legs and smoothing it on.

  Her skin prickled with awareness, but she kept her attention trained on her sunscreen-soaked legs. He was watching her. She could feel his gaze on her, making her hotter than the intense sun above them. Finally, he spoke and the question he asked sent a fluttering of desire low in her belly.

  “Want me to put some on your back?”

  Afraid her voice would squeak when she spoke, she nodded her answer, handing him the sunscreen. He scooted closer, his knee brushing against her backside, and she closed her eyes when he settled his big, warm hands on her shoulders, resting them there for the briefest moment before he started to massage the sunscreen in.

  Ella bit back the moan that wanted to escape. His hands felt so good on her skin. They skimmed the length of her back, tripping over the strings of her bikini top that rested at the center. Stopping just above the top of her swimsuit bottoms so close to her backside, she nearly whimpered.

  “There. You should be protected.” He removed his hands from her body and she felt the loss keenly. Protected from the sun, most certainly, but protected from the effects of his touch?

  Not even close.

  “I’m going in.” She stood again, her arms hanging awkwardly at her sides. She was tempted to shield herself but knew she’d look like an idiot. And he still watched her, which was making her nervous to the point she had to ask. “Is this suit okay? Or is it too revealing? Tessa said I looked fine, but I don’t know.” The bikini was black, the top a simple halter style and the bottoms not too skimpy, but she still felt incredibly exposed.

  He smiled and removed his sunglasses, such a wicked glint in his eyes her heart stuttered. “Tessa has impeccable taste,” he drawled, his gaze wandering lazily down the length of her, lingering on her breasts, her hips, her…everything. “Besides, I’ve seen worse.”

  Her heart threatened to lurch straight out of her chest. “Oh.” She didn’t know how to respond to a remark like that.

  “Shit,” he muttered and stood, towering over her, his glasses still clutched in his hand. “I didn’t mean it the way it sounded. It’s just that, I’ve seen women wear nothing but little triangles on their chest that barely covered their nipples and the bottoms consisted of nothing but butt floss. You look great. Really.”

  Huh. She was sure he had plenty of experience dealing with butt floss and tiny triangles that could hardly contain nipples. Not that she wanted to think about that, oh, no.

  “Thanks.” She offered him a polite smile. She probably looked downright puritan compared to the floozies he was used to hanging out on the beach with. “I’m going in. I don’t know if you want to join me, but you’re welcome to.”

  “I probably should. I need to cool off.” His heated gaze made her think he wasn’t necessarily referring to the temperature.

  Ella offered him an inviting smile. “Then let’s go. I should probably smell your skin when you come out of the ocean too.”

  The look on his face was nothing short of pained. “If you say so,” he answered weakly.

  Her smile growing, she started for the water, sensed him falling in right behind her. Despite her sudden worry that she might not be pretty enough or skanky enough, she knew he was affected by her just as much as she was by him. Like the cheesecake incident, the moment in the car, last night, all of it was foreplay. Teasing each other, ratcheting up the heat, the chemistry that had been simmering between them from the moment they met.

  She shouldn’t do this. She shouldn’t consider fooling around with Rhett Worth, let alone actually do it. He was a total player. He looked at her and probably saw nothing else but the words “easy conquest” stamped across her forehead. It would be meaningless, what they could end up sharing. It would mess with her head, potentially ruin her career, ruin everything.

  Pushing the worrisome thoughts from her mind, she ventured into the water, the gentle waves lapping over her feet, swirling around her ankles as the surf surged in. It was shockingly cold compared to the hot air and she gasped in surprise.

  “The Pacific is notoriously colder, even in Hawaii,” Rhett said from behind.

  She turned to find he’d slipped his sunglasses back on but shed the T-shirt. Her eyes widened as they took a little trip across Rhett’s broad shoulders, his wide chest sprinkled with dark hair, his abdomen that appeared to be carved from stone. She’d known he was finely muscled just from the way he filled out his clothing—especially a suit—but seeing him like this…

  He was absolutely mouthwatering.

  “It’s really cold,” she said lamely, unable to come up with anything better.

  He came closer, wearing a lopsided, closed-mouth smile. His board shorts rode treacherously low on his lean hips, giving her a view of the flat plane of his stomach below his navel, the narrow trail of dark hair that sloped down beneath the waistband. She jerked her gaze up, caught sight of the tribal tattoo that wound around his right bicep and she parted her lips, her mouth going dry.

  There was such a wickedly dangerous air to him. It was enticing, it called to her inner bad girl which just itched to make an appearance.

  He looked like a bad boy. She knew for a fact he used to be one, too. Yet he behaved like a proper gentleman. The conflicting combination was beyond arousing.

  “Ah, my tattoo.” He realized she noticed it, considering her gaze was still locked on his muscular bicep, and he quickly glanced down with a shake of his head. “It was a mistake from my misspent youth.”

  “Uh, lots of people have tattoos,” she said once she untangled her tongue. She shrugged. “It’s no big deal.”

  “My brothers hate it, especially Alex. He thinks it makes me look like a hood. I was in my early twenties when I got it and he still lectured me like I was a naughty little kid. Sometimes he acts like an old man.” He stopped just beside her, the water frothing about their knees, sending her swaying, the pull of the ocean’s tide so strong. At least she was slowly growing used to the temperature. Her skin wasn’t so chilled, though she still had goose bumps dotting her arms. “You’re still cold?” He skimmed his fingers down the length of her upper arm.

  “I’m fine.” The goose bumps were his fault and there he went, touching her again, giving her a new set. “Didn’t your older brother practically raise you?” She’d read enough articles about the Worths to know of their story. “I’m sure it’s more of a protective, fatherly sort of attitude, you know? Parents have to complain about tattoos and stuff like that.”

  “You’re right. He’s pretty protective of me, which I can admit to you I appreciate. Not that I’d ever tell him.” He kicked at the water and it splashed the both of them, his gaze locked on the horizon. “I love the ocean.”

  “It’s beautiful here.”

  “Wait until the sun goes
down. There’s nothing better than a Maui sunset.” He drew his index finger along the top of her shoulder. “You’re a little sunburned.”

  “I know.” She trembled at his touch. “Hence my slathering on the sunscreen, which I should say thank you for your help, by the way.”

  “You’re welcome. It certainly wasn’t a hardship.” He remained silent for so long, she finally turned her head to find him contemplating her.

  “What?” She both feared and yearned to hear what he had to say.

  “I can’t deny I’m attracted to you any longer.” He sounded serious, looked it, too. “So I thought you should know.”

  “Oh.” She swallowed hard, unsure how to answer. She turned away from him, kept her gaze trained on the sea instead. “It’s probably not a good idea. Us. Together.”

  “You already said something like that. Last night,” he reminded her. “I’m starting to believe it’s an inevitable idea. You and me. Together.”

  You and me. Together. As foolish as it was, she liked the sound of that.

  A lot.

  “But I’m not going to push you. Or push myself on you. If you’re interested, you can let me know. Give me a sign.” He touched her again, a gentle squeeze on her shoulder that made her grimace despite enjoying his hands on her. It was her sunburned skin’s fault.

  “O—okay.” He’d given her all the power. Let her know the decision was purely on her and she appreciated that.

  Yet it scared her too.

  He flashed her that disarming grin. “I’m gonna go dunk my head now. I need to cool off.”

  And then he slipped beneath the water without another word, not surfacing again until he was several feet out. Leaving her alone, aching with want. Aching to follow him.

  But she didn’t.

  Rhett pushed his wet hair away from his forehead, the saltwater stinging his eyes. It was stunningly cold, and the water helped clear his head, cool him down. He swam as far as his body could take him, always conscious of his limits, not wanting to put himself in any real danger.

  He may be temporarily running away from temptation, but he wasn’t a complete idiot.

  Treading water, he watched Gabriella as she wandered deeper into the ocean, until she was nearly submerged. Just as quickly as she dunked her body, she emerged from the water, her skin glistening, the thin black fabric of her bikini clinging to her like a second skin. Her nipples were hard, he could make them out even from this distance and just like that, he was hot for her. Hard for her.

  Damn, he was pitiful.

  He remained out in the water until he couldn’t take it anymore and finally, reluctantly, he went back to shore. She stood waiting for him, an excited look on her pretty face, her soaked hair dripping on her shoulders, little beads of water glistening on her skin.

  He wanted to lick every droplet, taste every bit of her damp flesh.

  “I need your opinion,” she said as soon as he drew close. “Plus, I need to experiment on you.”

  “What do you mean?” he asked warily. This couldn’t be good.

  Reaching out, she grabbed hold of his forearm, her slender fingers gripping him. She stepped closer and lifted his arm, bringing it up to her face and she sniffed delicately.

  He stood paralyzed, waiting for her to say something, anything, but she remained silent. Continued to hold his arm so close to her face, he could feel her warm breath wafting across his chilled skin. She pressed her thumb into his flesh, sniffed him again before she carefully let go of his arm.


  “A given,” he tossed back with a slight smile.

  “Undoubtedly. But there’s more. A hint of green, of sun, of clear, cloudless air.” She thrust her arm toward him. “Here, smell me.”

  Glancing around the beach, he realized no one paid them any mind. Which was probably best, considering they looked strange smelling each other like animals in the jungle. He took hold of her wrist and lifted it to his face, sniffing so close, his nose brushed against her skin.

  The first scent he detected was the salt. Then floral, which made him think of her natural fragrance. Beneath that the heat, the sun like she mentioned, and something else he couldn’t quite place.

  “I’ll smell different, of course. And the salt is drying on our skin, which will alter it even further in the next few minutes.” She tried her best to sound diplomatic, but he heard the slight tremble in her voice, felt the quiver run through her. Slowly he stroked his thumb across the pulse point at her wrist. Back and forth, back and forth, keeping a lazy rhythm, falling under the spell she somehow cast upon him with her sparkling eyes.

  “You smell amazing,” he murmured, because she did. Good enough to eat. At the very least, good enough to lick, nibble and suck…

  She laughed nervously but didn’t try to pull from his grip. “I’m sure I smell like sweat.”

  “Mmm, if you do, then I like it.” He brought her wrist to his mouth, pressed the softest kiss to the delicate skin. The throb of her pulse beat against his lips, a rapid tattoo that revealed her nervousness.

  He was nervous too, which was odd. His heart raced, his breath became short and he wondered what the hell was wrong with him.

  “Rhett…” Her voice drifted off, a little sigh escaping her when he licked delicately at her skin. Salt lingered on his tongue, the taste of her, the mystery of her, and his cock jerked against the front of his damp swim trunks.

  “I’m tasting you,” he explained. “For the greater good of the future Worth perfume.”

  “No one can taste anything in a perfume,” she protested weakly.

  “I’m going to have to protest that statement. Taste and scent are closely related, don’t you agree?”

  “Of course I agree, but what you’re doing is completely unnecessary.”

  “Really, Gabriella? Do you mean that?” He stared into her eyes, bringing their linked hands down between them though he continued to hold onto her. “Because I’ll stop. Say the word and I’ll stop right now.”

  He wasn’t referring to the simple kiss on the inside of her wrist and she knew it. He saw it in the way her eyes widened, how her breath quickened. She wanted him, the flash of arousal in her gaze unmistakable, yet he tamped down the surge of triumph that wanted to overtake him.

  Not yet, not yet. Don’t jump the gun and push her away.

  “I—I don’t want you to stop.” She bit her lower lip, her teeth sinking into the succulent pink flesh and the urge to kiss her was so overwhelming, it was all he could focus on.

  But again, not yet. To push too hard was dangerous. She was still skittish. He didn’t want to scare her.

  No, he wanted her eager. Willing. More than anything, he wanted her beneath him. Naked, her breasts pressed against his chest, her long legs wrapped about his hips. His cock buried deep inside her, connected to her so fiercely, she would be all he could concentrate on. Making her feel good, making her come, again and again and again…

  “Think of it as making the perfume stronger,” he suggested, knowing he was offering a line of bull, but hoping she’d take it anyway. “If this one is successful, we’ll work on the men’s line next, and I want them closely related. Keep that in mind.”

  “Fine.” She nodded, her wet hair sliding against her bared shoulders provocatively. “But what does that have to do with us here? Now?”

  “Well, I think we’re creating the story here, you and I. The story of the fragrances and how they came to be.”

  Her eyes lit. Now he was talking her language. It gave him a perverse thrill to see how instantly excited she became. “Oh, I love that. Tell me more.”

  “All right. It’s about a couple together on the island.” He drew her closer, so close her body collided with his. A delicious tease of their bare limbs connecting, the sparks of attraction that all-too-brief contact brought to life. When he got her into his bed—and he would, he didn’t doubt it any longer—it was going to be so fucking good between them.

  Unbelievably good. />
  “Go on,” she whispered as he laced their fingers together.

  “A couple on their first romantic vacation together. They’re discovering each other’s wants and needs, their likes and dislikes. Maybe they’re starting to fall for each other.” Not him, he never fell for anyone. This was all a story, a fun little sexy story where he could mess around with her for the next few days, eat delicious food, drink fine drinks and have outrageous sex all night long. Maybe even all day long too.

  Oh yes, and work hard on creating the new scent. He couldn’t forget that.

  “I like that.” Her expression had gone dreamy, the faint smile curling her lips so pretty, he wanted to kiss her. “It’s sweet yet sexy.”

  “It’s going to be very sexy, that I can promise.” He meant every word he said. “And sweet. Hot.” Reaching with his other hand, he touched her delicate jaw with tentative fingers. Learning its shape, the softness of her skin, he brushed the delectable curve of her lower lip with his thumb.

  “Let’s go back to the villa,” she suggested, her voice so low he could barely hear her.

  He paused in his exploration of her. “Really?”

  She nodded with a naughty smile. “I’m starved.”

  He laughed, dropped his hand from her face. “So am I.”

  If she wanted to postpone the inevitable with a meal, he wasn’t going to protest. A meal could be part of the seduction. He knew all about seducing a woman.

  But this night, this woman, was different. It wasn’t about a quick lay he could run away from the next morning. He couldn’t escape her. They were going to work together. They had a future, one he couldn’t deny.

  The idea of that, for once in his life, didn’t scare the absolute shit out of him. He wanted her. And if he was lucky, it was going to happen tonight.

  Chapter Ten

  The entire ride back to the resort, all Ella could think about was Rhett and what happened between them at the beach. The way he’d looked at her, the things he’d said, how he’d touched her so gently, so reverently, as if he were afraid to push too hard for fear she might break.


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