A Billion to One [Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting)

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A Billion to One [Power Surge: The Billionaire Club 2] (Siren Publishing Ménage Everlasting) Page 12

by Dixie Lynn Dwyer

  She thought about it, and it hit her. Marvin had a hand in this. Marvin had something against her father, or some information maybe to force his hand. She hit the Bluetooth and called Zane and Cash’s office.

  “Stacy, it’s Chiara.”

  “Oh hi, Chiara. How are you, honey? Thank you for getting me those special lobsters I love. They were delicious last night for dinner. The hubbies loved them,” Stacy said. She smiled. Stacy, their assistant, was so nice, and she was married to two men. She told Chiara that she could ask her anything she wanted to about ménage relationships.

  “I’m glad you all enjoyed them. Is Cash or maybe Zane there? I need to speak with them.”

  “They’re in a meeting. I can probably buzz in. Is everything all right?”

  Damn, I want them to know what’s going on here.

  “That’s okay. I’ll call back later. Could you maybe give them a message for me? Please let them know that I’m headed to work. I have a showdown with Marvin, and if they could pick me up for lunch, it would be ideal.”

  “Sounds intriguing. Do you need them sooner, or can you handle this Marvin character?” Stacy asked and Chiara chuckled. The woman was as smart as a whip.

  “I can handle that slimy little weasel. I’ll be ready for them by 12:30. Thank you.”

  Chiara said good-bye and then disconnected the call. Now how was she going to question Marvin? Should I pretend to have obeyed my father’s orders to marry Marvin and lay on the charm, or should I grab the slimy fucking weasel by his throat and force him to spill the beans or lose his jewels? Hmmm.

  * * * *

  Chiara leaned against her desk as Marvin entered her office. He closed the door, and had a huge smile on his face. He looked her over, and she was glad she dressed to see her men. Her blouse was one button away from showing her abundant cleavage and fancy lace bra. Her long, slim-fitting pencil skirt hugged her ass and thighs perfectly, and the high heels just added to her sexy, stylish look. She wore her pearls around her neck, and she pulled her glasses off as he walked in.

  “Marvin. What are you doing here?” she asked, making herself sound breathless.

  “I was looking for you.” He prowled toward her.

  She swallowed hard, in pretend of course. Her nails and fists were ready for this little prick.

  “You were late getting to work this morning. It’s nearly lunchtime.”

  “Yes, well, I had a meeting with Daddy. It seems he’s been making some decisions lately.”

  He smiled and stepped closer.

  Marvin reached up and caressed the back of his hand against her cheek. He was a bit taller than her, and the man did smell nice, she’d give him that, but he wasn’t going to cop a feel.

  She turned away from him. He gripped her face.

  “I know he spoke to you. You’re going to end the little love fest with those two male whores. You’re mine now. You like getting fucked in the ass, then I’ll fuck you in the ass. You’ll be my dirty little whore.”

  She couldn’t even resist the move. She smacked him so hard across the face, the sound echoed through the room, and the hit left her handprint on his cheek. He stepped back and grabbed his face.

  “What the fuck?”

  “You listen to me, you little prick. I don’t know what you have on my father. I don’t know what lies or what information you threatened him with, but I am not going to marry you, never mind fuck you. I am also not going to stop seeing Cash and Zane. You get your ass out of my office, and you stay clear of my father. If you don’t, I swear, I’ll have you arrested for slander, for sexual assault, and for stealing from the company.”


  “Yeah, asshole. I know you’ve been skimming off the numbers. Your reports have been bogus for the past three years. I have proof and I have the documents with everything in my safe. So how do you like being threatened?” she asked.

  He stood there, his face red, but not as red as the mark of her hand on his cheek.

  “You’ll regret this. You’ll regret fucking with me and so will your father.”

  He stormed out of her office, and Chiara, despite her shaking body, twirled around and gave a fist pump.

  “That felt so invigorating. Yes, Goddamn it that felt so good. I need to call Daddy,” she said aloud.

  “What felt invigorating, and what the hell happened between you and Marvin?” Heather asked.

  “Close the door. I have twenty minutes to explain things to you. I need your help. I have things in the safe. I want you to know what to do if we need to get to them in time, and before Marvin can sneak in and steal them. Not that it matters. I made copies of everything and created a file plus an e-mail ready to shoot off to all the board members and staff,” Chiara said as she moved around her desk and typed quickly on the keyboard. Then she explained everything to Heather.

  “Holy shit. Are you going to leave them?”

  Out of all the things she told her, that was what Heather was most concerned over.

  “Hell no. I’m meeting them outside in twenty.”

  “Oh thank goodness. I can’t wait to see that handprint of yours on Marvin’s face. What a dick.”

  “Exactly,” Chiara said then showed Heather what she had on Marvin’s stealing habits.

  * * * *

  “Boss, Marvin called. He said that the woman wouldn’t take the deal. He was carrying on about her not marrying him or something. I don’t like that guy,” Cane stated.

  “I don’t like him either, but using him to get the company out of Robert’s hands seemed like an easy way. I may have to just force Robert myself,” Angelo Gessati said.

  “He told Robert that Chiara would get hurt if she didn’t leave those two men and go with him.”

  “I told you, Cane, I don’t want Chiara hurt. Just wait for my call. I have to think this through. Chiara is exactly as I expected and then some.”

  “You have to do something. I can handle it. Just a scare,” Cane told his boss. But really, he wanted to touch her. Chiara was quite the sexy beauty. The fact that she liked rough sex turned him on completely. He’d show her rough, and then leave her to be found. That was what masks were for.

  “No. Leave her alone. I’ll think of another way. Robert will sell to Marvin. The paperwork is done, and it’s legal. Marvin will then hand it all over to me, and he’ll get five million. That’s more than enough for him.”

  The boss hung up the phone and Cane stared at the garage entrance to the office building. As soon as Chiara got out, he’d nab her, scare her a bit, maybe even play a little, then let her off. By tomorrow or so. He smiled just as the door opened and Chiara stepped into the large parking garage.

  * * * *

  “What do you mean your father wants you to stop seeing us?” Zane asked, as he yelled into the cell phone. Cash looked at him, and mouthed the word “what.”

  “Where are you, Chiara? We’re pulling into the underground parking garage now.”

  Just as he asked her that question, he heard Chiara scream. “Chiara? Chiara?”

  “What is it? What’s wrong?”

  “Fuck, she’s screaming. Roll down the windows. She has to be down here.”

  “I’ll call security. Where the hell is the security guard anyway?” Cash asked. “He’s not at his post.”

  They could hear more screaming.

  Zane stopped the car and he and Cash got out.

  “Listen. Listen for the direction it’s coming from,” Zane said to Cash as they kept the car running. The doors were open and they were walking deeper into the garage.

  “There. Oh my God, some guy has her. He’s trying to get her into his car.” Zane began to run toward her. He ran as fast as he could. He could see her struggling, and then the guy struck her. Once, twice, and then he threw her into the car.

  “Cash!” he yelled back to his brother who was calling 911.

  The guy jumped into the driver side and reversed then turned around, just as Zane and Cash reached the car.
r />   Zane saw the guy’s face. He banged his fist on the back of the trunk, as the guy sped past them.

  “Stop. I’ll fucking kill you!” Zane yelled. They turned and began chasing the car, as security appeared from the stairwell. The garage entry door was beginning to close. They needed to stop that car. Chiara was in that car.

  “Close, Goddamn it. Fucking close now. Don’t let that asshole out of here,” Cash was yelling. Then suddenly, as the gate began to close, and the car pulled over the edge, the side door swung open and Chiara tumbled out, slamming the side of her body against a cement column.

  “Chiara!” both Zane and Cash yelled. The security guys were at her side, just as they reached her.

  “Step back. Don’t move her!” Cash yelled as Zane fell to his knees. She was bleeding from the side of her head. There was a gash there and her shoulder and arm were scraped up good.

  “Chiara, help is on the way. Lie still, baby. Lie still,” Zane whispered, as Cash checked her pulse. She was completely out cold.

  They could hear the siren in the distance.

  “Where was everyone? What happened to the security guards that are posted here?” Cash demanded. He was the calmer one right now. Zane just saw red, and when he got his hands on the man who hurt Chiara, that guy was going to suffer terribly.

  * * * *

  “I want to know what the hell went down, and I want to know who this asshole is, who he works for, and what he wanted with Chiara,” Zane said. “I need you all on top of this. Cash and I are here at the hospital and time is of the essence. I already gave a description to the detectives and the police. If you need their help, contact my friend, Detective Billy Marino. But right now, this is government level priority. This is my and Cash’s woman, and no one gets away with hurting her. No one,” Zane told his security team and investigators as Stacy gathered them all in the main meeting room at their office.

  “Zane, is Chiara going to be okay?” Stacy asked him.

  “I think so. She’s pretty banged up, and she has a concussion, maybe bruised ribs. The doctors haven’t given us an update, they just let us know that she was in and out of consciousness.”

  “Give her my love. Let her know we are all pulling for her.”

  “I will, Stacy, everyone. And thank you. Cash and I really need all of your help with this.”

  “Yes, sir,” Zane heard his main security guy, Al, stated and then Zane disconnected the call.

  “You should get that looked at,” Cash said to Zane as he placed his hand on his shoulder. Zane was stretching his hand out. Zane had hurt his hand when he slammed it down on the trunk of the car. God, he had never been so scared. What if they hadn’t shown up when they had? That guy could have taken her and then what?

  “Hey, we need to be strong for Chiara. She needs our help here. Something fucking crazy is going on.”

  Zane turned to look at Cash. They faced one another and Zane held Cash’s gaze.

  “That was crazy. I want to see her so badly, and just hold her.”

  “I know. Me, too.”

  Heather walked in along with two men, and one of them Zane recognized immediately. Chiara’s best friend, and first lover. Fuck.

  Zane looked at Cash and Cash accepted Heather’s hug and questions with concern over Chiara.

  “She’s in with the doctors now. They’re doing some X-rays and checking to make sure there aren’t any broken ribs,” Zane informed her. She was Chiara’s best female friend. Zane wished she had more of them rather than the other two guys.

  “We came as soon as we found out. Can we see her yet?” Emanuel asked. The man next to him looked almost exactly like Emanuel but he had dark brown hair and green eyes. They stood out like his brother’s blue ones did.

  “We haven’t even seen her yet,” Cash snapped at Emanuel.

  Emanuel licked his bottom lip and took a deep breath then exhaled. “Listen, we know that she is your woman, your girlfriend now, but she’s my best friend. I care about Chiara, and love her. This is my brother Keith. He cares for her, too.” Emanuel introduced the brother and all Zane could think about was whether Chiara had slept with him, too, in some lame contractual agreement to make sure that losing her virginity was successful and satisfying.

  Cash reached his hand out first to shake Keith’s. “I’d say it’s a pleasure to meet you and see Emanuel here, but considering the details of your relationship, I’d be lying.”

  “Understood. Did the doctors give you any indication of her injuries besides possible bruised ribs?” Keith asked.

  “They think she may have a concussion and some cuts and scrapes along her arms and shoulder. She slammed into that cement column hard, never mind how she jumped from the car and hit the hard surface. She could be in worse shape,” Cash told them. Emanuel ran his fingers through his hair and seriously looked upset and angry. Zane hated to admit it, but the guy was likable and he cared about Chiara.

  “Who was this fucking guy? The cops don’t have anything yet and won’t tell us a thing,” Emanuel stated.

  “We have our security team working on it. All we know is that Chiara asked us to come meet her. She mentioned something about her father ordering her to stop seeing us,” Zane stated, and Heather gasped, as Emanuel and Keith looked ready to murder Chiara’s dad.

  “Why would he say that?” Keith asked.

  “I don’t know. Chiara didn’t get to explain. But she left a message with our secretary about handling Marvin McShay.”

  “Oh no, Zane. I walked in afterward. She told me about these files. Her father said she was to break things off with you two, that he was going to sell the company to Marvin, and that she was to marry Marvin,” Heather told them.

  A series of “whats” went through the room. She swallowed hard.

  “Heather, explain what you saw and what Chiara told you,” Emanuel told Heather as he placed his hand on her shoulder.

  “I walked in, and she was all enthusiastic and pumped because Marvin tried something, and made his demands then touched her, so she hit him. It was a clean, hard smack across his face. Her handprint is still there on his cheek.”

  “That motherfucking weasel is dead,” Zane said.

  “I hate that fucking guy. He’s been trying to land Chiara for two years. I should have knocked his lights out after the Christmas party when he—”

  “When he what, Emanuel?” Zane asked, as Emanuel decided it was better not to finish telling the story.

  “When he pulled her into the coat closet and tried to molest her.” Keith finished the story.

  “He’s dead. I swear I’ll wring his neck,” Cash said.

  “Wait, Chiara handled that, too. She has stuff on him,” Heather stated then looked around her. Zane and the others moved closer.

  “What are you talking about?” Cash asked.

  Zane was in shock as Heather explained about how Chiara was monitoring the money and methods in which Marvin was stealing from her father’s company. She also had files and photos of him having sex with different employees he then had fired. She had so much stuff and it was all on files in her safe at work, plus in an e-mail ready to go out to the board and employees.”

  “God, our woman is fucking incredible,” Zane said, feeling proud.

  “We want to help. Tell us what you need so we can help Chiara be safe,” Emanuel said to him and Cash. Cash looked at Zane and Zane smiled.

  “It looks like we’re her only family and friends right now she can trust. First thing we need to do is find out why Robert wants to sell to Marvin, and not to us. Heather, you said that Chiara believes her father was threatened by Marvin and maybe even others. Do you know what Marvin was holding over Robert’s head?” Cash asked.

  “I don’t have a clue. We didn’t get that far, and to be honest, I’m not certain that Chiara even knew.”

  “Shit. Okay, let’s get a hold of that file and e-mail,” Zane stated.

  Heather pulled out her cell phone.

  “I have it right here r
eady to send out.”

  Zane smiled. “Send it to me and I’m going to forward it to our team.”

  “Zane, Cash, what the hell is going on?”

  Zane and Cash turned toward the doorway to see their friends Jett and Flynn.

  “What the fuck is going on?” Flynn asked as he shook both Cash’s and Zane’s hands. Cash made the introductions. Everyone met.

  “We heard that Costiano’s daughter was injured during an abduction, and that you two were there. What’s the deal?” Flynn asked.

  “Yeah, man, you know there’s a thing called asking a woman out on a date, not trying to abduct her,” Jett teased.

  Zane shook his head and laughed. “We weren’t the ones abducting her. We were going to meet her for lunch. She had some things to discuss with us, and some guy tried to take her. She fought her way out of the car as we chased the car on foot to the exit.”

  “Yeah, then Chiara threw herself out of the passenger door. She hit a cement column. It was bad,” Cash said.

  “Damn, she could have been killed. Do you have any leads on the guy? Any motive or even an identity?” Flynn asked.

  “We have our team working on it. The detectives are involved and also brought in a forensics team, after they saw that Chiara had blood and skin under her nails. They think she scratched the guy’s face,” Zane told him.

  “Holy shit. Tough girl. What do you need from us? I can get whatever you need in a flash?” Flynn told them.

  “Yeah, and the others are on standby,” Jett stated as he tapped his cell phone.

  Zane knew that their group of friends, Hudson, Jagger, Emerson, Stone, Nash, and Riker, would be there for them. They had been friends for a very long time.

  “We appreciate that. I can connect you with Al. You guys know him well,” Zane said, remembering the time that Flynn and Jett were being harassed by some mafia wannabes and needed a bit of backup to show they weren’t pushovers. Things got a little crazy, but so did Flynn and Jett. Those two men were lethal and Zane and Cash were glad they were their friends, and not their enemies.


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