Viking Raider

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Viking Raider Page 2

by Arabella Kingsley

  “What? This is some kind of joke, right?”

  Vidar kept hold of her arm and tugged her to him. She gave a small helpless gasp that made the sardonic smile now lighting his lips widen.

  “Get used to it, Ms Prince you are coming with me. I own everything here including you.”

  “I won’t be your whore. You are lying about my father. I know he has done a lot of things but he hasn’t done that.”

  “I am afraid it is you who is lying to yourself. I have all of the proof I need to have him convicted. But seeing him rot in a cosy cell isn’t enough. Yes, you will. There is no choice. If you refuse, your father goes to prison and your brother gets convicted of a crime he didn’t commit just like my father did. Hopefully, he won’t die in jail like mine did or cause your step mother to despair so much she commits suicide like my mother did.”

  Fury darkened her delicate pale peach features. She raised her free hand to slap him but he caught it poised in mid air and tightly gripped her wrist. He tutted and shook his head at her prompting his pretty little captive with her gorgeous chestnut curls bouncing on her shoulders to struggle to gain her freedom. She went wild beating her fists against him and kicking prompting him in to quick stern action. Holding both of her arms while she kicked at his legs, he pushed her backwards towards the red leather Chesterfield at the side of the office. That distracted her and stopped her from kicking him. He said nothing. Actions would speak louder than words.

  The moment he reached it, he swiftly sat down and pulled her off her feet without warning straight over his knee face downwards. He pulled her arms behind her back and joining her wrists together he secured them in the small of her back with one hand.

  “What are you doing?” she was breathless and a little afraid.

  Good. It will make your punishment more effective.

  His words sounded cruel and sharp even in his mind.

  Ignoring her demands and the small struggles she made over his knee trying to roll off him, he reached for the bottom of the black pencil skirt trying to ignore the intoxicating scent of strawberries and cream from her hair and the soft notes of orange, honey and gardenia coming from her perfume threatening to hypnotise him and cast him under her spell. She was his whore now and he was damn well going to treat her like one. He owed it to his family and justice itself even if she was simply the innocent sacrifice and pawn caught up in his game of revenge.

  The Norwegian Billionaire roughly pulled Fallon’s skirt up her silky pale thighs and over that nice plump pert round bottom he hadn’t been able to stop admiring when he’d walked through the door. He bunched it around her waist and then dipped his fingers inside the back of the sexy skimpy black lace panties she wore making her cry out indignation.

  “What the hell do you think you are doing? Let me go now before I scream for help.”

  He chuckled.

  “There is no one here to hear you,” he told her in a dark voice, building the tension she felt just a little higher as he began to tug her panties down over her butt to expose it. Vidar pulled them along her legs and down over her black patent leather high heels to toss them to the floor. “You won’t be needing them anymore,” he said with some humour.

  The actions sent her in to a wild frenzy over his knee. Acting quickly, he curled his leg around her own preventing her from making any further movement. He smoothed his hand over her the succulent bare flesh covering her exposed bottom making her whimper then raised his hand to sweep the first buttock with a hard slap. She yelped loudly, her voice banging off the glass walls of the office as she wiggled trying to escape the next, tantalising him with the brush of her helpless naked pussy across his lap.

  Another slap.

  “Let me start how I mean to go on. Every time you disobey me or try to strike me, I am going to spank you like a child,” he informed her picking up the tempo, striking the seat of her bottom and then each buttock in turn. “This is how your life is going to be from now on, Fallon. Get used to it fast and submit to my wishes. If you accept my control of your life, you will want for nothing expect perhaps love.”

  Her butt jumped and quivered turning a soft rosy blush that deepened with each hot sting he applied to her cheeks turning his attention to compliment the colour by spanking the tender backs of her thighs. Fallon’s yelps turned in to cries that broadened in to sobs as he delivered her firm spanking without remorse. Next time she thought of trying to hurt him or break free she would think better of gaining another burning bottom. He gave her two more strokes and finished. She was sobbing and panting when he rested his hand on her hot flesh. He rubbed it gently feeling the sudden urge to soothe and calm it.

  “There. There. All over,” his gentle voice betrayed a small amount of malice that sparked a twinge of guilt in his icy heart. He dismissed it.

  “Now, let me see if you have learnt your lesson and understand that I am now in full control of you and your life whether you wish it or not,” he whispered continuing to lightly caress her bottom loving the feel of heat emanating from it as its sting pulsed and throbbed.

  Gently, he pulled her skirt down loving the idea she was now free and available to his caress under it. He finished by smoothing the material over her rump and gave her bottom a condescending pat when she wriggled on his knee and growled.

  “I can see you are going to be over my knee a lot if you continue to take this attitude,” he sighed with humour relishing the thought. Carefully, he let go of her arms and allowed her to stand. She stood in front of him with her tear stained face, fury in her eyes as he in turn stood to tower over her small curved form. Cautiously she took two steps back and then made a lunge for her panties lying on the floor. But he made sure he got there first, scooping them up in to his hand. He opened the flimsy material up in front of her deciding to press her buttons a little more and studied them.

  “Very pretty and very skimpy,” he said bringing the delicate material to his nose. “Mmmm. They smell of you. Strawberries and cream. I like them but you won’t be needing them. I will hang on to them for now,” he informed her slipping them in to his trouser pocket.

  Fallon stared hard at his trouser pocket. She had that look that told him she was about to bolt and make a run for the door. He shook his head and fastened the button on his suit jacket.

  “Don’t think of trying it. You won’t get very far. I will have you picked up before you get out of Docklands and I will have no choice but to keep you locked up until you see the error of your ways,” he mocked.

  But she still had to try it. He already knew that in his heart. He’d learned that Fallon Prince was a fighter. He was going to enjoy the challenge of training her to reveal the natural submissive he knew she was hiding under that icy exterior.”

  “You are lying. You can’t keep me with you against my will.”

  She turned on her high heels and made a dash for the door. Vidar stood with his hand in his trouser pocket and watched her amused.

  “Technically, I can. I can do whatever the hell I like. I have the means and the motive. What about your father and your brother? I am told you have always put your family first, to your detriment. Why stop now?”

  Fallon opened the glass door and stopped dead, her back to him as he started to walk towards her.

  “I meant what I said. Carter will go to prison. The police will blame him for the money laundering scandal in the company when we both know it was your father and his Russian Mafia friends. You and your brother had no clue what he was doing. He has been hiding who he really is from both of you for a very long time. I know you are only working here at Baron Prince Petroleum because your brother begged you to. He is afraid of your father and the way he still physically threatens you both and has done since you were children. You gave up your dream of being an astrophysicist just to protect him and I know you will now. Everything your bastard father told you on the telephone before I came here was the truth. He is a kidnapper, rapist, trafficker, a murderer and he and the rest of your family in
cluding your doting aunt will answer for keeping his crimes silent and unpunished,” Vidar’s Norwegian accent had become stronger as he had grown more passionate with his speech. He fought to keep his anger and righteous sense of justice under control.

  For a second she remained quiet. Not once did she correct him or leap to her father’s defence.

  “He is now. He is dying,” she said tearfully, her voice full of anger yet Vidar could not detect any pity or real love for the man she called her father. It didn’t surprise or shock him. If anything, it made her more endearing. “Isn’t that enough?”

  “No. No, I am afraid it isn’t. You wouldn’t want your brother to go to jail for a crime he is innocent of, or would you?”

  She turned around.

  “You a cruel bastard,” she spat the words at him. “Who put the idea of taking me as your whore?”

  He smiled.

  “That was all my idea. You should know your father strongly objected but then we know why. He wants to marry you off to one of his violent abusive rich mafia friends before he dies. The guy is already planning his wedding. He’s had a thing for you for a long time now. Although I know it isn’t mutual. He makes your skin crawl. Can’t say I blame you. Not to mention his violent nature with women.”

  There was no masking the contempt Vidar held in his tone for Ethan Prince and the treatment of his own family as well as the billionaire’s own.

  “I am really doing you a favour. At least you will be safe with me. Your stepmother was all for this arrangement on the condition I left the rest of Ethan’s inherited wealth alone. She will do anything for that man or at least his money.”

  “I need to talk to them. You are lying.”

  “Unfortunately for you, I am afraid I am not. You can’t run home. They have agreed not to let you back in. All of the company credit cards have been cancelled as have your own. I made sure no one will take you in. There is nowhere for you to go not even to that cold violent ex-husband of yours. You will now rely on me to provide for you,” he delivered the statement coldly.

  “You have no right,” there was some angry hysteria in her voice threatening to erupt making him sweep his eyes over with concern and then quickly hide it, determined she would not see any weakness for her even if he was beginning to feel it.

  “How the hell did you do that? I would rather walk the streets and starve. I can look after myself.”

  The Billionaire moved closer to Fallon watching her lips tremble as emotion threatened to override her steely resolve once more. There was that feeling of guilt stabbing his heart again and something else, something he hadn’t expected to experience. He felt protective of her for the cruelty shown by her father and step mother so willing to give her life up even without her consent. The Billionaire tucked his fingers underneath her chin and raised her face up towards him. He studied her glossy pink lips.

  “Do not be afraid, little one,” he said with a caressing whisper. “I will take very good care of you. Behave and you will find me kind.”

  Fallon couldn’t look at him. She opened her mouth to speak and then closed it. He felt a surge of triumph. He was winning the battle.

  “Good,” he made sure his tone softly blew across her senses coaxing her in to submission. “You have made the right decision. I promise Carter will be safe. The police will release him this afternoon. You have my word.”

  Fallon let go of the door handle and allowed it to close. He watched her close her eyes and open them again with frustration but she did not speak. She walked away from him back in to the office towards her desk as though she wasn’t sure what she should do. He followed her and when she turned to address him again he was close.

  “What is this going to entail?” she asked breathlessly.

  She sounded so fragile, so hurt. It made him reach out and brush her cheek with his fingers to soothe her agitation. He didn’t want her to be afraid of him. For a moment, he wavered wondering if he should forget the whole revenge thing. Then he saw his mother’s body hanging from the rope swinging from the rafter in the garage in their country home in Skjolden. He’d found her at sixteen years old and he’d spent the next two years in foster homes while his father was in prison trying to come to terms with what had happened, doing drugs, hanging around with the wrong crowd. It had taken every ounce of strength to pull himself out of his depression and make a success of his life. It had turned his heart hard and Fallon’s family deserved to pay for destroying his. Too bad she was the one to pay on their behalf. The sliver of ice in his heart cut a little deeper and returned him to his senses.

  “It starts here,” he said seductively sweeping his hands around her waist. She gave him no objection. With one sharp tug, he pulled her closer so that the tips of her breasts in the crisp white shirt brushed his suit. The simple contact fired inside him making him hard. He had to be inside her. Vidar bent his frame and lifted her up to deposit her to sitting on the edge of the modern dark wood desk. He heard a small frightened gasp leave her lips as she reached her hands out to cling to his suit jacket to maintain her balance. That need to protect her soared even higher inside him and there was little he could do to deflect it. Even his anger and desire for revenge could not dismiss the overriding feeling.

  The urge to possess her because of it was strong. Not something he had banked on. He wondered if she could also feel the electricity suddenly dancing between them. Vidar placed his hands on her hips and held them possessively for a brief moment before widening his palms and sliding them down her legs to the hem of the skirt. His lips were so close to her neck. He could feel his breath brushing across her delicate pale pink skin. The urge to touch his lips to it was almost overwhelming but he refrained just because he could.

  Vidar sashayed the sexy black skirt up those hot lightly tanned hips and thighs until it settled at her waist. He looked down to inspect her feeling the thrill of anticipation as he did so. He rested his hands on her hips again feeling her body gently tremble causing him to feel protective of her once more.

  “Shh. It’s ok. You are safe,” he whispered.

  Fallon had beautiful curves with full hips. They were a pleasure to hold not like some of the bony ones belonging to some women who constantly dieted and never felt themselves thin enough. He gripped them tightly and heard Fallon give a soft unexpected moan of pleasure. The Billionaire couldn’t help but raise a surprised eyebrow and gloat inside. He swept his eyes over her pussy taking in the neatly shaven triangle and found himself holding his breath.

  “Very beautiful,” the compliment was out of his lips before he could check it.

  I wonder if you are wet after your spanking. It would be perfect if you were. Even when I was first shown your photograph and made the decision to own you, I knew you were submissive. Prove me right, little one. Make this the perfect revenge.

  Vidar stroked his fingers along her thigh delighting in the softness of her skin and dipped them in to the v shape. Another whimper left her lips but she did not object. He murmured his triumphant approval finding the pink folds soaking wet. Vidar stroked his fingers in her rich creamy juice finding it luxurious and circled the small bud. Another whimper but no full reaction.

  Fallon was still. Not giving him the satisfaction of losing her cool. It made him frown.

  What did it take to break the ice maiden and ruffle those prim feathers?

  He continued his caress, circling his middle finger around her entrance threatening to penetrate it and found some satisfaction when her breathing became laboured. Still she narrowed those gorgeous emerald green eyes with defiance making the need to make her submit to him become passionately strong for a reason he couldn’t quite yet discern.

  I will have you. You will be mine, little one. All mine.

  “You are very wet,” he said huskily twisting his fingers inside her folds luxuriously coating them in her juice. “I will have to spank you more often. It seems discipline suits well,” he finished with a grin.

  Those eyes narrowed ju
st a touch more and she growled raising her hand away from his neck to slap him. His head twisted to one side. The blow had a sting. She could wield her hand well, he’d give her that and his reaction wasn’t one he expected. Turning his face back he abruptly removed his fingers from her soaking wet vagina and cupped her buttocks making her squeal when he dug his fingers in to her flesh to slide her sore hot backside along the desk until she was even closer to him. Then he slid one hand around her throat and forced her lips against his to roughly kiss her, scraping the neatly groomed facial hair around his mouth and jaw against the smooth skin of her cheek. At first, she was a little resistant and he knew if that persisted he would have to calm down but for now he wanted to see what she would do.

  To his surprise, her hands left his neck and moved through his short brown hair flecked with strands of blonde. She held on to it rather a little too tightly to the point he grunted. He forced his tongue in between her glossy damp pink lips and wrestled her tongue for dominance. Their dual fired his arousal for her to new heights. The more she pulled on his hair, the more he increased his hold around her throat and dug the pads of his fingers in to her hot rosy bottom.

  Fallon’s struggle to resist his kiss began to wane and she was now surrendering to his control, softly moaning her acquiescence and beginning to kiss him back with fervour. She still maintained her grip on his hair when he took his hand away from her butt and unzipped his trousers. He never wore any underwear so his long hard broad cock was unhampered when he guided the tip to her pussy still kissing her, still holding her throat to keep her in place. He had to be inside her, conquering her will, claiming her as his own.


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